( m ; * r » I Ni OR CONCRETE. lw i»|in fmmrm. «1 law. On. m 4. Sikaa. On. FRANK C. BURRELL CO. UwU Build ing O REG O N Hlmplft In construction, durable, de­ pendable and efficient In operation. CUTTERS A M EG. J E W E L E R S J e w e lry and w atch rep airin g M iliar’ *, *66 W ash. Ml . MaJaatlr T h e a te r lllrlg AUTO A C C ESS O R IES M>,lor», gears, bearing#. w h .f l« , axlaa, and trailer# W a wrack a lt m akaa o f cara and aall th alr parta a t h alf p ric e ,i D avid M odes Co., N. B ro ad w ay and Flanders. M oto r P arta M fg C o , 126 Burnalda 8t. P a rta fo r all rara a t h a lf prtca. C H IR O P R A C T O R — D R U O L E S S M IN T TREAT- DR. R AYM O N D E. W A IT E R S Acculi" and (Tirante Caaea. Chi­ ropractic ia the m e t Helentlfte met Inal of treating dlaeaee. 906-4 Hwetlaml Ridir.. I orner Sth and WsahlnirUm atraate. P OO A N P C A T H O S P IT A L Dr. O. H. H uth m an, V e te rin a ria n H o s ­ pital, 4IS E a s t 7th St. Phon e E a s t 1847, 11-1862. P H _Y S I(C IA N ____ R heum atism , C onstip ation, N e r v e and Htom arh trouble. Dr. E ln a Sorenson, 608 p an am a Bldg. irtltt ia i nr tarmar;. «rite u Drs. M acP b eraon A W illiam s. No. 122>4 G rand A va. A c u te and chron ic dlaeaaea, rheum atism , g o ite r and fe m a le trou b le«, treated by e le c tric ity . F IN A N C IA L — M O R TG A G E LO A N S 1.00 $ Witksal hill Wdk hill Weekly Rales Monthly Rales N O R T O N IA H O T E L P O R TLA N D . ORE. Central location. Beautifully Furnished Excellent Cafe. F o r M o rtg a g e Loan s aee O R E G O N I N ­ V E S T M E N T A M O R T G A G E C O , Stock E xch a n g e R l d g . T h ir d and Y am h ill H trerts, P ortlan d , Oregon. FOOT T R O U B L E S $1,50 11th and Stark. _________________ Dr. O. O. F letch er, 612 M orga n Bldg. Corns, Bunions, In g ro w in g toen ails, and arch sp ecialist. M A T E R N IT Y HOM E M r » H o ffm a n , m id w ife. $80.00 Includes e v e r y th in g S42 G antenbeln nve E 8608 M IL K A N D R E S T C U R E — T o build health and stren gth and cure diseases. The M oore Sanitariu m . O ffic e 808 S ellin g B uilding, P ortla n d , Oregon. O P T O M E T R IS T A N D O P T IC IA N G LAH H E H A T ^ A S A v T n O ^ I s o lic it your pu tron age on the basis o f ca t able s e rv ic e and rengonable charges. Thousands o f sa tis fie d patrons. A tr ia l w ill convince, ('h a s W . G oodm an, o p to m etrist, 209 MOr- I rtson ________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N Dr. R. B. N o rth ru p —808 M orgon B u ild ­ in g C atarrh , C a ta rrh a l dearness and K hrum atlam . N e rv o u s and ch ron ic dla- l aaa— . P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P g U T IC S I 2 - Z D r R A^ Phillips," ¿US H ro a d w a jT B ld g ! D isord ers o f th * stom ach, liv e r, kidneys, bow els, go itre , high blood pressure and fe m a le disorders. ___________________________ 1 # ( » ■ Il J . ■ ) > SA N IT A R IU M S AVA. N S M I I W . H . W A L L IN G F O R D , S T A T E D IS T R IB U T O R Liberty Six 522 Alder Premier Six Streei. P O R TLAN D , CRE Are You In Trouble? The Problems of Life: __________________________ F a s t Hide S an itariu m , 868 H a w th o rn e A va. M o d e m ly equipped I Tofeaalonal ears M i . i i . nt>- About 250,000,000 pound* of honey term opens Sep. 17. W rite for bulletins. are produced unnuitlly In the United F IV E D A Y S ’ FREE T R I A L on guar- ftnteed Rebuilt ma­ Hint c m , California being the leading chines. We are al- »tut« lu the production of this sweet. Honey production In this country WOODSTOCK could be Increased largely—ten or W rit* for booklet. twenty times the present yield—with out an appreciable Increase In the cost Rdsnil Tfsrwntrr («., o f production, for the raw umterlul— 304 Oak M-. r«tl»4. Or. the nectar In flowers 1* at certain times practically unlimited. To pro­ duce more honey we Just need more colonies o f bees pro|wrly managed. Sixth and Everett Sts.. Portland. Ore. The prnponltiou Is very simple to state, hut decidedly difficult to execute. Suc­ Four blocks from Union DoooL Two blocki from New i'oatofbce. Modem and fireproof cessful beekeeping requires a high de­ Over 100 outside rooms. Ratos 