/ â C 35 / A â (Fíje H fa irs i Ô k iw 7 ü x jh t b h AN IN D E P E N D E N T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 5 Citizens’ Rally Sings Songs of Victory FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 1918 Graktm Goes to Salem Volunteers Wanted To Sort Spagnum Moss No. 35 The Goode Have Come Military Training The goods have come. What - . - . L. M. Graham went down to goods, do you ask? Why, the 10 D C ID City Schools Salem last Tuesday to secure household goods of the Rawson space at the State Fair for a Men and women are wanted to The Board of Education has With Mayor Paterson, a.i chair* family— sojourners in a strange Washington county exhibit. He pick over spagnum mo«s, two made arrangements by which mil man, a large company of Fo est land, but rapidly coming to feel secured the space and necessary doors south of the Post Office. itary training is to be established Grove citizens held a patriotic that they are citizens of a goodly measurements. He reports the The first day for this moat laud- in thecity schools of Forest Grove. song service on the campus last city, and among friends. Tuesday evening at the hour of roads good the greater part of the able work will be Tuesday, Sep Those hou-ehold things make Prof. Taylor, head of the depart way. A huge big stadium is be- tember 3. The place will be open six. The church l>e!la called the one think of the faces of old ment of Mathematics of Pacific ing built on the fair grounds. from 9 o ’clock in the forenoon un- people together. friends. They bind one to the University, has been selected to All raisers of agriculluraf p ro-1 til evening. The Rev. A . B Patten acted . . , . , . . past. There is the high chair,from supervise the new course, doing One hundred and one sacks of . . »b ok «m »n of th, inerting. In dacl" ara ur“ et lo br'" * lh w which all the children have ruled this work in addition to his col the moss have recently arrived very Ailing p h ra « ha ..a t « l the rh" “ " 1 » “ r County F « r . not the small domain. There are the legiate work. from Tillamook, where it was' All details are not yet worked purp.aa.oUh.. m olin g, calling at- * (or the -akc of the County dishes with their suggestion of gathered by the Tillamook Red out, hut it is thought this course tcnlion to the fact that all over Fa,r’ b u t, a,‘ ° ,hat a" axb,b,t fine hand me-out lunches (brought worthy of this splendid county Cross. The writer has spent many i will be made compulsory. All the country, from Maine to Cali in by the neighbors), and there is should he made at the State Fair. evenings at this work in Seattle boys over fifteen will be included, fornia and from Washington lo the dear old washing-machine, We should all take a special pride and from what he has seen there Florida, the church bells were where the writer has ground long and in some cases boys younger in this, probably the best county he would »ay that this moss, our ringing, the people were gathering ' and mournfully, the while the than fifteed will be accepted. in the state. first installment, is clean and easy It is expected that 75 or 80 and the splendid patriotic songs clothes have turned white and his of America were being sung. Prof. Bates ha»gone to Tacoma. u ^ ! r * .|. , buvps have grown strong for the students will take the new work. and Seattle to visit fora fortnight. ^ course, it will be understood arduous task of defending his A Federal I a w provides that He introduced Father Camp u . • ~ that this is war work and is to be where as many as 100 pupils are Harry a n d Orlando ltomig , .. party against all comers. bell of the local Catholic church, taking military training the Gov who led in prayer. Father Camp prominent P. U- students, were d° ne * r* t,s' Men and women and I Your Uncle Sam’s railway is on the S. S. Westbrige. which was'children of a dozen years are ernment will furnish guns for the bell has a fine face. The prayer torpedoed on Aug. 16. Further wam*d. i t “1" ! drill. It is hoped and expected and some preliminary remarks he par iculan- have not yet arrived. portunity (or all who feel that 1 ' 1 h* Part,cular »b oot detail,; tl} that guns will be secured, either made were exceedingly well adapt 80 we are not surprised M. R. Johnson, President of the their part in the war has been | from the state or Federal Govern- that a nail, in the passage down __ ed to the occasion. He called at First National Bank, and the slight when compared w ith'hat from Seattle, trotted about on [he “ ent- far ‘ be work; 01 couf“ ’ tention to the fact that the fath family, are away on their vaca of the soldier»—and we surely all j top of the piano, leaving bad foot tbere wl 1 ** unrforn», links* ers of this republic were men of lion n»*ar Taft. They will return feel that way—to do a good work, j early next week. A la ck , » e observe took ' the pup.U themselv.