The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 15, 1918, Image 7

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;; STATE N E W S f
: ♦»♦«»«..................
Work la proKroaa^iK rapidly on the
J. II. Cliaiulxira mill at Cottage Grove,
it crew of about 20 mar. putting th*
tim ber« In place aa rapidly aa they
are delivered.
ThrotiKli Intervention of Senator Mr-
Nary a modification baa been aecured
of the order of the Itallroad ad min la
trallon prohlbltliiK reduced rutea on
■bipmenta of exhibit« to the atate fair
All exhibit« sent In the next atate fair
may be transported In one direction
The rirat woman mall currier In
Klumath county la Mlaa Winifred Do­
lan, Vhn la temporarily delivering the
mall over Itural Houle No. 1 from
Klumath Fulls to the Midland «action,
following the resignation of Kliner
The mall la delivered by
auto three time« weekly.
Bennett Thompaon, life term con
vlct. who caraped from the Oregon
penitentiary on July 30, waa recap­
tured Monday afternoon near Italnler.
by Jamea Jeaae, u deputy aherlff of
Columbia county. Waary from a fort­
night of thin fare and aleepleaa vigil­
ance, Thornpaon made no realatance.
Wherever practicable women will
be unt il on atate highway work In the
future, according to State Highway
Knglneer Nunn. They will be uaalgned
to poaltlona of Inapectlng, checking
rock and almtlar line« of employment.
Order« have gone forth to etiguge aa
many women aa poaalble ami to re-
leaae men for other service.
Ole N'naa. a trollcf who flahea out
aide the mouth of the Columbia river,
had a narrow eacape from drowning
on Saturday afternoon, lie had hook­
ed a 60 pound aalmon, pulled It up to
the boat and atuck hla gaff Into It.
Juat at that moment the boat, which
waa running, waa «truck by a wave
and careened over, throwing Neaa into
the water.
Hostilities Likaly on Account of Inter­
vention, Hay« l^nine.
“"** slmP" Equipment I. Insurant*
London.—-A declaration of war by
fo One Hundred or More Men
, . _
the Bolshevik! against Japan la on« of
Against Dust Explosions.
Eath Mouth.
the possibilities of the near future, ac­
cording to an Exchange Telegraph dis­
patch Wednesday from Copenhagen.
Moscow, Idaho.— A new contract has Enormous Losses Caused to Grain and
The significance of the dispatch Ilea
Implements Which May Be Guard­
especially in the fact ttjat this report just been signed between the Univer­
of llolahevik Intention« reached Co­ sity of Idaho and the war department
ed Against— Fire Extinguisher
penhagen from Moscow by way of which providea for a n<-w contingent
Is Quite Effective.
of 100 or more metr to be tent to the
Premier Lenlne, the message adds, university for special training on Aug­
up to this time, has been opposed to ust 15, and ut least 300 to be sent here (Prepared by the United State» Depart*
ment of Agriculture.)
such action, but It 1« believed that on October 15 and every two months
Owners. of thrashing outfits a n
itussla "will be compelled to declare thereafter.
The contract provides that 40 of the urK(*d by the United States department
war, notwithstanding the fact that we
! 100 men to be sent here August 16 of agriculture to Install simple equip*
are opposed to any new war."
Official announcement was made of ure to tase training In auto mechanics ment as Insurance against grain and
the landing of allied forces, naval and and 20 In radio work. 1 his la just the smut dust explosions and fires which
military, at Archangel, on August 2.
cau, , e enormou,‘
‘ o grain aud
The landing was In concurrence with
the wishes of the Russian population,
In . nt.lement U.un.1 by I-re.ident
In Ibe 1’nrtOc norti-
It Is said, and caused general enthusi­
I Llnrlley the condition* of the new con* I weM** r ‘ ne aunt which accumulates
tract are made known. He says: "T h e 1 when the machine Is operating has
Toklo. — Premier Count Terauchl, larger contingent of 200 at least will been found to be very explosive and
speaking of allied action in Siberia, arrive here on October 15. The uni will readily Ignite. It has been estab*
said Japan would take further mili­ verslty Is energetically proceeding llshed that many. If not most oi these
tary measures In case the position of with the necessary building and altera­ explosions have been caused by the
tions to provide in a satisfactory way Ignition of the dust by static electricity
the Cxecho-Hlovaks demanded It.
The premier Indicated that If the for the larger contingents which will
by, the
nff ,port* o t.
chaotic situation In Siberia continued. arrive every two months beginning grain separator.
The engineers of th«
Japan might find it necessary to adopt October 16.
“ By that time the required building department have developed an efficient
suitable military measures to combat
the Austro-Oerman menace In the far will be completed and the scldler-
training will not In any way interfere
Count Terauchl said that the pres­ with the regular work of the univer­
ent step had been taken in perfect ac­ sity during the academic year. The
cord with the allies. If it should be board of education and the president
necessary for the allies to dispatch have from the first guarded against
additional troops and arms the coun­ any such possibility. This is done in j
try must be prepared to meet the fairness to the soldier contingent as
well as out of consideration for the in­
It Is understood that the Selyukal terests of the university students.
"The smaller contingent of soldiers '
majority party In the house Is willing
to adopt a*walt-and see policy. Con­ the university has agreed to accept I
sequently the Kensel Kal minority, has therefore not only permitted the j
which had hoped to effect an opposi­ soldiers to receive a very high grade
tion combination, Is powerless for the- of Instruction, but the regular work
of the university to be maintained and
s iiE ra S '« ?
r?«, ,ht
Former Governor Tener Declares It
Military Necessity to Keep
Highways in Repair.
I® the federal, state and
| local governments to save our hlgh-
ways,” remarked John K. Tener o f
Pennsylvania, former governor, presl-
lent o f the Permanent Highways cor*
porntlon o f New York. Governor Ten-
<-r declared that It la a military ne-
esslty fo r the proper authorities to
protect the roads. "W e must preserve
the roads o f the country, and partlcu-
Application o f Seal Coat In Progress.
Plenty of Men For Harvest.
Moscow. Idaho.— “ There will be no
scarcity of labor to harvest the grain
crop In Latah county," said A. W. B.
Kjosness, county agent and head of
the farm bureau for Latah county. Mr.
Kjosness and bis assistants and asso­
ciates have been devoting much time
to the labor problem and have been in
communication with all labor centers
with the result that many men have
been secured for work in this county.
arly we must save the foundations If
we are to protect the commerce and
ndustries o f the country which are
supplying the needs o f our men on the
Thrashing Outfit Destroyed by Grain j battle fronts as well as the taxes o f
London.— Revelations regarding the
Dust Explosion.
work of British mystery craft known
he government and the necessities o f
as "Q " ships, which have played an
he men, women and children who are
Important part In anti-submarine war­
the wheels going at home.
rem jve the electricity, consisting of
fare, are made by the naval corre­
“ The federal government, the manu-
wires connecting the metallic part«
spondent of the Times.
j with the ground. An automatic fir« 'acturer and the farmer fo r months
How a “ woman and baby" accounted
In reaponae to an Inquiry from C. K.
! extinguisher also has l>een developed *ave been depending on the highways
Cranston, secretary of t^ie Commercial
und has proved very effective In re- *or the transportation o f enormous
association at Pendleton, aa to pros­ ent.
The submarine ordered a vessel to
during fire losses. A suction fan placed »mounts o f materials and supplies by
pect« for better rate« for the interior
sections under long and short haul surrender and fired a few shells Into
I near the cylinder has been found to n °tor trucks.
The roads fast are
legislation. Public Service Commis­ her. The boats then left the ship,
be successful not only In reducing the »caring down and hundreds o f miles
sioner Corey writes that he believes leaving on board a woman who had
Portland — Wheat — Government lu,10,mt of dust In suspension In the
highways will become useless un-
now Is the time to secure such legitt- run up and down the deck with a basis, $2.20 per bushel.
the resurfacing o f these roads Is
latton. while the rallroada are under baby In her arms as If mad.
Hour— Straights, $10.95011.15 per lang'-r of explosion, but Is an tmpor* j »ncouraged so that the foundations
barrel; whole wheat. $10.30; graham,
federal control.
sel and the woman hurled the "baby" $9.90010.35; barley flour. $11012 per tunt factor In cleaning the grain and nay be saved. In road construction,
The Oregon Interstate fair will be Into the open hatch. The "baby” ex­ barrel; rye flour, $11.50 012.50 per lucre«ling Its market value. Complete * e principal cost Is In the foundations.
held In Prinevllle this year, October ploded and blew out the bottom of barrel, cornmeal, $11.40012 per bar­ instructions for equipping a machine The top, or road surface, naturally Is
l to
Inclusive. The fair » i l l !>«• the submarine.
The "wom an" was rel; corn flour, $12.20 0 13.40; oat flour to prevent losses due to dust explosion ‘he first to give way, break and finally
larger and bettor because of improved decorated with the Victoria cross.
$12.50 0 12.75.
and fire can be obtained by writing to frind up and disappear, leaving the
railroad transportation Because there
On another occasion a retired ad­
M illfeed— N et millfeed prices, car- the Bureau of Chemistry, United foundations exposed.
will be no other fairs in this part of miral, serving as a captain, placed a lots: Bran, $31 per ton; shorts, $33 States Department of Agriculture,
“ Foundations costing hundreds o f
the state this year, and that many of haystack on board an ancient looking per ton; middlings, $33; rolled barley,
Washington, D. C.
nilllons o f dollars now are in danger
When ths U-boat ordered her $70; rolled oats, $69.
them are being discontinued else­ cruft
) f being ruined forever, when they
where. the display of livestock and to surrender the Germans were as­
Corn— Whole, $75; cracked, $76 per
»u ld be saved by proper resurfacing,
other exhibits will be larger than ever tonished to receive a broadside from ton.
)ut this should be done at once or else
the haystack.
Hay— Buying prices f.o.b. Portland;
A soaworn tramp steamer was cross­ Kastern Oregon timothy, $34 per ton; . • BIG LOSS FROM RODENTS
:he costly foundations will have to be
Saturday was the date for the dis­
ing the North Sea when a submarine valley timothy, $29; alfalfa, $28027; J
lone all over again. In some states
posing by auction of the ground on
ordered the crew to abandon the ship, j valley grain hay. $26 0 28; clover, $26 • (Prepared by the United States De­
ind localities there Is a disposition to
which the Main-street courthouse In
partment of Agriculture.)
Ho sure was the German of his prey
lelay work until after the war on the
Klamath Falla la being erected, by the that the bombs with «which he Intend­ 028; straw, $9010.
Native rodents are the cause
Butter— Tubes, extra.
47*4©48c; *
new county court, but owing to the
theory that men and materials are
ed to sink the vessel were brought on seconds. 44c; prints, extras, box lots, # of enormous losses In many
restraining Injunction recently Issued
more needed In the war work. This Is
deck around the conning tower. It 52c; cartons, box lots, 63c; half boxes, • states. Some Idea o f the loss
by Circuit Judge F. M. Calkins, of
l mistake which should be corrected.
required only a shell or two from the *4c more; less than half boxes, lc » suffered by individual states Is
Medford, who has been called to de­
Without the highways the business o f
tramps' concealed armament to ex­ more; hutterfat. No. 1, 55c per pound • shown by reports from state di­
cide this matter, the sale was not
the country would be crippled. The
plode the bombs and blow the U-boat delivered Portland.
undertaken. No bids have yet been
out of the water.
roads must be preserved both for war
Eggs— Oregon, ranch current re- • sion work. For example, the loss
received, according to the county
ceipts, 43044c; candled. 47c; selects, • in Montana was from $15,000,000
purposes and fo r the safeguarding o f
clerk's office, although It Is announced
Belgium Honors Hoover
49c per dozen.
# to $20,000,000; North Dakota,
)ur Industries, upon which our coun­
that some would have been In had It
Havre.— The Belgian government
Poultry— Hens. 23024c;
broilers, • $0,000.000 to $9.000,000; Knnsas.
try's revenues depend. Makeshift sur­
not been for the restraining order.
has conferred the title of "honorary 26 0 27c; ducks, geese and turkeys, •
facing w ill crumble In a few months
$12,000,000 ; Colorado, $2,000,-
On account of the ddmand for ever­ cltixen and friend of the Belgian na­ nominal.
j »
green blackberries this season the tion" on Herbert C. Hoover, the
• ' *nd will have to be done all over
Veal— Fancy, 18019c per pound.
igaln. I f properly surfaced now, hun-
Wyoming, 15 per cent of all
cannery at Brownsville Is working American food administrator.
Pork— Fancy, 23V4©24c per pound.
overtime and the growers and farmers
crops ; Nevada, 10 to 15 per cent • Ireds o f millions o f dollars will be
Fruits— Cantaloupes, $2.00 0 2.75 per
In Linn county are raising more of
Paris.— Herbert C. Hoover, Ameri­ crate; watermelon. 2©2*4c per pound:
of all crops, or $1,000,000; New
this fruit than over before. Five cents can food administrator, has paid a peaches, 76c©$1.50; new apples, $1.25
Mexico, $1,200,000 loss to crops
a pound Is being paid for the berries, visit to the battlefront, where he ren­ 0 3 per box; plums. $202.25 per box;
and double this amount to range.
which for many 'years were considered dered homage to the American sol­ apricots. $2 per box; pears. $3.60 per
as a nuisance and a pest. The can­ diers who have fallen on the field of box; casabas. 4c per pound; grapes,
Highway Magazine Does It by Asking
nery Is taking any amount of the fruit, honor. Among t'le places he visited $203 per crate.
so that the man who has only one biiHh was Belleau Wood. He went over the
Four Questions— Delivery Facil­
Keep Cultivator Polished.
Vegetables— Tomatoea 75c01.25 per
o f the evergreens can market his prod­ ground where the American army crate; cabbage. 4 0 4 ^ c per pound;
ities Increased.
Keep the cultivator polished with
uct as readily as can the grower with made a heroic stand against the Ger­ lettuce. $2.5003 per crate; cucum­ much use from now till fall.
a 10 acre field.
bers, 75c0$l per box; peppers, 15c
Four questions which every Ameri­
per pound; peas. 12012V4c per pound;
Henry L. Corbett, of Portland, has
can is requested to put to himself are
Homes Open to Soldiers.
beans, 10011c per pound; celery, $1
submitted his resignation as chairman
It seems quite well established that suggested by the Dixie Highway, the
Paris.— French homes may be open­ per doze»!; summer squash, $1 per
and member of the state council of
ed to soldiers from America, the Brit­ dozen; eggplant, 15c per pound; corn, hens kept separate from males will j good roads publication of the Dixie
defense to Governor Wlthycombo, to
produce slightly more eggs and of bet­ j Highway association.
become effective Immediately.
W il­ ish dominions and the French colonies $2.75 per crate.
under plans which are now being stud­ .Potatoes— New, $303.25 per cwt.
Do you ever stop to consider that
ter keeping qunllty than those allowed
liam F. Woodward, of Portland, was
ied. It Is believed that "Franco-allied
Onions— Walla Walla, $2.7503.00; the presence o f cock birds.
every bale o f cotton the farmer can
named to succeed Mr. Corbett.
clubs'' will be formed so that people California, $2 0 2.50 per sack.
add to his wagonload makes his prof-
W alter S. Brockman, the largest cat­ unable to open their own homes may
W ool — Eastern Oregon, 35056c;
ds that much greater?
tle owner In Wallowa county, was meet the allied soldiers on a social valley, 54061c per pound.
And tha* every pound o f merchan-
found dead Monday afternoon near a footing.
Premier Clemenceau has
Mohair— Oregon, new clip. 65c per
no money In selling milk at vTuotesale d*8e which can be added to the truck-
trail on Snake river. Near him lay given his hearty approval to the Idea, pound.
a dead pack mule, with Its load tied saying it was "excellent popular di­
and buying canned vegetables et re­ load makes truck haulage that much
August 13, 1918.
more reasonable?
securely In place, and some of Mr. plomacy.”
Cattle— Prim e steers .......$11.75012.75 tail.
Brockman's horses were nearby.
And that every foot o f good road
Oood to choice steers.... . 10.75011.76
Germans Rob Belgium.
Medium to good steers... 9.60 010.76
Keep Aphids Off.
over which these wagons and trucks
Only one accident was fatal out of
London.— Speaking In the house of Fair to medium steers—
8.50© 9.50
Keep the aphids or p la jt lice off tbe travel increases the nation’s delivery
f>91 reported to the Industrial accident
commission for the week ending Aug­ commons Tuesday, Lord Robert Cecil, Common to fair steer«.... 6.600 8.00 flowers and garden crops by frequent facilities?
assistant secretary o f state for foreign Choice cows and heifers.. 8.000 9.00
ust 8, inclusive. John M. Person. Port­
And that every Inch o f bad road— o f
affairs, stated that the Germans had Med to good cows and hf.. 6.00 0 7.50 spraying with some tobacco prepara­
land shipbuilder, was the victim of
fair-weather-only road— makes hauling
levied war contributions to a total of Canners ........................... 3.000 5.00 tion.
the one fatal accident. A total of 521
that much more expensive; makes the
2,130,000,000 francs upon Belgium, be­ Bulls ................................ 5.500 7.50
o f the accidents reported were sub­
farmer's profit that much less than It
sides enormous fines upon localities, Calves ............................. 8.50011.60
Principal Food of Goose.
ject to the provisions of the work­
firms and individuals. These "m on­ Stockers and feeders...... 6.000 8.00
should be?
men’s compensation a ct
strous exactions,” he said, must cer­
Fees of the state treasurer's office, tainly be taken Into account when
Width o f Earth Roads.
Medium mixed ................. 18.75018.95 anything else during spring and sum­
Including those on Inheritances and on peace terms are being arranged.
The width of the earth road w ill de-
Rough heavies ............... 17.25017.65 mer, still It will eat any o f our
Interest on deposits, are expected to in­
Pigs .................................. 16.50017.00 mon grains.
I pend on the traffic. As a rule, 25 or
crease over $100,000 In the next tw<*
Cholera Toll I« Heavy.
j W feet from ditch to ditch Is sufficient
years, bringing their aggregate up to
Amsterdam.— There are more than Bulk .................................
| f the road Is properly crowned. Or-
$.105,500, according to a statement filed 20,000 cases of cholera ln Petrograd,! Sheep— Lambs ............
Chief Source of Revenue.
by State Treasurer Kay with the tax according to the Fremdenblatt, of Valley lambs
.............. 13.00014.00
Some farmers make the raising a t llnnrlly the only ditches needed are
commission. Mxpenses for the office Hamburg, which reports that up to Yearlings ........................ 9.50010.50 potatoes their chief source of
| those made with the road machine,
for the two years are estimated at last Saturday 1100 deaths had oc­ Wethers ........................... 8.600 9.50 enue for a aeries of years.
which are wide and shallow.
Ewes .................... ........... 6.00© 8.00
A committee composed of some of
the heaviest taxpayers In (Took coun­
ty, aaalsted by County Judge N. O.
Wallace, have worked hard for several
weeka, with the result that the State
Highway commission has Instructed
the atate highway engineer to aurvey
the proposed postroad, up Crooked
river, with a view of making It a atate
• ;