mi ni I» óD AN AM M AN 50LWLR MIO WENT * * A M IM IY ÎM Y MACHINE OJNHDl, JERYING IN fBAJICE-------- * 1917 B ïü i OY as irmi*i T su * Uff trtftY TW O A R T I L L E R Y M E N “ PU T O N E O V E R '’ ON O L D P E P P E R , R EG IM EN T A L COM M ANDER. Synopsis__ F ired by th e sinking of the L u sitan ia, w ith the loss of A m erican lives, A rth u r Guy Empey, nu A m erican living in Je rse y City, goes to E ngland and en lists as a p riv ate In th e B ritish arm y. A fter a sh o rt experience ns a recru itin g officer in London, he is sent to tra in ­ ing q u a rte rs In F rance, w here he first h ears the sound of big guns and m akes th e a c q u ain tan ce of "cooties.” A fter a b rief period of train in g E m pey's com pany is se n t Into the front-line trenches, w here he takes his first tu rn on th e fire step while th e bullets whiz overhead. Em pey learns, as com rade falls, th a t death lurks alw ays in the trenches. C haplain d istin g u ish es him self by rescuing wounded men under hot fire. W ith pick and shovel Eu>i>ey has exjterienee as a tren ch digger in No M an's Land. E xciting experience on listen in g post d etail. Ex­ citing work on o b servation post duty. C H A PTER XVI—C ontinued. __12__ "C assell had a fancy fo r th a t p a r­ tic u la r blonde. T h e answ er cum e back in th e shape o f a volley of cusses. I changed the subject. “A fter a w hile our ta lk veered round to the w ay th e Boches had been exposing them selves on th e road down on th e c h a rt a s T a rg e t 17. W hat he said about those Boches w ould never have passed th e relchstag, though I believe it would have gone through our censor easily enough. “T h e b u rstin g shells w ere making such a din th a t I packed up talking and took to w atch in g th e cap tain. He w as fidgeting aro u n d on an old sand­ bag w ith th e g lass to his eye. Occa­ sionally he w ould let out a grunt, and m ake some rem ark I couldn’t h ear on account of th e noise, but I guessed w h at it was nil right. F ritz w as get­ tin g fresh again oh th a t road. “Cassell had been sending in the ‘tap code’ to me, b u t I w as fed up and d id n ’t b o th er w ith i t T h en he sent O. S., and I w as all atten tio n , for this wus a call used betw een us which m ean t th a t som ething im p o rtan t w as on. I was all e a rs in an In stan t. Then C assell tu rn ed loose. “ ‘You b lan k ety blank dud. I have been trying to ra ise you fo r fifteen m inutes. W h at’s th e m atter, are you asleep ?’ (J u s t as if anyone could h av e slept in th a t Infernal ra c k e t!) ‘N ever mind fram in g a n asty answ er. J u s t listen.’ “ ‘Are you gam e for p u ttin g some­ th in g over on 'h e Boches and Old Pep­ per all in one?’ “I answ ered th a t I w as gam e enough w hen it cam e to p u ttin g it over the Boches, h u t confessed th a t 1 had a w eakening of th e spine, even at the m ention of Old P ep p er’s nam e. “lie cam e back w ith, ‘I t's so absu rd ­ ly easy and sim ple th a t th e re is no ch an ce of th e old h eathen rum bling i t A nyw ay, if w e’re caught. I'll tak e the blame.* “U nder these condition 1 told him to sp it out his schem e. It w as so daring and sim ple th a t It took my b reath aw ay. Tills Is w hat he prop o sed: “If tlie B oches should use th a t road again, to send by th e ta p system the ta rg e t and range. I had previously told him about o u r cap tain talk in g out loud as if he w ere- sending through orders. W ell, if th is happened, I was to send the dope to C assell nnd he would tra n sm it It to the b a tte ry com­ m an d er as officially com ing through th e observation post. T hen the b a t­ te ry would open tip. A fterw ards, d u r­ ing th