* shall furnirt. prayer and of godly lives, and prints. A tack, we to put an earnest shoulder to the them. H. R. Bernard spent Tuesday that if we would continue in their a drive into the side of the book wheel and to help. The plan may be adopted of in Portland wisdom and build as well as they case, while a rocking-chair leg and All who work at the moss will closing up the play sheds and us France» Rawson arrived from began we also should be given to the corner of the victrola took oc ing the same for a drill room and be expected to wear caps and casion to renew their differences, prayer and should be controlled Seattle last Wednesday evening— a fact that is of great importance large aprons. Further particulars | each getting considerably skinned armory. by the spirit of religion. It is though that military drill may be secured of Judge Hollis, of to her father and mother. up in the melee. Mrs. E. E. William ably direct Arthur Shearer, who is hunting the law firm of Hollis & Graham. will not only prepare the boys for But no matter about small ed the musical part of the exer in the southwest mountains, has ,, , . , future efficiency should some other Sad to Relate cises. The choir, made up of sent home a fine deer which he troubles, the goods have come, Ger militaristic, but Brother Benfer. former wielder and they are our dear old much- wffl >Uo Wntflt their health a0(J various singers of the town, was shot. of the editorial pen in the Express battered, much-used, much-loved i . . as follows: Mesdames McEldown- M i». James Freeman visited sanctum, has got used tostrenuos- goods, that will presently be ar- , 8 ey, Barber and Paterson and the last week in the home of J. H. ity.and to “ putting things across.’’ ranged a'ong the wall and across CougrefatioBal Church Misses Jones and Aberneihy; and Shearer. They are cousin» and Because of this we had expected the corner and down the other Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Messrs. Barber. Johnson a n d had never met. Morning 'worship at 11:00 o ’clock, that when he arrived on the shores side, in the many rooms of the Williams Mrs. Carmack presid with the pastor again in the polpit. Walter Roswurm, the meat of the Pacific ocean the fish, big house on classic College Way. ed at the organ Other instru Mr. Patten wiU preach on the text, mentalists were, Aileen Hoffm&n, market man, is under the weather. whales, octupi and other animal» Great War Unites Blue and Gray “ As a man thinketh in his heart so is Mr and Mrs. S. P. Snodgrass would take to deep water. We ex- flute, and Messm. Walker, Jack- Passing out of Chattanooga to he.” Theme: “ What does it matter what we believe; and what is the mat son and Danielson, who played of Council Grove, Kansas, visited pected. and still maintain that we the northward are the great nat ter with our beliefs?” the violin, the trombone and the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roswurm had reason to expect, that Benfer ural memorials of the struggle in Open-Air Service on the Campus at last week They were neighbors | would roll up some scores out on cornet. the center of the battle areas of 7 p. m. I f the weather is too cool, we the beach that would forever exalt The spirit of the trenches, of in days gone by. fifty years ago. Here is Lookout will adjourn to the church. Mr. Patten Mrs. James Page of Portland the newspaper craft in the eyes of real warfare, was brought by an Mountain on the one side with will finish his sermon on “ My Creed,” the natives at Forest Grove. visited over Sunday with her sis speaking on the two articles— “ Jesus improvised drum corps in which white marble monuments visible sav es," and “ To be saved is to be like ter. Mrs. Harry Whitney of this But so soon as our editorial Comrade Baldwin played t h e city. Little Helen Whitney "ac at long distances, matched by Jesus.” These are the greatest t. ernes snare drum. Comrades Butler and companied her aunt to Portland brother got out of Forest Grove Missionary Ridge on the other. known to the thought end heart of his luck left him. After that he Purcell played the fifes and Com and will visit there. Now these same mountains look man. was no good. He has sorely dis A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. rade Crow of Hillsboro played the down on Camp Oglethorpe and appointed all his friends He went A Bargain bass drum. These youngsters the khaki-clad soldiers of the new Christian Church I have for sa'e a new Ford Se out to the sea at Seaside, looked, marched down the streets and American army who march or There will be regular services in the their stirring strains called many dan. complete