The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 05, 1918, Image 1

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Slip J iuthí <£rmt? l&prraa
Voi. 3
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No. 35
Man Caught in Saw;
Leg Amputated
Watts District Fair
To Be Hummer
Fred Lilly, aged thirty years,
living on Galea Creek, about eight
‘miles northwest of town, while
working in th*j Rodlin saw mill
list Tuesday, came in contact
with the edger with the result
that, before he knew what was
hap|)ening, h i s right leg just
above the ankle, was nearly *ev-
The unfortunate man was put
into ¡in automobile and hurried to
Foie t Grove, to the office of Dr.
Tucker. The latter took him to
the hospital at Hillsboro, where
the foot was amputated. At this
writing. Mr. Li!ly|is getting along
in fine shape.
Me has a wifi-and one child,and
is the son of the Gales Creek
merchant of the same name.
Methodists Hold Picnic
'-w „
The people of the district in
which the Watts school home is
the center and meeting place, ever
progressive a n d energetic, have
made goodly plans for their an­
nual fair, which will be held this
year on Tuesday, September 17.
in and about the school house,
which is located on the Gales
Creek road, four miles northwest
of Fore-t Grove.
There will be a grand parade at
10 o ’clock, and the program that
will follow will be mighty inter­
esting with good things. Among
these are:
Races for Boys: 1st, under 11
years; 2nd. under 15 years; 3rd,
free for all.
Races for Girls: 1st, under 11
years; 2nd, under 15 jears; 3rd.
free for all.
Tug-of-War — Watts vs Forest
Grove. \
Wheelbarrow Race.
Potato Race.
Sack Race.
Biscuit Eating Contest.
Cracker Eating Contest.
Nail Driving Contest.
Free Eugenic Test for children
under 5 years of age.
Appropriate prizes for all win­
ners will be awarded. There will
be served a great basket dinner,
and a general invitation is extend­
ed to all to come, to bring a bas­
ket of food and to enter into the
enjoyment of the day.
There will be an ice cream
stand on the grounds.
The Sunday schixd of the First
Methodist church held its annual
picnic in Naylor’s grove last Mon­
Although rtiany people are
still at the beaches and many
more working in Portland» and a
large number have gone away to
the army, t h e attendance was
The male nupiber present
betrayed the inroads the war h.»s
made even into this quiet rural
community, for there were many
little boys a n d a considerable
number of elderly men, but not
more than three young men.
The d.nner, s e r v e d by the ■
ladies, reflected honor upon their j
The vaults o f the U. S. Trr;nur> ¡i,:ain i:
->ll not fatter NOW. With more
culinary capacity. M o s t good
refilling. Ever inrrensing
es . iti
ng oxpi-mlitu;
to \i
‘ o give for, more to sacrifice
to hasten the end ol the p W
War, the Kei|>i. "I
fo l­
things were there that appeal
1 °
r. an will make it his duty
Barking-up o f ’Our B oys." the Sustain
lo > ■-«
:>OI.S REPEAT— by going over
mightily to the ga-tronomic na
Allied Nations and their Peoples, tin l ir e .
• I o .• again.
tion o f D em ocracy and D istraction o f V
Miss Theresa B e a h e n enter­
ture of man, and we noticed that,
- c:n
.ign does not o fficia lly start
racy — require the unstinted sacrifice
tained in a number of friends last
as for man, he stood by the din­
YOUR BEST. NOT SIMPLY ’ BIT." o f ever» ti in
uh'.ciiptions and anticipate our
evening. A very pleasant
ner table in a very valiant man­
«|o .....
‘ilA 1 n • ll,i* countu and this state
The Eve o f the 4th Liberty Loan is here
enjoyed by all present.
ner until the glorious end.
FIRST in every patriotic endeavor. O ’ T.t.ON
Forarti, L ikerty L oam C omm ;
Mr. and Mrs. A. G Hoffman,
It was one of those informal,
Miss Aileen and Mrs Secour went
homey, festive occasions, where
solve, that in the forthcoming Lib­ Satnrday to Portland to spend a
people get better acquainted and
Loan we will ubstantially few days in the home of Dr. A.
warm-T sentiments of life are en­
The attendance at the Tuesday
The fo'lowing expression of a
reward this devotion and sacrifice, K. Higgs, well known in this city.
meeting fo the work on the spag- beautiful sentiment h a s I een
Bring us your eggs. We will
and that we are mindful o f her
Howard McGill of Camp Lewis num moss was disappointing. hand* d us for publication:
tears, her night watching, her so- allow you the highert price in
The name of Mother is our
s|>ent the time f r o m Sunday Judge Hollis informs us that the
licuude atid her self denial.
trade. A. G Hoffman & Co.