e investigation, C assell would sw e a r lit received It direct. They would have to relieve him, because It w as im possible from his pmd In the b a tte ry dugout to know th a t the road w as being used ¡it th a t tim e by the H erm ans. And also it was im possible fu r him to give the targ et, range and degrees. You know n b a tte ry ch art Is not passed aro u n d am ong th e inen like a n ew sp ap er from Blighly. From him th e in v estig atio n would go to the ob­ serv atio n post, nnd the observing offi­ c e r could tru th fu lly sw ear th a t I had n o t sent the m essnge by 'phone, nnd th a t no o rd ers to fire had been issued by him. T h e Inv estig ato rs would then I> p up In th e a ir. we would he safe, the B oches would receive a good hashing, nnd we would g et o u r own hack on Old P e p p e r. It w as too good to lie true. I g leefu lly fell in w ith th e scheme, n n d told C assell I w as his m eat. ‘T h e n I w a ite d w ith beating h e a rt u n d w atched th e c a p ta in like a hawk. “H e w as b eg in n in g to fidget agnln n n d w as d ru m m in g on th e sandbags w ith his feet. At last, tu rn in g to me, he said : “ ‘W ilson, th is arm y is a blankety blank w ashout. W hat's th e use of hav­ ing a rtillery If it Is not allow ed to fire? T he governm ent a t home ought to be hanged w ith some of th e ir red tape. It's through them th a t we have no shells.’ “ I answ ered, ‘Yes, sir,’ and sta rte d sending th is opinion over th e w ire to Cassell, but the captain in terru p ted me w ith : “ ‘K eep those infernal fingers still. W h at’s the m atter, getting th e nerves? W hen I'ui talk in g to yog, pay a tte n ­ tion.’ “My h e a rt sank. Supposing he had rum bled th a t tapping, th en all would be up w ith our plan. I stopped drum ­ m ing w ith my finget« and sa id : “ ‘Beg yo u r pardon, sir, Just a habit w ith me.’ “ ‘And n d------ d silly one, too,’ he an­ sw ered, tu rn in g to his glasses again, and I knew I w as safe. H e had not tum bled to th e m eaning of th a t ta p ­ ping. “All at once, w ithout tu rn in g round, he e x claim ed : “ ‘W ell, of ail th e nerve I’ve ever run across, th is ta k e s th e cake. Those --------------Boches are using th a t road again. B lind ray eyes, th is tim e it is a w hole brig ad e of them , tra n sp o rts and nil. W hnt a p re tty ta rg e t fo r our ‘4.5’s.’ T h e beggars know th a t we w on’t fire. A d— —d sham e, I call it. Oh, Just fo r n chance to tu rn D 238 loose on them .’ “I w as trem bling w ith excitem ent. F rom rep eated stolen glances a t the c a p ta in ’s ran g e chart, th a t road with Its range w as burned Into my mind. “Over th e w ire I tapped, ‘D 238 b a t­ tery, T a rg e t 17, R ange 6000, 3 degrees 30 m inutes, left, salvo, fire.’ Cassell O. K.’d my m essage, and with the re­ ceiver pressed ag ain st my ear, I w ait­ ed and listened. In a couple of m in­ utes very fain tly over th e w ire cam e th e voice o f our b a tte ry com m ander Issuing the o rd e r: ‘D 238 b attery. Salvo! F ir e ! ’ “T hen a ro a r through the receiver as the fo u r guns belched forth, a scream ing and w histling overhead, and th e shells w ere on th e ir way. ‘T h e cap tain jum ped as if he w ere shot, and let out a g reat big expressive d------n, and eagerly tu rn ed his glasses In the direction of th e G erm an road. I also strain ed my eyes w atching th a t targ et. F o u r blnck clouds of d u st rose up right In the middle of the Gerinnn colum n. F our direct lilts—an o th er record fo r D 238. “Tlie shells kept on w histling over­ head, and I had counted tw enty-four of them w hen th e firing suddenly ceased. W hen the sm oke and dust clouds lifted the destru ctio n on