The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 05, 1918, Image 2

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    18 TO fi TO
l.luyd lirarxr Say» Labor Leader and
He Have Same Ideal».
29 Americana Wounded In Clash With
London. — Premier David Lloyd
George, at a luncheon given Saturday
by the government In honor of Samuel
Gompers. president of the American
President Wilson Issues Call to S W lita r.'p ro p o ^ e d T u m s ! Brief Resume Most Important
to the health of the labor leader, who
is visiting In England.
Daily News Items.
Military Service.
Registrants will He Classified Under
(Questionnaire System
7 A. M to 9 P. M.
Nogales.—Two Americana wore kill­
ed. 29 wounded and more than GOO
American troops were engaged for one
and one half hours on tho border here
Tu«aday duriu« * 8k,rml8b be Sentence Passed on 97 I. W.
W. at Chicago.
.ivl.iu llu
tween t American I troops «»at.I
ami M Mexicans,
Karly reports were that between
10 uml 20 Americans had been killed
in the fighting, but this proved to be
incorrect and the only deaths known
to have occurred among the Amerl-
cans wore the two officially an
While the casualties on the Mexican
________ _
»Ido of the border were not known
. u . . „
, _
. it was estimated that 100 had been ..
, .
Events of Noted People. Governments klll(>(, ,iy flro from fh(, American side Fourteen dtecslvs Hame Punishment as
Mexican* at Nogalea.
"I do this for two reasons," he said.
"One of these Is the country front
which our guest comes—a country cra­
dled and nurtured in freedom. It has
proved itself true to the great tradi­
tions of being the champion and the
protector of freedom. In this under­
taking it has placed the whole of its
resources at the disposal of the allies
in the struggle for liberty.
"Therefore,” ‘ he continued, “ we sa
and Pacific Northwest and Other
lute the flag of this glorious land of
Things Wurth Knowing.
"In the second place," he added, ‘‘we
welcome Mr. Gompers and his friends
for théir own sake. Mr. Gompers is a
name as well known in every country
An official German crop report esti­
as in his own.
mates the yield this year at front 10
“ Mr. Gompers is a man who, like! to 15 per cent above that of 1917.
myself, has forgiven those who in the
t umAii
while at least twice this number. In
Their leader Some to Serve
eluding a number of civilians, were
Only Ten Days.
The fighting followed the alleged
efforts of a Mexican custom's officer
to smuggle a fellow countryman across
the boundary into tho United Slates.
C hicago.-W illiam I). Haywood, "un-
An American sentry attempted to . . . . . ,
. ,
.. I
,i i . . .... crowned king or the industrial \Nork-
stop him. Tw o Mexicans fired at the
. . . .
. .
sentry across the street, striking him ''rs
G,° World, and 14 of his chief
past have upbraided him for his poll- The British captured in the month in the right arm.
aides In the conspiracy to overturn the
cies. W e are fully prepared to co- of August 57,318 German prisoners.
The fire was returned by* American American war programme were
operate to secure the ideals which we 657 guns, more than 6750 tmichlm- patrols and after Mexicans had rush- ......... .
have always held.
guns «m l 1000 trench mortars.
ed from nearby buildings and started ,,uc,u 10 *’* y,urB ,n “ J °
“ Mr. Gompers is fighting
the same
shooting across the line from behind tentlary at la-aveuworlh, Kan., by red-
democratic battle that this country
1 ’ ** ava , *1' Maletnaumsu cruter buddings and walls, the firing became <-nil Judge K. M. I- uih II h Saturday,
has been fighting and is fighting to- "
T ,.n year „.„lan ces were imposed
day. In this country men of all classes <“ e lslan« ° f Hawaii is within 20 feet
Reinforcement* from an infantry
a® nrwsntmtlnn'a leaders-
have contributed in sacrifice and suf- of t,u* r,m hnd continues to rise, ac regiment and a negro cavalry regl 1
fering, and I say without hesitation cording to a wireless dispatch from rnent wero rushed to the border aud Gve years on 33; one year and one day
that victory in this war means more
look up combat positions.
on 12 and 10 days’ sentences on two.
to those who earn their bread by the
Increase o f $500 a year in pay of
11 *" estimated that morn than 330
C w » against Benjamin Bchranger.
sweat of their brow than to any other commissioned officers of the army. American soldiers and at least GO ...
Po„ . h . w w I)an,.P
c la ss.”
V» .
I ,
from second lieutenant to colonel, is ! civilians participated in the shooting., U U r U l l i l t r V I I I U 1 .
Washington. D. C.—All men from 18
to 45 years of age in the continental
United States, except those in the
army or navy or already registered,
are summoned by President Wilson to
register for military service on Thurs­
day. September 12.
Machinery of the provost marshal-
general's office was set in motion to
carry out the second great enrollment
under a presidential proclamation is­
sued soon after the president had
signed the new manpower act extend­
ing the draft ages.
The bill, completed in congress Sat­
urday, had been sent to the white
house for the president's signature
soon after the house and senate con­
proposed in a bill Introduced In the
It was reported that a detachment and 1 ‘**tro Mgra were continued,
house by Representative Dyer, of Mis ° 7 cavalry crossed the border In pur
All sentences on the four counts In
It is estimated that at least 12,778,-
'suit of the Mexicans, but this was not the Indteiuiont will run concurrently.
758 men will enroll, compared with U. S. Chamber of Commerce
Fines ranging from $20,000 on Hay-
nearly ten million at the first regis­
Approves of Higher Taxes l nder the tentative program for confirmed.
The fighting which started at 4:06 wood and his chief aids down to $6000
tration. June 5, 1917.
I resident Wilsons fourth liberty loan p m continued without abatement
were Imposed,
Of those, it is estimated that 2,300,-
on. D. C.—The chamber of sp?.a , l(? ,<*ar-
president probably until 6:30, when It died down except Ninety days is granted
in which to
0.00 will be called for general military
file a bill of exfce
•pilous and a stay of
service, probably two-thirds of the commerce of the United States an- 'vlG ll‘uv® Washington about Septem- for an occasional sniping shot along
. .......... . . . ........ . . .
, ber 30 to be away throughout the three the long International street.
seven days In which to petition for
number coming from among the 3,- _____
nounced L riday that commercial and weekg o the campaign period.
500,000 or more between the ages of
trade organizations had overwhelming­
"It is the dosing chapter in Ameri­
18 and 21.
ly ratified recommendations that in- 1 aptain Archie Roosevelt has ar
cas biggest criminal case," said Frank
Based on the ratio shown by the come tax rates should be increased and rived at an Atlantic port from France,
K. Nebeker, chief prosecutor.
registration of men from 21 to 31, a new high war profits tax created in G*‘ " as wounded last April during the
"W o are confident a new trial will be
June 5, 1917, the shares of the new the revenue legislation now being caP,ure 07 Cantigny. On the same
granted," said George F. Vanderveer,
registrations expected in Pacific north­ framed.
ship were 18 other officers and 300
chief counsel for tin- defense,
west states are estimated as follows:
The expression of opinion was ob- rnt>n who also have been invalided
Idaho, 55.461; Montana, 117,703;
Q, u,' for*,I Pro«“ |unc*“ « ■•‘« fn c e on the
Oregon, 84,404; Washington, 146.853. tained through a referendum vote of h°n(e-
bill bringing within the army draft ” men. Judge Landis reviewed at some
General March has said all regis­
P01“ 1* •» ‘ h® Kovern-
committee on the financing of the cided to take over all the German all men from 18 to 45 years old. was len*Vh «*•
trants called into the army will be in cial
i « n.... kin. I ,
, . —
, .
passed late Tuesday by the senate,
Ihylnd especial stress on
France before next June 30, swelling
The nronosals not included in the fteamsh ps ‘ “ turned In Spanish ports, wlth a modified "work or fight" clause, ‘ he 1. W. W. preamble declaring eternal
i ne proposais not lnciuaea in tne jn accordance with Spain s recent note
pfforta t0 change the age limits war on ,b® ,-|npIoylng class and de-
the American expeditionary force to
of the new revenue bill are as to Berlin, because of the torpedoing
«enarale classification of ««unclng war with other nations.
more than the 4,000,000 expected to
win the war in 1919.
fol o7 8:
iv ,
*>f Spanish vessels by German sub
n ^er
fed and the men-
1,u r« f«'rr' d “ » *»»« r a c in g of the
A few regional boards of review ap- marines.
executive board after America ha<!
