A Soldier’s Letter Somewhere in France. ■ T h e 0 u g l e ( \ l l - July 28, 1918. Summon* all the forces and resource» of the Republic to Dear Home Folks: the drfrnte of Freedom Through our membership in the Federal Reserve Well. 1 expect it seems like a THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE System we are in a strong position to help our pa­ long tiqie since you received any which the United State* authorise* have ranked a* one of llie trons carry live stock which they are raising or fat­ fifteen distinguiilird institution* of the country for excellence in word from me but we certainly military traiiiiiiK, ha* responded to the call. The College is tening for future sales. have been having som • busy time. distinguished not only for its military instruction, but If you contemplate raising or fat­ We had a beautiful trip over with D is t in u u isio t) At.ao sox tening live stock for market;come Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: no thrills nor any s a-siekness to NEMBI V I it AitrifiiltMtr,'('outturn«, Initmrciiini. Koi«»try ' f id c r a l r i s e r v i in and talk with us. We can help I loin© F.coiMMukt' Mima*, I’haim aty, anJ speak of. The weather was fine SYSTEM Vocation«! KJ m at ion. and the ocean was very calm and Its wholesome, purposefu I student life. Its democratic college spirit. there was lots of moonlight Its successful graduates. We were treated very fine on Student* enrolled last year, 34 $]; stars on its service flags, ia$ 8 , board and had lots to eat and over forty percent representing officer*. O F F IC E R S A N D D IR E C T O R S were served in the most elegant R. JOHNSON, P res. CHRIS PETERSON, V. P. College o pens S ep tem b er 23, 1918 manner. We had our four o’clock ALLAN RICE A. J. DEMOREST, C ashier, J. E. LOOMIS ctu lo a, Illustratel Booklet. snJ other i»(urinelion «rite to the Keautrar, C'nrt alii., tea and seven-course dinner ev­ ery day and as there were three Two Farms Sold Display A Rig Fish; a Truthful Man Better vision Glassts. Dr. Se- bands on board we had music at Window mi n , «v a Within the last week H. T mones. M. J. Abbott, the jeweler, has all meal-, so you see we came over »hows Hoys Pictures Buxton hu»sod of hi* five fine and little The Book Store is headquarters passed the acid test for truthful in some style We had very nice farm, consisting one* for all the latest popular music. • ness. He brought home a huge stateroom-, in fact travelled first The pictures of all the hoys thi' any. 1 he li-t is as | of Mr. and Mrs Meek theme will be: Hillsboro to make their home,hav­ “The Missionary pulpit On Monday a deal wu- put Manifesto and Proc­ is as clean and orde ly as mother’s billows: ing .-old their Gqjes Creek farm. lamation.” E. I. Will • through by which Messrs. J II. parlor. They are all surrounded ; ' A’ L. M. Graham, Forest Grove’s The closing of the season’s vesper by Guy Aydelott and C. W. McNamcr sold 63 attorney, was down to Hillsboro services will be at 7:00 p. m. and in­ hedges of barberry and holly.! wuf^Vl Kngg» Kennani Dixon acre, of fine land on the Gales Monday. Mr. Graham is one of clude a musical program which will be The country look- more like a w. A. Devlin John Williams Greek road to J. A Farrell. Both the candidates on the legislative highly enjoyable. ,small country, town as the farms j L. K. Devlin J. R. Devlin t h e s e transactions were put ticket on the Republican side of W. Pot win thiough by the help of the Got gl are just about the siz * of the 1‘otwin J. Vernon the column. Hurlinghani Realty Co. Congregational Church yard- in Oregon but the -oil is <,uy.Ml,Nl‘,t Richard Busch For a temporary expedient it is New arrivals in coatings and Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. exceedingly fe-tile and wneat, oat- K. C. Busch Fànnia Busch, nurae -uiely all right to go to Portland suitings, such as velors, bro.d- At 11:00 a. m. there will be worship Albert Kusch Wm. H. Busch and work for a while in the ship­ cloth, all-wool khaki coating-, in our church, led by Rev. Mr. Sias, rye and potatoes ami all ga den Claire Oliver Buxton yards, tint that man shows far­ serges and poplins —A. G. Hoff­ the Christian congregation uniting with Itiuck grow profu-ely. The hill­ Haruld Walker Benjamin Andy Yost sightedness who annexes as much ours. man & Co. sides ate all laid off into plots of Floyd Tucker Wm. M. Martin- as is reasonable of Washington Framed Columbia highway At 7 p. m. the two congregations two or three acre- by-tone fences, Earl Waldron Torn Todd County land, as the same presents will meet again in the Congregational neat as a whistle with not a stick Clarice Cady scenes at the Book Sto-e. Bert Domun itself in this vicinity, hangs to it church, and Rev. A. B. Patten wilj Public sale bills printed at the preach on the theme, “ My Creed.” or pebble in sight. These plots W. S. Thompson Eatery LaMunt and works i as industriously and Express office. Harley LaMunt Carl A. Davis intelligently as he can are pretty wel l patched with He will stress the four articles--(1) Misses May Cooper and E'sie God is good; (2) There is nothing wrong -mall trees similar in size to our Francis E. Taylor Julian Fenenga It is a common thing for a Walker returned Monday from a but sin; (2) Jesus saves; and (4) To be old boxeld^rs