childhood’s talisman, our refuge
moaning to Monday, afternoon in
Is it to be wondered at thar
Miss Minnie Myers and her
the home of hi< parents. Mr. and each day, and in the evening, if and safeguard in all our mimic when writers of sacred or profane sister, Frances, are moving this
any desire to work at that time. mise y ; ’ tis the first half formed
Mrs. J. F. McGill.
h;story have desired to convey week to Portland, where they will
This work on I he moss is very word that falls from a babbling
Mrs. Richards reports a fine
some adequate idea of the love of live until next spring.
trade all summer long in her nov­ essential, and to do it is a uood tongue; the first idea that dawns God for his universe, they have
W J. McCready returned last
way to show the earnestness of upon the childish mind; the first,
elty store. A special offer of hers
asked us to look upon a mother Saturday from a two weeks’ trip
our patriotism. Women.especially, the fondest and most lasting tie
will be found in this issue.
and h e r child? S o remember over into Montana
H e reports
will you not r«snond?
in which affection can bind the
Prof. Bates returned Wednes­
when you are solicited in this the crops as excellent in the Gal­
Miss Greichen Flower, who has heart of man, and if there be any­ cause do not give grudgingly but latin valley.
day from a -ojourn of two weeks
in the Sound Cities The last few lw»en the guest of her aunt, Mrs. thing of mortality which survives cheerfully, that you may at least Sunday at Rippling Waters.
days were devoted to the meet­ Ellen F. Scott, for the past two beyond the grave surely this best be as cheerful in doing your part
Mr and Mrs. Gilmore of Port­
ings of the Pacific Library Asso­ months, left Saturday for her and noblest passion will never as are the-e mothers who are giv land spent Sunday in the B. F.
home in Wellington, Kansas.
ciation in Seattle.
ing their all.
White home. Mr. White is now
The p iges of history abound ;
in the shipyards.
Thomas B. Read’s little poem
with the records of maternal love
Mrs. A. M. Root and Mrs. E.
written years ago, on “ The Brave
in every age and clime and every
at Home,” seems touchingly ap­ W Hyde, of Hastings, Michigan,
rank of life. No language can ex­
delegates to the G. A. R . En­
propriate right here:,
All male persons must register who shall have attained
press the power and beauty of it. "The mother who conceals her grief
campment, are visiting, at the
their eighteenth birthday and shall not have attained their
It shrinks not where man cowers, When to her heart the son she presses, home of the former’3 brother, L.
forty sixth birthday on or before the day set by the President
and grows stronger where man Then breathes a few brave words and B. Soule. This is Mrs. R oot’s
for registration. The only «xceptions are:
fain s. It wa- a mother that was
first visit to Oregon, brother and
the patriot brow she^b leases.
(a) Persons who, prior to the day set for registration by
“ last at the cross and first at the
not having seen each other
ry , . .
. , | With no one but her secret God
the President, have registered either under the terms of the
Coleridge h as wellI » i d ,\To know the p. inthat weigh9Upon her, in nineteen years.
Act approved May 18, 1917*or under the teims of the public
“ A mother is a mother still, the Sheds holy blood as e'er the sod
W’ hy not rest easy after a hard
resolution of Congress approved May 20. 1918, whether called
holiest thing-alive.”
Received on freedom’s field o f honor.”
work? Just buy one o f
for-service or not;
September ‘20th, the last day of Al-l( E SCHEETZ
easy rockers at Smith’s
(b) Officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, of­
the Washington County Fair, is ‘ ept‘ lst' 1918‘
Furniture Store.
ficers appointed, and men of the forces drafted, under the pro­
Miss Mary Corl, bookkeeper in
to be given" over to perpetuating
Sleep ia decidedly restful when you
visions of the Act approved May 18. 1917; officers and enlisted
and ca'rying out this theme of the First National bank, is visit­ •re using the kind o f mattress sold at
men of the National Guard while inuhe service of the United
mother love and sacrifice, and ing her parents, M r. and Mrs. L. the Smith Furniture Store.
States; and the officers of the Officers’ Reserve Corps and en­
there will be speeches, banners, J. Corl, in Corvallis. Her work is
Mrs. Paul Beck of Dilley was
listed men in the Enlisted Reserve Corps while in the service
parades, etc , all emblematic of
in the city a few days ago, hust
of the United States; and
this new patriotism. Every moth­
The proprietor of the W’ hite ing the sale of Fair tickets. If
(c) Officers and Enlisted men of the Navy and Marine
er and wife with a loved one in House Cafe desire to sell out and all in this community had the
Corps, and officers and enlisted and enrolled men of the Naval
the service is expected to take move away. His wife’s health de­ “ Over the T op” spirit of Mrs.
Reserve Force and Marine Corps Reserve while in the service
part in the parade, and we who mands that t h e y move to a Beck, our Fair would take on con­
of the United States.
•are onlookers should mentally re- warmer climate.
stantly larger proportions.
c a n o r i : c o :,
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Who Must Register