NOTES AND PERSONALS Kestful Glasses. Dr. Semones. EACH DAY Each day I scan the coluimui Iona Where names of heroes shine, Half fearful U-at my eyes shall And The name I bear aa mine. Each day I know some mother’s heart llaa cried out in her breast The name she dared not speak aloud - Too sacred is his rest. Each day I wait aa others do A For im ! pray with every breath ¿£nRth to kn£w thHt comv whBt H. T. GILTNER Headaches cured. D r. Se­ TANLAC at Littler’s Phar­ mones’ Glasses. macy. Warranty deed and mortgage Sam Show of the Raseline road blanks for sale at this office. had business in town Saturday. Mrs. Jerrett of Di ley was shop- A dandy line of ladies’ hou*e Fruits and Vegetables in Season dresses and aprons at Anderson’s, j P*1'1* al '*u> oca* stoies Monday. Money to loan—Valley Realty' Raffity of Mountaindale a lty visi S«ra ed friends in u this city fcatur- Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. e 19-tf P H O N E 701 Miss Marcia Thatcher spent day- - Mis C. P Kelsey K«*Is«>v is tnkimr Monday at Thatcher with rela­ Mrs. taking her South Main Street - MRS. HARRIS. Forest Grove, Ore tive«. annual vacation from the Captes _____ NATHAN _ Lost—Amethyst brooch. Leave at Express office and receive re­ Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and \ Notice ward. x 32 tf Natureopath. Office at A St. & All citizens of the City of For 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed e«t Grove are urged to cut and MAIN I LA I IL L $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific A son was born last Thursday Sixty-three years ago this sum Market. • 19-tf to Mr and Mrs. Bert Simmons of mer was the year when the big J “So that’s poison ht nil 1 remove all gru«H, weeds and oth* r h from their lots and park­ A. Thornburgh of Manning vis- Dilley. forest fire took place in the hills Well, I’ll fo low your suggestion ruhbi strips. During these dry «lays ited at the home of his son, John,' We deliver ice cream to any and mountains west and no ih and fence off the poison infested ing great «lunger of tire and 1 several days this week. part of the city. Tell it to phone j west of town. Uncle Joe Thr.ip. area,” said a W olern Oregon s tin ronglv all of you to use ev­ 26-tf who was then a boy. te||« that I stockman to Prof W. EL Law­ ery means urge possible EM. Ahlgren of this c'ty and 632. Ottice Shearer. prevent the the season was dry. and the a • rence, who is making a special '« rigin a n a spread to of Bill Lyda of Thatcher had joint Order your winter’s supply of mosphere wasteful so dense that can- study of. poison plants and t heir fires, business in Portland Saturday. coal now of th e Forest Grove flies wee was used in the daytime. Go to the Erickson garage, K .; Planing Mill; phone 0232. 30-tf in O egon. GEO G PATERSON, in the midst of huckleber­ control of P. building, fo your auto re- George G. Hancock real es- ry It was Mayor. The Douglas water hemlock oc­ *. and manv Klickitat Indi­ casions the greatest amount oil pairs, accessories, tires, gas and > tale, farm loans and fire insur- ans tim n come over to get berries in Western Oregon The Express prints butter wrap- oils. ance, new Anderson block. 50 The had poor sava es were hemmed poisoning while the plant known as the Ore- |M',X Wl,h n"n |,,"s,,n,ais l,lk Chris Harbstof the Purdin dis- jvjr> and Mrs. C. S. McNutt in by ih> fire, and force to take Adn.InUtr.toc*. Noth» tnct was in town Monday looking | and little daughter spent Sunday to a small mountain lake and re­ gon water hemlock is the m«»t for a carpenter to improve his at the McNutt-Siribich camp, up main ill he water until the fi;e numerous and deadly m Eastern Notlce herel,y Riven th. t th„ un L mh Lt*«*n upi>oiriU»er vouchers, st the law office Mr. and Mrs. George Purcell vis in Father Oregon are generally fa charge of the Verboo't parish, burned Lom his body. Tharps of II. T. Hagley Hill» boro, Oregon, ited relative? and friends in Hills­ has gone to France as ch.plain in were then living on the D L C miliar with the hemlock, an«! within six months in from date hereof! boro Sunday. the Knights of Columbus war of 400 acres that Uncle Joe’s fa­ many of th»m dig out the roots Dated this July 18, 1918. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker left w >rk. ther took up. The family are re ­ It ia only the roots that are MARTIN SCH WALL, last week for a lour of the Oregon Dr. Ward is con'inuing his siding on and working the old poisonous, and poi-oning seems to Administrator. coast, expecting to be away at practice and is prepared to answer farm today.— Willaminu Times. result »hen the slock pull out the H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. 28-fit least two weeks. plant and get hold of the roots calls both day and night. Office wh le grazing N otirvorshcriirsH .tr Coyotes “Pass On” See the Round Oak wood and hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to The Western Oregon plaot is Notice b hereby given that by virtue coal range, with or without gas; 4 p. m. 18-tf Down at Beaverton Thursday only in lands that are wet o t *” **Xt’rut'on, judgment order, de­ plate attachment, at the Gordon : Misses Vesta Greer and May evening while E irl E . Fisher was found , cree and order of sale, issued <»ut of Hardware Store. hoeing poiatots on his place on«* - v tar rt,un,L while the Ea i Cooper left Saturday for a ten plant glow s on aw.«mr« “n‘* un,*,‘r the seal of the Circuit west of town, thr«*e coyotes Oregon A. E. Reditzka Monday bought day vacation at Rock;«way. Miss mde lands that may drv up in summ, r Court of Washington County, Orcg«*n, passed along the cle .ring ju-t Stockmen aie at sheriff’s -ale a 24-acre farm on Pearl Smith is holding d >wn Mis- above OUt ! diverted and dated July 80. 1918. th e Reaverdam. Fisher for the plan's u rg in e d ho to h look David's Hill, the property of Wil-' Greer’s position on ihi- paper Upon a renderedand enter«*«! ** C'ions, over to greet the t-avelers. and send specim n- with account in said judgment Court on J u l y 19. 1918, fiam Kappel Jr. | Miss Pea,| Smith returned Sat- b taried it the “F]ast Mountain Song of losses to P. of L iwrence, at O. in f.vor of George Kieni, and Mrs C. VV . Creel and little son urday from a visit with her sister, sters” didn’t have time to visit. A. C., Corvallis Both species against Chancey Harney, plaintiff, Bessie V. returned Sunday from an extend­ Mrs R. L Via. at Cascade Locks Harney and Hast Si«le Slabwood C«»m- ed visit at Seattle and other She was acc»mpaniei home by have a cluster of small white b lo s­ pany, defendants, for Washington points. M IC KIE S A Y S soms not unlik'- of the pnrs the sum a of corporation, Mrs. Via and daughter, Theirna. $700.00, with interest at the nip. The Coll*g** will he r> identi­ A fine assortment of NuBone and Mrs Chas O. Roe /ofV UBilM ’ SIGNS ON FENCES, \ fy the plants and send special di rate of 7 per «*ent per annum from and College Gitl corsets and nov­ and Mr. Miss Goff return­ AN* BARNS AN’ SIDEWALKS January 1, 1917, and the sum of $7fi.00 rections <>n inqu ry elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ ed Sunday Genevieve MAN HAVE BEEN C O N SlO tR EO from an auto tr.p to attorney's fees and the costs.and dis­ Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue. ADVERTISING FORE THEN vvuz Newport and th e Tillamook ANN bursements herein taxed at $18.50 and H. EL In ow, city school super­ NEW SPAPERS,BoT THEN’S intendent, cam«- over from Clat­ the costs of arxl upon said writ, and E. J May, wife and son return­ beaches, having been aw«»y a n o excuse p e r so ch s t u n t s ed to their home at Pasco, Wash., week. - sop Friday to attend a m« e ing commanding me to make sale of the NAORE , WITH THIS HERE Friday, after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. J Abbott de­ ANN of the board of education. Mr. following-described real pro|»erty, to- FANILN JOURNAL the Good and Morris families. parted Sunday by auto for the GREAT Inlow is spending his vaca: io 1 1 wit: CONI IN’ OUT REOV-AR-1 running a sto«e at Clatsop for a : AH of Lot numbered Thirty-two (32) Picnic packages, paper plates, Tillamook beaches, going by way hen , b o s s ? spruce contractor, and Mrs. In-i'n *he HRUGGER TRACT, containing paper napkins, p a p e r towels, of Sheridan. T hey expect to re low and the children are living at 10 m'r‘*M* more or less, and situated in Thermos bottles, in fact every­ turn next Monday, via Seaside section 17. T. 1 N. R. 1 W. of the Will. C at.sop with him. thing for your outing at Littler’s, and Astoria. Mer., accoriling to the duly recorded plat of said BRUGGER TRACT, said PhBuyayo'ur groceries, fish, veg- *Ir-anJ “ ™- C. L - Vaokough- land being in Washington County, Ore­ etaoles and of Lond-hand .i“,1 r fam ly J, at If the e are any farmers or fruit gon. held good, the Economy house- store S 'th, 1 a" n t>r . v MeSloy grower- in this section who need I will, on Saturday. August 31. 1918. Dodge bldg., eor. 3d street and! ? or,l“nd aT? brought horne her 10 o’clock A. M., at the south door Pacific Mrs. Thos. help. th«y may secure same by ap of at the Pacific avenue avenue. b 6-tf tt daughter, McS,oy and Alma, ,iltle and ()al^hter. house, in Hillsboro, Ore­ plying to R. W. Reder, s«cretary gon. sell Court Dr. Hines and O. M. Sanford . , , at public auction (aubject to of the Forest Giove Commercial | redemption) to the highest bidder for Sunday .took an auto trip up to People who purchase their Soda Springs and Mr. Sanford is monuments of Lewis & Co , Hills club Phone 751 cash in hand, all the right, title and very enthusiastic over the scenery ! boro, save the commission usually interest which the within named de- Men, women and children who paid to agents, as this firm deals in that neck of the woods. fen«lants, and each of them had «>n «lesire work on the farms or in with the customers. All June 12, 1915, the date of the m«jrtgage the orchards are also invited to Miss Jennie Creighton, who has ¡directly monuments guaranteed satisfac herein foreclosed, or since said date register with Mr. R*>«ler There been the guest of the Misses Ma­ i tory 30 tf had in and to the above deacribcd real is no charge for this service, only bel Adams and Elizabeth Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Ray Giltner and a desire to get ih work and work­ property, or any part thereof, to satia- the past two weeks, left Sunday Mr and Mrs F. E. Mercer ie- ers tog«*ther in order that foo«l fy said execution, judgment order and for her home at Betid, Ore. turned Saturday from a week’s interest, costs and accruing may be saved for the nation and decree, Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ | fishing costs. on the Wilson river and Job printing phone 821. its o vet sea forces. ner Pacific Avenue and Third the Tillamook country. They re Dated this August 1, 1918. street, for up-to date hair cuts port fair success at fishing and a GEO. ALEXANDER, and shaves Also ice cream, cold delightful frip. Sheriff of Washington County, Ore- drinks and lunches. Phone 181 gon. Claude Smith and daugh­ H. J . BAGLEY, Attorney. The members of the Oregon Mrs. Gertrude, First pub. Aug. 1; last, Aug. 29. returned Friday Elks’ association will hold their ter, night from a visit with Mrs. first annual convention in Port­ Smith’s sister, Mrs. Frank Wi'- DR. H. C. FORTNER land Aug. 26, 27 and 28. There son, at Vancouver. Mr. Wilson are quite a number of Elks in this is recovering nicely from his re­ Successor to city who will attend. I>R. H. W. VOLLMKR Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson cent operation for appendicitis OFFICE returned Saturday from the Jack- N. C. Jamison, agricultural In First National Bank Building son farm, near Yamhill, where agent for Washington County, Telehones they spent, a week with George’s j has offered his services to Uncle Residence 332 Office 333 parents George helped dad with Sam as a heavy artilleryman and his farm work and developed an recemly took examination for the 11 Peyton Brand D. D. & M. B. BUMP duties. He expects, if accepted, awful appetite. to go to Louisville, Ky. for train Homer C. Atwell, o f Forest Attorneys at Law Grove, was this week appointed ing. Loans and Real Estate fruit inspector fo r Multnomah George S. Allen accompanied by D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, county. Mr. Atwell is an orchard his son in-law, Lotus L I^angley, Residence Residence Hillsboro ist of repute, and was at one time and SOn Billy, were in town from Forest Grove. 10c a pouch—and worth it the postmaster at Forest Grove Portland Saturday for an over- Phone 444 Offices HILLSBORO He has been fruit inspector of Sunday visit with Mr Langley’s Graoolylaoti so mach longer it co tti Washington county for a term, mother, Mrs. William Langley, J N. HOFFMAN no more to chow than ordinary p lo t I and knows the fruit game from and other friends. Mr. Allen was start to finish. M r. Atwell was at one time mayor of Forest Grove Attorney At Law P . B. Gravely Tobacco Compaay recommended by. H e n ry E. and is now helping Uncle Sam Patent Office Business Solicited Danville, Virginia Doesch, of near Hillsdale —Hills­ build that “bridge of ships” boro Argus. across the A ¡antic. L EO0 Forest Grove, - Oregon Staple and Fancy Groceries SOME OLD TIME REMINISCENCES HEMLOCK KMS Want Help or a Job? L et a man once 'get the pure clean taste of Real Gravely Chewing Plug—and he bids ordinary tobacco good-bye. " ^ Real Gravely Chewing Plug