BUSINES BULK G R A IN ELEVATOR Any Size. None Too Small; None Too Large. WOOD OR CONCRETE. Packing the Noll. It haa been estimated by authorities that a man weighing 170 pounds, wear­ ing No. 8 shoes, creates a pressure of 14 pounds to the square Inch of sur­ S DI RECTORY face where he steps. A horse weigh­ ing 1,400 pounds creates a pressure of approximately 18 to 33 pounds per square Inch under bis hoofs while pull­ ing an average load. A tractor weigh­ A C I T Y L I N I LIOHTINQ l Y IT E M I. ing In the neighborhood of 1,800 Pilot Generators Installed. All kinds of pounds exerts a pressure only about Huppllea J. W. Clancy l i t IB. Morrison Ht ten pounds to the square Inch. A O A T K C U T T E R S A MFO. J E W E L E R « J.wi-iry and wali-h repairing. Millar's, *66 Wash. ML, Majestic Theater Bid* A U TO ACCESBORIEB Motors, gears, bearings, wheels, axles, and trailers. W e wreck all makes of rars and sail their parts at half price. David Modes Co , N liroadway and Flanders. Motor Parts M fg Co.. 126 liurnslde Ht. Parts for all cara at half price DOO A N D C A T H O S P IT A L _______ Dr. O. H Huthman, Veterinarian H os­ pital, 416 Kaat 7th Ht. Phone fCost 1147, H-1962. E L E C T R IC -T H E R A P Y N A m . On. i ( »»Murta» al Ua». O h FRANK C. BURRELL CO. Drs. MacPheraon A Williams. No. 122t* Grand Ave. Acute and chronic diseases, rheumatism, goiter and fem ale troubles, treated by electricity. OREGON F IN A N C IA L — M ORTGAGE L O A N « U > U BuiMlaa PO RTLAN D , For M ortgage Doans see OREGON IN - V K B T M E N T * M O H TO AG E CO.. Htock Kxihunge llld g , Third and Yamhill Htreeta, Portland. Oregon. _________ DELCO-UGHT FOOT T R O U B L E S T I m complete Electric Light end P ow er Plant Dr. O. O. Fletcher, 612 Morgan Hldg Corns, Hunlone, Ingrowing toenails, and arch epeclallat Endorsed by more than 50,000 sat­ isfied users throughout the world. M A T E R N IT Y HOME , Mrs Hoffman, midwife. $60 00 Include* everything 642 Ountenbeln ave. K. 1601. M IL K A N D R EST C U R E —T o build health and strength and cure diseases. The Moore Hanltarlum. O ffice 606 Helling liulldlng, Portland, Oregon. O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N MODERN APPUANCE CO., Seattle, Wo. Dr. Ft B. Norlhrup— 10* Morgan Build- Catarrh, Catarrhal dearness and Ing Nervous and chronic dls- ilheumntlam eases. T W n i in lrr is r*a> Ionian. H u m writ* at. P H Y S IC A L T H E R A P E U T IC S (V tllY T H IN O FOR T H I O F F IC t Dr. It. A Phillips, >06 Broadway Bldg. IMaordera of the atomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure ana female disorders. O ffice F urniture a A ppliances E n g r a v in g p r in t in g 4A R I M A U r o o n o iN o iN G f O §0 S A N IT A R IU M S AD4« n»B4 • OA( |tsil*| FOBtUNO «MB«OOF c o m m e r r unm o r st im i FILING o c w c e s ______________________ En»t Hide Hanltarlum, 86> Hawthorne Ave. M'idernly equipped. Professional care. Medicated Hath* and Mas*age. Diet, Medb-al and M aternity cases. Home sur­ roundings. SCH O O LS A N D CO LLEG ES A N O BYBTgMS 'TSBuSTBET. W ill teach you the trade In 6 weeks. Pay you while learning, get you a posi­ tion. 214 Burnside 8L U Fuller’s Telegruph School, Panama Bid., qualifies you for $66 to 6*6 positions In 'short time W rite for catalogue. M1H8 D E C K E R 'S P rivate Business Col­ lege Almky Bldg., Id A Morrison Hts. Hawthorne Auto A Gas Engine 8chool, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience In overhauling and repairing every make o f auto and ga* engine. Oxyacetytene welding E*tabllshed 1>07. NORTONIA HOTEL K A N T K IC K - K R A N K PORTLAND. ORE. FOR FO RD C AR S: — K A N T - K IC K - K R A N K r„n be attached to Ford cars by anyone In 16 minutes. When attached Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark. you can crank your car with absolutely ‘ yi our H ard- no fear o f kick back. Ask _ I f your ware or Garage man