th n t road w as aw ful. O v ertu rn ed lim bers and guns, w agons rm ashed up, troops fleeing In nil directions. T he road and roadside w ere spotted all over w ith little field gray dots, th e toll of our guns. ‘T h e cap tain , in his excitem ent, had slipped ofT th e sandbag, and w as on his knees in the mud, th e glass still a t his eye. H e was m u tterin g to him self nnd slapping his thigh w ith his disen­ gaged hand. At every slap a big round Juicy cuss word would escape from his lips followed b y : “ ‘G ood! F in e ! M arvelous! P re tty W ork ! D irect hits all.’ “T hen he furned to me nnd s h o u te d : ‘“ W ilson, w hnt do you think of it? Did you ev er see the like of it In your life? D------ n fine work, I call It.’ “P re tty soon n look of w onder stole over his face and he ex cla im e d : ‘“ B ut w ho in h—1 gave them the order to fire, Bunge and everything correct, too. 1 know 1 didn't. W ilson, did I give you nuy order for the b a t­ tery to opeu up? Of courss I didn't, did IT* “I answ ered very em phatically. ‘No, sir, you gave no command. N othing went through th is post. I aiu abso­ lutely certu ln ou th a t point, air.' “ 'O f course nothing w ent through,’ he replied. T hen his fuce fell, and he m uttered out lo u d : ‘“ But, by Jove, wait till Old Pep­ per gets w ind of this. T h ere’ll be fu r Hying.’ J u s t then B om bardier Cassell cut In oil the w ir e : " ‘G en eral’s com plim ents to C aptain A------. H e d irects th at officer nnd sig­ n aler report a t the double to brigade h e a d q u a rte rs a s soon as relieved. Re­ lief now on th e way.' “In un undertone to me, ’Keep a brass fro n t. Wilson, and fo r God's sake, stick .’ I answ ered w ith, ’Rely on me, mate,* h u t I w as trem bling all over. “I gave th e gen eral's m essage to the captain, and sta rte d packing up. “T he relief arrived, and as we left the post th e captain said : “ ‘Now fo r the fireworks, nnd I know th ey ’ll bo good and plenty.’ T hey were. “ W hen we arrived at the gun pits the b a tte ry com m ander, the sergeant m ajor nnd C assell were w aiting for us. We fell in line and the funeral m arch to brigade h e a d q u arters sta rte d . “A rriving a t h eadquurters the b a t­ tery com m ander was the first to be Interview ed. T h is was behind closed doors. F rom the roaring and explo­ sions o f Old P epper it sounded as If raw m eat w as being throw n to the lions. Cassell, later, described It as sounding like a bombing raid. In about two m inutes th e officer reappeared. T he sw eat w as pouring from his fo re­ head, and his face was the color of a beet. H e w as speechless. As he passed th e c ap tain he Jerked his thum b la the d irectio n of tlie lion’s den and w ent out- T hen the captain w ent In, nnd the Hons w ere (»nee agnln fed. T he cap tain stayed iilxiut tw enty m in­ utes and cam e out. I couldn’t see his face, b u t the droop in his shoulders wus enough. H e looked like a wet hen. ‘T h e door of the g eneral’s room opened and Old P epper stood in the doorw ay. W ith a ro ar he sh o u ted : “ ’W hich one of you is Cussell? D------n me, get your heels to g eth er when I spenk ! Come in b e re t’ “C assell s ta rte d to say, ‘Yes sir.’ “B ut Old P epper roared, ‘S hut upl* “C assell cam e out in five m inutes. He said nothing, but as he passed me he put his tongue Into his cheek nnd winked, then, turning to th e closed door, he stuck his thum b to his nose and left. “T hen the serg ean t m ajor’s tu rn came. H e didn’t come out our way. Judging by the roaring. Old P epper m ust have eaten him. “ When the door opened and the gen­ eral beckoned to me, my knees sta rte d to play ‘Home, Sw eet H om e’ against each other. “My Interview w as very short. “Old P ep p er glared a t m e when I entered, nnd then let loose. “ ‘Of course you don’t know anything about it. You’re Just like th e re s t Ought to have n nursing bottle around your neck and n nipple in your teeth. Soldiers— by gad, you tu rn my stom ­ ! ach to look nt you. Win this wnr, when England sends out such sam ples as I have in my b rig a d e ! Not likely! Now, sir, tell me w hnt you don’t know about this affair. Spenk up, out with C H IN A L O S IN G T R A D E IN T E A General Opinion T h a t Scientific C ulti­ vation of the P la n t H as Been Begun Too Late. C hina’s tea tra d e Is not keeping pace with tlie w o rld ju co n su m p tio n of tea. Scientific cultivation in stead of old- tim e m ethods and th e use of m achin­ ery are being used In the effort to regain the lost com m ercial ground. T he m inistry of a g ric u ltu re has esta b ­ lished a model farm , und the first tea grown on It wus sen t to m arket this year. It Is said to have been of good quality, hut no d e ta ils nre yet av ail­ able of the equipm ent und m ethods employed. Foreign ten men seem to have little faith In the resu lts of this attem p ted reform nnd consider It un­ likely th at C hinese te a s will ever re ­ gain the lending pluce In the markets of th e world. It Is said th a t Chinese leas have less tan n in th an o th e r teas, nnd th n t tlie liner grad es nre u n su r­ passed in delicacy of flav o r; but the average tea d rin k e r seem s to find the teus of India and Ceylon satisfacto ry . It. D on’t be gaping a t uie like a fish. S pit It out.* “I stam m ered, ‘Sir, I know ab so lu te­ ly nothing.’ “ T h a t's easy to see,' he ro a re d ; 'th a t stupid fuce tells me th a t. Shut up. Get o u t; but I think you a re a d------d lia r Just the sam e. Back to your b a tte ry .' “I salu ted nnd m ade my exit. 'T h a t night th e cap tain sent for us. W ith fe a r nnd trem bling we w ent to his dugout. lie w as alone. A fter sa­ luting we stood a t a tte n tio n in front of him nnd w aited. Ills say w as s h o r t “ 'D on’t you tw o ev er get it Into your heuds th n t M orse is a dead language- I’ve know n it fo r years. T he two of you had b e tte r get rid of th a t nervous habit of tap p in g tra n s m itte r s ; It's dan­ gerous. T h a t's nil.* “We saluted, nnd w ere Just going out "the door of the dugout when th e enp- tnln called up hack nnd sa id : ’“ Smoke GoldflakeaT Yes? Well, th ere a re tw o tins of them on my table. Go hack to the b attery , nnd keep ,o u r tongues betw een your teeth. U nder­ stan d T “ We understood. “F or five w eeks sfte rw a rd s our b a t­ tery did nothing but ex tra fatigues. We w ere satisfied nnd so w ere tha men. It w as w orth it to put one over on Old Pepper, to say nothing of the Injury caused to F ritz ’ feelings.” W hen W ilson had finished his story I looked up and th e dugout wae Jammed. An a rtille ry cnptnln nnd two officers had also en tered nnd stnyed fo r th e finish. W ilson sp at out un enorm ous quid of tohseco, looked up, saw th e cnptnln, nnd got ns red aa a carnation. T he cnptnln sm iled and left. W ilson w hispered to m e: “Rllm e me, Yank. 1 see w here I click fo r crucifixion. T h a t cap tain is tha sam e one thut chucked us Goldflakea in his dugout and here I have been 'chucking me w eight ubout in hla hearing.