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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1918)
M D HAPPENINGS DF CURRENT WEEK DRAFT LIMITS TO EXTEND A k m From 18 Io 15 Inclusive Decided Upon K (Tecta U OOO. 000. Washington. D. C.—Under the pro visions of the draft bill Introduced In congress Monday increases In regis trations are estimated as follows in northwestern states: Oregon. 101,110: Washington, 174.- 267 ; Idaho. 66.570. ♦4M STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. FISMES. WAR BASE. FALLS Franco-Americans Capture Itig Enemy Storehouse, and Proceed. TORACE» IKIES TO HELO 340 MILLION With the American Army on (he The forest ftro situation in the dis trict near Kirk. 40 miles north of Kla Alsne Marne Front, — The town of math Falls, is somewhat Improved. Fismea was taken late Sunday by the The Astoria federal authorities have American troops, supported by the picked up two alleged slackers. They French. The French are across the Vesle at are Kustaa Helkklla. who was called with the second draft, and Frauk Bus several points to the eastward and the sell, who Is wanted by the Seattle uu lino has been extended northwest of thorltles for failing to report when Rheltns to La Neuvlltetto. The new uian power bill which called for military service. The Gerinuna are resisting sharply from Munaon to Champlgny. . M __ would extend draft age limits to 18 Gifford Cheshire, aged 13, of Che Flames was taken arter a heavy ar IIY II R| PC T O R F and 45, inclusive, was introduced in shire. l.ane county, is making money tlllery fight that began In the middle h v A V I l l L g IV VU both houses of congress. as a pig raiser He delivered two hogs ----------- Provost Marshal-General Crowder to a buyer in Junction City this week. of the afternoon. A few Americans urged the immediate enactment of the The sale of the animals realised $87.97. entered the town Saturday afternoon and remained thore all night. They Eventa o f Noted People, Governments administration s man power pro The boy aa>s lie expects to Invest Jewelers Hay That Collections of Im gramme and suggested September 5 his money in war savings stamps and were drtveu out early Sunday. The Germans threw gas shells and and Pacific Northwest and Other as registration day for the 13.000.000 more pigs. posts on Basis of Hales to Consum shrapnel Into the southern part of the men between the ages of 18 and 45. Things Worth Knowing. era Will Be Moat Productive. A carload of matches on a north town, making It Inadvisable for the whose names are not already on the bound freight train caught fire Tuea little party to remain longer. nation’s selective service list. Their reconnaissance has been com ____ Unless immediate steps are taken day afternoon while the train waa _ , __ , „ . | to provide additional men. General switching in the Southern Pacific pleted and they were ordered to fall The standard Oil company s tank ( 'rowje r said the weekly registration yards in Albany. The fire did not ba£* „ v ^ ^ , Washington, D. C.—Heavy Increases The Germans had been dropping . . . . . . , steamer L n Blaca was torpedoed and of men a8 they attain 21 year8 of age spread so rapidly as the nature of the war tax on tobacco- sunk 40 miles off Halifax. N. S.. T ues- wj|j be necessary to fill the draft contents of the car would indicate, for shells about the town intermittently ln tho since daylight. When the Americans cigars and cigarettes were agreed to day, after a thrilling three hours bat- qyotug September 1. when only 100,000 the boxes were packed closely. decided to advance it was after caro Saturday by the House ways and tie with a German submarine. ,,f tbe registrants will be avall- Mrs. S. B. Thompson of Pendleton ful preparation and under a sweeping maans committee as part of the now Acting on instructions of the state able, lias learned from the war department barrage of shrapnel and gas the In council of defense. Butte, Mont., police The bill would amend the present that her nephew. Sergeant Hugh Lei $8,000,OuO.OOO revenue bill. early Monday morning made the ar- selective act so as to require the regis- sure. a member of the seventh United fantry advanced. There was opposi The tax imposes three times the ex tion from machine guns, but the Amer rest of 60 men who will be held for tration of all men between 18 and 20 States infantry, was wounded severely icana quick!/ silenced them. isting rates on some Items of the investigation. They are charged with years and 32 and 45 years inclusive, while fighting in France. The young schialulo and-Is expected to ralae ap violating the law relating to nonpro- While the whole number of men in the man was born in Pendleton. He joined ducers. latter classes would total 10.028.973, the service at the time of the Mexican Soissons Falls to Allies. proximately $340,000.000 In comparl- . . . . . General Crowder estimates the total border expedition. With the French Army In France.