UKKAT NORTHWEST Job printing—phone 821. T R A C T O R A N D IM P LE M E N T Empty dry goods boxes for D EM O N S TR A TIO N sale at the Book Store 32 If you bought a Third Liberty Loan Bond on the in­ EDUCATIONAL. BENEFICIAL. PROFITABLE Mrs. W. B. Scheetz L visiting stallment plan, the last payment of 40 per cent is due EVERY FARM ER friends in Portland and Vancou­ today (Aug. 15th). Keep your promise with your gov­ IN T H E P A C IF IC NORTH WKHT ver. ernment and prepare to take a bond under the next call. S H O U L D A TTEN D i Mrs. A. P. West left this morn­ ing for an outing at Newport and September 5, 6, 7, 1918 other southern coast points. For Detail«*! Inform ation, writ« % Misses Vera Schiffer, Millie Portland Implomrnt «V Tractor AMMOcintioii of Forest Grove, Ore Famine and Pauline Biown leave 340-34« Kant M orriion Hire«!. PORTLAND, OREGON ] tomorrow for an outing at Rock- away. 11 ... -■ - i g «I- A Strong Bank M IM S IM Safe Deposit F IO IR A L R I S I A V I Mrs. Ray T. Williams and lit­ Miss Virginia Roy n-lurned Boxes for Kent in a Good Town S Y S T IM tle son and Mrs. Reba Seeour and Friday from a visit with Portland son left Monday for vacation vis­ friends. its at Newport J Yellow Aberdeen turnip se«>d Chas. Hancock, who has en­ $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific listed in the hospital corps of the 'Y A w a y ^ 19-tf NOTES AND PERSONALS TANI.AC sold only by Littlei’s naval reserve, has been called to Market. Hugh Watfon of Chehalis, Pharmacy. NOIJYATVS] appear at Bremerton Monday. P Wash., visited at the Claude Men’s khaki dusters at Ander­ Better vision Glasses. Dr. Se- N0D3Ü0 Miss Jeanie Baxter of Salem Smuh home Tuesday. son’s. vi>ited her grandmother, Mrs. Public sale bills printed at the Mary A. Dickson. Tuesday and Mrs. C. Strong of Monmouth * Mrs. C. A Broderson of Dilley Express office. spent the week-end at the M. S later left for a visit with relatives was shopping in town Monday. Allen home to attend her son’s Framed Columbia highway at Gaston. The Book Store is headquarters scenes at the Book Stoie. wedding for all the latest popular music. ] Prof. F. C. Taylor and family Misses Florence Daw-on. Mar Otto Parsons and Fritz Pritz- left Monday for Port Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols garet McFeeters and Francine latf had business in the county Wash., to visit their son and An Important Work of north of town \^ere shopping seat Miller came out from Portland Monday. brother, Howard, principal of the in this city Monday. Mrs. Dorothy Seymour has Sunday to attend the Strong-Allen Port Townsend schools. We deliver ice cream to any been appoint'd Registrar of Vital Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and John Thornhutgh, Washington wedding. part of the city Tell it to phone Statistics by the Oregon State Natureopath. Office at A St. & ; 632. county chairman for the Fourth Mrs. Leipold and grapddaugh- Board of Heal h, to take the Ottice Shearer. 26-tf 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. „ . Liberty Loan, left yesterday for ter, Mi*« Marjorie Moore, of j place of Dr. Brookbank. We deliver ice cream to any „ f l ' . i n° ? u p,vpared t(\ 8uppl>' Portland to attend a conference Portland are vis ting at the home comers with apple and peach COunty chairmen. He will re- of the former’s aunt, Mrs Wil­ The slate laws require the reg- part of the city. Tell it to phone all istrat on of all births and deaths boxes. F o r e s t liam Langley. 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf Gr° Ve 3S T g tum this evening and we cannot be too careful in Mill Co. Mis- Laura Miller of McMinn­ this matter. Courts require c r- New arrivals in beautiful plush- Oh, Gir-ruls! Have you seen Anna Held, the noted French- «-s in the latest colors, Black, ville is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. tificates the Coveralls for ladies and child­ Polish birth and death in es singer, died at New York Brown. Beaver and Taupe. Just T. Buxton, this week. Miss Mil tablishing of necessary facts concern­ ren at Anderson’s store? Monday of a disease of the spine, what you will want for a new ler ha- taken training for nursing ing pensions, life insurance, ti les Mrs. Willis Goff and daughter, aged 45 .years. and expects to go to France. c «pe. coat or throw.