76c to 12.00. gree o f skill, speclul training, und CH AS. C. HO PK IN S, Manager. faithful, persistent attention to the '•«»loess, so any marked increase In N w Both A b a o te t»!; Nucce»sful beekeeping hinges upon ed­ 200 Room « 100 Bath» D ep ot» F ireproof ucational work nmong present aud pro spec five beekeepers. Losses by Disease. Losses o f bees by disease, principal ly foulbrood, range during the summer Ceree* Sixth end H ey« St*.. Portland. Ore. Tom nothing to 10 |>er cent. Winter LOU HIMES. Manager. losses o f bees range from 10 to 15 per RATE8:-76e to XL SPE C IAL—Week .’or Month cent, und In some stair*» the loss was almost 50 per cent during the winter ADDED EARNINGS o f 1010-17. Winter losses may be B E H N K E - W A L K E R , a t P ortlan d. N o r th ­ w e s t’ s bisrgeat business colle g e o v e r ­ gn-atly reduced by more ca,eful at w helm ed by calls fo r trained youn g men tentlon. The honey production busi­ and women. E n roll now. T a k e a course a position assured. S ten ogra ph y te le ­ ness, commercially, is getting more and and grap h y. accounting, shorthand, b ack in g, inure In the hands of specialists be­ se cre ta ria l etc. w r it e fo r catalogue. cause disease and winter losses dis­ M E N , W O M E N — Y ou n g or old. Make b ig courage many who nre untrained and money. New article for home canning. Sells without talk. W rit* now. Mutual Novelty unable to prevent these losses by prop­ M f*. Co.. Tacoma. Wash. er treatment. Honey became established some IM i c I i Un Tims I Ask me how you car, make w a iic HU IIHIC. «JO to 86 daily. Carycroft Co. years ago as a seasonal product rtther Box 281, Portland, Ore. than a staple food for use throughout the year. The hulk of the honey was Ancient “ Breadfather.” produced by farmers as a side line, Of what great importance the loaf, the beea were given little atteutlon and which before 1200 was the name of the honey wus produced ut little ex bread, was a daily food can be In­ iK-nse. The crop was marketed at low ferred from its relation with the word prices during the autumn and stocks “ lord.” For lord, A. S. hlaford (hlaf, were usually exhausted during the win­ bread, loaf; weard, a keeper), is prob­ ter. There was little demand nnd ably a contraction of blaf-weard, liter­ pructlcnl!y no supply, during the ally ‘‘loaf-ward’’ and therefore, origin­ ally signified the keeper or dispenser spring nnd summer. But honey Is now of bread— In short, the breadfather. to hundled in a large way as a staple food whom the members of the family had product. to apply for their daily bread. Produced In Three Forms. Honey Is produced In three forms: To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Comb honey, In one-pound sections as Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They xcgu- commonly retailed; extracted or liquid late liver, bowels and stomach. honey, which has been removed from Never. the comb; hulk or "chunk” honey. In W e’ve noticed one thing. Spontane­ which the comb Is more or less mixed with the liquid honey. From 1914 to ous combustion never starts a fire in 1917 the production of liquid honey the kitchen stove.— Browning's Maga­ zine. hns Increased In proportion to the com­ mercial output of comb and chunk honey. The bees are able to produce a U E y e s in fls m e d jb y ^ w p o - larger quuntlty of honey, If they are sure to not compelled to build a comb for It. nnd when the comb Is emptied nnd re­ placed In the hive the bees nre able. In w just Eye Comfort. At periods o f heavy nectar secretion, to D ruggì *ts or by mail 50c per Bottle. Merlos Druggists proceed Immediately to the storage of l ys Salve in Tube« 25c. orBookof IfcsEft more honey. TICS in ‘ ta ., New Houston Hotel j Hotel Hoyt Granulated Eyelids, Eyes Keeping Manure Busy. The only effective way to keep ma­ nure busy at Its nppolnted work Is to get It back to the land at the ear­ liest possible moment Ideal For Baby’s Skin Hides, Pelts, CS £ & * Wool & M o ta 1« rat al ym km. Write ter hieM'aaQkteM Tap* T H E H. F. N O R TO N ! COM P A N T , S H IP Eyesight Specialist Beat Equipped O ffice» and Laboratory. A ll work ffuarantaed. Dr. Wheat 207 Morgan Bldg.. Wash­ ing at Broadway. D E A L E R S U SED C A R Clearing House. I Hell all makes of cars. Ixiw prices: easy terms. Liberty bonds taken. Every Car Guaranteed. Lewis E. Obye, Gen. Mgr. Grand Aee. and East Stark St. Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.— Shakespeare. setts last summer nnd which Is one o f the most destructive Insect pests o f corn, Is reported to be spreading rapidly to other neighboring localities. The most vigorous and energetic-ac­ tion possible will be required on the part o f farmers nnd gardeners, county agents and entomologists If the pest Is to he eradicated or satisfactorily controlled. It Is known that shipments o f Infest­ ed ears of sweet corn were shipped last year to prnctlcally all the New England states before the presence of the worm was discovered. Corn grow­ ers nre warned to be on the alert to discover this pest In growing corn or within the stalks of last year’s crop, nnd gardeners are urged to watch for It lu such vegetables us tomatoes, You recklesa men and women who are pestered w*th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to uae a drug called freexone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness la relieved and soon the entire com or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the flngera. Freezone dries the moment It ia ap­ plied, and aimply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir­ ritating the surrounding tlseue or ■kin. A small bottle of freexone will chit very little at any of the drug stores, but w ill positively rid one’a feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. I f your druggist hasn’t any freezone he can get It at any wholesale drug bouse for you.— Adv. Largest Hens’ Eggs. The largest hens’ eggs are produced in Manchuria, those weighing one- sixth of a pound being common. W HEN I T L O O K S D A R K to a n y w e a k o r a ilin g w om an. Dr. P ie r c e ’s F a v ­ o rite P re s c rip tio n com es to her help. F o r “ fe m a le co m ­ p la in ts," p a i n s . In fla m m a tion or ulceration , b e a r­ in g dow n sen sa­ tions, a n d a ll c h ro n ic w e a k- nesses a n d d e ­ ran gem en ts, th is Is th e proven rem edy. I t ’ s the only one so sure th a t It can be cru arm n- teed. “ F a v o r ite P re s c rip tio n ” w ill b en e­ fit or cure. In the case o f e v e r y tired and a fflic te d wom an. A n e a s ily procured v e g e ta b le p ill Is m ade up o f M ay-ap ple, th e d ried ju ic e o f the lea ves o f aloes, and th e root o f jalap , m ade Into a tin y p ellet and coated w ith sugar. I t w as fir s t put In to rea d y -to -u s e form b y D r. P ie rc e nfearly 50 y ea rs ago. A lm o s t e v e r y d ru g store in th is cou n try sells th ese v e g e ta b le p ellets in v ia ls fo r 25c— sim p ly ask fo r Dr. P ie r c e ’s P lea sa n t P ellets. T h e y h ave D r. R. V . P ie rc e stam p.— A d v. To Apply a rusty cools a moving and the Remove Rusty Screws. a red-hot Iron to the head of Bcrew and hold till the iron trifle. Immediately after re­ the iron use the screw driver screw will turn easily. Comfort Baby's Skin When red, rough nnd itching with hot baths o f Cuticura Soap and touches o f Cuticura Ointment. This means sleep for baby and rest for mother. For free samples address, “ Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston.” At druggists and by malL Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Composition of Mica. Mica, so named from its being easily divided into glistening scales, consists of silica and alumina, associated with magnesia, soda and lime in varying proportions. Thus there are potash mica, consisting of silica, alumina and potash, and magnesia mica, in which the alumina is partially replaced by magnesia, passing— as the proportion of. magnesia increases— into soft talc, which is chiefly composed of silica and magnesia. TO ALL WOMEN WHOARE ILL Cuticura Soap GET W ELL THOUSANDS OF SU FFERERS W HO Weeds Become Asset. H A V E F A IL E D to g e t r e lie f In an y oth er w a y a re in v ite d A rank growth of weeds becomes to In v e s tig a te C h iro p ra ctic m ethods, w hich are p erm a n en tly c u rin g hundreds e v e ry an asset when plowed