The last to be called will be the nointed
bv the administrative auth-
" » re now *oes to conference between
u” “ ru ' " l *
h««» en-
youths in the 18th year, but those of
that age who desire and who have the to make recommendations on appeals committee has ordered a favorable re- ence of serious controversy, except the _ , ‘ P
. !:* /
necessary qualifications may be in­ from preliminary assessments.
port on A bill granting the president work or fight provision.
by strikes and rebellion, to block war
ducted into service on October 1 for
goiQg system should be devised for the right to take over buildings for The senate was recorded unanimous
special technical or vocational train­ equalization of federal taxes so as to housing purposes where exorbitant ly for the bill. Senator Gore, of Okla measures.
protect the taxpayers” against overpay- r,!nt ls charged and to commandeer hotna. who east the only negative vote
a ^ h * ir iS
Registration will be conducted by ment of assessments through
u n I ..s ltih .
r*n t h o r o l l o o l l
u / lth < l p n w I t a tw l vara a T i g n i IO O p p O H «*, U y I TIMS M p tH tC Il, P f C P *
error or r rea^
on *fie r°S call, withdrew
It and was aratlons for war. But when war ha
the local draft boards. All federal,
Because of the need of accountants
Th° re W6r® 76 been declared, that right ceases fortb-
state, county and municipal officers ignorance without their being required
an,i c0!4t
had expert amrma,lve
are called upon to aid the boards in to make specific claim for refund.
. ,
, . have
Thi' Vina! vote" in tiie senate was re wRh-" was the court's closing remarks.
their work, to preserve order and to
round up slackers.
PQ Q P n il
U 11 |U Q *
of t ir<Ta P™ uctl° " 18 au,th,,r1l^t*'t,
the galleries. It Is expected the moa hc corr‘ do" w1hf*" “ j'f, ° Vhe Prisoners
make a limited number of voluntary Bur„ w l|, ad(, 13> men to the became hysterical while being led away
All registrants will be classified as M L L I C O O T U I L n u n o
quickly as possible under the question­
inductions of men registered under the
ml„ tary strength and provide
* * * n® d,1f ° : d,;r' Scor®8 of ^
naire system, and a drawing will be
the army that will enable the allies c,al po,,ce bank“ d l,h® ‘'orrldors and
courtroom. Only relatives of the de-
held at the capitol to fix the order of
A bronze statue of President James
Germany next year.
registrants in their respective classes.
a r.arfietit whn ilipd at I nnii ttraneh
In conrerence
conference tne
tho aitierences
differences in me
the If odant8 were admitted.
The hours of registration will be
Amsterdam.-Peculiar light on 'he
, sel tember 19 1S ' was unveu' (lrafta of the bill as passed by tho
There waa a de<-p silence as Haywood
from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. on September reiterated German assertions that the
V ;.°eJptemLb6r..1,9^ 188! ‘ waR, unXe11 senate and a« enacted Saturday by the and h,8(|i4 cb‘ef «■ *«••»«■ wore called
before luw
the uar-
bar. « As
12, and all state and local officials retreat of the Teuton forces on the ®d 11Monday by M.i88®8 ¡-ucrf,,ia Gar# house bv a vote of 338 to 2 are exDsct- u,',,,r'T
» Haywood
front was Drearraneed and fleU1 and Marigaret Stanley Brown, of « « » s e t»y a vote or t3b to Z are expect
group of w
are called on to make immediate ar­ western
» esiern ironi was prearrangeu ana ..
Y k uranfl-daiiehter« nf th» tnr e<l to be compromised speedily, and . .
