HOW FARM FOLKS HELP IN THE WAR Little Stories From Real Life Illustrating How They Back Up Uncle Sam. LIBERTY BONDS TEMHTHRIFT ■ncourag* Saving H abit In Thoaa Who Navar Savad Bator*— Qraat Crlala Damanda tha Beat From All of Us. By H K R B IR T MYRICK. President o f th* National Farm Powar Oroup o f Aaricultural Papara. Did you road that Item In th# news­ papers the other day, o f a one-time distinguished and proaperoua cittern o f Chicago who died auddenly In tha boapltal, unknown, alone, unloved T He waa an old man, a victim o f ad- veralty, forgotten by the acquaintances o f hla prosperity. The authorities were about to consign the body to th# pot­ ters’ Held when they found In his pock­ et a Liberty bond for fflO and a cer­ tificate o f a fraternal lodge to which ha had once belonged. That society was notified and gave him a Christian burial, the undertaker and cemetery accepting the bond In payment for coffin and lot. Jamie, We Salute Youl A good man and true Is Jamie Bliss, age five years, who lives with mamma and pnpn on a farm near Eau Claire, Wla. Jamie had heard all the discus­ sion about Liberty bonds and Thrift stamps, end, not yet being established In business for himself, was puzzled a little to know how such a little boy could have a purt In this great un­ dertaking. At the same time he learn­ ed how sorely our fighting men need wool and the grHit Idea came to him. Without consulting anyone, Jamie started about the farm harvesting from hedges and wire fences the little wisps o f wool left there as his father’s sheep pastured. As a result of his expedition Jamie came Into the house with his pockets and Inside of his waist bulging with wool. Mamma Bliss was somewhat astonished when he explained that he was gathering wool to sell so he could buy T h rift stamps, but being a wlae mother, she saw the point qilckly. Since then Honorable Jamie, wool gatherer to Uncle Ram. makes dally ex­ cursions Into the sheep pasture. A l­ ready hie wool has purchased two $6 War Havings stsm^l ahrl a good start toward another one. This, folks, la something which was not taught out o f a book, but It Is a sample of the pntrlotlc citizenship now growing up, ready to stand at the helm a few decade# hence. Becoming a Bondholder. Among my friends for years Is a hard-working farmer with wife and severnl children. He never seemed to quite “ get there." Though he work­ ed hard, he Just Incked the knack of getting a bit abend. During the past year he seemed to have prospered. When I saw him last week he said: " I t ’s tins w ay: T subscribed $.10 for n Liberty band Inst year, and simply had to pay for It. 1 did so by paying In every dollar I could spare, Instead of spending money for things we could Just as well do without. It Is curious how one accumu­ lates If they go at It that way. “ I see now that one reason why I never saved any money wns because I didn’t have anything like this to taka my cash a little at a time. I used to think that I would begin saving when I hnd my bills paid and $23 to tha good, but I have discovered at this late date that the way to do It Is to save a little at a time and put It by as you get It. I have been surprised to find that the same Is true o f so many othAr farmers, especially renters. What they have put Into the Liberty bond Is money thnt would have slipped’ through thejr fingers. They would have nothing to show for It, whereas now they have got a bond earning good Interest, while their money Is helping to lick the kaiser. My first bond Is now paid In full and I am beginning to save up my subscription to the fourth Liberty bond." This reminds me o f still another case where the boys and girls have earned and saved along with their parents until their gnbscrlptlon for each of the three Liberty loans are now paid up. They did not see how they could ralae the money for their flrtt subscription, but their second was double ttat, and the third was still larger. The oldest boy was taken by the ¿rail, which made the family all the more determined. The mother la saving t)sr egg money, each o f the children has a b it o f a garden from which they ars selling stuff, on# of the girls Is a member o f the pig club, and the oldest boy stilt at home has quarter o f so sere qf onions that promises a splendid crop. The fa­ ther Is harvest I ns a h aaw cron at wneat, ana mat spring mads up hla mind to devote not less than one third o f the proceeds to the war. Thla one family la