but they are oak Paul Abraham Guy Stockman saved is to be like Jesus. vacation at Rockaway beach. Clayton A. Ciltner Francis A. Porter CHEVROLET "Four Ninety” to A B. PATTEN. Pastor. and English poplar, mostly. Lannes Pogue Dudley G. Knapp Uuvel twenty-five miles on a gal­ We have over 100 different pat­ Dr. H. R. KautTrnan Carl Con nett The railroads are miniature af terns of ginghams for children’s lon of gasoline. There is no mys­ Methodist Church Services Clarence Steigleder Jesse Steigleder school dresses. Make them now Sunday fairs with each coach divided into 9:45. Sunday School compartments for 1st, 2nd and Harry A. Williams Geo. C. Williams tery as to why it should do better and b° prepared when -chool is the old School stand-by The Bible E. Webb Charles Robinson per gallon than other ears The opens —A. G. Hoffman & Co. class is making a good still. record this sum­ 3rd class patrons but they surely L. Vinton Robinson J.‘ E. Lewton, Jr. valve-in head motor is designed We a> e now prepared to supply mer. Let others follow. C. E. Ostrander Joe McCoy do go. Sixty miles an hour i- not on a principle so simple that any all comers with apple and peach ! shortfcalk Morning worship 11:00 o'cjock. A Henry Adkins Robt. Forbis exaggerating, however, t r o o p followed by the communion boxes. F o re s t Grove Planing service, to which all are invited — c. Handlin Lewis Munkcrs man who has ever had a hammer Mill Co. 30-lf stranger as well as members we are trains do not run so fast. All W. in his hand, knows it to be the V. R. Abraham Elmer Hamilton all traveling the same road and have cros-ings are overhead so they J. E. Lewton Arthur Brodersen RIGHT principle JOE WILES, the same aim. have practically no accidents Hill Templeton Clyde Jacobsen Distributor for Washington and This is our first communion together Sam'l Cox Jesse G. Sage as pastor and congregation; let the en­ The people th mselves we are not Glenn Columbia Countie-. Jack Edgar Swanson tire family be there. liermitted to discuss so I will just Ila Ha’s Hie Away Ray Williams Epworth League has something good have to save that up until later. Leo Lucas Howard Jones for you; so be there at 7:00 p. m. M. J. Fenenga The Ha Ha Camp Fire girls left Of course, the country is jus1 L. F. Williams Gale Miller Class meeting 7:30. on i he morning for Cherry Preaching at 8:00. Special message covered with manufaci uring con­ Irvin Turner W. G. Harrington Grove, where th*-y train will sojourn for and music for the evening. cern- and one can see smoke Everet Burnworth E. C. Hughes two weeks. They are being chap­ Prayer service Thursday 8 p. m. st icks in all directions We havt B. R. Purdy Roscoe Vaughn About 25 were present last time. Harry J. Kunkle W. J. Burnworth eroned by Mis. Dopp. The big seen very little of France, but I Come again and bring others. L. W. Burnworth Alvin Brown Graham car was called into ser­ JOHN H. EBERT, Pastor. will write later concerning it. So Fred Brown at Kennith Hawke vice to carty the boxes, budgets, Pick out the soldier boy you far it res- mbles England and W. W. Graham Mark Hetrick bundles, etc., and it was loaded to Richard Wilson know, step inside our store, gel really, the natural things of the Gerald Woods the water’s edge. his address and write him a nice, count y here are much like Ore Clarence Lenneville Encell Todd food Clyde Giltner big letter; also remember if you gon with the exception of the Harold Judd William Lasham Herb Taylor Help us m ik** o u r patriotic (U. S. Food Administration License want a snapshot finished that our mountains. Fred Woodhouse Lloyd Kirry window display of the boys “Over kodak department does very fine No. G 34147) Robt. Knchede Earl Miller There” complete by bringing us a work VanKoughnet & Reder, We have had a very strenuous Phone 061 McRoherts Harley Watrous picture of y o u r boys. Van­ The Kodak Specialists time the last few days in moving Chester Emerson Julian H. Patten Koughnet & Reder, The Kodak so much I have been able to g t Ralph Harley W. Bennett Chas. Staley Specialists. very little -h ep but we expect to Harold Caldron Norris McKay ice cream to any soon be in a permanent camp Archie Ramsey Gayland Abraham part We of deliver the city. Te ll it to phone Thecensor is quite strict and I James Benoit C. E. Hawke t>32. O tice Shear • r. 26 tf presume the officers who cen.-o1 Eugene Dopp C. Lewis TANLAC sold only by Littlei’s their own mail are more careful Willis Hines, killed in action in France Pharmacy. than the base censors If surely i- Frank Smith, deceased at Camp Lewis. May we have your order for that Fall Suit? going to get m ghty lone-orrv Theo. E. Lewton, lost on the Tuscania Men’s khaki dusters at Ander­ We’ll guarantee you satisfaction. here at times but the way • hing- When you strike a nail squarely son’s. at present we hope it won’t m the head you gel the full bene­ Our tailoring houses provide for you as an be ook very long b fore We can get individual; they make your clothes as you want b ck to good o d U S A The fit ot the force behind the blow people are full of handshakes and If you hit a nail a glancing blow, them; they fit not only you, but your personality. -mi es for all of us here and it is you dissipate much of the fotce.• Expert cutters and careful hand-tailoring as­