© V Jfîur?0t (£ m ii* ÌExpr test l'uhlixhed «vary Thurmlay at Forest Greva, Oregon. W. C. banfar, Kditor. Knter<*l a* aai-ond-claMM mattar Jan. 12, lttl0, at the uoatolfii Oregon, under the Act of March 5, 1879 i'alti in advance One year ......... . Six mon the ......... Three Montha Subscription Rated On Credit $1.00 One year ...... .......... 60 Six months ....... .26 Three months THURSDAY, AUGUST 16. 1918 11.60 7» 40 as a champion of liberty, either for ourselves or for the world, who doe« not reverence and obey the law* of our own beloved land, whose law» we ouraelve» have made. He hasadopted the stand ard» of the enimien of hi» country, whom he affect» to dexpise " —Fresi lent Wilson. | c= 3o S1fc= to izz)liäo i= 3lfäö Sirao p ]fö 0 0 SCENE FROM THE FIGHTING One of the hardest things for the people at home, as they read ■*» the war n* ws and the letters from free men, stretching from the At­ front, is to visualize the actual lantic to the Pacific living under fighting—to see their Yankee lads t ho laws of Alfred and speaking exactly as they look in the big i the language of Shakespeare and bat iles on which h ings the world’s Here, from the pen of Midon, is an august conception.” late Prices Model “ Four-Ninety’ French correspondent, is a des­ The United S'ates is now a Na­ F. O. R Forest Grove tion of a hundred million and cription that helps immensely: “The finest thing of the com­ stieiching from the Ailan'ic Chassis Roadster $825.00 $785.00 - * * This paper has enlistod ' more, to the Pacific, and reaching out bat was the dash of the Ameri­ No. 5 Delivery 825.00 Touring with the government in the east takes in Hawa i and the cans. It was a fine thing tos«e 845.00 No. 6 Delivery 845.00 cause o f A m e r ic a for the Philippine-, in the north Alaska, those grand fellows, with their) 1365.00 Sedan tun es thrown off and their shi t period o f the w a r ............... and in the south the Panama C • No. 7 Delivery 845.00 Coupe - 1335.00 : nal. Hut grander than its physi­ sleeves ro led up above their el- cal is its moral gi eat ness. Its bows, wading the rivers with wa­ T ile HATEFUL HUN fairness and justice, ils courage in to their shoulders, and throw­ One thing we get from Germany, and power, its maintenance of ing themselves on the boche like We get it every day; right and freedom cover the world. bulldogs. We And it with us when we wake ‘Anyone who has seen such a The destiny the United States is And if we’ ve time to play sight knows what the American now fulfilling is a more august It still is there in such amounts conception than even the imagi army i- good for henceforth and We think it's come to stay. nation of the- author of Kubla to the end of the war At the No ship comes in from Germany, Khan conceived of less than a sight of these men, magnificent in Hearing this horrid freight, their youth, physical force, good century ago. No Zeppelin or submsrine temper, and dash, the Germans You Don’t hire a man for a re­ Stsggers beneath its weight. fled with every leg or surrendered ONLY A SHADOW sponsible position until you are thor­ Rut in some way, they send each day This is about a man who had without waiting th e order to Fresh heaps of liunnish hate. oughly satisfied as to his character never viewed himself in the mirror throw away their arms and take off their suspenders, which i» .he We never cared to cherish hate— of self-appraisal. and ability. It has a blighting touch; Like that misguided cockerel. fir-t thing a prisoner is to d to do, in order that he may be employed Hut since our foemen live on it Chanticler, he thought the sun and You investigate his record of out of mischief. And cannot have too much, could not rise unless he so willed If hate will help us best the Hun past performances; his reputation One morning this illusion» d g nt - “The Germans hurried toward We'll hate to beat the Dutch! our lines, gripping their trousers, for reliability. 1 person saw his shadow stretching — BUs Meredith. haggard and white with teiror. out before him “ Would that every mother in Lest you forget, the county fair “Ah!” he soliloquized, “ I am a France who has lost a son in the Apply the same test to the car will be held on F. U. campus Sept. giant Just as in stature I tower war could have seen that epic, you buy. 19th and 20th. Do your bit. so shall I stand in power!” sight. They would have seen That morning he set about themselves revenged, and it would The editor of ihe Express hears The price you pay for it is as materializing this coveted condi­ have been some consolation to that vandal» have stolen part of much an investment as the salary you tion. them in their sorrow.” the Ford auto in which mr. and He tyrannized over those near Wou d that every mother in 'pay the man. You expect a good re­ Mrs. Simon Wahl lost ttyt-ir lives near Dilley on July 30th. If this him and thru them passed the America who has a son in the turn from both. Investigate the car o ia true, Washington county is oppression to the lowliest of his war—and evé y sister and uncle as you would the man. Reputation in and aunt—could likewise see that cursed with meaner people than race. They paid tithes and homage, epic sight. the writer supposed. both is the determining factor. and i heir women were as slaves. O A Portland paper advises its You are urged to investigate the But he was not content. Then- readers to refrain from eating economy records, the