The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 22, 1918, Image 1

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¿PmTöt fcn tr lExpress
Forest Grove Boy
Wins Promotion
The following »lory shows up a
former Forest Grove boy ma very
good light. The nairative is taken
from "Over The T op,” a Vancou­
ver shipyard paper
"N obody knows how Kenneth!
Ives j{oi past the guard at the
Steel yard gale, but suddenly he
turned up before <!• ne al Mana­
ger J. A. Sim, and Sim, looking,
saw a youngster of 18, with a
winning smile who looked the
boss square in the eye and said
to him:
"I want a jo b .”
Sim sired up the youngster.
Kenneth Ives is no Goliath. A-
for stature it might be easy to
overlook him
Hut the gem ral
manager couldn’t overlook that
" I might need a water boy,” he
"Put I don't want to la* a wa
ter boy. I want to learn to build
rh ip s”
' What,” said the genera! mana­
ger, "do you think you could do?”
"I'd like to be a passer.”
The boss liked the way the
young-ter talked. "AH light,”
he said finally, and as "passer”
young Ives went to work.
Ives was passer for two days.
Then he was given a job of heater
on ihe first crew to rivet the ver­
tical keel plate-, which went to
Work Tuesday at noon
Ives is making good as heat**
in company with home of the
best men in the yard
He hopes
it won’t be long until he gets to
be holder-on.”
No. 33
Fifty More Men
To go to Camp Lewis
The following have been called
to the colors this month They
will report at Hillsboro no later
than i he 26th. These fine young
men will go to Camp Lewis for
training. Their names are as
William Earl Allen, William
Neal, Tad Derbyshire, William
Reid Heisler, Amos Watkins
f 1918 volunteered;, Holly Wilson,
Leander Klaus, John Louis Van-
decoevering, Carl G . Peterson.
Elmer Carl Peik, Arthur C. Wahl,
William Augustine Brady, Paul
Carl Beringer, Max Moore Ree-
Li a
her, Perry We-ton, James Homer
Haynes, AIFed Johansen. Henry
H. G. Schm dt, William Carlyle
Miller, W. C Schlottman. Daniel
Vandehey Roy Chester DeLefts,
Edward L. Koch, Leslie M»*ffitt,
John O. Engeldinger, Frank Jacob
Hanson, Henry Fritz Eliander,
Walter Lewis D--nte, Arthur Arno
Jopel, l» e l Hollenbeck. Ludwig F.
■Tv fa.
Newkirch, Henry Vandehey, Har­
ry Wahl, Fritz Louis Fischer, Ed­
ward Wager, Merrill Theodore
¡I T
Hufsiutter, Earl Leon Hobbs, Al­
bert August Herman Meier. Gott­
lieb Werre, Omer Vuylstake,
Theo. J. Vandecoevering, Francis
Melville Joel, Edward Maurer,
Ernest Rehbeck, Oscar Eugene
Pfahl, John Vandomelon. Herman
Gustiff Hamel, Edward Fisher,
Joseph William Fessler, Albert
! Meier.
A. Carleton, William
) IB R A R Y
: Rollins, Wm Arthur Knox, Robt.
LOG B u i l d i n g
Alfred Levick, Herbert Ernest
OF 1 8 4 6
■ Kappel, Henry Walters, Peter
P a c if ic U n i v e r s i t y
John Vandehey, Milo Ellis Bal­
lard, Edward Risbon, Leon John
j Vandehey. Herman Lechner, Ja­
cob Sylvester Bany, Alfred Fre-
Jr., Gene Ivan Lee, Her-
At C .m p Ix?wis the Salvation
Zuercher. Roy Victor
Army ha-» erected a notable struc­
Eugene Brandaw,
"One of the prime objects of
sharp-shooting has been made a boundless courage and great pow- Stamation, Geo. Michael Su-bau-
the building is to accommodate
large part o f t h e training of ers of endurance and in'ense pat- er, Charles Lie Young, Guy Wil­
the vi iting mot hers and wives of
t'-oops. Con-t* their fire, riotism.” Speaking of the Cham- liam Haguewood, Geo.Charles R.
soldiers and the 17 sleeping rooms
eii h -r by file or volley, must be poeg vote, the book says: "Before Rupprecht, Frank Cecil Doane,
are exclusively for women. It is
always much m o r e destructive the British had the wit to call for Francis A. O’ Meara, Lawrence
the only place < f its kind where
than that of their Allies and that an adjournment, Meek’s stentor- Manning, Clarence Famme.
women may stay over night for a
of the Germans The Allies have ¡an voice rang out calling fora
nominal sum. The first floor is j
great annu <1 display is apiuly in­ paid comparatively little attention division on t h e question, aad be done will cost $3,000 and un­
given over to the comfort and 1 creasing Th* fair, in spile of to tiaining men in sharpshooiing, when the vote was counted the secured right of way $1,000. The
recreation of the soldiers, w iih 1 the overshadowing influence of but thrown their w uht into in­
Americans had won by two votes.” grand total of expenditures foe
reading, writing, and lounging the war, will probably be one of ti ucting in maneuvers.
The bo »k tells acrack-a-jack story this road across the county is
rooms with games, mu ic and re­ th** best ever held.
They are stih h irking back to of Meek’s and Ebberts’ trip back $30,627.14, the expenditures for
The premium list recently made th old days when battles were to Washington—a little the best the stretch of road east of Beaver­
"W hile I was there a woman its appearance. It consist- of 61 won by physical we.ght. When yet related.
ton having been made two years
arrived in Camp to visit her iwo pages, i- well printed and sightly the trained sharpshooters of the
ago. When work began this year
son» That she was a real daugh- contain-» lists of premium- offered American Army see the enemy in
there was a balance of about
ter of the sot, was apparen . Her t^at should prove veiy interesting front of them, there is going to be
The county court has prepared $ 11 000 on hand from form r ap­
home was in the mountains of ^() a|| j>eople oi this vicinity. The a fa higher casualty list than has a statement of total expenditures propriations for the road, con­
California, she had ridden
j local business men have geht*rou- heretofore m irked the fighting in on
state highway between the struction having cost less than
mdes on horsi-back and then |y supported the venture with Europe.