* . . , omen who
ping ■*a',‘
rangements for maintenance of regis­ carried out according to plan without mer
d ,auKh|er8 of tht for the bm ,n Us f |naI form transmitted to had beiin weeplB*
cd a mild ova­
tration places on that day.
undue haste, is cast by A. S. Meyer,
President Wilson for his signature late tion, which was quickly silenced.
war correspondent of the Essen Alie-
f jrther exportation of copra from this week.
gemeine Zeitung, who gives an ac- the Philippine islands haH been pro-
Preparations being made by General
Postmaster-General Burleson count of his visit to a high staff of- hibited in an order issued by Governor Crowder
are expected to Insure the
of General von Hutier’s army to Francis Hurton Harrison, who said the registration of all men within the ages
Lays Down New Phone Rules ficer
whom he was referred for information, action was necessary to conserve car- of 18 and 21 and 31 and 45 within a
“ In the midst of the officers’ ex- go space and to assure a supply for week or ten days after the President
Washington, D. C.—Under orders is­ planatory statement,” says Meyer, the cocoanut il mills at Manila.
signs the bill.
sued Saturday all changes in tele­ "the telephone rang and news came
The senate adopted nearly all of the
I^tndon_The nollce of the I^indon
phone rates must be submitted to that the enemy had rushed in on the
Tang Hul Lung minister of educa provlsloni (,P8,re(1 by the a(, mlnll!,ra.
, nd° n
Postmaster-General Burleson for ap­ left flank of the army of Von der Mar- t,on ff>r
< hina. brother of Admiral j,on )nc|u,jinK the one giving the Metr°P °l,lan district, embracing an
proval before becoming effective, and witz and that his right flank was en- Ting Fhi Ah Ming, oí the war depart pr ’ident authority to establish orders area oi 700 8nuare miles and a popu-
the companies are required to make dangered. A sudden stream of tele- ment Peking was assassinated at 8 Jfr ^ dent
|atlon of 8,000,000. went on strike Hat-
a charge for installing new telephones phone orders directed the retirement, ° \ ° , ,V?. icto*''a- * ...Sunday, b> president Wilson
is expected to fol- urday for more pay. Ten thousand
or changing the location of old ones.
and the officer's story was cut short.
a ocal f hiñese barber, who then corn ,ow tho pIan„ of the war department are said to have walked out.
A statement by the postmaster-
“ We had to leave hurriedly. We ml ed suicide.
which provide for the calling of youths The "city," comprised
within an area
general says the new changes are nec­ were to lunch with General von Hu-
Twenty-two members of the naval of 18 after the other classes, and the of a little more than a square mile
essary to conserving labor and ma­ tier, but during the luncheon the tele- ¡u-med guard of the American steamer educating of such boys while In train- and which has Its own police force, Is
terial and to eliminate a cost which is phones never ceased ringing, and Von Joseph Cudahy, sunk by a submarine ing and prior to their being sent over- not yet affected. The force numbers
now borne by the permanent user of Hutier himself was hurriedly called on August 17, have been brought sáfe seas.
about 22,000.
the telephone.
away by a young orderly who was to ]y ¡nt0 Atlantic ports by British steam-
Before adopting by a vote of 40 to 29 The Press Bureau
in a statement
Installation charges where the rate have given us the rest of the story." er8 The same ships had aboard 1« the "work or fight" amendment pro- says the striking Metropolitan
is $2 a month or less will be $5. Where
As the correspondent does not pro- civilian members of the Cudahy's crew vidlng for draft of men exempted for have been told that if they return to
the rate is more than $2 but not ex­ duce it, the assumption seems to be leaving unaccounted for only 24 of the industrial and other reasons who do work the government will give full and
ceeding $4 a month will be $10, and justified that there was no story that (¡2 persons missing.
not continue at work, a proviso was sympathetic consideration to their
where the rate is more than $4 a day. Such incidents do not prevent
. . . . . .
added that in case of strikes, penalties representations.
month, $15.
Karl Rosner, generally considered the
Samuel Gompers, president of the of the or f)R h r rulea „hall not
Unlon iPafjers say 10,900 of these
The moving charge to the subset ib- press agent of Emperor William, from American Federation of Labor, met appiy |f the men submit their disputes were "out" at noon and the greater
er, the i. tement says, will be the declaring that superior Readership and . ^
m " n^n2 “ v
to thfi war ,abor board and continue part of the others had shown sympathy
actual cost of labor and material nec­ skill still are on the German side, and he arrived at Central Hall, Derby, Eng- tbejr ]abor
with the strike.
essary for making the change.
the Lokal Anzeiger, of Berlin, finds it land- for the annual Trades Union
A union leader said the pay of Lon­
The order for submission of rates
don policemen is 38 shillings weekly,
All Asked to Give Aid.
