V w F o re t Grove Cannery will soon Mr„ r|Bra Goomanof WauaaUi wia>> huve a service fl«*g. la visiting at the home of her uncle, Heiicilftchf* cUrckwood a week-end visitor here at the home of Will Taylor, son of John Taylor home east o f town. Mrs. Vironstag her father, James Wilson. and wile (formerly Mi»» Staley )ol was Miss May Church and is a gradu- Mrs. H. W. Oiwry visited with her I’orlland spent the Wi «k-end with j aU> of thr l’’,,r‘‘Ht ’ la t ’ R im in g , he C T. L’ for e ection of officers and College (ii I cor-els and nov­ daughter. Mis« Mabel Bennett. Re- joined hs family and they ail j and reports of deparlm* nt super- elty waists at Mrs Richards’ fre«hmt;nt» o f ice cream and cake were came home on Monday. ini, tuients will be he d at Mrs. Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue. I erved_ Th# parly luft at H lat, hour. Mr-. E F\ Cruiksh ink and Bishop’s on F'riday, Sept. 6th at Picnic packages, paper plate**, au wishing Mis» Bennett many returns daughter, Mary, who h ,ve spent 2.3 j p. m. K B. Penfieid. paper napkins, p a p «* r towels, j cf the ,jay. I herint)» bottles, in f ,ct every* j J. \ . Thornburgh, county chair- th pas: three weeks visiting at | There is a notable" and impor- thing for your outing at Lit tiers m.in of the F'ourth Liberty Loan hom«* of NJrs. C ruikshank s tant reason for the postponement Pharmacy. j , . . ..... sister, Mis Fallen F. Scott, l> ft of the opening of Pacific Univer- E. W, Christensen o f the aviation c o m m it '«■•', h a s r« ceived 808 last week lor their home in Fort sity. That reason will be set c o r p o f Long Island, New York, ha« Fourth Liberty Loan buttons forth in due lime. been visiting here with his brother. H. j \\ m Brodt. who lives on Col- Dodge, Iowa. L ( hristensefi. and family. He is now : lege Wa*, h »s built a Luge barn stationed at Joyce, Washington. ‘ on his farm one and one-half Washington County Fair FOREST GROVE, September 19 and 20 Military band, Soldiers in action, Airplane, Flfghts,. Monster Libei ty Loan Rally with Speakers who have been Over There. Patriotic Women.’s Parade. Unexcelled Agricultural and Juvenile Exhibits. Buy your groceries, fish, v«*g- admit and ail members of elaliies ami second-hand house- ^ Mrs Nettie . M . Austin enjoyed Guarantee Tickets now selling _ at $1.00 . -----„ you ..................... ............... hold goods of the F>onomy store a we«*K-« t d visit with htr daugh* j ycur famtly o all sessions of the fair without extra cha ge. See repre- D**lge bldg , cor. 3d street anti i«*r, “ Ruth, ” ‘“ L - who ‘l‘ ~ came down J ‘ fiom sentative in your section or order direct from manager or secretary Pacific avenue. 6 if Bremerton, Saturday, where she These tickets will not be on sale during the fair. Go to F' A. Moore’■ store, cor- ! is a sienographer in the radio de­ R. H. JONAS, Manager, Beaverton, Oregon ner Pacific Avenue and Third1 partment street, for up-to date hair cut* Miss F’loy Norton and mother and shaves Also ice cream, cold drinks and lunches. Phone 181 moved i his week to Salem where Sherman Bacon and daughter, Dor the former will t< ach in the pub othy, of Portland, form«*r resident« of lie schools.' • 'p i E f l u G L E G V L L - this city, visited here this week with M r . and M rs . A lfred S ch rey er relatives and friends. . . . . VT , |and daughter of Arnold, Nebr., Kenneth Ives o f Vancouver, spent | Sunday here with his aunt, Mrs. Claude have b e e n visiting t h e Oscar Burnworth family ar.d other oid- Smith. Orville Mann, who belongs to the lime friends in this city. aviation corps at Berkeley, Calif., was I have for sa'e a new ford Se­ home on a furlough last week and vis­ dan, complete with electric lights ited witli hi» parents, Mr. ami Mr». P. and starter. F^quiped wuh all M. Mann. modern c 'nveniences that ears Mrs. A. A. Kirkwood returned Saturday from Walport, Oregon where «he has been vidiing h**r husband, who is surveying at that place. have s«*lling for $1200. This car has be«*n run 1200 miles Not a scratch on it. Will sell for $750. Actual cost is $915. New tires all aiound. Joe Wiles. Memorable Hours Jackson-fonger Miss Iva Conger and Ray Jackson were married at the home o f the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Conger, on North Main street, Satur- ,lay m Moscow, Idaho, to her home in Portland. W C. Beni' r eft S tu day for on|y w j j , htre posl(,r^ and fl^gs . 