the end ok treason Restful Glasse». Dr. Sernones. (By W. J. It. Iti-m h) Headaches cured. D r. Se- Ttie time may rum« when rank disloy- ; moues’ Glasse». nlty • «'nn piny Into the Kaiser'« blo*t us save you money on that Whea Ionic forhearinic hand of Juatlce i _ Mr. Max M • Keeher of this J R Reeves who onprutM p next suit you buy. Come in and ahall On I ue^day Mr. Mrs. W. city and Miss Mildred H Scobee farm south of Corneliu- and who look over our all-wool suits for With i-ruahlng, vengeful weij(ht upon ¡F. Schultz and Mr. and Mrs of 973 East lOih street North, was one of the best sheriff- this tnen.— A. G Hoffman & Co. them fall. Charles Ruhe of Omaha drove in Portland, were married last Sun- county ever had> was in* town Ust vTs\rr«i w, . _. g ................. i Jim McGill, Clarence Kelsey the Schultz car to Albany. day afternoon at 4 o clock, the Monday. Mr. Reeves is planning NO 1 ES AN I) PERSONALS and Ha v y It Idwin, who are His friends Miss Vesta Greer returned last officiating clergyman bettig Dr to ^ sheriff again . . . employed in Portland, visited Monday evening from the Pacific Bates of the Pacific Lniver Hy. are glad of it and are predicting A dandy line of ladies house their families in th** city Sunday. beaches. wh*ave i Newport this city was the best man, while ° f (his city and vicinity that are with relatives in this city He at Kxpress offii-e and receive re- ... ... Miss Ruth Halvorson filled the spending the week in Portland is Miss Helen Hughe-, of r«>rt- plans ;o stay f6r two or three ward. 32 tf pos tion of bridesmaid. After the l ° ° great for enumeration. Of weeks. land, was ihe guest of her moth­ ¡ceremony letreshments w e r e ; course, the attraction are the Those little readers in the Kx- er. Mrs M. M. Hugh»«, the last A If red H M- ek, who recently served. meetings of the G. A. R. and W. press are money-makers for the of the week Came here from Saskatchewan, R C advertisers. Mr. Reeher is one of our best1 * ’ ,, . Dr Ward is con inuing his purchased on Monday a fine new , Litllf r’ d? ugh’ er of our Mrs Mary Sm'th, of Portland.1 practice and is prepared to answer Maxwell touting car' fmm M q young men He graduated from " th e Leland Stanfor«! University known druggist, will leave in visited friends in the city the first calls both day and night Office Allen, the hardwa about two weeks for Richvilie, last spring and since- then he has of the week. > i hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to where sne she win will teach Claude Davis is again at a i . been a field man in the service ol *»«*»inngiun. woere Al. of Washington, 18 tf B. K. L.M ont was out from 4 p. m. Moore’s Pacific avenue store, af- the Ag'¡cultural Depa tment, with -school during the coming year, Portland the las of the week The writer has a friend in Seat ter o r p.-nd ■> nding a week with his folks headquarters at thestation in inis Miss Littler is a graduate of the greeting friends. tie, a banker, Mr. R. W. Green at New heig and a week in the cit\. Waiving exemption he has btate Agricultural College at Cor- at a.uhn/i,„u Scappoose. in« &i i-nlisted for the Great Adventure val I is. Wanted: A young woman to by name. Mr Green has a sis­ mountains work, good wages. Addiess X, ter in Forest Grove. W»* should across the water. He expects to Mr and Mrs. C. A. Littler and A. Henry of Bandon, Coos like to know the name of the lady caie of the Express. go on the 26th inst io Camp daughter returned from Tillamook County, one of the G A. R. ve­ Monday evening They report Mr-. I. H. Smith is attending People jvho purchase their terans, is-pending the week with Mrs. Reeher will continue her had roads and rainy weather. the W R. C convention held in monuments of Lewi» & Co , Hills his old fri«nd, Mr. Parkins, of Portland this week. boro, save the commission usually this city. They both are attend­ studies in Pacific University this — Notice o f Sheriff’« Sale We deliver ice cream to any paid t«j agents, as this firm deals ing the Encampment at Portland fall. She is a senior in the insti- «lin-ctly with the customers. All M r. arid Mrs. Kelsev recently tut‘on She is known as a woman 1 Notice is hereby given that by virtue part of the city Tell it to phone monunn-niH guaranteed satisfac received ceived a a card card from their son an- of 8terlir,g worth and admirably of an execution, judgment 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf from their son an adapted to become the light of a cree -----— 1 —*— j out of tory 30 tf and order -■ o * f — «ale, issued nouncing his safe at rival in France Mr . J. E. Tumbleson and two household when the war shall be and under the seal of the Circuit Joseph Bucher, for many years He, by the way, is a graduate of over and her husband shall return Court o f Washington County, Oregon, children left SatU'day for a two a resident of the B inks section, the Annapolis Naval Academy w -eks’ visit at Wheeler. to me directed and dated July 30, 1918, but now a re»ld«*nt of the Soldieis’ and ha now climb'd through var­ upon a judgment rendered and entered J W. Frisbie and wife departed home, at Roseburg. visited Forest ious ranks to the position of A L ast W ord in said Court o n J u l y 19, 1918, Monday for ;.n extended visit in Grove friends Monday, enroute Lit u tenant-Commander. in favor o f George Kieni, plaintiff, and Nebraska and Iowa. R membering how hard it was to the G. A. R. encampment at against Bessie Bumworth—Story for him to find 'he news when he =------- Chancey -------- ^ Barney, ----- j . ------ - V. - Go to the Erickson garage, K. Portland. first came lo Forest Grove, the f>arney and East Side Slabwood Com of P. building, for your auto re­ Mr. Leroy Buinworth of this retiring -k his Pany’ corporation, defendants, defendants, fo fo retiring editor editor is is goii. gol g g to to a ask his P ar,y' ,a ,a corporation, The Express prints butter wrap­ pairs, accessories, tires, gas and city and Miss Geneva Story of friends .......................... to help the new e d itor un- 8um $700.00, with interest at th pers with non-poisonous ink. oils. Pa.-co, Wash., wi re man tied last i|| he gets his bearings. If each rate ‘ P*r cent Pe r annum fror Saturday at Vancouver Wash, subscriber The L elies Aid of the Metho­ subscriber would would call call up up the E x- ^anuary U 4®47, and the sum o f $75.0 The weliding was a quiet one, p,-..*., office (phone 821; once a attorney’s fees and the costs and dis­ dist church h. ld a -uccessful meet­ being a tended by but a few of vv«-ek, say Mondav, Tuesday or bursements herein taxed at $18.50 and ing t the Parsonage last Wednes the closest fri» nils of the high Wednesday, and tell the editor the costs o f and upon said writ, and day sale o f the Mr Burn- the news of his or her neighbor- commanding - me to make ----------- American rhymesters tied with contracting parties K M. Borgen, of Dilley.'who is indignation at German atrocities, worih is one of the most expert I hood, these subscribers would be following-described real property, - to- employed at one of 'he Portland are sharpening (heir shafts lor the stenographers in the state. He surprised to know what a load shipyards, spent Sunday with (L eal Airocious One Mr. John entered the serviceof the Govern they could take off the shoulders All o f Lot numbered Thirty-two (32) home folks. * son of this city firings in a poem ment and was sent to N w \ork of the busy edi or. Just remem- in the BRUGGER TRACT, containing 10 acres, more or less, «nu and snuaieu situated i in St»e the Round Oak wood and written by a Pennsylvania girl. soine time ago, and expecle«! to her tbftt the editor cannot know *v go to France al once. But l ncle i you all; that he has no way of sect'on 47, T. 1 N. R. l w. o f the Will coal range, with or without gas It is too long for r« p: eduction in wi. u Mer., according to the duly record» Sam discoveied his value as a knowing when you go away on a full, but a portion of it follows. , r u n » « m g « 11 j w u gv» a « o plate attachment, at the Gordon s tenographer and sent him back to ; visit o* entertain company unless p!a^ said BRUGGER TRACT, sai< Haul ware Store. LET HIM LIVE Portland, where he now has head­ >ou tell him. So take pity on a land being in Washington County, Ore A fine assortment of NuBone As long as the (towers their perfume quarters His duty it is to take stranger and don’t be so stingy gon. I will, on Saturday, August 31, 1918, down thesp eches of the orators about the news you know. And and College Gi I corsets and nov­ give, seni out by the Government and when you meet the new editor, at 10 o ’clock A. M.. at the south dooi elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ So long I ’d let the Kaiser live; Live and live for a million years to prepare the same for publica say “ Hello" to him; make him o f the Court house, in Hillsboro, Ore­ Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue. With nothing to