does not affect the notice of the post­ umn'type this assertion from Rosner: hut by far the most representative
Washington, D. C.— Local authorities plus 12 shillings war bonus and the
master-general in taking control, stat­
“ Further developments may be (b*'Y}rftish ' l a b o r metnberfl ,,f in all parts of the country have been possible addition of two shillings
ing that ‘‘until further notice the tele­ awaited with complete calm.”
called upon to co-operate with the weekly after 21 years’ service. Sor-
graph and telephone companies shall
On the other hand General
von Senator
Ollie M James of Ken-1 government In enforcing order and I geant* receive 10 shillings more weekly
continue operation in the ordinary Salzmann, writing in the Vossische »u r k v . i i p . i a . j o b n s Konkins hospital bringing about a complete registration than the patrolmen.
course of business through regular Zeitung, makes hysterical appeals to Baj.i ’ ore earlv Wednesday of an ° 7 men
new draft ages on
"The London police are about the
channels.” It merely means, it was Germans to set their teeth and to acu.„ affP’r *ion
»he kidneys
th® day to be fixed as soon as con- poorest paid In the world,” said this
explained, that approval must be giv­ carry on. The German public, so of-
gress passes the manpower bill.
J union leader. “ For a year we tried
en before new rates actually go into ten told that France was at her last
Wage increases for the 4000 office
Ail federal marshals, deputy mar- all the routine methods. It was only
gasp, is now ar :ed by General Salz- employes of the Schenectady, N. Y „ shais and Investigating agents and all when these failed we decided to strike."
mann to remember that the boundless plant of the General Electric company police officers of states, counties, town-
There was a similar disturbance on
$400,000,000 More Is Given.
resources of the entente powers lie at were announced by company officials ships, municipalities and of towns will a smaller scale in 1872 and again In
Washington, D. C.— An additional France’s back, and that even the cap- to become effective at a date to be be directed to hold themselves in readl- 1890, although both attempts wero sup-
credit of $400,000,000 for Great Britain ture of Paris and Calais would
not announced.
ness to render assistance. They will pressed In a day or two.
was established Monday by the treas­ change that fact and would not bring
„ , . . . . . .
be required to report any persons
France to hAr knees.
*.uc' administration officials estlm- |iab)e t0 reRiRtratton whq> fa(1 to ap
Stefansson at Dawson.
“ If we possessed those resources,” at®d that nearly eight million gallons pear
This brought the total of credits to
Dawson, Y T.—Vilhjalmar Stefans­
8a8°Une would be saved every Sun-1
Great Britain to $3,725,000,000 and of Salzmann exclaimed, "The Germans
son, who headed the Canadian expedl-
credits to all the allies to $7,092,- would long ago have been victors In day through non-use of “ olor vehicles
Limit Is Extended.
I tion exploring the Arctic regions north
Paris and all over the world.”
! ?a those days as requested by Admin-1 Wa(,h)nRton, D. C.— In order th at'of Canada which sailed from Esqutm
An illuminating insight into Teuton- l8trator Garfield.
younger men may be released for more alt, B. C„ under direction of the naval
Sugar Crop to Be Rushed.
ic mentality is provided by the Co-
Fifty thousand Liberty motors have I active positions the enlistment of men | department in 1913, arrived here Frl-
Honolulu, T. H.—The United States logne Volks Zeitung, which, lamenting been ordered, said John D. Ryan, di between the ages of 45 and 55 years day, en route to Esquimau, to make
Shipping board is to make a deter­ the terrible bloodshed and destruction rector of aeronautics, Wednesday, has been approved by the War depart-, his report.
mined effort to rush Hawaii's sugar caused by the war, says:
Motor production Is fully up to expec ment for the Ordnance department. He will then proceed
to Ottawa and
crop to the mainland and to that end
“ Much as we detest it as human be- tations. Each of the allied govern Quartermaster and Medical corps and
later go to New York, where he will
40 freight vessels aggregating a ton- ings and as Christians, yet we exult In ments is seeking more of the wgines for certain branches of the Signal open his official Red Cross lecture
nage of 100,000 will call here shortly. ' it as Germans.”
i corps.
I tour, probably late In October.
than can be built.
10.000 POLICE ON