I n n smash tuto our wire, nod a sharp (iiallenge, " ’Alt, who comes thereT” rang out. 1 gasped out the password, sud, groping my way through the lane lu the wire, tearing my huuds and uniform, I tumbled Into our trench uiui was safe, but 1 was u nervous wreck for im hour, until a drluk of ruin brought me rouud. I AN AM ÍKAN SOLDIER M IO W D 0‘ « * M m U fiG lJY EM Pirf MACHINE GUNNER,JERVING IN fRAKCf--------- * f i )i*r n by IlSUSi tuncrvrYi EMPEY HAS NARROW ESCAPE WHILE ON PATROL DUTY IN NO MAN'S LAND. Synopsis.— Fired by the sinking o f the Lusitania, with the loss of American lives, Arthur Guy Empey, an American living In Jersey City, goes to England ami enlists ns n icivnto In the British army. Aftei n short experience as a recruiting officer In London, he is sent to train­ ing quarters In France, where he first hears the sound of big guns and makes the acquaintance of "cooties.” A fter a brief period o f training Kmpey s company is sent Into the front-liue trenches, where he takes his first turn on the fire step while the bullets whla overhead. Empey learns, as comrade fulls, that death lurks always in the trenches. Chaplain distinguishes himself by rescuing wounded men under hot fire. With pick and shovel Empey has experience as u trench digger in No Man’s Land. Exciting experience on .listening post detail. Ex­ citing work on observation post duty. C H APTE R XVIII. Staged Under Fir«. Three duys after (lie Incident Just re­ lated our company wan relieved from the front line and carried. We stuyed In reserve billets for ubout two weeks when we received the welcome news that our division would go buck of the line “ to rest billets.” We would re­ main In these billets for at least two months, this In order to be restored to our full strength by drafts o f recruits from Blighty, Everyone was happy und contented at these tidings; all you could hear around the billets was whistling and singing. The day ufier the receipt of the order we tinted for five days, mak­ ing an uveruge of about twelve kilos l>er day until we arrived ut the small town o f O’----- . • It took us about three days to get settled, and from th-n on our cushy time started. We would parade from 8:45 In the morning until 12 noon. Then except for an occasional billet or nrlgnde guard we were on our ovu For the first four or five afternoons I spent iny time In bringing up to date my neglected correspondence. Tommy loves to be amused, oud be­ ing u Yank, they turned to me for something new lu this line. I taught them how to pitch horseshoe*, and this game made a great hit for about teo duys. Then Tommy turned to Amer­ ica /or a new diversion. I was up In the air until a happy thought came to me. Why not write a sketch and break Tommy In as an actor? One evening after “ lights out,” when you are not suppose*! to talk. I Impart­ ed my scheme In whispers to the sec­ tion. They engeny accepted the Idea of forming a stock company and could hardly wait until the morning for further details. A fter parade, the next afternoon I was almost mobbed. Everyone In the section wanted a part In the proposed _______ ______________________________ sketch. When I Informed them that It would take at least ten days o f hard work to write the plot, they were blt- CHAPTER X V I—Continued. formed me thut I was “ fo r" a reconnol- — 13 tering patrol and would carry six Mills Quite a contrast to Wilson was an­ bombs. other character in our brigade named At 11:30 that night twelve men. our Scott; we called him “Old Scotty" on lieutenant and myself went out In account of his age. He was fifty-seven, front on a patrol In No Man’s Land, although looking forty. “ Old Scotty” j W e cruised around In the dark for hnd been born in the Northwest and about two hours. Just knocking about had served in the Northwest Mounted iooking for trouble, on the lookout for police. He was a typical cowpuncher Boche working parties to see what and Indian fighter and wns a dead shot they were doing. with the rifle, and took no pains to Around two In the morning we were disguise this fact from us. He used to carefully picking our way about thirty take care of his rifle as if it were a yards In front of the German barbed baby. In his spare moments you could wire, when we walked Into a Boche always see him cleaning it or pollsh- covering party nearly thirty strong Ing the stock. W oe betide the man I Then the music stnrted, the fiddler ren- who by mistake happened to get hold dered his bill, and we paid. Fighting In the dark with a bayonet o f this rifle; he soon found out his error. Scott was as deaf as a mule, Is not very pleasant. The Germnne and it was amusing at parade to watch took it on the run, but our officer was him in the manual of arms, slyly no novice at the game and didn’t fol­ glancing out of the corner of his eye low them. He gnve the order “ down at the man next to him to see