under before day. they make seed. T H E B E S T O F C H IR O P R A C T IC D IA G N O S T IC IA N S w ill th orou gh ly exa m in e you, m ak e a co m ­ p lete d iagn osis o f you r case and d irect INJURY 8Y C O R N S T A L K BORER 15th and Johnson Sts., Portlftnd.rOre you r treatm en ts. Seattle, Wash. Bellingham. Wash. W IT H O U T A N Y CO ST TO YOU W HATEVER Farmers and Gardener« Urged to C H IR O P R A C T I C w ill p erm a n en tly cur# Watch for Destructive Peet and 96 per cen t o f all diseases. Veal, Pork, Beef, P A C IF IC C H IR O P R A C T I C C O L L E G E . Report Appearance. Poultry, Butter, Egg« C orn er o f P a rk and Y am h ill, P o rtla n d , Or. H O S P I T A L In con n ection w ith college. and Farm’ Produce, W ill hnndle o u t-o f-to w n p a tie n ts a t a (P re p a re d by the United States D ep art­ to the Okt Reliable Everdlss house with s m ost reason ab le rate, In o rd e r to show m ent o f A g ricu ltu re.) record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and w h a t C h iro p ra ctic can do. A d d ress all be assured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. The European cornstalk borer, which com m u nications to F. M. C R O N K H ITE , DR. O. W . E L L I O T T , P res. was discovered In eastern Massachu­ 45-47 Front Street, Portland, Orecon Portland's Leading With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain - ov - lamo omm c O M P L c rc l in k o r « T r a c F IL IN G D t V I C t U A N O S V » T * « S V»_ _ _ _ E LE C T R IC -T H E R A P Y TWtfi « T H I A t *41 High Degres of 8klll, Special Train­ ing, Faithful and Psrslstent Atten­ K A N T K IC K K R A N K tion, It Required for Marked T O R F O R D C A K H : — K A N T - K IC K - K it A N K c^n be attach ed to F ord cara by Success. anyone In IS m inutes W h an attached you can crank your ca r w ith ab solu tely no fe a r o f kick back. Aak y o u r H a r d ­ w a re or O a ra g e man about It. I f your local d ea ler cannot supplv jrnu, w rite d ire c t fo r p ric e s and fu ll Inform ation . AG EN TS W A N TE D C A. C L O Y E D . SHIS 4Sth A va. H E.. P ortlan d , Oregon. FOR Beekeepers Can Add to Supply of O f f i c e F u r n i t u r e & A p p u a n c e s PRINTING :: E N G R A VING BOOKBINDING This Sugar Substitute at Small Cost. L O N G A H I L V A — 461 H n y th o m e Ava. A u to W rarkara. W a wrack cara and aall good parsa % Hat prlca. Hae ua fo r Kn- glnaa. M a g n a te«, C arburetors, ate DRUOLESS MODERN APPLIANCE CO.. Seattle. Wn. September 5, 6, 7, 1918, Portland, Oregon. g V E M V T M IN O AGATE D E L C O -U G H T Thu complulu Electric Light and P ow er Plant TRACTOR and IMPLEMENT DEMONSTRATION The biggest Tractor Demonstration ever held in the Pacific Northwest. Indications are that there will be over 75,000 visitors at the Demonstration. D I R E C T O R Y BULK G R A IN ELEVATOR Any Size. None Too Small; None Too Large. WOOD PORTLAND . INCREASED HONEY 'GREAT CROP DESIRAbU FRED D UN DEE M O T O R C A R R E P A IR IN G MACHINE W ORK M A G N E T O SERVICE S T A T IO N A L L KINDS OF W E L D IN G CYLINDER GRINDING P R O M P T A T T E N T IO N T O A L L ORDERSI Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. P. N. U. No. 33, 1918 T h u W om an Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ table Compound— Her Personal Experience. McLean, Neb. — “ I want to recom­ mend Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Compound t o a l l women who suffer from any functional disturbance, as it has done me more ood than all the octor’g medicine. Since taking it I have a fine healthy baby girl and have gained in health and strength. My hus­ band and I both praise your med­ icine to all suffering women.” — Mrs. J oh n K o p p e l m a n n , R. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound, has been restoring women o f America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements, in­ flammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or ‘ ‘ the blues” to give this successful remedy a trial. For special suggestions in regsnl to vour ailment write Lydia E. Pinkhnm Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result o f its long experience is at your service. f