— 8on w,tl> the present $168,000.000 rev- The Germans on both sides of Albert number wbo would be eligible for class retreated from the western to j wouid be only 601,236. owing to ex- The supreme court library has filed Soissons has been retaken and tho enue from tobacco, the eastern bank of the Ancre river, emptions for dependents for industrial its estimate for the next biennium valley of the Crlse has been crossed. Members of the committee said all according to the German official com and physical reasons. The allied line Saturday evening . . . . _ . _______ . ,. with the state tax commission at $16, munication issued Tuesday. The state- Between 18 and 20 years.* his estl- 500. Of this $6000 Is represented In runs from Pommlers to Soissons. dan* er of dt',ajr U over and *he b‘U f ° rin t° report when the “ e“ t “ y , _th* ,w_lthdrmwal was made mates show that 3.171.771 would reg salaries and $10.500 in new hooks. A thence to Relleu, the valley of the without opposition. ister. while 1.787.609 men would be total of $15.000 waa appropriated for Crlse. Cachrlse and Arcy St. Restltue. house reassembles on August 19. The the present biennium. The library through the center of the forest of committee went back to tho Income Continuation of the German with eligible for class I; estimates that it will take in $1200 Neales to the village of the same name drawal to the Atsne line is anticipated and through the center of the forest *ur,ax Para* raPha and; wh,la bere in fees from bar examinations. by army officers in Washington. The of Rhelms to I-agery, L ’Hery and Tra- WB* no definite action, it was evident fact that the Vesle has been crossed Lum Yen. proprietor of a Chinese mery. there will be heavy Increases in sur- in several places seems to make it cer opium joint at Astoria, is being held by North of the last named three places tax rates. tain that no very determined stand is the federal authorities under $1000 Fsench cavalry has advanced about There was also some discussion of to be expected there. cash bail to await the action of the another mile to the Bois Le Molne and two plans to superimpose a strictly federal grand Jury on a charge of hav Treslon. war profit* tax on the excess profits The first six airplanes especially Washington. D. C.—Names of Amer- Broulllet Is still in the enemy's tax, one of the plans being for a constructed to carry mail pouches over can soldiers who have fallen in the ing opium In his possession. Yen hud five full and three half cans of opium, hands, in flames, and further east, complete supplemental tax, every the .. . Washington . - Philadelphia , . - New . . . great Franco-Amertcan drive which York air post were delivered to the turned ,he German offen8ive on the as well as a number of opium cards, near Rhelms, Thlllols has been re (|,,iiar of which would be additional to the excess profits revenue, and the government Tuesday by the Standard Marne ,nto an utter defeat have be- which he was selling at 60 cents each. ,a'<Pn- The French are now on the edge of other an alternative proposition under Airplane corporation of Elizabe h. V t0 come in from over9eas. They The Altamout Ranch, two miles J. The machines will be put into im- gwe,led tQ ?06 the to u , ca8Ualtie8 southeast of Klamath Falls, a 650-acre the plateau between the Crlse and which the treasury would Impose mediate service. made public Tuesday by the war de- tract and one of the most valuable in Vesle. after an advance which at some cither the excess profits tax or the places was three miles deep, within wur profits tax, but not both of them, Klamath county, has been taken over seven miles of Flames. The enemy. It the tax to be Imposed being that which France’s war mission to Australia, partment in two separate lists, headed by Albert Metin, member of Although nearly three times as by Asa Fordyce. a stockman of the now seems certain, must retire to the would bring the larger revenue In the Chamber of Deputies and former Itreat as the largest number heretofore Fort Klamath district, from Captain Vesle and very probably to the Alsne. ,.arh individual case. cabinet officer, and with the famous announced in a single day, the total J. W. Siemens. The consideration A copy of the Berlin Tageblatt re- The %ctlon as to war taxes on tobac- General Pau as chief of the military represented only a part of the lists was not made public. Captain Sie ceived behind the French line contains co Was Independent of the special section, has arrived in Washington. which have been accumulating since mens has purchased from Bellman & the following article, written recently license tax on manufacturers of to Arrangements were made for them the great battle began July 15. It is Son 320 acres adjoining his other prop by Herr Ilegeler, Its war correspond- bacco, In which double the present tax not to be assumed that it represents erty. to call on President Wilson. ent: was Imposed on the basis of the annual the losses for one day. From the strategical point of view sales, Final completion of the paving on No estimate of the American cas Prohibition of intoxicating liquor to the seven days’ battle has been a