what on the ground, hug It close." Just in time, too, because a volley the order was. How he passed the doctor was a mystery to us; he must skimmed over our heads. Then In low have bluffed his way through, because tones we were told to separate and he certainly was independent. Beside crawl buck to our trenches, each man him the Fourth o f July looked like on his own. W e could see the flushes o f their Good Friday. He wore at the time a large sombrero, had a Mexican stock rifles in the darkness, but the bullets saddle over his shoulder, a lariat on were going over our heads. W e lost three men killed nnd one his arm, and a “ forty-five” hanging from his hip. Dumping this parapher- | ” ’oun(*ed ln arm. I f It hadn't been nalla on the floor he went up to the our ° ^ er 8 quick thinking the recruiting officer and shouted: " I ’m ^ hole P»trol would have probably from America, west of the Itockies, Pt.’rl " ^ out A fter about twenty minutes’ wait we nnd want to join your d----- d army. I’ve got no use for a German nnd cun , went . _ out again nnd discovered thnt shoot some. At Scotland Yard they ,_® had n wiring party work- turned me down; said I wns deaf nnd ing on their barbed wire. We returned so I ara. I don't hanker to ship In with to our trenches unobserved with the a d----- d mud-crunching outfit, but the and our machine guns Im cavalry’s full, so I guess this regi- n" ^ v.P \uf^ The next night four men were sent ment’s better than none, so trot out your papers nnd I’ll sign ’em.” He told . out td . . go . over and examine the Ger- them he was forty and slipped by. I mi*n ar ,e,J " ir^ and see If they hnd was on recruiting service at the time fU* anes through It; If so, this pres­ aged nn early morning attack on our he applied for enlistment. trenches. It wns Old Scotty’s great ambition O f course I had to be one o f the four to be a sniper or “ body snatcher,” ns Mr. Atkins calls it. The day that he selected for the Job. It was Just like wns detailed as brigade sniper he cele­ sending a fellow to the undertaker's to order his own coffin. brated his appointment by blowing the At ten o’clock we started out, armed whole platoon to fags. Being a Yank, Old Scotty took a Ilk with three bombs, a bayonet nnd re- ing to me and used to spin 60me great ^ ^ ter £plt!ng Into No Jinn s A Hidden Gun. yarns about the plains, nnd the whole I Land we separated. Crawling four or five feet at a time, ducking star shells. platoon would drink these in and ask wlth strays cracking overhead, 1 terly disappointed. I Immediately got for more. Ananias was a rookie com­ reached their wire. I scouted along busy, made a desk out o f biscuit tins pared with him. this Inch by Inch, scarcely breathing. In the corner of the billet, und put up The ex-plainsman and discipline I could hear them talking In their a sign “ Empey A Wallace Theatrical could not agree, but the officers all About twenty of the section, trench, my heart was pounding ugalnst Co.” liked him, even If he was hard to man­ my ribs. One false move or the least upon reading this sign, Immediately age. so when he was detailed as a noise from me meant discovery and applied for the position of office boy. sniper a sigh of relief went up from almost certain denth. I accepted the twenty applicants, nnd the officers' mess. A fter covering my sector I quietly sent them on scouting parties through­ Old Scotty bad the freedom of the out the deserted French vlllnge. These . brigade. He used to draw’ two or .crawled back. I had gotten about half parties were to search all the attics for way when I noticed that my revolver three days’ rations and disappear with discarded civilian clothes, and any­ his glass, range finder nnd rifle, nnd we was missing. It was pitch dark. 1 would see or hear no more o f him turned about to see If I could find It; thing thnt we could use In the props o f our proposed company. until suddenly he would reappear It couldn’t be far away, because about three or four minutes previously I bad About live thnt night they returned with n couple of notches added to those already on the butt of bis rifle. felt the butt In the holster. I crawled covered with grime nnd dust, but load­ Every time he got a German it meant around In circles nnd at last found It, ed down with u miscellaneous assort­ another notch. He wns proud o f these then stnrted on my way back to our ment of everything under the sun. trenches, ns I thought. They must have thought that I wns notches. Pretty soon I reached barbed wire, going to stnrt a department store, But after a few months Father Rheumatism got him and he wns sent and was Just going to give the pass­ Judging from the different things they to B lighty; the nlr In the wake o f his word when something told me not to. brought bnck from their pillage. After eight dnys’ constant writing I stretcher wns blue with curses. Old I put out