/ ¿Oui <is+- fj ,— _ ~ ^ ' d - 4- — ^ ^ X U 4 ^ v \ , ÎÎo n 'iii t o n t r ^Expiras AN IN D EPEN DEN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 Popular Young Teacher Becomes a Bride FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918 J. E. Farmer Stricken The City Fathers In Monthly Session CONDENSED NEWS NOTES No. 32 ANOTHER LOCAL BOY GIVES HIS ALL J. E. Farmer, for many year» Dale Underwood of Walla Wal auent at the Oregon Electric Hta- la. Wash , is visiting friends in tion in this city, suffered a slight AI councilman attended the the city. One of Washington county s | stroke of paralysis laat Thursday August mee ting, held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hines of most popular youn« ladies became afternoon' and was taken to R. H. Jonas of Beaverton, the Gales Creek town Friday received a bride at 3 o clock last Sunday ,St Vincent’s hospital. Portland, night, but Mayor Paterson being manager for the county fair, was afternoon, when M hs Martha where he haH ginc£ improve(J con. out of the city, President Hines from the war department a cable in this city Monday. Allen was united in marriage-to Hi(k,rat)ly. Mrs. Farmer is with sat in the saddle at the head of to the effect that their eld Charles Strong of Corvallis. The | her hui band The ljnfortunat,. the table. Roy Watkins jumped into his e gram s t son, Willis, fged 20 years, had Bills totalling $1445.55 were flivver bug early this morning and ceremony was performed at th e , man Wag planning on taking a been killed on July 23d while in hiked for the woods for venison home of the brides parents, Mr. vacatjon following the closing of allowed and ordered paid action i n France. No further Recorder Dyke report* d having and Mrs. Marion S Allen Sec- the 0 r, gon EIectric d,,pot |aHt Miss Elizah' th Carlyle, who is particulars were given. ond avenue south, by Rev. John TuewJay an(J it is un£ rtunate fined four violators of the traffic taking training in a Spokane hos Willis Hines was a native «on II. . . Ebert . . . of the local M . . E. i that he must lake his vacation in ordinance and turn' d $10 in o the pital for nursing, is paying a visit church, the ring ceremony being a ho„pita, His many friends in jciiy treasury. Three first-time to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. of Washington county, having been born near where his parents uswi M m Aiken Hoffman, tbif| Y, are h in tha( j E. | offenders were reprimanded, bu« now reside. He enlisted in the cousin to the bride, played Lo- wi|| fioon be ab,je fo ,ak<. th„ not fined. The case against Goff L Carlyle The Oregon Electric depot was old Third Oregon infantry in hengren s wedding march, . Ii>s p|annt,d vacation a the seashore. Bros, for keeping dynamite on the sidewalk in front of their closed Tuesday morning and all April of last year and when the Gertrude Allen was bridesmaid, and John Ireland was groomsman; store was dismissed, without cost that line's local business is now Third was mustered into the fed handled at the S. P. depots. No eral service became a member of M u te r Edwin Serour. a» pane. Mor' N™ “ •‘• » ‘• n ¡or prejudice. was dressed as a sailor and car-1 Miss Constance Cartwright of C. A. Lit tier and C- L Van- trains have been taken off either the 162d infantry. He was a nephew o Dr. Chas Hines of rird an American flag, while Miss the University of Oregon has been j Koughnet, representing practical road. Margaret Hines was flower girl,!engaged to teach b ology and act ly all the business hou-es in town, Archie Bryant of this city and this city and a manly young fel carrying u basket of pink roses. as physical director for women at presented a petition, asking that Robert Jennings of Portland re low, possessing hundreds of friends Punch and wafers were served University t h e coming a night watchman be employed. turned last night from a fishing in Washington county who will the guests, who consisted only of term. Miss J,eva Jackson of . J. J. Stangel, manager of the can- excursion to the Wilson river and regret to hear of his death. the relatives of the contracting Portland will be ins.ructor in \ nery, stated that the war depart the Tillamook bay section They parlies and tchool friends of the shorthand and typewriting Both merit.' having requisiiiqned the report good catches. the-e young ladies come highly major portion of the p .ck, de bride. The Otto Erickson company, recommended and Ac'ing Presi manded that a night watchman Washington county agent for the The bride was charming in a dent Clark is breathing eaiser gown of Georgette crepe and since their engagement, as corn- look after the fruit«, and vegeta Ford-on tractor, gave a demon crepe de chine, with bridal veil of latent instructors are scarce these bles in the cann-ry. His com stration of the worth of that pow At the monthly meeting of the pany was at big expense to main erful machine on the southeast Forest Grove board of education, tulle and orange blossoms, carry war times. tain a private watchman and corner of Pacific University farm held Friday night, the board made ing a bouquet of bride’s roses and would like to have the city carry this afternoon. sweet peas arrangements with Prof. Edward part of the burden, the watchman The parlors were decorated in Taylor, the new instructor in The members of the Women's devoting part of his time to guard ferns and golden glow and the mathematics and physics at Paci Foreign Miss:ot»ry society of the ing the city. After some discus ceremony was performed under fic University, to devote three M. FT church held their annual sion. the councilmen agreed that an arch of evergreens.. hours each week to training high picnic at the home of Mr. and if the cannery would *tand one- pupils in military tactics The bride is one of the most third, the business men a similar Mrs. E. G Mills last evening. school Mr. Taylor has had three years of There was a big basket dinner in esteemed of Forest Grove’s fair amount, the city should bear the military training and he is now at daughters, is a graduate of the remaining third of the expense. the Mills dining room and a ver the State University taking a bal report from Will Beach, who local high school, class of 1915, It's Up to Us. Councilman Coon and Mr Stan and has attended the state nor “G erm any'* w ar of sta rv a tio n la a gel were appointed to interview has spent the past six years in three-wepk course from a retired mal. She taught last year in the ch allenge m ost of all to A m erica.” the business men apd engage a Siam as a missionary from the M. army officer. Fairvlew district and will teach says a Food A d m inistration Bulletin. watchman. They have arranged E. church. The board found it impossible in Hillsboro when the schools open “ A gainst G erm any's luat for dom inion. with H. C. James to take the po to secure an athletic coach, so the Give th e C hildren Milk. A m erica's purpose la to estab lish the sition until Nov. 1st. members were glad to secure the in the fall. Milk is one of th e m oat im p o rta n t services of Mr. Taylor for the society of nationa. A gainst d e stru c The groom is a young man of City Treasurer Sparks reported sources the hum an race pos military training. Mr. Taylor will steiling worth, was a student of tion. A m erica’s aim la healing. A gainst that he had appointed his wife as food sesses For th e p roper nourishm ent m astSry. A m erica's Ideal la service. also give a course free of charge the Oregon Agricultural College "W e can n o t su rp ass th e ste a d fa st deputy and the council confirmed of th e child, it is absolutely indispen to the Boy Scouts, if it is the wish and is now employed as salesman ness of B ritain, th e courage of Italy, ] the appointment. sable and its use ahould be kept up in of the Scouts to secure this train in one of the leading business th e ex altatio n of France. The street committee was in the d iet as long as possible. N ot only ing- _____________ houses of Corvallis He will en “ We can n o t excel th e Allies In h e ro structed to see what could be does it contain all th e essen tial food ter the navy about the time Mrs. ism . In en d u rance. In fortitude. Our !dnne to protect the property of elem en ts In the m ost available form Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hughes ar for ready digestion, b u t th e réc e n t Strong resumes her teaching. force in b attle, though It may be d e W. B. Schee z, on West Pacific rived last night from Camp Lewis scien tific discoveries show it to be es Mr. and Mrs. Strong left for cisive, will not be as g reat as th eirs. avenue, from surface water. for a visit with the former’s moth pecially rich in c ertain peculiar prop “ W e caa hope to c o n trib u te moat to Corvallis immediately after the On motion of Councilman er, Mrs. M. M. Hughes, and other erties th a t alone ren d er grow th pos the com m on cause from our larg er ceremony, being accompanied to resources. relatives. t Tom has been away To relieve d esp erate p ri i Tho nburgh, the city will dispen.-e sible. the train by a throng of merry vation. A m erica can supply food. ! with the services of Ed. Sayres, from Forest Grove for six years friends. ____________ "G iving up w heat Is a little thing city electrcian, on August 31st. It is not enough to ta k e off yonr h a t and was surprised at the physical com pared to th e ir d eath stru g g le—-In : The experiment of hiring electri to t h e flag—ta k e off your co at and changes in the old town since his Aged Woman Called Home which our soldiers are splendidly cians as needed will be tried. roll up your sleeves, and having m ade last visit. He is an electrician Mrs. Maria Andrus was born sharing. those prep aratio n s, do so m ething use and has charge of a squad of en As soon as Electrician Sayres Feb. 16,1839, at Burreti’s Rapids, "A little th in g —yet we can do it ful for A m erica and h er cause. listed men in electrical work. Ontario, Canada4, was married to w ith g re a tn e ss of sp irit. S upporting discovered what the council had done to his job. he went to Port Wri» P Andrus, of Canton, Pa., our arm y and adding w h o le h e a rte d in 1860, and went to Lucknow, service to hum anity, it la in A m erica's land an I secure a bet er job with Out., where six children were l>orn t'° w er to d efeat forever the passion of the Columbia Ship Building com pany. to them, them. Wm Wm. C. Andrus. Ander- conquest. “Now is th e hour of testing, W heat Recorder Dyke was instructed son, Cal.; Fred Andru , deceased; is the te s t.” to ask the North Coast Power Mrs. J. A White, Minneapolis; company to supply the city with Mrs. Chas R enenschneider, Fres This is the last is^ue of the Forest Grove Express under the electrical energy. If the com present management, as the paper and all machinery, type and no, Cal.; Mrs L. A Thompson. Christian Church Clatskanie. Ore., and James E. Mr. Sius will fill his monthly appoint pany complies, at a reasonable material connected with it have been sold to James P. Rawson, of rate, the light plant may be closed Andrus, Forest Grove. ment at Kansas City school house at Seattle, Wash. Mr. Rawson took an option on the property August In 1880 she removed with her 11 a. m. Pres. Clark of the University down, as a war-time nv asure. W. P. Watkins, chief of police 3d and ten days later made a substantial payment on the purchase family to Casselton, N D., where has consented to speak to the congre she lived until 1913 when she gations in our house at the morning and street commissioner, reported price. He has not yet arrived from Seattle, where he is packing came lo Forest Grove, where she hour. Rev. Patten will address the that he had worked for the city up his household goods for shipment to this city, but is expected resided -until the time of her audience on the campus at 7:00 p. m. almost nine years, without a va before the end of the week. Mr. Rawson has a family of wife and cation, and he thought a two- death. Aug. 10, 1918. If too cool, adjournment will be made weeks rest would do him good. four children, is an experienced newspaper man and stated that he Since her girlhood she has been to the Congregational church as last His wishes won him the vacation would improve the paper shortly. F u rrie r than this, the writer a member of the M E. Church Sunday. Council adjourned. knows nothing of his plans. . and prominent in all Christian Methodist Church Services work. The Express has never been on the market, but Mr. Rawson Funeral services were held at Sunday School 9:45. made an offer the former owners di<| not feel justified in refusing, Morning worship 11:00 o’clock. We 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Rev. J considering the small profits tc be made in the newspaper business H Ebert officiating, and inter are closing year soon and we would like under the present high prices of labor, paper and other commodi ment was in Forest View ceme to see all there, as there are matters All men who have become 21 to be brought up that need the atten years of age since June 5th, 1918, ties the publisher must buy. It is the earnest hope of the retiring tery. tion of all. Come for a big meeting. and all who will be 21 by Aug. publisher that all who have heretofore patronized the Express will Mrs. William Burnett Epworth League 7:00 p. m. 24th, 1918, must register with the continue to do so, as the new publisher promises them a better pa Jennie Burnett, aged 42. wife Class meeting 7:30. war board at Hillsboro Saturday per and a square deal. of L. W. Burnett of Greenville, Prayer service Thursday 8 p. nj. of next week. Aug. 24th, between All unpaid subscription accounts should be paid to Mr. Raw- passed away at, the family home Steward meeting on Monday eve at 8 the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m last night, after a short illness, o'clock. son, who will fill all paid-in-advance subscriptions. leaving a husband, one son. Ed- The Washington county war JOHN H. EBERT, Pastor. 1 To those who have favored the undersigned with their pat hoard has summoned 50 young gar, aged 15, and a daughter, ronage, he extends heartfelt thanks and if there are any who feel Dorothy, aged 9. Mr. Burnet t Notice to Light and Water Consumers men to report at Hillsboro on that the Express has not treated them in a “ lady-like” manner, and family came from Yamhill The office of City Treasurer and Monday. Aug. 28th. The state’s county to the Greenville district Light and Water Collector will be quota is 1.000 men. the w riter begs forgiveness. He*desires to quit business in Forest nine years ago open only from 3:00 to 6:00 P M. Mr. and Mrs Will Beach and Grove with the good will of everybody and assures all th at he holds Funeral services will be held at from Aug. 19 to Aug. 24, inclusive. three children, late of Siam, are no grudges over past differences of opinion. The retiring publish the home at 10 o’clock tomorrow E. S. Sparks, visiting at the home of Mr. Beach’s er has no definite plans for the future, but will endeavor to secure and the remains will be interred sister, Mrs. S. L. Carlyle. Mr. a salaried position as near Forest Grove as possible, to the end t l City Trea>urer. in the Banks cemetery. Beach has been serving in the that this place may continue as his home. We deliver ice cream to any mission field of Siam for the past We deliver ice cream to any Respectfully and cheerfully, part of the city. Tell it to phone part of the city. Tell it to phone six years and two of his children 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf were born in that country. W. C. BENFER. Military Training for High School Boys E A T PO TA TO E S SAVE WHEAT The Forest Grove Express Sold to Seattle Newspaper Man If You Are 21 You Must Register