—A. G. Hoff and rights to inheritance; rela­ Genevieve, departed Monday for The open season for horned man & Co. Allmemhersof Rosewood camp, tions of guardians and wards, a vacation at Newport. deer began today and there are Mrs. Hugh Smith went to Ro>al Neighbors, are urged to at- disability of minors, administra­ Word comes from Scofield that probably more hunters than deer Hillsboro last night to stay with end the meeting tomorrow night, tion of estates, etc. the Standard Box company has in the woods by this time. The war has taught us that Mrs. Eliza Smith a f e w days as it will be in th e nature of a struck a heavy flow of artesian while Nora Smith t a k e s a trip to farewell to some of the members. such matters a- citizenship, lia­ The Hannah-Mathewscompany water in a new well. bility to draft, and being entitled of Yamhill county is erecting a M t. Rainier, with the Hairy Bag- —Recorder. to aid, hinge X)n the records of Miss Farnham, dean of women sawmill with a capacity of 40,000 ley family. We have received our shipment this ottice. at Pacific University, returned feet per day on the Connell tract, Harvey S. Brown, who passed of sweater-—the Bradley line— Monday from an extended visit a mile north of Hillsboro. the civil service examination as a and are showing the largest as­ The territory comprises all of in the New England states Forest Grove, Dilley, Purdin, Mrs. H. R Bernard and daugh­ job printer, has beeh notified sortment of sweaters ever shown Gales Creek and Verboort. Now on display, our new fall ter, Mrs. Norris Rogers, arrivt*! there is a job for him at Wash here. Give us an opportunity to and winter Hats and Caps, in the yesterday from “ Mack,” where ington. D. C., at 60c per hour. show you th s latge line.—A. G. Buy Those Stamps latest styles and colors. Come in Mrs Bernard has been recuperat­ He will probably accept Hoffman & Co Redeem your^ pledge, don’t and select your new hat now.—A. ing after an operation. She is Mrs H. D Winbigler and Every farmer reader of the Ex­ wait for a notice. ” G. Hoffman & Co. gaining strength rapidly. Mrs. daughter, Margaret, returned p re ss should attend the t'actoi Wah Savings Committee James Buxton of this city and Rogers will remain a day or two. Sunday to their home in Port and implement demonstration to has The reported to the state chair­ his daughter, Mrs. Maude Kin­ land, after a week’s vi -it with the be held on the Cotton farm, east man total pledges and purchases Mrs. E. J. Scheetz and little ney of Portland, visited their R. F. Clark family. Mrs. Ives of Portland on Sept. 5th, 6th of W. S. S in Washington Coun­ of Portland visited at the Hoar brother and uncle, A. T. Buxton, son entertained Thursday at a and 7:h. All the leading manu- ty of $534.470. Our quota was at Molalla, last Sunday. They home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. luncheon in honor of Mrs. Win­ facurers of ti actors and farm ma­ $534,000. This means that every heetz several days last week bigler and daughter, the following found Mr. Buxton a pretty sick S chinery will be represented. one must absolutely fulfill his and on Sunday Dr. Scheetz came man. Mrs. J. F. McGill returned last pledge and some will have to in­ out in his car to spend th«- day day Mrs. Clark did likewise and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler and and take his wife and son home Saturday Mrs. W. B. Coon did evening from ( ’amp I^ewis, where cense their purchases to make up the honors. daughter, Florence, and Mr. and • she vi-ited her son, Howard. f<>r those who move away or for Come in and see our new fall Mrs John Dopp left this morning Quite a number of Forest Grove The army doctrys have been so some unavoidable reason fail to in the Littler car for a trip to the D e.-s Shoe3 for ladies, in Grey people wil next week be in at active in immunizing Howa d make good Tillamook beaches, going by way and Brocade Cordovan Brown. tendance at the national encamp against disease that they have Every district chairman will be of “ Mack” and Sheridan and These are the prettiest shoes ever ments of the G. A R , the W R made him pretty sick, but he is furnished with a list of names of they will return via Sea-ide and shown in Forest Grove. We have C., Ladies of the G. A. R , Sons n >t dangerously ill. those pledging in his district with them in all widths and sizes, and of Veteran , Daughters of Veter Portland — t ------------- the amounts pledged for each guarantee a perfect fit — A. G an , and Asociation of Arrm W e have often quoted th a t old month Each district will b e A Southern Pacific electric car Hoffman & Co. Nurses of the Civil War, which verae, "G ather your roaeg while ye checked up at stated limes. Pos­ hit the county steam roller on the rnay,” and we can -.veil now change It session of the stamps is the re­ Mr and Mrs. John Templeton opens on Monday at Portland to Seventh street crossing Frida “g a th e r your vegetables,” for by so ceipt for purchases. The original morning and put the roller out of and child'en and Mr. and Mrs. V. and continues all week The Illi doing w« can accomplish Kr«-at good. pledge cards will be kept on file business for the time being. The S Abraham were in Portland Fri nois’ Veterans' Associa ion, of injured parts of the roller have day to meet Lieut. R. V. Abra­ which W J R B'aoh is secretary, “W e stand behind our boys in at the School Superintendent’s been taken to Portland for repairs. ham, who had just arrived from will have a headquarters tent, France and we will not call it a aacri- office in Hillsboro, except in case The passenger car was not serious­ Ft. Riley, Kas , with 175 hospital 18x40 feet, in one corn' r of the fice but a privilege to do our bit to­ of some of the towns where the corps recruits for Camp L< wis. postoffice block, and Mr. Beach ward feeding them Over T here.”— cards rnay be placed at the post ly inju ed. office and banks. Dr. Abraham is now director of was up last Saturday and assisted Krnma V. Mill ken. Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware | the hospital corps at Ft. Riley, a in selecting the site. N A Frost, Conserve, reserve and p reserve ail at the Gordon Hardware Store. County Ch’m. War Savings. very important position. The Last Payment The First National Bank I » S ' 00009 of these fine fruits and vegetables th a t are now within your re a c h; you will need them the coming winter. SUITS Made to Measure May we have your order for that Fall Suit? We’ll guarantee you satisfaction. Our tailoring houses provide for you as an individual; they make your clothes as you want th em ; they fit not only you, but your personality. Expert cutters and careful hand-tailoring as­ sure you a suit of unexcelled style, fit and dura­ bility. The Fall Suitings are handsome fabrics, from the best domestic looms. Select your EXCLUSIVE pattern and we’ll have that Suit made to your own satisfaction. C. E. ROY & CO. Men’s Furnishings and Shoes Caples Block FOREST GROVE Hop-Pickers Wanted Will pay $1.00 per hundred. Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware Register at Giltner’s store, Forest Grove. at the Gordon Hardware Store. 32 2 W H CRABTREE. OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD George Boo- of Por land is vis­ Itatrd July I. 1»1N iting his brother, Eld, and other Arr. F. G. relatives in this section. Arr. Pt. Li. Pt. Lv. P. G. HUNGER* For three year« America has fought Starvation in Belgium Will you Eat last -w h e a t m eat —fit* and *ugar that we may »till «end food in ship loads ? tí: 20 a 7:00 a 8:15 a *9:45 a 110:35 a 1:06 p 4:05 p 6:35 p 7:35 p 9:30 p * Sunday S. p. m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 m 8:25 8:15 a m 9:32 m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 m 11:50 4:00 p m 5:15 m 2:20 m 5:20 5:10 p m 6:25 m 7:55 6:10 p m 7:25 m 8:50 7:45 p m 9:05 m 10:45 11:00 p m 12:20 only; tD aily, except Sunday ELECTRIC TIME CARD Arr. F. G. a m Ml a m 10:32 a m 12:20 p m 3:30 4:50 pm 7:00 p m p m 7:35 p m 9:20 p m 12:25 p m 2:20 (U. S. Food Adm inistration License No. G 34147) Arr. Pt. Li. F. G. 6:35 a m 7:50 t7:20 a m 8:45 s9:29 A m 11:05 12:35 p m 1:60 t2:00 p m 3:20 3:35 P m 4:55 t4:22 P m 5:50 t6:06 p m 7:30 *7:10 P m 8:27 9:35 p m 10:50 1,1. Pt. 17:15 t9:15 11:05 2:15 t3:25 5:40 16 : 15 8:00 t i l :05 sal :05 Phone 061 t —Thru a Sat ss Sat & Sun; * Sun For the purpose of assisting in the winning of the war, this ad­ vertisement is paid for by the SCHULTZ’S » STORE %