* “ W ilson never clicked his crucifixion. E m pty tells of a narrow e s­ cape in the next In sta llm e n t (TO B E C O N T I N U E D * JO K E ON SCHOOL V IS IT O R Your Granulated Eyelids, Eye« inflamed by «* 1 »/»- iiirs io Sun, Dust and Wind _ quickly relieved by Marine I W C S rycHrsiedjr. No Smarting, Juit Kye Comfort. Al Your Druggist* or by mail 60c per Mottle. For Bask si the fye free write •• M u rin e E y e R e m e d y C o., C h lc e je . Truck. Automobile Camping and Touring Trailers D oubla Your UficioiMy a l a S la iU C m I WATT SHIPP TRAILER CO., a AI.EM r OWE C hinese Signal. T h e C hlneso do n o t beckon, as we do, w ith the palm of th e hand tu rn ed up, th e flngera cu rled mid th e index 1 finger successively bending and straig h ten in g . T hey beckon w ith th e fin g ers curled dow nw ard, aw eeplug the w hole hand vigorously back and forth. Uncle Eben. "Too m uch of de gift of prophecy,” said U ncle Eben, “ la dangerous. De m an d a l know s in ad v an ce w hut hand | h e ’s g w in d e r git In a poker gum c s in ’ no fit a sso ciate.” T he Old O rd er C hangeth. T he old-fashioned lover who used to plunk a g u ita r u n d er his s w e e th e a rt's window new has a son who phones to hla girl t<> m eet him a t th e dru g store, —D allas News. C utlcura S tops Itching. T h e Sonp to cleanse and O intm ent to soothe and heal m ost form a of Itching, burning skin and sculp affections. Ideal for toilet use. F o r free sam ples ad d ress, “C utlcura, D ept. X. B oston.” Sold by d ru g g ists nnd by mull. Soap 25, O intm ent 25 nnd 50.— Adv. To C lear Bluing. T ie sev eral th ic k n e sse s of co tto n o v er th e m outh of a bluing b o ttle If you would have th e bluing flow sm oothly and w ith o u t d ark p articles. Beat of Rew ards. T h e beat rew ard for any faith fu l work la th e privilege of going on and proving o u r faith fu ln ess w ith m ore d ifficu lt ta sk s.—Lucy I-arcom. ALLKN'S FOOT KAHK E U R THE TRO O PS. F o rtu n ately H am ilton Mable W aa Wall Able to A ppreciate Unconscloua H um or of the Children. S h ak en Into th a ahuaa an d ap rln k U d In th a foot- h a th it xivaa raat and ru tn fo rt. tak aa th a frletiu n fro m th e shoe and p rev en t* blieler* an d anre »pole. M&kea w alk in g m ay . A ccep t no eubati- tu te . Sold ev ery w h ere. 24c. The la te H am ilton W. Muble, tha well-known A m erican essaylat, waa one of those gcnlul men who enjoyed a Joke on them selves. Illu stra tin g thla phase of Mr. M uble's ch aracter, it la told th at when he w as n stu d en t Mr. Mnble m ade an ad d ress in which h# told this sto ry : He iiad visited a school in P hiladel­ phia in w hich th ere w as a dally fire- drill. T he teach er regularly asked the stu d en ts, “C hildren, w hat would you do if fire w ere to break out In thla building?” The children all repeated in chorus, “ We would rise in our places, step Into th e aisle, nnd m arch quietly out of the building. ' On tha m orning when Mr. M able visited (he school, while he w as sittin g quietly ou the platform , the teach er stepped be­ fore tlie pupils and said, “C hildren, whnt would you sny if I w ere to tell you th a t Mr. Mu hie Ic to speak to you this m orning?” T he children prom pt­ ly replied in chorus, “W e would rise in our places, step Into the aisle, and m arch quietly out of the building.” E nam eled W ars. T he b e st way to clean enam eled w are la to use a little o rd in ary s a lt and no so d a; th is will keep It In new con­ dition. C a n 't D o I t A l o n a . If a m an ev er becom es tru ly g re a t It la usually the help of a devoted w ife th a t la resp o n sib le for I t —Chicago. Daily News. G angw ay. Sign in M ain: B um pus and Catch- eli.— B oston T ran scrip t. Daily T hought. In gen eral, pride Is a t th e bottom of all g re a t m istak es.—R uskln. A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Mias Kelly“ Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Tier Health. M aids Hill. If Is now more th an a century since an English arm y fought in Italy, and won th e b a ttle o f M alda over the Ncwnrlc, N. J.