reputation and veal, in order that the farmers will still existed lands and peoples be­ cease killing calves and let them yond the pale of his despotic do­ the performance of the C h e v r o le t grow up to milk producers The minion. Plans are being rapidly perfect­ o because to know all about the C h e v ­ He set himself to subdue and ed for the Oregon state Salvation Express opines that ihe majority of the veal comes from ‘he” subjugate them. He entered in­ Army War Service outside of ro le t is to be convinced that its pur­ o calves, which would never become to an imaginary pact with certain Portland, for $25,000, which opens chase reflects favorably on the good cows. And here is another angle astral forces and pretended to pal all over fhe state, Sunday, Sep­ judgment of its thousands of owners. of the milk question: A loctl with Deity while he hob nobbed tember 15, and closes Saturday, ♦ ' September 21. Evangelist John dairyman, who peddles his milk with Mars. Ask us to tell you a ll about the He set himself to subdue and M. Linden of Chicago, campaign at 10c a quart, told the writer last week that he had more than subjugate them. He stored up a i manager, announces three district CHEVROLET. $5,000 invested in land, buildings kettle of strife with the ladie of campaign a-sistants, Prof. E. S. cows, feed, horse, wagon and oth­ militarism He lied and spied, Hammond of the Kimball School er equipment and was making plotted and spotted, dreamed and of Theology of Salem, who will be less than $50 per month for his schemed with secrecy and cun in charge of the counties of west­ ern Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs twelve to sixteen hours per day ning Distributer for of labor Do you think this man When all seemed ready to set William S Dixon, who will super will feel like keeping his heifer up his W old Dynasty, he once!v,8e the collection of all funds in W ashington and Columbia Counties calves until they become milkers? again caught sight of his shadow, the counties of o-ntral and eastern FOREST GROVE, ORE. He would have to be several time< It was noon. What earlier re- ° r<* on w^ h headquarters in Pen- more patriotic than most of us if sembled the outlines of a Goliath ^leton. T he general office for the ÖllCUOCZSIlCUOEZDl |CZIOI=3| |CZ3QlZZ3lf he did so. Feed is too high, ap­ had shrunk to the dimensions of ^ rlve ha® been opened in room 228 Chamber of Commerce parently, in this section for milk a uiflfi . ‘ . . . . . building. Portland, with Dr. Wil- to sell at 10c, but if the milkmen No Sugar For Bees tomo'ogist of 0 . A. C., “trusting And now the ga hering dusk of |jam Wallace Youngson, general; raise prices 'hey will be cursed as Sugar for feeding bees will be to the bees to collect from scat­ nightfall is slowly enshrouding O. C. Borrzmeyer, office manager extremely hard to get this year, tered sources sufficient honey to profiteers. And there you are. and William M. Ladd, treasurer. due to the Federal food control winter them. When this supply If the Portland editorial writer Kaiser Bill.—Pori land News. wants to go into thu dairy busi­ THE PRESIDENT ON fails the bee men depend upon I measures ness, the editor of the Express To Kill Codling Moth “Oevon beekeepers generally feeding sugar for winter storage MOB SPIRIT will give him the name of a man Codling moth worms are now rob their bees rather closely in or to bring the bees through in “ I have called upon the Nation who will sell at less than cost. attacking apples ia many parts of the fall,” says A. L. Lovett, en the spring.” to put its great energy into this Oregon, rendering thousands of wa’ and it has re-ponded—re­ AN AUGUST CONCEPTION ; dollars worth of fruit worthless. with a spirit and a geni­ Samuel Taylor Coleridge, p. et sponded A ihoiough spraying of the fruit us for action that has thrilled the and essayist, writing some 75 world. I now call upon it, upon ¡with bad arsenate, one pound years ago, said: its men and women everywhere, dry or iwo pounds paste to 50 of water, is recommendtd “The possible destiny of the to se«- to it that its laws are kept gallons by the O. A. C. entomologists, j United States of America as a ! inviolate, its fame untarnished. Worms of all sizes from the newl - “ I can never accept any man Nation of a hundred million of hatched caterpillar up, are now going into the fruit, and the spray will do much to lesseii the injury. Because of the unusual attack of worms it may be necessary to re peat the spray in about three I weeks. At their annual meeting, held at Marshfield Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the members of the to its new location, in the Haines Building Oregon Editorial association elect­ ed C. E. Ingalls of Corvallis as president, Edgar McDan cl of North Bend vice president, Lloyd where we are better than ever equipped to supply Riches of Oregon City secretary Phone 531 the public with Meats, Vegetables and and treasurer and Bruce Dennis of LaGrande and A. E. Scott of Farm and Dairy Products FOREST GROVE, OREGON Forest Grove members of the ex ecutive committee. WALTER ROSWURM Phone 0301 a Buy a Car as You Would Hire a Man O The Salvation Army Needs Financial Aid 0 Joe A. Wiles 11 The Main Street Lumber Yard The Pacific Market has the largest and best- housed stock of Building M aterials in Washington county. HAS MOVED One Door South of the Postoffice Copeland & McCready Job printing—phone 821. li»«