about It SCHOOL S U P P L IE S local dealer cannot supply you, write direct for prices and full Information. Northwest School Furniture Co., 144 trd A G E N T S W A N T E D . Ht. Everything for schools. Also theatre C. A. C LO TE D , chain», church furniture. Folding chairs 5931 46th Ave. 8. E , Portland, Oregon. and seats. Central I .oca Hon. Beautifully Furnished as a as P la n e m o r e I rack. AutoiMDiie P lo it e y *1 c » w I f a l I p f C Puii biit stumpf T| by hand w in shipp trailer co , Clear your Sump land ave a o llar very ime ou cheaply— so digging, no expense for learnt and ill the asoline a n k powder. One man with a Forty to Sixty p*r ernt more mileaire on iraeolene. K can rip out any Sump The P ettis Combination Manifold will do thin or more- frequently more. For Ford and Maxwell that can be pulled with the rar*, llurn diatilate «ucc«**f ully winter and »um- beS inch Seel cable. mer. Write for particular«. A »rent» Wanted. Wo»k» by Irm a « — umr PETETE COM BINATION M ANIFOLD prtnnpl* u a i*ck. 100 pound 62 Siath St.. Portland, Oreson. pull no the low givra a 48 Inn pull oe the Sump. M*d* al |he Sues * ffl-»i«ri»lfn l ■■»»)* bicakar«, Lodonad by 0. S. S D F POW ER. Stump Puller W rite today for special offer and free booklet on Land Clearing. G i \ Y . I æll all makea of rar«. Low price«: «My term«. 1.il.ci t y Ixintl* taken. Every Car Guaranteed. Lewis E. Obye, Gen. Mgr. Grand Ave. and Ea«t Stark St. F IV E D A Y S ’ FR E E W alter J. Fitxpalrirk v k T T DEALERS USED CAR Clearing House. Govwamcnl «iprrta. HAND E T R I A L on * u * r - anteed Rebuilt ma­ chine» We areal- «o «»rent« for the Box A 161 Filth Street hen Francisco California W OODSTOCK Write for liookleL —The— Rebuilt T m r w n l w C e „ 304 Oak u . F'ortUod. Or Ideals That Uplift. W e cannot revere anything lofty without ourselves becoming exalted; we cannot revere anything holy with­ out ourselves becoming purer. The character of our homage determines our characters.—J. H. Jowett, D. D. FRED DUNDEE M O T O R C A R R E P A IR IN G MACHINE WORK M A G N E T O SERVICE S T A T IO N WELDING ALL KINDS OF CYLINDER GRINDING P R O M P T A T T E N T IO N TO ALL ORDERSI Broad way at Flandera, Portland, Or. P. N. U. No. 31, 1918 Glass for Spectacles. Pebble spectacle glass*-* are made from pure crystal quartz. Fine crys­ talline quartz la found in every coun­ try. It Is no better than good optical glass in its optical properties, but Is somewhat harder than glass, and when well polished retains the luster longer than glass. Ordinary spectacle glasses are made of plate^glass, which la in­ ferior to quartz In o p tica ) quality and generally Imperfectly polished. and a position assured. Stenography tele­ graphy. accounting, shorthand, banking, secretarial etc. W rite for catalogue. MEN, W O M E N — Young or old. Make big money. New article for home canning. Sell* without talk. Write now. Mutual Novelty Mfg. Co.. Tacoma. Wash. Cuticura Heals I Skin Troubles Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 5 Oc. n o more n e c e s s a r y than S m a llp o x , Arm y experience bu demonstrated the almost miraculous effi­ cacy, and harmlesmess, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and lo u r fam ily. It l i more vital than houas Insurance. Ark your (jiyilcian, drageist, or »end for "Hava you had Typhoid?** telling o f Typhoid Vsccln«, result* from ua , and danger from Typhoid Carrier*. TYPHOID h N e w H o u sto n H o te l Near Both Depot* Absolutely Fireproof j Hotel Hoyt 100 Bath* Cornar Siath and Hoyt St*.. Portland. Oro. LOU HIMKS Manager. RATE8:—76* to *2. S P E C ]A L -Week or Month BOY SCOUTS AND RELIGION ADDED EARNINGS S o re Eyes?; 200 Room* (Conducted by National Council o f th* Boy Bcouts o f America.) Hcoutlng presents greater opportuni­ ties fo r the development of the boy re­ ligiously than does any other move­ ment instituted solely for the boys. Its ulin to develop the boy physically, men­ tally and morally is being realized very widely. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. The movement has been developed Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ : on such broad lines ns to embrace all late liver, bowels and stomach. classes, all creeds, and at the same time to allow the greatest possible In­ Authentic Bronte Relic. dependence to individual organiza­ An Interesting relic of Charlotte tions, officers and boyc. Bronte, the novelist, has been present­ The Boy Bcouts o f America maintain ed to the museum at Haworth, Eng­ land. It Is a traveling trunk used by | that no boy can grow" Into the best Charlotte Bronte. Inside Is a label 1 kind o f citizenship without recogniz­ giving the maker's name and address ing his obligation to God. Ax an or­ In Brussels, and there Is little doubt ganized hotly, therefore. It recognizes the trunk accompanied Charlotte on i the religious element In the training of her Journeys between Monsieur He- u boy, but It Is absolutely nonsectarian ger's Penstonnat in the Rue d'lsabelle In that city, and her home at the Ha­ In Its attitude toward that religious j training. I f he be a Roman Catholic worth rectory. boy scout, the church o f which he is a member is the best channel fo r his Notable Sayings. In William Dean Howell's novel, training. I f he be a Hebrew boy, then "T h e Quality of Me’ cy” the dying and the synagogue w ill trnln him In the repentant defaulter Northwlck ex­ faith o f his fathers. I f he be a Protes­ claims “ That’s g ood !’* as the hand­ tant, no matter to what denomination cuffs are placed upon his wrists. of Protestantism he may belong, the "T im e flies! Bid Clifford come to church o f which he is an adherent or m e !" orders Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon, a member should be the proper organi­ In “ The House of Seven Gables,” tak­ ing from his vest pocket the watch zation to give him an education in the things that pertain to his allegiance to which he was never to replace. God. Red Heads Have the Advantage. And again, the observance o f the Many physicians of note are respon­ scout law, the tremendous collective sible for the assertion that the red­ volume o f “ dally good turns,” and the headed are more resistant to disease creation o f better feeling among mil- than less fiery haired persons, and Sir Arbuthnot Lane expresses the view : lions o f scouts o f our own and other that “ a disease becomes less virulent lands constitute a latent but powerful In type when it gains entrance into and rapidly growing factor fo r univer­ the body of a red head than when it sal good will and peace. attacks a person with hair of a more modest color.” PERSH IN G ’ S COUSIN A SCOUT. Take That Extra Forty Winks. Dr. James E. Pershing, a scout­ The sage observation that "It's nice to get up in the morning, but it's nicer master o f Troop No. 1 o f Oklahoma to lie in bed" is no longer a shameful | City, has been chosen to act as scout confession of laziness. The British executive there. Dr. Pershing is a ministry of munitions investigating cousin o f General Pershing o f the tho health and efficiency of its work­ United States army. ers found that too early rising is Dr. Pershing has gone to National harmful. headquarters In New York with this letter from his local scout council: True and False Freedom. There are two freedoms— the false, “ Make possible to him every avenue where a man is free to do what he o f education that w ill be o f help to likes; the true, where a man is free ; him in better preparing him for the to do what he ought.—Charles Kings­ office, the duties o f which he Is to take ley. up. He has had many years o f prac­ tical education, gained from actual ex­ Slamming the Lounger. Many a man's standing would be perience in the work with boys, and better if he didn't spend so much time what he will probably need from your office most is that help that will more sitting.— Boston Transcript. : particularly apply to the duties o f a Compensation. ; scout executive. Providence has given us hope and “ He is coming to your city fo r this sleep as a compensation for the many direct training at the instnnee o f some cares of life.— Voltaire. o f our most prominent business men and they will appreciate your efforts in his behalf. They have every con­ B E H N K E -W A L K E R , at Portland. North- fidence in him and feel that he has the west'a biggest business college over­ making In him o f the best scout execu­ whelmed by call* for trained young men and women. Enroll now. Take a course tive In our country.” THE CUTTTS LA ROSA TO* Y, BFH ELEY, C A L Tim e to Watch Them. r»o*wcia* VACciNt» • s»au»» u*H* ». a. *ov. uc»a»( The sagacious old New York Herald j says there is no gallantry In politics. Granulated E y e lid s , Oh, yes. there Is, but when the poll - ' Eye, inflamed by expo­ tlcians begin to act with gallantry the j sure to Sun. Dial and Bind chances are they are getting ready to uickly relieved by Marlae bamboozle you or silt you In the back. ‘ ye Remedy. No Smarting, — Houston Post. juit Eye Comfort. At Druggist* or by mail SOc per Bottle. Eye Salve in Tube* 2 Sc. For Beet el Ik« Eye VIED aak Marios Eye Remedy Cs.. Cftkage Siath and Fverrtt St*.. Portland. Or*. Four block* from Union Deoot. Two bloeki from New l'ontofflca. Modem and 8reproof* Over 100 outaid* room*. Ratea 76c to 62.00. CHAS. C. HOPKINS, Manager. ‘ B O Y ■ SCOUTS Hides, P«l(s,cS E "f Wool & Mohair Wt w»*l »1 w* km. Wrih fst Price» » iQ l*»k| T 1(1 T H E H. F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , Portland. Or*.. Seattle. Wn„ Bellingham. Wn. SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg* and Farm Produce, to the Okl Reliable Everding house with a record of 46 year* of Squar" Dealing*, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M. C R O N K H ITE , 45-47 Front Stroot. Portland. Oregon SCOUT LEADERS NO T EXEM PT. HUSBAND SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkham’« Vegetable Compound. Pittsburgh, P « .— “ For many months I was not able to do my work owing to a weakness which caused b a c k h e and headaches. A friend called m y attention to one of your n e w s p a p e r advertisements and i m m e d i a t e l y my husband b o u g h t three b o t t l e s o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s V e g e t a b l e Com- p o u n d f o r me. A fte r taking two bottles I fe lt fine and my troubles caused by that weak­ ness are a thing o f the past. A li women who suffer as I did should try Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound.” — Mrs. J a s . R o h r b e r g , 620 Knapp S t , N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. W omen who suffer from any form o f weakness, as indicated by displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or “ the bluea,” should accept Mrs. Rohr- berg’ s suggestion and give Lydia E. P i ukh a m' s Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years It has been correcting such ailments. I f you have mysterious complications write f o r advice to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn. Mass. Deepest Lake In America. A lake known as tbe Great Sunken lake is reported to be the deepest lake in this country, and perhaps in the whole world. Located in the valley of the Cascade mountains, about 70 miles north of Jacksonville, Or., this lake, which is about 15 miles long and four miles wide, is so deep that its depth cannot be measured. It is situ­ ated so far below the crest of the mountains that winds cannot reach it, and its surface is like a sheet of glass. It is sometimes called the "lake of mystery.” HEALTHY CHI LDREN come from healthy moth­ ers. And moth­ ers w ill certain­ ly be healthy if they’ll take D r. fie rce's Favorite Pre­ scription. Noth­ ing can equal it in building up a woman's strength, | ii. regulating and assisting all her ' natural functions, and in putting in perfect order every part of the female system. It lessens the pains and bur­ dens, supports and strengthens weak, nursing mothers. It’s an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nervine. Castor oil is good for children or adults, and especially good for aged people. A pleasant form of a vege­ table laxative that is to be had at any drug store, was invented by Dr. Pierce, who put together May apple (podophyl- linj, aloes, jalap. Ask at any drug store for “ Pleasant Pellets,” and they can be had for little money. They contain no calomel and are of vege­ table constituents, therefore harmless. — Adv. Doth W ere Satisfied. A Missouri livery stable keeper put his hand in a mule’s mouth to see how many teeth the mule had. T h e mule closed his mouth to see how many fingers the man had. and the curiosity of both man and mule was satisfied. This question has come up several Cuticura Is So Soothing times. Recently the chief scout execu­ tive received a telegram fro’ i the pres­ To itching, burning skins. It not only soothes but heals. Bathe with Cuti- ident o f a local council, ns fo llow s; cura Soap and hot water, dry gently “ Scout executive called to the colors. For In your opinion would he not be able and apply Cuticura Ointment. free samples address, “ Cuticura. Dept. to serve his country better ns scout executive than ns a private soldier? X. Boston.” At druggists and by mall. I f so, please use your Influence to have Soap 25, Ointment 25 und 50.— Adv. him transferred to class B or C. There Produce A rtificial Silk. Is no other man available that can car­ ry on the work at this time.” An original method of producing ar­ Mr. James E. West replied as fol­ tificial silk is claimed by a Japanese inventor. The chief ingredients are lows : “ Sincerely regret Inability to do as vegetable essence and mulberry tree bark. you request. W e have followed policy , o f not nsklng special consideration of | any scout official, regardless o f local conditions. Paramount need at th is ' moment Is mi*n who can serve, and the danger o f establishing precedents Is so grent that It would prove embnr- rnsslng to government fo r us to make a request for any special considera tlon.” i LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT ii RIGHT OUT NOW You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. W ear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says O, little boy scout! so slim and trim, this Cincinnati authority, because a In khaki suit and campaign hat. You're helping to win the great world wat few drops of freesone applied directly And doing better than most at that. on a tender, aching com or callous You 've a packet o f w ar stamps pul stops soreness at once and soon the - away corn or hardened callous loosens so It In a handkerchief box fo r a rainy day. And a garden spaded to plant w itt can be lifted out, root and all, with­ out pain. greens. Corn, potatoes and lima beans. A small bottle of freesone costa very little at any drug store, but will But, little boy scout, there’s more to do; [ positively take off every hard or soft Open your ears and peel your eyes. com or callous. This should be tried F or the sake o f the Hag you love and as It Is Inexpensive and is said not serve to Irritate the surrounding skin. Follow the trail o f the Teuton spies. If your druggist hasn't any freesone Over the country and through the town W atch and listen and track them down. tell him to get a small bottle for you And for every one you land In the pen from his wholesale drug house. It Is You'll save the lives o f a thousand men. I fine stuff and acts like a charm every —M IN N A IR V IN G , in N ew York Sun. j time.— Adv. TH E BOY SCOUT.