planning to oubscrlbe $1.0U) for the fourth Liberty loau, end If all goes well, will be able to pay down nearly half the amount U. S. CAN WIN WAR IN 1919 General March Predicta HO Divisiona OF CfflEHT WEEK PROFITEERS REAP W ill Turn Trick. Washington, D. C. — Congress pre­ A Horde of Huns at Your Door. pared to enact quickly the new man - ■ You know what they would do to power legislation, extending the draft you and your women— a fate far worse 'than death. You know how Huns have Brief Resume Most important r " l ‘r x . r r Federal Officials Disclose Start- laid barn the countryside they have mlttee the programme should win the conquered— no animal or plant al­ ling Report. Daily News items. war In 1 »!». lowed to aurvlvo, even trcea and vines While the house committee began _________ cut ofT close to the ground. Itora! work on the bill by hearing General homes demolished, barns barned. March, Secretary Baker and General c n n fiAUfiCDUC UIT You know how the Bodies enslave Crowder, the senate set aside Its sum- the farmers o f Belgium. Poland, the mer vacation end w ill up the Ukraine. Words cannot depict the measure at once. _ _ _ _ _ horror o f t t Senate prohibition advocates agreed To prevent the snme thing happen­ Events Jof Noted People, Govern men Law Preven t. Publication o f N a. give the man-power programme right ing right hero to you and your fam­ of way. and Pacific Northwest and Other and Earnings Food Sit nation ily, to your own community, atate Before the house committee Secre­ and nation— that Is what our boys are Things Worth Knowing. is W’orst Condition. tary Baker and hla aides again urged fighting for “ over there.“ action on the bill, discussing various It Is a question of right over might! phases of the enlarged programme -------- Shall liberty be destroyed by alaveryt which calls for an army o f nearly four This Is the question the war la to an­ Three meatless days per week have million Americans In France by June Washington, D. C.— Amazing profits swer for yon and tue and for genera­ been ordered by the municipal author­ 30. 1919, with another million in train- ln aimo*t every branch o f American ities at Vienna, according to an o ffi­ tions yet unborm ° PradI ct'l n g °that"the war will be won lnduatr* were brou* ht 10 H* ht Frlda3r Thla flhal struggle for the survival cial dispatch from Switzerland. _. . . hn„.. 1 ,... or lost on the western front, regard- when the treasury department com- o f the fittest among humans demands ^Ti7hnnt less of what happens elsewhere, Gen- Pleted Its long-awaited report on prof- every ounce o f our energy, every cent and esa 260,000 a r e ^ l h o u t p r o j ^ T t o o d er>| March committee that Iteerlng. o f our money. Noble men and wom­ as a result of ai floodI In th e ^ u n g Kl- wlUl SO trained American divisions o f The report covers 31,600 corpora- en are patriotically devoting oome or ang river The American Red Cross about <5 (K)0 men each ,n F>ance under tlona, the names o f which are wlth- all o f their time, without money and ia providing temporary relief. an Amer1can commander, victory held. It was prepared In response to without price, to help Uncle Sam win President Wllaon’l outing at Man- ought to rest on American arms next lhe Borah resolution, adopted by tha a victory. Others nre giving prodaca cheater, Maas.. has much improved hla year. senate after President Wilson, in his played the beat Reiterating bis belief that such a revenue address to congress on May 27, or money to the good cause. Millions health. Monday he o f our healthiest young men, the very game o f golf of hla atay, winning from force could go through the German declared that there was ‘‘abundant fuel lines at will. General March went fur- f ° r the light” in the treasury depart- seed o f the race, are sacrificing their Dr. Cary T. Grayaon, bis physician. . . . ,iia, ln™..