with electric lights didn’ t like it, and came back. ride over the fields where their church morning and evening. Morning and starter. Equiped with all That is the whole painful, soul- to the meeting- grandfathers of both blue and theme, “ The Creed o f the Church;” modern conveniences that cars saddening story. The Star Spangled Banner, have selling for $1200. This car gray met as foes. One cannot 8:00 p. m., “ The Law o f Discipleship.” has been run 1200 miles Not a America, Keep the Home Fires SIGNIFICANT PROPHECY throw a stone in the streets of Fine new fall coals for ladies Burning and The Battle Hymn of scratch on it. Will sell for $750. The question comes, what of Chattanooga without hitting a and misses at Anderson’s; beauti Actual cost is $915. New tires the railroads, the telegraph lines, marker sacred to the cause of ful velours, velvets, astrakans and the Republic were sung with great all around. the telephone systems, after the patriotism. Now the inscriptions other fabrics to choose from. heartiness and ferver and the fife Joe Wiles. war? That is a question that, so on tables of stone inspire to deeds and drum corps played Yankee Prof. E. D. West, formerly of The Bethlehem Truck soon as Germany signs our die of valor in coming days “ Some the faculty of Pacific University, Doodle, Marching Through Geor gia, Dixie and other airs. One of the best, strongest, tated peace treaty, will loom up where in France Congregation- but now in Y. M. C. A. work at cheapest to run trucks in the Camp Lewis, came Sunday for a and fill every mind. alisl. The authorities at Washington market is the Bethlehem. It is a visit. The following, taken from the gave us hort notice, but, Mayor veritable iron horse. It is easy Helen Bishop, who is at home E. J. Shotwell and family have Paterson rose to the occasion with on fuel, easy to manage, hardly Oregon Voter Press, may be a this week, is soon to go to France energy,, and the meeting was a ever needs repairs, and is always forecast of the way sentiment will to do Y . M. C. A. canteen work. moved to Portland. on the job. Ask for further par go, says that paper, “ Democrats pronounced success. ticulars of Joe Wiles, the Forest in a number of conventions have Grove auto dealer. New Officers for County Fair declared for permanent public ownership of public utilities, and At a meeting of the Fair Di Methodist Church Services it will not be surprising if the rectors in Hillsboro Wednesday Sunday School 9:45. With a Chevrolet you’ ll get more service out of your, delivery sys night, Green Lilly was cho-en Morning worship 11:00. It is the national platform of the party in treasurer to succeed R. G. Scott, highest delight of the soul to be in wor 1920 contains a plank pledging tem — you’ll get more work out of a day. The use of a Chevrolet Truck will allow you a greater range in the who recently resigned to accept a ship with\God’s people. Subject Sun the party to that principle. Such day morning is: J'What Is Man That position as County Agent in Thou Art Mindful o f H im ?" You are a declaration will insure the suc which to do business. You can reach out to new territory for sales and deliver this add* cess of the national ticket.” Clackamas county, and A. E. invitee! to attend this service. tional business promptly. Scott was named secretary to Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Frank S. Harding, prominent news Class meeting 7:30. You can handle your deliveries efficiently and economically with succeed N. C. Jamison, who is to Preaching service at 8:00. Evening paper man of Oregon and editor o f the the Chevrolet. It’s a hardworking, longwearing, mechanically-perfect enter military service soon. Ar message will be one o f practical need. | Telephone - Register at McMinnville, truck that’s extremely easy on fuel. rangements have been made for a Prayer service Thursday 8 m. I died on August 21, at Wieser, Idaho, at Come in and talk over your delivery problem with us and let us military band for the fa ir— Beav l.ast Quarterly Conference on Tues- j the of 62 ye,rm- The funeral was erton Times. day, Sept. 3d at 8 o'clock. Every o f held at McMinnville iaa Tuesday. The show you how to solve it with a Chevrolet. deceased has a brother and other rela ficer should be present. Chassis, $1125; Truck complete with body, 8-post top and cur We deliver ice cream to any The Sunday School picnic will be held tives living near Forest Grove. tains, $1320, f. o. b. Flint, Michigan part of the city. Tell it to phone Monday, all day, in Naylor's grove. Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware 632. Ottice Shearer. 26 tf I J0HN H- EBERT* at the Gordon Hardware Store. Thu^r s£ °vw.«r MORE WORK IN A DAY CHEVROLET Joe Wiles, Forest Grove, Ore.