/ CONDENSE!) NEWS NOTES George Wise of near Gaston had busines-s in town Tuesday. Better vision Glasses. Dr. Sc- Miss Mury Hollevoet returned % mones. yesterday from a visit with Port» We deliver ice cream to any land friends. part of the city. Tell it to phone Mrs. Chas. Hines and little ✓ 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf daughter have returned from u To the people of this community, who have responded so Oh, Gir-ruls! Have you seen visit to the Tillamook beaches. loyally in purchasing past issues of Liberty Bonds and who the Coveralls for ladies and child­ T. H Littlehales has moved expect to take bonds of the Fourth Loan, and to those who ren at Anderson’s store? may desire a short-time Government investment, we recom­ from a house on the Gales Greek Miss Annie Sether of Roseburg road to the Hedgecock property, mend the purchase of these Certificates, which we will sup­ arrived Tuesday, for a vUit with west Third avenue. ply in denominations of $500, $1,000 and upwards, without j her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Adler. Mrs. Marie Andrus, the aged profit to this bank. Mrs. I.evi Walkir of Lincoln, mother of James Andiu-, living \ H. I' wm I A *lmlul»< ration. Net»., is visiting friends here and near Hai; es station, is very ill JlNt PE - l luirkwheat cukn not flop over oa hlE face, Hr’er Bacon* looking after her property inter- \ and sinking steadily. ilanco "roun’ *>n nuy, «e»*««:— I ests. “One r o o i I tu’n deserve« en nuth* The net profits from the ninth rln’ of Forest Grove, Ore er." — Mean In' ilat of de Mayor Paterson and family left annual round up, to be held at aojrr boy» go en do de flchtln* for yesterday morning, via auio, for Pendleton Sept. 19, 20 and 21, are ■en' ua. de lea»' we all» kin do 1» ter >m all de wheat— en eat a two weeks’ stay at Newport and to go to the Red Cross. MEMBER A Strong Bank FEDERAL Safe Deposit buckwheat Inattd. Co'»» meal, rye RESERVE vicinity. John C. Bellinger, son of Mr. en burley Hour fer ua will he p a in a Good Town Boxes for Rent SYSTEM Mrs. D N. Morris was quite ill and M's. John Bellinger of this lot too. ; the first of the week with a sore city, has gone to Camp Fremont For the pttrjiose of assisting in mouth, but is greatly improved at a s a soldier for Uncle Sam. the winning of the war, this ad- this time. On August 1st the local milk vertisement is paid for by the Miss Constance Geiger left yes­ condenser began paying dairymen a a iiiiit t ia l iiu l ’ a x a a p TANLAG sold only by Little: *s terday NOTES AND PERSONALS Pharmacy. for Clark eoun y, Wash., $2 75 per hundred pounds for CPU III T7 Q CTflDC where she will teach the coming their milk, a jump of 35c. M)OD u i Mrs. J Marsilliot has returned Men’s khaki dusters at Ander­ tern. son’s. from a visit at St Helens. The C. E. Smith and F. S. Gor­ (U. S. Food Adminintrillion L u ' cumc Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Me El don families have abandoned their' No. « 34147) Public sale bills printed at the Downey The Book Store is headquarters Express and daughter, Helen, re­ camp up Gales Creek and are j office. for all the latest popular music. Phone 061 turned Tuesday from a ten-day again at their homes in this city. Framed Columbia highway visit We deliver ice cream to any scenes at Newport. Mrs. B en Whited and two at the Book Stoie. part of the city Tell it to phone Notice Ivan Curtis, employed at the daughters Vancouver are visit­ 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf Frank Brodersen has accepted Columbia shipyards, is home for ing at the of home of Mis Whited’s Beginning Monday, July 15th, a position with a Portland lumber a visit, having slightly injured his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. the Pacific Market will Mrs. Anna Dixon was in Port­ company. discon­ land several days this week, pur­ left eye while at work. Cady. tinue delivery and credit systems, chasing fall millinery M iss Pearl Smith is visiting her Washington county is to re Mi s Joy Aydelott has returned owing to scarcity of labor. We Mrs R. L. Via, at Cascade ceive $14,936 46 from the state from The Dulles, where she suf­ feel this move a patriotic duty to For Sale—Span of gray mares, sister, customers, as well as to our­ 5 and 8 years old; 1400 lbs. each; Locks, Ore. fund, on a percapita ap­ fered a severe attack of appendi our selves, and will adopt a system of also harness. Phone, West 51 Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and school portionment of $1 83. citis. She is recovering without lower prices for c;t»h only pay­ Natureopath. Office at A St. & an operation. If it is furnishings for men, we 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Traveling Bags made of Fabri- ing you a good commission for have them. Call on us for your coid, positively will not scratch The eight months-old von of coming after your Thank We a-e now prepared to supply and hss the appearance of gen­ Mr. and Sirs. R. ’J’. Harper, liv­ ing customers for goods. needs. A. G. Hoffman & Co. • past patronage comers with apple and peach uine leather. A. G. Hoffman & ing one mile north of town, passed and hoping for a continuance of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gardner re­ all boxes. Co. away last Thursday and wa the same, we remain, turned home Monday evening Mill Co. F o re s t Grove Planing 80-if from a delightful visit with a The annual picnic of the Iowa Good wood is high in price, but buried in Forest View cemetery Yours for business, Saturday. daughter in Seattle the fuel administration advises THE PACIFIC MARKET, Association of Oregon will be held buying now. for after the roads Uncle Billy Hay relumed yes­ First door south of postoffice. Ray Giltner and F. E. Mercer, Saturday, August 17, at the state get soft the prices will be still terday from a month's visit at with their families, left Sundays fair grounds, Salem Methodist Church Services higher. Long Beach,Wash. When asked if for a fishing trip and outing to Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson hehad a good time, he stated that Sunday School 9:45. Salmon river and the Tillamook are spending their vacation on a H. Lidyard and wife made a Morning wornhip 11:00 o’clock. We if lie hadn’t he wouldn’t have re­ beaches. trip up the Columbia highway in mained a month. ranch of the former’s father, O. C. have not had very much of a »lump in their family auto la t Sunday and Remember, friends, you must Jackson, near Yamhill. our summer service». I.et thone who pay in advance to get the Express Shoes for the Children? "Bus­ are loud in their prai.-e of the By -ecuring certificates from have been absent lie present and we highway and scenery. the Command* r of th*- G A. R. at one dollar per year. The reg- j ter Brown,” of course. Made will have a full house. God is ular price is $1 50. We pay you over the wonderful Brown Shap­ Guy McNutt writes his parents post or the president of the Relief calling for more sacrifice I'm in sure thi» work Corps members of these orders as well as for country. 50c to collect f:om yourself. that he has returned to the Vir­ and ing Last A. G. Hoffman & Co. all members of their families Epworth League 7:00 p. m. J. N. Hoffman has finished his ginia coast, after being on w.iter go to the national encamp­ Class meeting 7:30. berry-squeezing and is overhaul­ Mrs Claude Smith and daugh­ for seventeen weeks. T h e last may ment Aug. 19rii to Evening service H:00. The gospel ing his plant and installing a new ter, Gertrude, went to Vancouver time he wrote he was in the canal 24th at at one Portland, cent per mile railroad will be sung and preached in the old boiler to make ready for canning yesterday to visit with Mr. and zone. fare. Mrs. Frank Wilson, Frank be­ and drying fruit. F. A. Moore and daugh­ Robert Nixon and son, Dr. R. time and new time way. ing very ill as the result of an ter Mrs. Miss Grace Darling, who has operation. have returned home from «in P Nixon of this city and Will Everybody welcome. service Thursday 8 p. m. visited her uncle and aunt. Mr. extended visit with relatives at Gerish wife of Portland have Prayer We are desirous of filling the room and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell, for Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mawhin Salem and Al expects to regain returned and from a four weeks’ auto next Thursday. Come prepared to re­ the past two months, leaves next ney expect to leave next W'dnes- some of the flesh he lost while cruise to Seattle. Tacoma and and to give. week for Houston, Tex., where she day for an extended visit in Vir "batching.” Spokane, Wash., and Lewiston ceive The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. M. S. ginia, M r. M. having three Mrs. L. C Misz returned Sun- and has a school. other Idaho points. They Allen this week as the Red Cross months’ leave of ab-ence while from a three months’ visit camped by the way and came rooms are cloied. Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware the Oregon Electric people decide day with her hu-Jjar.d, in Montana, back brown heidthy. JOHN H. EBERT, Pastor. at the Gordon Hardware Store. where to place him. where I/>uie has a route as a trav While the and of Wash eling salesman. Mrs. Misz will ington county threshers Christian Church agreed with the leave sho tly to visit hei son, at food administration The congregation will adjourn to join to charge 4 Oregon City. and 5 c-nts per bushel for thresh in union service at the Congregational Carmel Good of this city, Ev­ mg valley wheat and 5 arid 6 church at 11:00 o’clock as |ier arrange- erett McAlearof Hillsboro and J. cents in the hills, it is tepO' ted ! ment. The union vesper service on Come to us with your Trouser troubles. We’ll settle them. E. May of Pasco, Wash., returned that some of them are charging CoDeg* Campos at 7:00 as usual, Mr. ev< ning from a fishing more. The county agent says'sias will speak at bot h services. How about that old coat and vest you want to wear out? Get Tue.-day trip to the Tillamook country. if the offenders do not cease, their Morning theme, •I«oyalty.” Evening, a new pair of trousers and save. They had only moderate luck, but names will be published. ‘Christian Patriotism." Prices................ $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 enjoyed the trip. Misses Gertrude and Martha Congregational Church Clarence Lenneville, who left Allen returned home last Thurs­ Sunday meets as usual through last Thursday for Puget Sound day from -ummer school at Mon­ August at School 9:45 a. navy yard, at Bremei ton, writes bringing with them Misses Morning service m. at 11:00 o’clock. Now is the time to wear the Cover-All. They are Cool, Ser­ his mother that he expects to be mouth, Lucile Dunbar and Florence Daw­ Rev. Mr. Sias will preach, and the viceable and Comfortable to wear. Khaki, $3 and $3.50 ; at the yard about three weeks be­ son, school chums. The homes gue-ts in Christian church congregation will join Grey $2.50; Blue, with grey stripe $3,25; Boys’ Khaki, $2.75. fore entering active service. He have since gone to their also iriform- his mother that he eastern Oregon. Miss Fr-mcine wit^ our"- has taken out $10,060 of Uncle Miller of Portland and Cha^ , Union Sunday evening Vwpers will Sam’s insurance, in her favor Strong of Monmouth were also ,,e on t,ie camPUH al 7 p. m. Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Suit $1.25 Sunday guests at the Allen horn*. i throuKh August. On Tueday evening a number Men’s Spring Needle Knit Closed Crotch, Suit $1.25 and 1.50 A. H. FATTEN. Fa*tor. the m m hers of the Workers’ Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton Seal-Pax, Athletic Style Nainsook, S uit..........................$1.15 of Sunday school class of the Meth­ week received a letter from Job printing phone 821. Yieldifit, Athletic Style, Nainsook, Suit................................75 odist church went to the home of this son, Hill, a member of a Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Langston, their Por land c«»rps in France. just northwest of town, and spent The letter hospital was written July 1st a pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. and was badly mutilated ibe Men’s Grey Cotton Suits .......... ................ $1.00 Langston expect to leave Satur­ censor, so Hill wa- probably by try­ Men’s Black Cotton S uits............................ 1.50 day for Mississippi, where they ing to tell his folks a lot of inter will make their future home. Men’s Black Wool Suits............................. 3.50 esting news. He slated, among Boys’ Black, white trimmed S uits.......... .85 A. S. Thurber, who escaped a other things, that he was well and week ago Monday from the state that conditions were not so bad penitentiary with Bennett Thomp as folks in the slates might think. murderer of a Washington While the rules limiting sales of Boys' Blue and Grey Chambray....................... ............... $ .75 son, county woman in May, 1916, was sugar to two pounds per person Men’s Blue, Grey, Grey and Blue, with white stripes; captured Saturday afternoon near per month to be strictly en­ Gresham. Thompson, who is still forced, Food are Administrator these Shirts are cut extra long in sleeves, extra Wells TXon’t make a deal without at large, was seen Tuesday at large body, extra wide sleeves, never rip, 75c, 90c, $1.00 Carlton and at Scappoo.^e, two informs the Express that farmers getting full information thre-hers may, by signing about our better fixtures widely-separated points, so he is a having proper card at the grocer’s, se­ and money-saving prices. either like lie- Irishman’s flea or cure four pounds additional for people are "seeing things” that each 90 meals served the threshers Men’s Furnishings and Shoes don’t exist. For canning purposes the allow­ ance is 20 lbs. per person for the Caples Block ; FOREST GROVE Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware season. at the Gordon Hardware Store. 4 >/2 U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness The First National Bank ¡UUllULlLu Trousers COVER-ALLS Summer Underwear Bathing Suits Work Shirts C. E. ROY & CO. Goff Bros IUI L