Multnomah and Yamhill county estimated. There is still $1,000
staged 40 mdes more to the train their advertisements.
A ready the Germans begin to lines since its establishment in of this balance on hand.
.which carried her to Tacoma and
Codling moth worms are now
from there she came by auto to j It will cost only 35 cents to en­ appreciate ihis, and are losing 1916 and including work done this
the Camp, radiant in the joy of j ter the gat s of this notable ex- their appetite for moving against year between Beaverton and Hills­ attacking apples in many parts of
expectancy, but the two sons had I hibit, and the whole fami y, from a line of men whose every shot boro and Forest Grove anjJ Gas­ Oregon, rendering thousands of
ton. The statement will be pre­ dollars worth of fruit worthless.
started only the day before for Grandpa to the baby, can get in counts.— W. J. R. B.
sented to the state highway com­ A thorough spraying of the fruit
their long journey "over there.” for only $1. Sea-on tickets,
j which, by the way, are not trans-
mission as an argument for assis­ with lead arsenate, one pound dry
A Salvation Army lassie found
j ferable, will co-t 50 cents. Chil
tance this year. Rocking of a part ;or two pounds paste to 50 gallons
her in a little crumpled heap in
'" 3
"'Idren. between 9 and 14 years of
of of the highway is absolutely of water, is recommended by the
0 , 1 « «orner of the buildm* eobbmg.
wi|l lie a,lmilu<J for
necessary before the rains begin, O. A. C entomologists. Worms
h r heart out. An added grief ;infj autos will be admitted and
from H illsboro A rgus
members of the cou>t, and of all sizes f r o m the newly-
was her penniless condition, she parked for2 5 c*n ts. .So the cost
true in the fills hatched caterpiller up, are now
had expected the boys to have a wid be -mall, wh le the broad and
in the Gaston district, where the going into the fruit, and the spray
little money to help her on her gene al Ideas of this county’s ret
The “ Oregon Missions,” 1918,
will soon become impassable. will do much to lessen the injury.
way home She was given food sources, that w ,y he obtained, I by Bi-hop Bash ford, has just left
For this reason if the state is not Because of the unusual attack of
and a room and the npxt day a will be of gn at value.
the press, and is selling at $1.25 able to do the work the county worms it may be necessary to-re
purse was made up and she was
Our county fair should be en per copy. It is of much inter-j must do it. and the worst placs peat the spray in about three
started on her homeward journey. couraged. It should be added to est to this county, for it mentions will receive first attention. It ie weeks.
“ It is for the purpose of doing from year to year, until it shall Joe Meek, father of S. A D. believed there will be enough good
John Herb of Verboort, J. H.
surh work as this a w II as min­ open its doors for not two day- Meek, of North Plains; Squire Eb­ weather to permit doing all work Moore of Roy. J. B. McNew,
istering to the spiritual and phvs- alone but also for four or five berts. well known to pioneerage, absolutely necessary and with the I of Hazeldale, E. T. Turner of
ical needs of the bovs in the days; and it should become one ot and who has relatives about here; ending of harvest labor will be Laurel, and Merchant Sargent of
trenche«, that Oregon is to he the notable fai s in Oregon.
Caleb Wilkin.-, relatives of the more plentiful. T h e statement Gales Creek, were here yesterday,
given the opportunity of eontrib-f
Klineman Bros., of th s city; and shows that on the part of the road attending a meeting of the Food
uting $25.000 to the $ 5 . 000.000 j ABOUT SH ARP SHOOTERS
a number of others of Joe Meek between the Multnomah line and Administration at the Hillsboro
fund which is being raised
Machine guns, hand grenades The book says;
Reaverton $8,48*7 59 has been ex- club rooms.
throughout the United States.”
and gas flames are very well for j ,. j os ^ Meek was a Rocky pended; between Beaverton and
Wm. Koppel. formerly one of
correspondents to fill space wiih- Mountain hunter and trapper Hillsboro. $13,427.72, including the star players on Forest Grove’s
New Family Arrives
but it. will be in the present war» W^Q carm, wiih his Nez Perces $1635 paid for right of wav by
baseball nine, when it was the
pas», when
The new editor of the Express as it has been in the
me piisi,
vviipn wife to the Willamette Valley in Reaverton committee. The Rock star amateur team of the Willam­
reached town lest Friday
Mrs. the title in the hands of men who 1349 t oq p0or j 0 QWn a wagon |ceek bridge on this route was ette valley, was in the city M on­
Rrrwson and • the vounger two know how to shoot will win the on this journey *he drove a team paid for out of the bridge fund, day morning, on business at the
chi’dren arrived on Monday The day. It will speak the last word f()r Robt. Newell from Fort Hall | and is not include 1. On the road court house.
old *r children, Margaret and m every batile.
to Fort Wa|la Walla. Meek was 1 between Forest Grove and Gaston
Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware
Frances, will come in time for the
T h e Americans have always a tall, lithe man, rtf black eye f $12.711.83 has been expended, and
opening of school.
the Gordon Hardware Store.
been hr* shots, and of late years and s w a r t h y complexion, o ¡it is estimated that grading yet to
B .lii
Salvation Army
Builds at Camp Lewis
Wash. County Fair
Promises to be Hummer