|Bh, ,i Ul. V|M ther and electrified the committee by ment with regard to profiteering. llvea that you and I and others may * * ,„d ,hrJLh^of f declaring such a force "should bring The treasury department takes the live In peace. .n^ rturt l? the front the war to a successful conclusion in position that it would be a violation The very least that each of na can for gallant conduct at the front waa 0f exl8tlng jaw t0 make public the do now la to lend our money to Uncle Per-hin0^ communmue for The 80-dlvision plan, General March names of corporations and their earn- ga,d dependfcd upon d ip p in g faclll- *ngs. The senate resolution Is not suf- Ham so that he will have the funds lers h ln g s communlqu for Sunday. with which to fight. The war la cost­ Puck, one o f the pioneer comic week- ties, but he added: flcient to suspend the law; it would “ J might as well say right here, require a joint resolution, the treasury ing hllllona. The only way the gov­ lira of the country, and the first to be ernment can get the money la to bor­ printed In colors, has suspended publl- frankly, that the programme of Mr. department holds. Members o f congress who have ex- row It from the people or tax tt out cation, according to announcement. In Schwab will take care of the army programme and gain on i t " amined the report regard It as a com- of them. The more the public lends recent months Puck was owned by General March read an official state Plete vindication of President Wil- to the government, the leas taxes It William R. Hearst. Confronted by 8 heriff Howard Traf- ment showing that on August 1 the w “ ’1 frank statement about profiteer- will have to pay. ton with evidence tending to show that American army numbered 3.012,112 ,n$- „ You can help In this crisis by sub­ Bhe was a member of the Industrial men, divided as follows: They also declare that it affords scribing to the fourth Liberty loan. Workers of me World, Miss Minnie American expeditionary force and more than ample justification for the These government bonds are the safest Adams, a teacher In the Eureka, Cal., en route overseas 1,301,742. 80 per cent war profits tax urged by Investment on enrth. They are abso­ school resigns her position. In the United States and Insular Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. possessions 1,432,706. The most extraordinary profiteering lutely good. They yield good Interest. Burglars early Monday cracked the ('ailed In the August draft 277,664. revealed by the r^poit was in food- You can get your Interest money twice In additlon there are about 15.000 »tuffs. Producers o f nearly all the a year. I f you hove to uae your prin­ safe of the West Side State bank at Great Falls, Mont, and got $2479 In mar(ne 8 serving with the expedition common necessities o f life were sbown cipal, you can sell yonr bond any min­ cash and $400 in liberty bonds. En- ary f orce (to have made enormously increased ute, or you can use It as security at trance was made through a window. For the present it la planned to send profits in 1917 over 1916, although the bank to borrow fo r temporary The burglars have not been arrested. 250,000 men monthly to France. Gen their earnings in the latter year were wants. 'Th# latter Is ths better way. Thirty thousand arrests have been eral March stated, adding: “ But we 1° numerous cases far above the 100 because It doesn’t help the government made by the Bolshevlki within the last hope to increase that in the spring." per cent mark. ^ any for you to sell your bond or for two weeks of the reign of terror in T o put eighty divisions of Americans Meat packers profits were shown to somebody else to buy your bond, (let progress in Petrograd, according to into France before June, 1919. General bave increased substantially. One packer made $19,000,000 more in your bond direct from the government: official advices from Stockholm. Those March emphatically declared: “ W e shall need every single man In 1977 ‘ “ an in 1916. then your money goes direct to the arrested were army officers and citl- class I between 18 and 45. W e must In the *ron and Bt« f ‘ Industry, sen- government and will be used by It to sens of the middle class. not delude ourselves with the idea sational profits were disclosed. In coal pay the wages o f soldiers and sailors The plant of the La Salla Portland that th08e ,n the 18 and 19 calls af(k and oil. profits mounted to unparal- and to furnish the ships and munitions Cement company, at La going to be deferred any length ot leIed figures. with which they shall win the vic­ known as the biggest o f Its kind west time They w m have to be called Public utilities o f virtually every tory. of Chicago and doing a business of r. ' np_. a Drine in order to eet their character also came in for a libera) approximately $3.000,000 a year, was ¿ ¡ > iag in X e to get to France.” share of the increased prosperity, Must Do Our Best. taken o vf r Tuesday by A. Mitchell Beneraj exemption of married It la up to each o f us to do not our Palmer, alien property custodian. I men simply because of their married T f i V D i l l p i A C C Tft bit but our best. It’s a question o f The American army in France Is am- status was contemplated by the War I M A DI LL v L U d E IU life or death. Simplify, economize, go ply supplied with bread made of all- department in preparing for the pro­ without things, so that ths effort, time, wheat flour, the war department an-j posed extension of draft ages, Secre- thought and money thus saved may be nounced Wednesday, and the daily ra- tary Baker declared, transmuted Into the things that shall tlon o f 18 ounces of flour for bread He said that married men who do enable the American flag to fly ovsr I is so over-abundant that a reduction to not support their families and who Washington, D. C.— An 8 per cent Berlin- symbol of the new rlvtllsa- I ounces la under consideration. are not engaged in useful occupations exemption in addition to a specific tlon which la to Insure peace through y3000 exemption on the excess profits German agents are placing bombs In w ill continue to be called. victory of corporations, with a tax o f 40 per the holds o f grain ships leaving South In our rural homes, on our fnrms, In American ports, according to an offi- cent on all excess profits between 8 per the trenches. In other branches o f serv­ cial dispatch from Rome. Explosives ~ U U H I w I f i n I i m V L . cent and 20 per cent and a tax of 60 per cent on all excess profits exceeding ice, In subscriptions to the Liberty were found recently on the steamer 20 per cent was agreed on Saturday by bonds and War stamps, our American Giuseppe, which sailed from an Argen­ the house ways and means committee. fnrmera have repeatedly gone over the tine port The committee, In w ritin g this sched­ top. Their efforts, their patriotism, To insure a supply of Ice for domes- ... . , . ule into the $8,000,000,000 revenue bill, their loyalty, have been universally tic customers and thereby aid in pre- ''ashington, D. C .-In form ation fur- also adopted the treasury alternative recognized. Now In this fourth Lib­ serving foodstuffs, Mayor James Cow- nished by officers of the vessels at- plan for a flat 80 per cent tax on war erty loan onr rural folks will show glll of Kansas City Tuesday night di- tacked by German submarines along profits. the same generous confidence In the rected the closing of all saloons from the American coast has strengthened Th e committee agreed to three eternal principles o f human liberty and midnight until such time as the ice the belief held by many officials that classifications o f business for purposes of self government that were cham­ shortage which has prevailed the last the enemy raiders have had Communi- of deduction from war profits. cation with persons on shore and may The deduction for pre-war earnings pioned by those Middlesex farmers: week Is relieved. is: Financial and transportation cor­ "Their flags to April breeze unfurled. The Chinese government has sent a ^ °f ^ porations, 8 per cent; manufacturing, ™ Who fired the shot heard ’round the large force of troops to the Siberian cr« The N avy department officially re­ farm ing and general business, 10 per border to prévi nt a threatened Inva­ world." sion of Chinese territory by German fuses to indorse this belief, though ad­ cent, and mining and kindred haz­ ardous businesses, 12 per cent. and Hungarian prisoners of war who mitting the possibility. Positive statement that he met an Ninety per-cent o f business corpora GOES WOOING IN AN AIRSHIP Joined the Red Guard and other ele­ officer o f a submarine that sank an tions, it is estimated, w ill be affected ments o f the Bolshevlki against the oil tank steamer, the O. B. Jennings, by the war profits tax and the remain­ Malden's Neighbors In London Bub- Csecho-Slovaks In the trans-Baikal re­ in a New York saloon is made by the der by the excess profits tax. gion. urto Have Fears for Tholr __ . . . . . . . ifirs t officer of that vessel, according Estimates show that excess and war "W ork or fight orders have been to a 8(0ry reaching the department, Roof a. profits taxes w ill yield a total of $3,- promulgated for the state of Sonora, The recognition between the Ameri- 000,000,000, which would bring the to­ London.