Head QU|* Olirmi (Irmi? lExprcHH Good M of en the at County Fair I 'ul 1 1 int K ■< I every ThurmJsy nt Korest Grove, Oregon. W. C. lienfer, Kililor ami Publisher. Kntered aa »«comi c I hmm m atter Jan, 12, at the u t* Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1870 ( Continue«! from Page One) The Chevrolet Working in harmony with this idea, Mrs. Hattie Vail of Man­ ning, manager of the woman’s de­ Paid in advanre On* year (1.50 partment, has arranged all the Six months .50 Six months .75 premium list awards in cookery to Three Months ..... .25 Ttir«'*! months .40 favor the savytg of wheat and »ugar and all home made candies . ________L THURSDAY, A U G U ST 8. 1018 exhibited must be made largely sugar. “ Light weight in an automobile means more than it Moody hoy«**” on the stage We without Fancy work exhibits are dis­ ever did before,” says Joe A. Wiles, local dealer in Chevro­ hav«- foimed little acquaintance couraged and prizes are off red with the great body of represent­ for lied Cross work and other let automobiles. ative Britons, Who are th e middle wartime n«'Cew»itie*, rather than “ Less weight in a car means less expense for gasoline, class. Our soldiers are now g"t- for the time-killing accomplish­ less expense for oil and less expense for tires. It means ling to know ihem arid to like ment* of oth*»r days. longer service for less cost—the very thing that is eagerly them. They are also learning the The fair wil! he educational and sought by every motorist. The man who drives a light car good qualities of (he aris­ practical whiti1 the plans for the *• * This paper has enhstod' isterling tocracy io general at one extreme isn’t carrying around a lot of excess weight, which he can­ features will be in with the government in the and of the working people in g n entertainment not utilize, but must pay for dearly in extra fuel and tire- with the spirit of the cause of Am erica for the |era) at the other extreme of the harmony limes. period o f the war.............. social scale, and that the stage Tickets have been placed on wear. “The light car not only costs much less to operate, but lord and stage workingm in are sale in several localities already freaks or caricatures. and within the next f> w days may is easier to drive, «.»specially in congested traffic. For long­ American soldieis on th<* other b«* had in practically every part distance driving, it is far more dependable. It’can travel ; FOOO ADMINISTRATION hand, are opening the eyes of th< of the county. Guarantee family ease over rough roads and get in and out of places CREDO Britons to the true charact« r of t ck I , admit ting hoi«:* r and fam­ with where the heavy car, handicapped with its own weight, could he average American. H iving ily to the grounds at all time- never negotiate. By wilting service of a free been convinced that the American during the fair are being sold for people to do theitu things: does not worship Mammon a’one $1 00. T h e purchaser of thi- But, in spite of the many advantages of the light­ To few! the Allien that tuey may but is so devoted to a high ideal ncket become- also a promoter of weight “ car continue to fight. anyone can easily understand, if they give as to leave all and fight for it, the the fair in 'hat th<- sale of 2.000 the subject which T o feed the hungry In Belgium a moment’s thought, there are many laboring Briton begins to find other good of lh«-se tick« ts in advance of th- and other landa that they may qualities He ducov> red that 'he opening of the fair comprises ih«- under the delusion that a light car lacks strength. This is continue to live. American is not a b aggait know plan for financing the * xhibition. not so. If built right, the light-weight car is just as To feed our own aoldlnra over- it all, hut is ready to learn hum Th«- list of managers for the staunch and sturdy as the heavy-weight car. As a rule, it ■•■an that they may went noth­ b'y from those who have been various departments includes some also possesses longer life and depreciates less in value from ing. playing the deadly game of war of the foremost men and women year to year—all because there is less weight, which means To keep price* steady and the for four years. The American he their respective lin n in Wash­ flow of distribution even that % has si en has been cenerally the in ington c<«unty, many of then) of less strain, less wear and tear. the poor at home may be fed. pu s« proud, ill-bred millionaire and even national promi­ To make everyoue'a effort count “Anyone skeptical on this point should inspect the ostentatiously sp«-nding his mil­ state nence. Livestock will be rnanagi-d Ha utmost for winning tha Chevrolet “ Four-Ninety” touring car. Here is a car weigh­ lions in Europe or the adventurer by A. E Wescott, pre ident of war for fisiedom. ing less than pounds, yet possessing ample |and swindler, or he has been the th«* fair and one of th«* foremost strength for ail two uses thousand FOOD CONTROL IN ANiKItlCA cowboy, miner or bad man of Brel to which it could possibly be put and most progressive dai«ymen in IS OF AND FOR TU B l»K01*LK Harte, the movies and the best and the county. Agriculture is ki the power enough for all occasions. Because of its light weight »+++++it-»++++++»*->^+-*+»+»+A seder novels. Now the Briton gets hands of H. T Buxton and this and famous valve-in-head motor, twenty-five miles on a gal­ 'acquainted with the real, average alone as-ures a premier exhibit lon of gasoline is a common performance for this car. And who talks 20th century Horticulture will be presided over The commander of a unit of Ametican, lang and does not say: “l gu«*'s” by M McDonald of Orenco and a set of tires on a “ Four-Ninety” will give exceptionally Yank troop* on the went front in­ and “calc’late,” who has br«»n to Oregon has no better nor more high mileage.” formed hi* NU|>erior officer that ; college he may be only a wide y - resp«*ct«d authority on the Yanks had to have some rest. private, though who-«* English and man- commercial fruits than he. Th** “ Why rest?” asked the general. ; ners are as correct as those of any success of the exhibit of fruits, “ Because they are tired out try­ well-bred Englishman< boost­ nuts, berries and grapes wa* fully Distributer for Washington and Columbia Counties ing to ke' p up with the Hun'..“ ing of his town is found The to he the assured when Mr. McDonald con­ replied the unit commander. Yet natural loyalty of a man to th*» FOREST GROVE, ORE. to take charge of it and his we have been taught these Hun« place which he has chosen for hw sented pi ms a ready give p«omie applied throughout western number of average representa­ sell selected seed, each grower Oregon immediately for the best tives of the American people and should pick out a plot in his field tesults The worms are unusually the great, mass of the British peo to its new location, in the Haines Building pull out all aliened plants, abundant this year and great care pie under circumstances which ¡and j leaving only the healthly ones to should be taken to make this ap­ predispose them to fru-ndship and mature for seed purposes.” thorough, points out A. mutual understanding The En* A description of the disease and plication L. Lovett, ontomologist in the glishman w<* have known in Amer­ of methods of selecting the plants Oregon Agricultural where we are better than ever equipped to supply College. ica has b«*«*n th e aristocrat or | for seed can be obtained by writ­ the public with Meats, Vegetables and Remember, friends, you must plutocratic tour it, the immigrant ing to Professor Barss pay in advance to get the Express workingman or the remittance Farm and Dairy Products man in person, or the brainless We deliver ice cream to any at one dollar per year. The reg­ fool of a lord, or the cockn«*y who j part of the city. Tell it to phone ular price is $1 50. We pay you WALTER ROSWURM Phone 0301 drops his “h’s” and “blasts your ' 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf 50c to collect ftom yourself. SulHcriptimi Kat«* On Credit 11.00 One year The Economy of a Light-Weight Car Joe A. Wiles The Main Street Lumber Yard has the largest and best- housed stock of Building Materials in Washington county. Copeland & McCready The Pacific Market HAS MOVED One Door South of the Postoffice