drink but ‘Belgian lion. feel like you were glad he cume to gon. sell at public auction (subject t< A special collection was taken tears; The bride lived in Pa-co many Fores Grove. If you do this, redemption) to the highest bidder foi last Sunday morning in the Meth With nothing to quench his awful years. Last year she spent in he’ll be glad he came. From cash in hand, all the right, title anc odist church. About $75 was thirst interesi which the within naqped de­ raised to be applied on the church But the salted brine o f a Scotchman's Sea1 tie, wh'-re she attended col­ what the writer has seen of Mr. fendants, and each o f them had or lege. She is well fitted to make a Rawson. he has no hesitation is curse. debt. congenial and inspiring helpmate recommending him and his family June 12, 1915, the date of the mortgage I would let him live on a dipper each Picnic packages, paper plates, to the people of Forest Grove. herein foreclosed, or since said date for her husband. day, above described real paper napkins, p a p e r towels, oe good guuu to iu these int*se people, peupie, as you had in and to the ------- Mr and M«-s. Burn worth will Be Served with things on a golden tray, have been to the retiring editor ProPe »’ty> r,r any part thereof, to satii Thermos bottles, in fact every­ Served with everything but things to make their home in Portland. ____ i t ___:i.. ______,r..n .. ! , fv iudp-m#»nt ,in l..r on fy said execution. execution, judgment order an« thing for your outing at Liltler’s eat. Respertfullv, and family. r> They will visit friends in Forest decree, interest, costs and accruinj Pharmacy. W. C . Benfer. And I’d build him a castle by the sea. Grove next Sunday. ; costs. Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ As lovely a castle as ever could be; Dated this August 1, 1918. etables anti second-hand house­ Then I'd show him a ship fr o ii over GEO. ALEXANDER, hold good of the Economy store the sea, Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore gon. Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and As fine a ship as ever could be, H. T. BAG LEY, Attorney. Pacific avenue. 6 tf Laden with water cold and sweet. ' a and \ 1 A n / l o o r , .« r ,w i n ril | _ _ i Poets Sticks Pins In Kaiser’s Carcass When a man gets to wanting real tobacco comfort and lasting quality he can go straight to Real Gravely Chewing Plug every time. Remember, friends, you must Laden with everything good to eat. pay in advance to get the Express Yet scarce does she touch the silvered sands. at one dollar per year. The reg­ Scarce may he reach out his eager ular price is $1 50. We jmy you hands— 50c to collect fiom yourself. 0 Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ ner Pacific Avenue and Third street, for up-to «late hair cut- and shaves Also ice cream, cold drinks and lunches. Phone 181 M r. and Mrs Charles Ruhe of Omaha, Nebraska, arrived last week for a visit in the Schultz home. Mr. Ruhe is a brother of Mrs. Schultz’ . They are very favorably impressed with this country and with our climate. When they left Omaha the weath er was perfectly torrid; arrived here, everything was balmy and as near celestial as t hings mundane ever get. They think, therefore, that they will stay here for some time. Than a hot and molten shell Should change his Heaven into Hell And tho’ he’d watch by the wave- swept shore. Our Lusitania would rise no more. In No Man’s Land, where the Irish fell, I’d start the Kaiser a private Hell, I’d jab him, stab him, give him gas. And in each wound I ’d pour ground glass. I’d march him out where the brave boys died. Out past the lads he crucified. In the fearful gloom o f his living tomb There is one thing I’d do before 1 was through— I d make him sing in a stirring manner The wonderful words o f "The Star Spangled Banner.” First pub. Aug. 1; last, Aug. 29. DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. VOLLMER OFFICE In First National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 Peyton Brand « Real Gravely Chewing Plug W 10c a p ou ch —and worth it G ravely lasts so m uck longer it costs no more to cheta than ordinary plug Ì P. B. C r iT ilj Tobacco Company Dan villa, Virginia Office 33; D. D. & M. B. BUMP Attorneys at Law Loans and Real Estate D. D. BUMP, i Residence ; Forest Grove, i Phone 444 J. M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsbor Offices -H ILLSBORi N . HOFFMAN Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregoi