Fifteen Hours in Durance BULK GRAIN ELEVATOR Pilot Oeriaratoro Installed 'AU^hindo^of riuppllea. J. W. Clancy Ml Morriaon Ht. Any Size. AOATR CUTTRR* A MFQ, JIWKLERO None Too A c c ia a o m t a and trailers __ _____ _ Small; None •»<1 »«H thalr parta at half Too Large. WOOD KOVERALLS K aox*2>aI2 t t 4 y * ,.rh r e p a i r i n g ^ M iliar's, *66 W aan. Ht.. M a jr a t lr T h e a te r Bldg. (C o p y rig h t, 1*18. by t b s M c C lu r* N aw » p a ­ pa r s y n d icate .» The trull* for Winchester mid points south pulled out on time, although even then the tracks were deep with the snow that had been falling stead­ ily for 24 hours. Rccuuse of the storm M o tor P o rta M fg Co., M l B u rn sid e Ht P a rta fo r all cara a t h a lf prlea. her friends hud endeavored to per­ suade Louixe Cochran to remain In a .li0 * «/ * ^ 8 IL ,V A — *t l H a w t h o r n # A v e A u to W re c k e rs. W a w rack c a rs and sail good to prtca .__ - parta " “ list Haa ua fo r K n - Washington, hut she had laughed at glnaa, M agnatoa, C arbu rato re, etc. their prophecies that unpleasant OR C>Í J ? ° R R A t^ ' O R — 1 D R U O L E t t T R E A T . things would happen and had wished M ENT them g»od-by with apparent light­ DK. R A Y M O N D K. W ATTKK8 heartedness. A rcu i» and (thronte Caam. Chi­ i « Iw . On m 4 M m . On In reality she was apprehensive. ropractic k* Ida moat Scienti Ac mathul of Heating diamaa. :i06-fl Hhe dreaded the delay to which she FRAN K C. BURRELL CO. H wat land tilda., (¡w n n 6th and might he subjected. She was In haste Waahington »treat» Lewi* Building to reach Staunton, at which place she PORTLAND. OREGON D O G A N D c a t h o s p i t a l would still he 12 miles from home, and D r. O. II llu th m a n . V ete rin a ria n H oa- the prospect of the long drive over b llal, 416 Kaat 7th Ht. I'h on a E ast 1»47, country roads late at night did not ap­ It* 1 I I I . peal to her. D R U O L E S S P H Y S IC IA N But she mnde herself comfortable, Ithaum atlam , Constipation, N e rv e an d T U c o m p U l « E U c I r i c L ig h t a n d Htomach troutile. D r. K in a Horenson, looked about, tnklng an Inventory of P o w e r P la n t 60S P a n a m a llldg. the passengers. Seeing no one whom H**lf starting. Stops automatically. E L E C T R IC -T H E R A P Y she knew, she appth-d herself to her Ho simple a child g s n operate I t D rs. M a r t ’hereon * W U I l a m a T N o T i llu i knitting with an ocmalonul glance out O ran d A v e A cu te and chronic dlaeaaaa. rhaurnatlam , f o l i a r an d fe m ala troublaa, o f the frost-rimmed window while the treated b y electricity. train kept on Its wny with ever-in­ creasing slowness. There was a pause F IN A N C IA L — M O R TGAGE L O A N S F o r M o rtg a g e Ix>ona aee O R E O O N 1N- now and th»*n for some passenger to V E S T M E N T A M O K T O A G K CO. ... Htock alight. Then the train would start on Exchange llld g . T h ird an d Yam h ill again with ever-diminishing speed. Hlrecta. P ortland, Oregon. Finally It came to a dead stop, appar­ MODERN APPLIANCE CO . Settle, Wn F O O T T R O U B L E S ently rnlh*s from anywhere. The worst TUttt a in U i m y m M i r i . H m m wnU •> D r. O. O. M atch er. M2 M organ""B ldg? C o m a, ilunlona, In g ro w in g toenalia, and hud hnpiM-ned. They had ran Into a a rc h specialist. drift and were Htallwl. And this oc- curr»*d before they hn»l reached Win­ M A T E R N IT Y H OM E M r * H o ffm an , m idw ife. chester, not muny miles from Wash­ •vety th ln g . 642 O ah ten beln ave. K. 2601. ington. M IL K A N O R E S T C U R E — T o bu ild health It Is one thing to t»e snowed up with ar.d stren gth an d cure diseases. The M o ors S an ita riu m O ffice *01 Helling plenty of warmth In the eonehes, an­ llu lld ln g , P ortlan d, Oregon. other when the thermometer gets down to zero ami there Is no h«*nt. O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N Dr. K. It N o rth ru p — 20* M orgon B u ild ­ Something went wrong with thestenm. in g C a ta rrh , C a ta r rh a l d e afn ess and But after several hours one and all Ithaum atlam . N e rv o u s and chronic dla- snuggled down Into their wrap«, and accepted the ln ev'‘ able. It was cold, P H Y S IC A L T H E R A P E U T IC S horribly •«’old, nnd everyone was hun­ P O R T L A N D . ORE. Dr. R. A . P h illip «. *06 B ro a d w a y B ld g D iso rd e rs o f the stom ach, liver, kidneys, gry. Ixiulse had dlvld*-d her lunch be­ Central Location. Beautifully Fumlahed bow ela, goitre, high blood pressu re and tween two little girls sitting nenr her. fe m ale d i s o r d e r s . _____________________________ Between hung»>r an«l cold she was feel­ Excellent Cafe. 1 1th and Stark. S A N IT A R IU M S ing very forlorn, when n familiar voice E ast Ride B an lta riu m , 669 H a w t h o r n s an Id to her: A va. M o d ern ly equipped P ro fessio n al “ Even If you ore not on speaking cara. M ed icated Itath s an d M a s s a g e Diet, M edical an d M a te rn ity cases. H o m s s u r ­ terms with me, Louise, I think for (he rou n d l n g s ^ _ _ _ _ moment you had better call a truce. SCH OOLS A N D COLLEGES Stand up. please, while I put this around you." Ile r teeth were chattering, but she W i ll teach you the trade In I w eeks. managed a “ N-no, I am c-comfort- P a y you w h ile le arn in g, get you a post tlon. 224 B u rn sid e Ht. B ahle, thank you.” P u lle r 's T e le g r a p _ h School, P a n a m a Bid “ Don't he silly, girl." Robert Lee q u a lifie s you fo r 6*6 to 6*6 positions In llfle a said roughly. "M y coat cannot hurt W r it e fo r catalogu e. sh o rt time. you. Stand up or I will pick you up. MIHH D E C K E l l 'S P r iv a t e B u sin e ss C o l­ Surely you do not want everyone In lege A lle k y B ldg., td A M o rrison Hta. H a w t h o r n e A u to A O a s E n g in e School, the enr craning their heads to see P r a c t ic a l exp erien ce what the fuss Is. about." 4(2 H a w th o rn e Ave. In o v e rh a u lin g an d re p a irin g eve ry m oke W . H. W A L L IN G F O R D , “ T-that Is the t-tronhle with y-you,” o f au to an d g a s engine. O x y sc ety len e w eldin g. E sta b lis h e d 2*07 Louise chattered. "Y-you always S T A T E DISTRIBUTOR t-try to make m-ine do things I SCHOOL .U P P U E S Liberty Six Premier Six N o r th w e s t School K u rn ltu rs Co., 244 2rd don’t want to.” 522 AUer Street. FORTLAND, ORE. B L E v e ry th in g fo r schools. A lso th eatre She did not move, and he stooped ch airs, ch u rch fu rn itu re. F o ld in g ch airs over, slipping his arm behind her an d s e a t s . __________________________________ shoulders. She shrank from him and S W E D IS H M A S S E U R the boy— for he was little more than a Dr. ]{a n s «ls t ro m , 612 D e k u m B ld g M edical O ym nast. T r e a t s ev e ry kind of -boy In spite of his slx-feet-two— drew ato m arh trou ble an d n erve d iso rd e r s atis The Problems of Life: hack, his face white. Then he took her Fear, Worries. Sorrows, Love. Domes- faotorUy Imnd anil drew her to her feet. tic and Business Affairs, SOLVED; Portland's Leading “ I must say," he muttered, “ I had Nervous, Mental and Psychical Dis­ no Idea you could net so foolishly. I eases, T R E A T E D ; and Best Equipped O ffice« know you have quarreled with me, hut Your Natural "P la c e "— V o c a tio n - and Laboratory. All work that Is no reason you should freeze to on Earth, FOUND by the guaranteed. d«>nth when I can make you comfort- PE R S O N A L TR O U B LE SPE C IA LIST abl*\” He drew the coat well about Dr. Wheat DR. A LZA M O N IRA LUCAS. 207 Murgan Bldg., Wash- her, then seated himself. "W hat Is It ing at Broadway. P»yche-A naly»l and Vocational Director. all about? Your ring Is In my pocket U S -0 M a r s » » Building with n note that I haven’t been able W rite your troubles or want». Enclose S rent Track, Automobile to make anything of. A fter you are ■ tamp. Addraa. I*. O. box M7. Portland. Oregon. Caupms warm you are going to give me an ex­ planation. and Touring “ I saw you when we left the Union Double Your!Efficiency at a Single Coal. station, nnd If It had not been for this confounded storm I would have left WATT SHIPP TRAILER CO., ,>?££,,W the train without speaking to you, S a v e a D ollar E very T i me Y ou but now, believe me, there will be a perfect understanding between us be­ F ill the B asoline T a n k . Clear your dump land Forty to Sixty per cent more mileage on gasolene. fore we are out o f this.” cheaply — so digging, no The Petele Combination Manifold will do this or The warmth of the fur-lined coat ex petite for lean* and more— frequently more. For Ford and Maxwell Bum diatilatr auoceaafully winter and sum­ was having Its effect, nnd without con­ powder. One man with a cars. mer. Write for particular». Agents Wanted. sciously doing so, Louise was taking K can rip out any dump PETETE COM BINATION MANIFOLD little bites o f chocolate, thereby find­ that can be pulled with the •2 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon. ing a comfort she hnd not known be­ bed inch deel cable. fore. She looked nt the big fellow and Work» by leverage — naw D EA L E R S U SED C A R pnecipl» u a jack. 100 pouad remarked casually: Bell on the leva» (tvas a 4A t.«i Clearing House. pall an the dump. Mada el the It Is very good of you to take this by'f^s! I eel I all make« of car«. Ixow price«: ea*y term». trouble. I did not appreciate how cold Liberty bond« taken. Every Car Guaranteed. I was, nor how hungry.” Here she bit POW M Into the chocolate with every evidence Lewis E. Obye, Gen. Mgr. of enjoyment. "D o you always carry Grand A ve. and East Stark St. sweets about with you?" CVtN Y THING FO R T H I O F F I C I But he was absorb«! In the contents O ffice F urniture a A ppliances Write today for (pedal P R I N T I N G E N G R A V I N G :: B O O K B I N D IN G o f a note he hnd taken from his pocket offer and free booklet on and did not answer. When at last he Land Clearing. raised his head there was a curious 4AMMAIL 60#0 A6 546 contraction of his eyes nnd a bulldog alter J. Fitspatrick Box A set to his chin thnt bespoke something 1M Fifth Street of that animal's tenacity. Francisco u ~= :> California "What made you write this, Louise? rtP T H * O AR S T B t I T l PO W TLAN O O M O O h When I saw you a week ago there was C O M P L E T E L I N E OF S T E E L H U N G D E V IC E S A N D S Y S T E M S no friction between us, nnd last night this reached me out of a clear sky. What Is the meaning of It?" For the use o f physicians and den- Men no longer scratch matches on "A re you sure you don’t know?" lists a tongue depressing Instrument their trousers, because It leaves a “ My conscience Is clenr.” He looked has been Invented that switches on an mark. It will occur to the men some electric light to Illuminate a patient's day that matches w ill do the same st her steadily. "There is no use fenc­ ing for time. You hnd some motive mouth when It Is used. j thing on a wall.— Kansas City Star. a u t o Motora, gaara. b ea rin gs whaala, axlaa, VVa w rack ail m ak aa of c a r* ‘ » « T P * f U at h a lf prtca. D avid llu d a a Co., N. Ilro a d w a y an d Flanders. CONCRETE. DELCO-UGHT NORTONIA HOTEL ¿HOLER £ 23 « COLUK Are You In Trouble? Eyesight Specialist Trailers Make more Money Pull big stumps ------- ¿y Hand <3^ t that la.beyond me. I must be stupid, for I nm completely in the dark.” For / ------------------------------------------- \ a moment his anger got the better of O w ing to tho increased him. "I thought you different from cost o f ell kinds o f ma­ that crowd o f butterflies back there," terial th e retail a e l l i a g nodding his head In the direction of Washington. "It seems, however, that price of I nm mistaken." "Butterflies!" Louise exclaimed In j dlgnnntly. "Butterflies, Indeed ! Every j one o f the crowd Is at work, and hard R e g .U .S .P a k O H at work, r.t that. Do you think It easy haa bean advanced to to sp»‘tid all night at Union station meeting troop trains and to stay there until six o’clock In the morning bund­ ing out coffee and sandwiches to men who have had nothing to eat for hours Pw^DfU ft o f and hours nnd— " "The uniform la becoming,” ^ e re­ torted In an ugly tone. “ I saw you In yours.” “T o say nothing of the strain upon one's sympathy. Only last night Look for Marlon flHrlnnd cried like a baby over this Red an old man nnd hla wife who hnd come Woven for a glimpse of their boy who they Label hnd heard wna on his wny to Camp MmJmhy Gordon. Did they find him? No. In a m a Lavi Stnuu* 4k Co., : stead, they were told his company had A«ar(*S GUANO PRIZE at F.F.I.C. left suddenly for France. The boy was . . . Mira, a* ’ ‘ Freedom-A 0 a ” « In the engineers. I f the girls were butterflies do you think they would have be«*n moved over the sore trouble / ? / M 5 Granulated Eyelids, o f those two old people?" Her voice Sore Eyes, Eye* Inflamed by was steady In Its wrath. “ Would but­ J a n , D u t t and W in d quickly terflies go day after day to surgical relieved by Murine. Try it in your Eye* and in Baby’* Eye*. dressing r»s>ms; would they care for NaSaurtiss, Ja*t EyeCoofort three B»>lglan children and knit and Marine E *e Remedy knit, nnd knit?" "H ysteria." he returned stubbornly. ■ya Salve, la Tat—a 2Se. For Boo* •/ l>, £va — VrM . Aik M a r i n e E r e R e m e d y C o . . C h l c a g e 4 “ There are n great many In dead earn­ est, but there Is also a certain number thnt have gone Into the thing for ex­ citement and effect. But this Is aside from the matter In which I am Inter­ ested. Why did you write this note and send hack your ring?” O f what he said she caught but one word. "H ysteria ! O h ! You great brute.” Tw o angry tears rolled down her cheeks. He saw them, although Stropping Razor on the Hand. she had quickly turned her head. It is claimed that the finest strop Leaning forward he took her resist­ for a razor is the fleshy part of one's ing hand firmly In his. “ We do not seem to he getting any- hand below the little finger. I f it is . , , . . . .. . . » safety razor blade grasp it between where, txjulse. Just farther and further ^ thumb Rnd fjrgt fjnger o f tfae from the thing that means everything right hand and strike finger nail and to me. to both of us. In spite of mj blade at the same time on the fleshy bewilderment I know you think yon ' part of the left hand. I f you will do have some good reason for what you it alowly at first the motion becomes have done. lA»avc the others out o f It. automatic. A little vaseline on the cutting edge is said to keep the blades Dear, I am very unhappy.” constantly in first-class condition. But she hnrked hack to something he hud said. “ Where did you see me S H A K E INTO YOUR SHOES. In uniform?” she asked, abruptly. Allen's Foot-Eaae. the antiseptic powder. Makes “ At the station two nights ago.” tight or new shoe* feel easy. Believe* Corns, Bunions. Hot. Swollen. Ten»ier. Aching Feet. Sold “ And you did not speak to me?” everywhere. 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. “ Unfortunately. I could not. I was Sample FR EE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. with the general.” " I did not see you.” There was nn Keep Smiling. edge to the tone that caught his atten­ Happiness o f heart and soul can be tion. willed. It is psychologically true that “That would not he surprising In the the laugh which is at first forced may crowd.” later be made genuine. T ry i t T ry "You were not In the crowd when 1 reading the joy column of the papers Treasure the good saw you. There were but two, you and magazines. ones and pass them on to friends. and— " He took her bands now and forced Don't destroy a play because it is for 'laughing purposes only. Hunt such her to to turn toward him. “ You saw comedies and tell others of them. me? Did you see who was with me?” Start every day in good humor, with “ I snw a woman's head against your a smile. It w ill help brighten the day shoulder. That was enough.” f « r others. “ Was that why you returned your Holderless Pen. ring?" “ Wouldn’t you call It a sufficient A European inventor has devised a metal blank with four clamps which reason?” "Appearances are often deceptive” carries a pen at the end. This device he said slowly. “ I thought you trust­ clamped around the forefinger is said to make writing much easier than ed me.” when a penholder is used. “ Against the evidence o f my own eyes ?” “ Yes, nnd because you say that you ADDED EARNINGS believe me unworthy o f trust.” B E H N K E - W A L K E R , a t P o rtla n d , N o r t h ­ e s t’s b ig g e s t bu sin ess college o v e r­ " I f eondltiows were reversed, what w w helm ed b y ca lls fo r train e d y ou n g m en would you think?” a n d w om en. E n ro ll now . T a k e a cou rse "That would he nn entirely different au u a position assured. S te n o g ra p h y tele­ gra p h y , ac co u n tin g, sh orth an d , ban k in g, matter,” he returned shortly. "Often s e c re ta ria l etc. W r i t e fo r catalogu e. situations arise thnt place a man In n position In nowise touching the loy­ M E N , W O M E N — Y o u n g o r old. M a k e b ig money. New article for home canning. Sells alty he owes the woman he loves, and without talk. W rit* now. Mutual Novelty M fg. Co.. Tacoma. Wash. I love you, I«outse." “ You will not explain?” “ I cannot, dear. You must accept my word thnt there was no disloy­ Bowxhl, Sold, Ranted and Repaired alty.” W A L K E R E LEC TR IC W OR KS She turned to him impulsively. "I Burnside, enr. 10th. Portland. O ra would have given everything I pos- ----------------- scssed to get that letter back. I beg- ohair 1 ...» i i c3££r Wool & M K* m 1 the carrier to give It to me, but W» ami *1 m haw VHP In Prian a*(Shi**ai Tap. he wouldn’t. He looked sympathetic T H E H . F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , nnd said: ’Sure, If you’ve quarreled P w tlaa «. Or*.. Seattle. W a.. Bellingham. Wn. with him, miss, you’ll have to write another. This now belongs to him.’ I was furious. And I was heartsick Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs nnd started home to have It out with and Farm'.Produce, myself." to the Old Reliable Everding house with • "Thnt was what I was doing. I was record of 45 year« of Sqtuve Dealing*, and given a week’s absence and was on b* aaaured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. my wny home. I have a dandy plan to F. M . CRONKHITE, 45-47 Froat Street. Portland, Oregon prevent future complications. What do— ” Here the conductor Interrupted, looming big In the dim light. "Pretty bad, captain,” he said In pnssing. “ fif­ teen hours o f It. But we will be In j Winchester soon. They have dug us ¡ out from the other side. A terrible storm.” I Do Your Own Plumbing! "A blessed storm,” Robert Lee j By baying direct fro n a* at wholanaln prices answered, as his hand sought and and aav* the ptnmher'a prodte. Write ua to­ held the one deep In the pocket o f his peada. W a »rill gire you our roek- 'direct-to-you" price*, f. o. b. rail or coat. W e actually save you fro n 10 to Si par “ Heh? What?” For a moment the sent. AU goods guaranteed. conductor looked on In amazement, North »mat headquarter* fo» Leader Water then a smile of understanding spread : Systems and Pallor A Johnson Knginaa. over his face ns his gaze rested upon ST A R K -D A VIS CO. the flushed countenance o f Louise 212 Third S treet Portland. Or. Cochran. "A ll in the point o f view, captain,” he said, ns he passed on. P. N. U. No. 32, 1918 All in the point of view.” th e S u it ELECTRIC MOTORS Hides, Pelts, S H IP BUY D IR E C T Æ