my hand nnd touched one of Scotty surely could swear; some o f his the barbed wire stakes. It was Iron. completed n two-act farce comedy The British are o f wood, while the which I called “ The Diamond Unlace outbursts actually burned you. No doubt, at this writing, he Is German are Iron. My heart stopped Saloon.” U|>on the suggestion of one “ somewhere In Blighty” pussy footing beating; by mistake I had crawled o f the boys In the section I sent a proof back to the German lines. of the program to n printing house In It on a bridge or along the wall of I turned slowly about and my tunic London. Then I assigned the different some munition plant with the “ O. R.” caught on the wire and made a loud parts nnd started rehearsing. David or Home Defense corps. ripping noise. Belasco would have throw« up bis C H A P TE R XVII. A sharp challenge rang out. 1 hands in despair at the muterlol which sprang to my feet, ducking low, nnd I hud to use. Just Imagine trying to Out In Front. ran madly back toward our lines. The teach a Tommy, with a strong cockney A fter ten Lieutenant Stores o f our Germans started firin '. The bullets accent, to Impersonate a Bowery tough section carne Into the Uugout and In- were biting all around me, when bang! or a South era negrov Adjacent to our billet wns «a field. We got busy at on« end of It *Ud constructed a stage. We secured the lumber for the stage by demollshlni in old wooden shack In the rear at our billet. The firat scene wns supposed to rep­ resent a street on the Bowery In New York, while the scene of the second j act wns the luterlor o f the Diamond I’alace saloon, also on the Bowery. In the piny I took the part of Ab« : Switch, n farmer, who hnd come from i Uumpklnvllle Center, Tenn., to m ike 1 his first visit to New York. In the first sceue Abe Switch nn ueste the proprietor of the Diamond I’alat alate saloon, a ramshackle affair 'vhlch to the owner was u financial loss. The proprietor’s name was Tom Twlatem, his bartender being uumed Flllcm Up. A fter meeting Abe, Tom nud FI 11 era I Up persuaded hltn to buy the plac«, prnlslng It to the skive and telling wondrous tules of the money taken over the har. Empey stages his play under difficulties but with great suc­ cess. The next Installment tells about It ’ IT O HK C O N T lN L ’ K D i NO OUTWARD SION OF GRIEF Dumb Agony of Cossack Woman, Tatt­ ing Ltava of Mato, More Imprse olvo Than Flow of Tears. It wua the square of Yurlevvts (on trngl* the Volga) that ouo of those ti fragments which life rusts up i Ilka driftwood was flung at our feet. A Cossack's lviive-tnktng of bis mate I that wns all, a million tlmen repented In a million different It baa, In tlm’ on« summer. But It was mere— sym o# woman's ancient nnd Inarticulate grlet Those shawled und booted women of the North are too burdeued with Snrth's sorrow to weep; they arc Ilk« dumb cattle In their woe. The soldier himself was openly wiping bis eyes on hlu coarse, dmity. brown aleeve, while under both arms he clutched absurdly two enormous loaves of black bread A dlugy little child In Ita mother’s anna fluttered uncomprehending hands la the direction of the steamer; but fyoa MougOI-chevked, gray-eyed woman therv wns no sign. She neither touched her man In farw well, nor offered any of thoa« small caresses by which we seek to mltigkt« our grief. The sullen silence of th« North had laid Its finger upon hir, ¡but her eyes followed her mate w it» 1 the wild, unreasonable grief of th« | forest sprung. She stood still stag Ing. unawnro of the baby In her nrm « ¡while the steamer moved «low ly out [Into the gray mists. Long ufteg^laak i had closed down. I could see her th fi straining In the gloaming like a mask of despair.—Olivo Gilbreath lu Uw Yale Review, “ Redhead" Is Farmers' Friend. “ Redhead” Is n '•egular doctor of th« fruit orchard, systematically search­ ing every crack nnd crevice in th« bark, and testing with his sharp little augur every spot which looka aa ’.hough It might conceal henenth the berk n tree-borer. The hundreds of little holes drilled In (he bark do not hurt the apple trees, bnt they menu that innny nn apple-borer has been discovered ami transfixed on red­ head’s spearlike longue, to be awnl- lowed a second Inter with keen rel­ ish. or taken away to a gaping fledg­ ling. The red headed woodpecker usually selects n partly decayed tree In which to chisel n hole for Its nest. Roth father und mother bird take turns la tbe excavating. Tbe one thnt Is o| duty forages In the vicinity for gn beetles, a little corn, and preferably beech nuta. At a loving call from It* mute It returns promptly to take Its turn on the Job— about 20 minutes or hnlf an hour to the shift. “ Redhead” hns a thrifty hnblt of storing a w a y nuts for tbe winter, frequently to be _______ ____ _ __ _ i.„ appropriated, however, by the ........ squir­ rels. It Works! Try It T a il« how to loosen a aera, tender oorn eo It lifts out without pain. No humbug! Any oorn, whether hard, aoft or between the toea. will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of palu or soreness. This drug la called freesone and la a compound of ether discovered by n Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug atore for • small bottle of freesone, which will coat but a trifle, but la sufficient to rid one'a feet of every corn or callous. Put a few dropa directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers. This drug freesone doesn't eat out the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even IrrUntlng the sur­ rounding akin. Juat think! No palu at all; no sor«- neaa or smarting when applying It or afterwards. If your druggist don't have freoxono havo him order It for you.— Adv. What Do You Think of That? There Is an aspect ot spider and fly relation which fabulista and natural­ ists allko have overlooked. An ob­ server has brought the microscope to bear on many house files and finds that the parasite upon that hateful In­ sect Is often an Immature spider. Too weak yet to spin Its web It makes the fly Its winged palfrey, and couraea from place to place at the will of Its captive; either until Pegaaus perlahea naturally or presumably until the rider has grown up and Is able to make a meal of his charger. For Pimply Faces. T o remove pimples and blnckheada smear them with Cutlcurn Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. For free samples, nddresN “ Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soup 2ft, Ointment 2ft nnd ftO.— Adv. Gordon's Defense of Khartum. For sheer duration General Gordon’s heroic defense of Khartum excelled all modern sieges, for It lasted 317 days, or Just nine days shorter than the Rus- Mian retention of Sabastopol. Unfor- innately, as we all know, Its termlna- tlon was a tragedy, embittered by the fact that a very few days later the would-be army of relief arrived, only In time to pick up the threads of a pitiful disaster. To keep clean and healthy ta take Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pellets. They regu- late liver, bowels and stomach. With Self Forgot. Greatness la achieved, not by direct and eager chase, but while we are looking for something else. It Is the little things we get by hot endeavor. The great things come to us, as It were around a corner. W o never be­ come beautiful, or eloquent, or popu­ lar, or happy, or Intellectual, or even good, by hard labor. Whatever we get of such things will come to us when we are most self forgetful, and most absorbed In the service of our kind.— Edward Judson. A New Dodge. To a Natal K a ffir belongs the credit of Inventing a labor saving device for chimney cleaning. One of the colony journals says: “ A native in Weenen had been asked to Bweep a chimney, which ho undertook to do. Later he was seen mounting the ladder he used for the purpose with a couple of fowls under his arm. These ho allowed to flutter down the flue, and the Job was done.” Optimistic Thought. Safety built upon vengeance con­ tains the seeds of R b own destruction. | [ Granulated Eyelids, K.yn inflamed by expo sure to Sin, Dust and Rind quickly relieved by Marine EyeSemedy. No Smarting, v T. . . . omfort. At Your_Druggi.t. or by mail 60c per Bottle. For ftook ol the Eye free write b u Murine Eye R em edy Co., Chicago. To Make Veur Shoes Last. When your shoe leather gets dry or bard, you should oil or grease It. says The popular Science Monthly. To do this, first brush off all mud and then wash the shoe In warm water, drying It with a soft cloth. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c â 50c While the shoe Is still wet. apply th« oil or grease, rubbing It In with n swab of wool, or better still, with the palm Wool & Mohair I o f the hand. After treatment, th« «• mm ftv km. Write hr Prim m i Stem*! T,|t. shoes should be left to dry In n wnrm TH E H . F. N O R TO N C O M PA N Y , but not In a hot place, Castor oil _ 1« 16th nnd Johnson Sts., Portland, Ore recommended for shoes that are to bo Se“ ttle' w»*h. Bellingham, Waxh. polished. For plainer footgear, fish oil and oleine or any one of the less ex­ pensive oils mny be substituted with very good results. t S* * Soldiers Soothe Skin Troubles with Cuticura Hides, Pells, °S¡3?* FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING Used Vast Amount of W lr«. It hns been estimated that th« w lr« lu the cores nnd sheathing o f th« world's submarine cables that b a t« been made since they were first In 1857, would reach from the earth ear to the moon. Optimistic Thought. Remember kindnesses received! fog- g «t those we have dona. M A C H IN E W O R K MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF W E L D IN G C Y L IN D E R G R IN D IN G PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS Broadway at Flanders, Portlsnd, Or.