1 Dr Ward is con inuing his in Oak and. Calif. practice and i- prepared to an-we. V a,’couv<-r* " * • ' i e h* ,,as acc’ pt* and speaker who have been ’Over We deliver ice cream to any calls both day and night. Office j a P°8,*’,on wa chman in the, ’’I’^ere,” but there wi I beaM Ui par! of the city Tell it to phon< h<»u s, fn»rn 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 mjSiandifer shipbuilding concern.; tary ^and from Vancouver Har- 632. Ottici* Sh' ar**r. 26-tf ! p. m t 18 t( Me will work even days in the ra(ks a company of Oregon's best Go to th«* Erickson garage, K. ivuple who purchase their we« k and so his visits home will lrained fco!dit.rs and an airplane of I*, building, fo your aun» r» - monuments o f I/*wm & C o , Hills be only between shifts. d e m o n s tra tio n T h e nM rin.in wn pairs, a c c e .surtes, tires, gas and , boro, save the commission usually I . . u „ demonstration. I he pa none wo. oils. , 1 P.id to agen ts, as this firm deals M 8’ 11 1 Lux.on., accom- m, n of the county will hold a Mr •ml Mr». Ambrow PorUrof th«»,(Jirect|y w th |he (,u tornerg A„ i panied by Miss Fula Tucker, monster parade The school child- city will wkhi move to 1 iil»«nonk, for j m orium ,.n t» guaranteed satisfac sp ” 1 1 c»n ly visiting the formei s par-1 be t results of their Industrial is a Civil M. V»nce, Who lives east °f thi. city. ,.n,s. Mr. and Mrs M. H. Miller. | Club project*. The Ft od Admin- Carl Curtis ia now stationed at Van-. , . couver barracks, but will probably be ou l o! F o **<■ G r o v G and he sent u, work in spruce later. is now comp H mg a house. When Mr«. F. W. Gragg left Monday for all is in nudiness he will move White Salmon, Wa- make sale o f the following described real property, to- wit; Beginning at a point 76.75 feet east o f the northwest corner of lot 2 in block 8 , in the City of Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, according to the recorded plat thereof, and run­ ning thence east on the north boundary o f block 8 , 125 feet to the northeast corner o f said block; thence south 50 feet; thence west ¡125 feet; thence north 50 feet to the place o f beginning. Also beginning at the northwest cor­ ner of lot 2 in said block 8 ; running thence east 76.75 feet; thence south 100.875 feet to the south line o f the north half o f lot 2 in said block 8 ; thence west 76.75 feet to the west line of lot 2; thence north 100.875 feet to place o f beginning. I will, on Saturday, September 28, 1918, at 10 o’ clock A. M. at the south door o f the Court House in Hillsboro, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which ‘ vs within named defendants, and each o f them had on September 23, 1914, the date o f the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since said date had in and to the above de­ scribed real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg­ ment order and decree, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this August 29, 1918. GEO. ALEXANDER, Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ gon. H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. First pub. Aug. 29; last Sept. 26. DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. VOLLMER OFFICE In First National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 D. D. & M. B. BUMP Attorneys at Law THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of .he fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but D is t in g u is h e d a l s o ro»— Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture.^Commerce, Engineering, Forestry Home Economic», Mining, Ph*rnancy, and Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453 ; stars on its service flags, 1258 , over forty percent representing officers. C o lU f« opens Septem ber 23, 1918 For catalog, new Illustrated Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon Office 333 Loans and Real Estate D. D. BUMP, Residence Forest Grove. Phone 444 i ' J M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices—HILLSBORO N.H OFFM AN Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregon