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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
r o*o*o*o*o*o*o«o«o*o*o*o* A L E T T E R TO T H E C OUN O TRY F O L K S FROM O U N C L E SAM c F 0 C H S P O IL S H U N 'S P L A N S B ILLIO N B U D G E T TOO S M A L L STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. Foe’ s Work o f Four Months Undone Amount Necessary for Railroads Held In Three Weeks. to He $1,097,31)8.000. III Oil TAX POLICY Washington, D. C.— Tho so called With the Freuch Army In France.— The situation since the battle of the biliiou dollar budget approved early Avre shows a change, which for rapid this year by Director-General McAdoo • By HIRAM MOE GREENS. q tty and extent has rarely been ap for railroad Improvements and equtp- • Editor Woman'« World. q proached in military history. Marshal inent has proved insufficient to meet Answer to British Shows Ob Koch's strategy and masterly tactics war needs and It has been Increased •o*o*o*o*o*o*o«o«o*o*o*o*o W. N. Clark, of the North Bend bo* have In three weeks wrested from the to $1,097,398,000. or $156.000,000 more factory, has closed a lease for 15 years noxious Nature. Dear Nephews and Nieces: Germans what required four months than the original aggregate of budgets Even before you open this letter I on the Southern Oregon mill and yard for them to obtain at a cost variously of all federally controlled roads. This at Empire, where the mill will be re estimated at from 700,000 to 1,000,000 was disclosed Saturday iu a detailed know that you will know what It Is constructed and placed In shape for men. report of capital expenditures author- about. Some one of you— Lemuel service. The immediate results o f the coun lied to date. Jones I guess It was— «aid the last time Moat of the lncreaae was made nec Hunting parties who have been In ter offensives which w ill have the I was out to your house for Sunday the mountains along the coast at New greatest bearing on subsequent opera essary by the growing need for cars dinner, that 1 hardly ever came around port since the opening of the deer sea tions are the clearing of the Chateau- and locomotives. Originally $486.000,- and almost never wrote, unless It was son are coming in wet and bedraggled Thlerry pocket, ending the menace to 000 waa authorized for purchase of about money matters. Well, I guess from the continuous rainfall since Epernay and Paris; the liberation of new rolling stock, but this has been Carranza Announces He Declines to that Lem Is about right, but as the fel August 15. Montdtdier, ending the menace to raised to $665,686,000 by huge orders Recognize Right o f Foreign Na low said when some one offered him Amiens; the freeing of the important placed by the railroad admlulatratlou. The run of calmon In the Umpqua For additions and betterments. In- sympathy because he lost a couple -of this year is unusually heavy, and the eastern railroad lino from Paris to tions to Enter Protest». fingers In a corn shredder, “ You can’t prospects are for a good seasou. ac Chalons and the equally Important eluding new yard and Industry tracks. terminal facilities, bridge« and sta feel any worse about It than I do." cording to George E. Campbell, of Gar northern line from Paris to Amiens, I'm sorry that this unfortunate af diner, who is engaged In fishing op reMoring to *he allies means of com tions, the budgots of Brat-class roads munication which give them enor provided originally for $433,000,000. fair that we are In Is taking so much erations there. Washington, D. C.— The Mexican mously greater ease In future move This has been pared down to $404,000,- money. But I ’m glad right down to government has made an unsatisfac 000, chargeable to capital accounts, No payments w ill be required of ments of troops. the very bottom o f my heart that we firms coming under the workmen's These successes render impossible but additional work costing $106.000,- tory reply to the protest of Oreat Brit can raise the money to see the whole compensation act during September, any rupture of the line which would 000 has been authorized, to be charged ain against taxes ou oil properties. thing through. I know you w ill raise that month having been declared an separate the French armies of the to operation ezpenses. The $20,000,- So far from mitigating the severity “ exempted month” by the industrial center from those to the east, or a 000 approved early this year for ex- It— but we’ll come to that later. rupture of the junction between the tensions and branch tracks has been of the original decree of February 27 The other day I was In New York accident commission. raised to $35,000,000. last, imposing new taxes and restric and I went out to see one o f those big Albany College will open its next French and British. The most disastrous consequence to The $1,097,000,000 now authorised tions upon tbs foreign owners and transports for soldiers. There were school year on September 23, instead the Germans, aside from the heavy for additions, betterments and equip little tugs all around her waiting to of on September 16. as originally plan losses they sustained in men and ma ment does not include an additional operators of oil properties In Mexico, get her headed straight Into the stream ned. The opening has been delayed terlal, is the collapse of their plan to $125.652,000 which will be considered the reply of the Mexican government and further down, near the Statue of because of the demand for help In har drive wedges Into the allied lines and a« part of railway operating expenses. to the British protest against that de Liberty some battleships were waiting vesting crops o f all kinds. the subsequent widening and Joining The huge program of railway Im cree has. In the opinion of officials to convoy the transport. It was an In Under the budget of the Applegrow which would have threatened general provement Indicated by these new fig ures is now being carried out, partly here, only added to its obnoxious na teresting sight. It meant so much. And ers’ association of Hood River, just dislocation. with the aid of an army of engineers, ture. adopted by the directors, a maximum Marshal Foch's strategy In reducing I couldn’t keep my Adam's apple In Borne time ago American Interests. Its place, and there was a kind of a charge o f 26 cents per box for apples the salient wedg« s wrested the Initia laborers, masons, builders, steam mist before my eyes— until through the and 10 cents for pears may be made tive in operations from the Germans, shovels, telephone linemen and track-1 with the knowledge and sympathetic layers in thousands of places a lo ng th n support of the state department, sent tears I was trying to hold back. I saw for handling the fruit the coming year. at once obliging them either to order a general jetreat to a strong line such rail lines. The biggest single Item in representatives to Mexico with the Eb Root’s boy, George, looking over The prohibition party has filed the as the Somme or to engage reserves. the additions and betterments consists purpose of arriving at an amicable ad the rail on the top deck. The last following certificates of nominations The enemy adopted the second alter of yard trackB, sidings and Industry justment o f the grave issues arising time I had seen him he was cultivat and acceptance with Secretary Olcott, native which, having failed, makes tracks. from the determination of the Mexi ing corn on that ten acre piece down all as candidates for representative eventual retirement immensely more The actual outlay under the tm can government to enforce this new on the state road next to Asa Haf- from Multnomah county: Joseph K. difficult. provement program has been about oil decree. Hart, Eugene E. Smith, William F. It wan hoped that In this unofficial The first phase of the battle of the $400,000,000, officials estimate. Actual ford’s. Somehow when I saw that boy up Amos, Herbert Gordon and H. L. Idle- A vre finds the French with a footing roports show $221,914.000 up to July way. If the Mexican government was upon Thiescourt plateau, west o f Noy 1, including $102,000,000 for additions disposed to be at all fair In Its treat there I didn’t want to cry. My blood man. Whether Salem shall have a machine on, which has vital importance In fu and betterments, $111.000,000 for cars ment of the Americana who had in got warm Instead o f cold and every ture operations. The Germans must and locomotives and $8,000,000 for ex vested so heavily In the development muscle In my body was as taut as a gun company or not as a part of the of Mexican oil properties. It would be either capture thla at high cost, if tensions. Oregon National Guard w ill come up violin string. My heart Just swelled In possible to arrange a new scale of tax they can, or abandon Noyon, which before the general staff at a meeting my body. In all my life I never felt so ation that would be profitable to the to be held In Portland this week, ac means the fall of Koye and Lassigny, proud and so much like being able to cording to a statement made by Adju which already are under Imminent Mexican government without being fight, ns I did then. confiscatory. tant-General William s to Governor menace of capture. Following discouraging reports from The disaster which menaced General And I said to myself, “There goes Withycombe. these personal representatives of the von Hutier's army has been averted Eb Root’s boy. George. He Is only one The first carload of Bartlett pears for the moment. The few narrow pas oil Interests, the letter of Secretary boy In a million and more that are harvested at Hood River this season Aguilar, In answer to the British pro over there now. But there are others was shipped east Monday night. The sages which now are open for the The farmer Is the most essential test. Is taken as conclusive evidence like him. and the folks back home they fruit was packed in refrigerated rooms withdrawal of his stores are so bar that the Mexican government has not rassed by the bombs of aviators and factor in winning the war. will stand back of him, and all, every and shipped to market in iced cars. The patriotism of the American in any degree changed its original pur the fire of heavy artillery that prompt thing. that he and his comrades, and The total Bartlett crop w ill reach ap escape is impossible, rendering prob farmer has been tested and proven, pose to carry out the decree, not only the ships and the men and the flag that proximately 50 carloads. More than able a desperate effort by the Ger the evidence comes from public o ffi as to English properties, but as to 25 carloads of D’Anjous w ill be har mans to cling to their 1914 lines. files over them stood for." cials high in authority who state that American and all other foreign Inter I could not feel and I do not feel vested. our soldiers and sailors at home, ests. abroad and on the firing line are be Regarding tho contention In the now. that the folks back home would A new two-story brick business block ing well fed. Not only has the Am eri Mexican note that the decree applies waste anything that might help t° on the corner of Sixth and Main street, can farmer produced quantities of food equally to M exlcansfes well as to for bring George Root back. I know Just to be constructed by H. L. Bristol, is for the American army, he has also eigners. It is pointed out that this Is as well as I know my own name that the latest evidence o f the development produced quantities of food for all the only technically true, as nearly all the of Klamath Falls. The ground floor George Root and the boys like him allies, and upon the American farmer oil properties are foreign owned, and would not offer themselves as the su o f the building w ill be occupied by London.— Action suggestive of an ul depends principally the production of Mexican« consequently are unaffected preme sacrifice to our cause, and those Kay Sugarman, clothier. The second timatum to the Bolshevik government food that will make It possible to keep by the decree, which amounts to 100 floor of the new building w ill be de for whom they were fighting be small is reported to have been taken by the up the fight until victory Is won. per cent Increase in the tax. beside voted to office quarters. and niggardly about doing their part. allied powers. This move, which is The serious question that now con containing features that look to the In the first four days that Albany’s referred to in Moscow advices by way fronts the farmer Is what can quickest actual confiscation of a large propor During this coming year It will be necessary for us to spend twenty-four Canning Kitchen has been open it has of Berlin, has taken the form of a and best be done to replace man and tion of the forelgn-owned oil lands. billion dollars. It Is a tremendous sum. prepared 193 quarts of canned fruit demand for an explanation of the war animal power that is being so rapidly and vegetables and 42 glasses of Jelly. talk recently attributed to Premier Le- taken from the farms. As the army But Is not too much to pay for a world These supplies are being prepared for Increases in number, the necessity for A U G U S T 24 IS S E T AS at peace, with us all as free as God use in m ilitary cantonments, and the nine. The diplomatic representatives of Increased food production becomes Intended we should be. R E G IS T R A T IO N DAY work is under the direction o f the wo the allies are said to have handed a more and more Imperative. But remember that our total annual men’s committee for Linn county of collective note to W ar Minister Trotz- Something like two million men and Washington, D. C.— Registration on Income, all o f us put together. Is only the state council of defense. ky demanding within three days an a million and a half working animals Saturday, August 24. o f all youtha who about fifty billion dollars, and so It Is explanation of Prem ier Lenine's threat have been taken from the farms. have reached the age of 21 since the On the same farm on which a large that Russia would “ declare war going to take about half o f all our In It is quite evident that the draft age second registration last June 5 was come this next year. That means that rattlesnake was killed a few weeks against Anglo-French imperialism.’’ is going to be extended to Include ordered Wednesday by Provost Mar ago— the farm o f James Nichols, near you must stop all waste. Our waste male citizens from eighteen to forty- shal General Crowder under a procla Plainview— a blowsnake 46'i- inches in It was reported on Monday that Pre five years of age. This act will make mation by the president. The purpose runs into the millions. You must stop length was killed Friday. This blow- that waste and then you must put 4hls snake was the first snake o f the -kind mier Lenine and W ar Minister Trotz- a further enormous decrease in farm Is to add quickly to the almost ex hausted clans 1 to meet army draft saving with other money you have In ever seen in that vicinity, and was the ky had fled from Moscow to the naval help. stronghold of Kronstadt, and that the A truth that every American recog calls in September. Liberty Bonds. It Is the surest, safest largest snake of any kind ever killed Bolshevik government would follow nizes and is proud of Is, that Am eri About 150,000 young men will regls Investment you can make. You have near there. them there. can Ingenuity has always been able ter. Most of them will qualify for my personal guarantee and you know Owing to the difficulties of commu- to meet every absolute public neces class 1 and therefore will join the Comparison of the piece and day I have never failed on anything I have work systems was made by Governor nication with Russia, it seemB prob sity and so it is that American ability army probably within a month after ever attempted, and though I hardly Withycombe relative to the convicts able that the above dispatch has been has come to the aid of the agrlcui- their names are recorded. need to add It— I never will fall. employed at the penitentiary flax delayed In transit and refers to an turists in these strenuous times. It was announced that the suggested Power Farming Machinery has date, September 5, would not be the Adjust your affairs to meet these plant, with all of the odds favoring the event of several days ago. Lenine's declaration was made prior reached that stage of perfection that day for the registration of men from new conditions. I know I can depend piece work system for that institution upon you. Gorge Root and every boy at least. He declares that the convicts to August 9, when American Consul it can now be successfully used on all 18 to 45, even If congress passes the In a U. S. uniform knows that you will who produce work on the plan of a Poole at Moscow Informed the state classes o f farms from the largest bill, because several o f the largest department at Washington that Le ranch to the small vineyard or or states In the union hold primary elec do your part, and so do the mother’s straight 25 cents per day for their la bor take their time at the job and nine had told a gathering of soviets chard. tions on that date. sons o f Britain. France, Belgium and stretch it out as long as possible, while that a state o f war existed between Tractors that will do good work are There w ill be no new drawing to Italy— our allies— know you will do the piece-work men work at feverish the Russian government and the en now manufactured ranging from a five establish the order of liability of the your part. tente. speed. to seventy five horsepower machine. new registrants. The provost marshal- Be brave-hearted about It. It Is a They are made in variety of size, form general's office announced that the A. A. Schramm has been appointed Anna Held, Actress, Dead. big thing, a tremendous thing, but It and construction that make them 1200 numbers drawn for the June 6 by Superintendent of Banks Bennett New York.— Anna Held, the actress, usable on all kinds of tillable soil. has been the big things, the great registrants would be sufficient to cov as bank examiner to fill the vacancy By the use o f tractors as motive er the August 24 registrants In the sacrifices that have made us a great caused by the departure of E. Fritz died here Monday after an illness of people and have bullded our great na Slade to enter the army. The salary several months. Miss Held had been power, one person can now till from largest district In the country. tion that we hope may be greater still is $1800. Mr. Schramm is from Salem ill since April o f a rare malady known five to twenty times more land, can as myeloema, a disintegration o f the do very much more work where power In the eyes o f the world and greater and was formerly employed in a bank spinal marrow, and her condition was is required on the farm and do It all B 0 L S H E V IK I V IO L A T E in Salem, but has been connected with reported several times as critical. She still to our God In his heaven. much easier than could be done by A LLIE S ' CONSULATES Talk It over. Help each other. I the banking department for some time. rallied repeatedly, however, and until the old methods. know- you will all do your part. attacked by pneumonia a few weeks Y h e Buehner Lumber company of Because of farm tractors and tractor Washington, D. C.— Official dis I am North Bend plans to erect a large ago was regarded as on the road to implements men who thought they had patches from American Consul-Gener With love and pride fo r you all, building near its plant to serve as a recovery. passed the age of active labor and al Toole in Moscow lifted the curtain women are beginning to replace the for a moment and revealed an amaz barracks for additional soldiers which Your Japan Defied by Lenine. men who have been called from the ing train of events In that city. it proposes to employ. The company UNCLE SAM. London.— A dispatch to the Ex farms into war service. Consul-General Poole, after witness is the largest, employer of soldier la The great Tractor and Implement ing the violation of the French and bor in the county and will, when it change Telegraph from Copenhagen Record Mackerel Price. secures the additional number, be em says the Fetrograd newspaper Pravda, Demonstration w ill be held at Port British consulates and the arrests of Gloucester, Mass.—The unprecedent ploying fully 60 per cent soldiers in organ o f the Bolsbevlkl, announces land, Oregon, September 5th, 6th and the consuls general and their staffs, ed price o f $29.75 a barrel has been the operation of its plant. that following a stormy meeting of the 7th, 1918. destroyed his code book and papers reached here for salt mackerel. The workmen’s and soldiers’ deputies. You will see In actual operation and turned the affairs of the Ameri To offset the hay shortage which Premier Lenine sent an ultimatum to «ractically every tractor manufactured can consulate over to the Swedish record midsummer price was reached consul, at the same time demanding recently when $27.10 per barrel was threatens the stockmen of the Klam Japan concerning Japan's Intervention or sold on the Pacific Coast. The Big, the Medium, the Small safe conduct from the country for him paid. Since then the advance has ath diatrict this coming winter, the in Siberia. ranchers operating along the shores self and his associates. sized tractors. * been steady. of the big Upper Klamath Lake are 972 Officers Discharged. Some with wheel drive, some with French and British citizens have putting up thousands of tons of wild Washington, D. C.— Secretary Baker creeper drive. been arrested and the Bolshevikl have hay, which has never heretofore been informed the senate Monday that of Open 8uggr Bowls Taboo. The right size for orchard use, for announced they would hold them as Boston, Mass.— Open sugar bowls on cut. This hay, which consists of a 16,971 national guard officers, 972 have vineyard use, for use on the big grain hostages because of the attack on the Soviet government by British and tables In public eating places In Mas variety of wild grasses, is not as nu been discharged since the guard was ranches. Behind the tractors will be pulled French troops at Archangel. sachusetts were ordered eliminated tritious as some o f the cultivated pro called Into federal service. O f that ducts, but it w ill be eaten with a number 464 were discharged upon the Moldboard and Disc Plows, Peg-tooth, Members of the French and British for the duration o f the war by the j relish before spring and will be a big recommendation o f efficiency boards Spring-tooth and Disc Harrows, Scrap military missions stationed In Moscow state food administration. Individ aid, in the opinion o f stockmen, in and 476 were discharged because of ers, Land Levelers and Sub-Sollers, were refused permission to leave the ual portions roust not exceed one getting their herds safely through the physical unfitness. Thirty were court-1 virtually every kind of tractor drawn country, in spite of a previous promise ounce per person per meal. i winter. 1 Implement. o f safe conduct. martlaled and two deserted. Governor Withycombe declare« that Oregon has the finest parole system In the United States and that its de velopment is due to Joe Keller, present state parole officer. U. S. INTEREST IS HIT BIG DEM ONSTRATION OF TRACTORS SOON TBO TZKY ASKED TO EX P LA IN WAR TALK