—“ For about three F rench. Napoleon had vowed to con­ q u er Sicily, and for Hint purpose the years I suffered from nervous break­ down nnd got >o French pushed on Into Cntubrla, and weak I could hardly began to m ake extensive prep aratio n s. stand, and had head­ B ut the English forces for th e de­ aches every day. I fense of Sicily p repared to deal n blow tried everything 1 on the m ainland. A force of 5,000 1 could think of am) inen landed In the bay of St. Emphe- was under a phy­ sician's care for two ruin, and th e b a tta lio n s of the F rench years. A girl friend fell before the bayonets of the B rit­ had used Lydia E. ish. N apoleon's hopes w ere sh a tte re d ; Fink ham ’s Vege­ a t a stroke. B ut th e “daiiy-breader” table Compound and from K llborn trav elin g Into London, she told me about by way of th»; Edgw ard rond, never su s­ it. From the first pects ns he pusses by Malda Hill nnd day I took it I begnn Mnldn Vale, the origin o f the nume. to feel bett r an) —C h ristian Science M onitor. now I am w> 11 and T hey Sure Would. Ilom er V. W inn w as talk in g before the Indianapolis A dvertisers' club about salesm anship, recently, nnd com­ m ented on the fact th a t salespeople w ere too often u n n atu ral. '‘Eveu th e m erchant him self Is often u n n a tu ra l,’’ the sp eak er said, “He does not act In his sto re us he does nt home.” Tom m y's C urious Callings. “And If some of them 'lid,” com m ent­ T he B ritish Tom m y has alw ays been fam ous for the brilliance of Ills ed one of th e women m em bers of the pow ers of rom ance, If asked questions club, “ th ey ’d drive th e ir last custom er he did - not w an t to an sw er by peo­ aw ay." ple .who had no rig h t to know. The Advice to an A uthor. la te st Illu stratio n is nfforded by a T he au th o r who w rites th a t he likes re p a tria ted soldier of a W elsh regi­ m ent. H e had been a p risoner In the “th e m an o r woman cram m ed with cam p a t G utrow , w here th e G erm an anim al sp irits, w ho Isn’t a fra id to au th o rities, w ith a view to securing m ake m otions, to laugh out loud, to skilled labor, w ere anxious to learn run, to Jump, to clim b, to m nke a lot the occupation of th e prisoners. Bnt of noise,” ought to tra d e flats w ith one surely never before w ere th ere such who lives u n d er a p n lr who nre re ­ callings—a tre a c le bender, w atchm ak­ h earsin g fo r an Im itation anim al e rs’ strik er, a m ilestone Inspector. T he vaudeville stu n t.—S eattle P ost-Intelli­ gencer. G erm ans gave It up. able to do m ^ t any k i n d of work. I have been reco m ­ mending the Com­ pound eversince nnd give you my per­ mission to publish this letter.” —Mis* F lo K elly , 470 So. 14th St., Newark, N. J. The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, was so successful in Miss Kelly’s case was because it went to the root of her trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition and as a result her nervousness disappeared. LO S S ES S U R ELY P R E V E N T S ! by CUTTER'S S IA C K IEQ P I U S L o w - p r l* t d f f re s h , r e t in i »I** ; f p r e f e r r e d l.y ' w e s te r n « fo r k - m en. b e c a u s e they »rettet where other sZl f f fall. vaccine« ran. _ W rite lor booklet and testimonial*. 10-Sol« pk(. Slack I •( rats. 1 1.1 6 0 -S tit p k | S tack lit Pills, $4 i U eeany Injector, hut Cutter*« simplest end strongest. T he superiority of C utter prodi»»ts is due to ». r I f years ol spec (elisine la VACfiNBS AND «M UM S ONLY. I n s is t ON c u n u r » . I I uaobUinaUe, o rd er direct. Tb s Cuttsr lab oratory. B srbslsy. Calltsnila ,