— A pretty bit o f chivalry Mexico, by General P. Elias Calles, can and German is said to have been tal o f the bill much nearer the $8,- was seen In s London suburb ths other constitutional governor, to curb law- instantaneous and the latter escaped 000,000,000 goal. when the American appealed to a Chairman Kitchin, o f the committee, day. Early In the morning the knight- lessness. Eight Inches of snow covered Mount brother officer accompanying him for said that the treasury expected to errant waa oat on his airplane and was submil some further suggestions re­ flying low— so low as to make the ten­ Shasta Thursday, and it was found confirmation of his belief, that there were four inches of snow Other instances have been heard, ants of ths terraca anxious about their below the timber line. Mount Eddy not so w ell substantiated, of the dis- garding the income tax. He said un­ less thmx is something to change the roofs. also got four inches of snow. I covery o f evidence that German sub- situation the normal Income tax rate On ths miniature lawn In the ¿enter . . . . ... _ .. . , marines have been in close touch with w iil begin with 6 per cent on the The health of King Ferdinand, of the 8h0re. ot ths 80-foot garden ths maiden wait­ first $4000, and 10 per cent on all In­ Bulgaria, who is at Nauheim, suddenly. Qne 8tory along this line was that ed until there fluttered down through comes between $4000 and $5000, the has become worse, according to a dis- tj,e captain of a coastwise vessel, be- ths morning mist a little streamer of surtax beginning at $5000. patch received in Geneva from Mun- ¡ „ K ordered to the submarine with his white material. It missed the garden Ich. His condition now is considered The surtax schedule, Chairman papers, saw on the commander’s desk Kitchin said probably would stand as and fell Into the roadway. critical. New \ ork newspapers o f the same agreed to, with the following per- Tha maiden nished out and picked An official dispatch received in dai.®' . w . centages: $5000 to $7500, 3 per cent; up bar love letter. Geneva ’ from Frankfort, Germany, Communication between the raiders $7500 to $10.000. 6 per cent; $10.000 to The neighbors’ curtains resumed says that Monday morning at 9 o’clock and the mainland is possible at scores $15,000, 10 per cent; $15,000 to $20.000, their stillness, and tha little episode that city was attacked by allied avi­ of Places along the Atlantic shore. 16 per cent; $20.000 to $30.000, 20 per ators who dropped 26 bombs, killing naval officers believe. The Irregular- cent; $30,000 to $40,000, 25 per cent; o f these grim days was closed. 12 persons and injuring five others. ity of the American coast at certain $40,000 to $50,000, 30 per cent; $50,000 to $60,000, 40 per cent; $60,000 to $70.- Discard Hun Muale Books. Twenty-two German airplanes were points make such possible. 000, 45 per cent; $70.000 to $80,000, 47 San Francisco.— Because several destroyed and six driven down out of Railroad Saving Is Hugs. per cent; $80.000 to $90,000, 48 per control Thursday according to the of­ songs In the music books used In Cali­ Washington, D. C — By reduction of cent; $90,000 to $100,000, 49 per cent; ficial communication on aerial opera­ fornia public achools savored o f Ger­ service, elimination of $100.000 to $200,000, 50 per cent; $200,- tions. Fifteen British airplanes are passenger man origin, with perhaps a trace o f missing as a result ot the air com bat YreiKht train duplication and pooling 000 to $300,000, 55 per cent; $300,000 tha wall-known German propaganda In of facilities under government opera to $500,000, 60 per cent; $600.000 to President Wilson has written an tlon, economies at the rate o f $25,000,- $1.000,000, 65 per cent, and $1,000,000 to them, tha atate board o f education baa autograph appeal on behalf of the 000 a year have been effected in the $6,000,000, 70 per cent, decreed that the nook* must go Into fourth liberty loan, to be published In AH Incomes over $5,000,000 would the discard. A new qertes has bean full-page newspaper advertisements northwestern operating district. Re- glonal Director Alsbton reported to pay a surtax o f 75 per cent, which. prepared for the pupils, which, It is and shown on moving picture screens « 2 ^ erH vMcAd0° . _, , added to the normal tax. would mak>' announced, la “ free from ail d e ra a a September 24. the opening day of the r ™ rflcials say the other six districts such incomes taxable to the extent of ta in t" three weeks’ loan campaign. are making similar records. i 85 per cent. COMPILED FOR YOU j | ,0UU vUNvtnllw 111 I EIGHT BILLION GOAL MAY HAVF FORCES ON SHORE