Chairman Kltchln made this state- the armed forces of the United States ualties in this continuous fighting has what la known as the Bellevue exten complete failure. Nevertheless sue- m(>nt: has been extended to the merchant been received from General Pershing sion east of Sheridan indicates that cess has been gained which I can reg "The committee reached tho follow- marine recruits being trained by the and it was said authoritatively that state force account highway work can be done more cheaply than under pri Ister today. A new part of Franco |nK tentative decision as to the tobacco United States shipping board, it was none is expected. has been laid waste. Everywhere are schedule: announced in San Francisco Tuesday In that connection, Acting Secretary vate contract. Approximate figures ruined towns, villages and farms. "Cigars weighing not more than by Captain I. N. Hibberd, supervisor of War Crowell deprecated any just announced show that the work was done at least $12,000 cheaper than Fires light up the nights and all day three pounds per thousand, tax In- of sea training for California. guesses as to casualties in the over seas forces, saying that publication the lowest bid of $62,0M, made by a thick clouds of smoke, caused by vlo- creased from the present $1 per thou- ( harged with conspiracy in allowing which would exaggerate or minimize private contractor, and it may run as lent explosions, float over the ravaged sand to $2 per thousand. "Cigars weighing more than three and accepting over a five-year period the total would create unnecessary much as $2000 lower than that esti cornfields and destroyed forests.” pounds per thousand, and retailing at rebates on freight charges for live- anxiety among the relatives and mate. stock shipments, the Pennsylvania friends of American soldiers. The Bandon woolen mill, conducted Siberian Policy Don’t Suit All not more than 4 cents each, Increased from $3 to $5 per thousand. Railroad company. Armour Com Acting Secretary Crowell told news-1 for the past year under direction of Washington, D. C.— President W il “ Cigars retailing at more than 4 pany. Swift & Company and the Jer- paper correspondents that General j E. H. Tyron, as receiver, and which sey City Stockyards company were Pershing would simply complete and had run on government contracts, has son's plan for dealing with tho Rus cents and not more than 7 cents. In indicted by a New York federal grand, verify casualty lists as rapidly as | been purchased by E. N. Smith, a for- sian situation is regarded here in dip creased from $4 to $10 per thousand. lomatic quarters as disappointing, to "Cigars retailing at more than 7 jury Tuesday. they can be transmitted and that they mer resident of the county. The past some of the allies, notably Great Brit- cents each and less than 16 cents each, -r„ i ____ . .. would be given to the press and speak activities of the mill have required aln and France, although they have Increase from $6 to $16 per thousand the employment of 20 operators, but ,!lP_ i “ ^°.Vem.e, nt8 th_ e for themselves as to numbers. war h finance corporation has an Of the American soldiers wounded the new owner contemplates an in issented to the proposal that America between 15 and 20 cents each. Increase nounced it would welcome applications in the Marne-Aisne offensive, proba- crease In capacity and the addition of and Japan shall operate in Vladlvo- from $8 to $20 per thousand; and those from banks for loans to cover ad- stok with a joint military force to retailing at 20 cents or more, increase vances by the banks to farmers and bly less than one in 20 W,U die from new machinery sufficient to double the guard the port and aid the Czecho- frqm $10 to $30 per thousand.. number of employes and the manufac ' a ,^® Dy f b k ,1 f T w f their wounds, more than four-fifths "Cigarettes weighing not more than “ ^ ha" ta f„°.r » « " ’eating and market- be returned to 8ervice and only ture of a wider range of woolens. Slovaks in a small military way. ing wheat and other crops. Loans will H per cent w,u be di9cbarged for disy Much of the past year's output went While it is known that the French three pounds per thousand and retall- be limited to four months and will ability, according to a statement of to a government contracting company and British also are to send small ing at less than 2 conta each. Increased carry interest at 6 per cent per annum. the chief of staff based upon the in Chicago. forces to Vladivostok, they are to op- from $2.05 to $5 per thousand, erate independently of the American- “ Cigarettes of sains weight retailing Paper mills have been listed as an officially attested experience of the That the forest fires near Kirk, in Japanese force. Protective operations at 2 cents or more, increased from allies during the four years of war. essential industry, the priorities divi northern Klamath county, which Fri at Murmansk and Archangel by tho $2.05 to $8 per thousand; those welgh- sion of the war industries board an day were threatening the timber French, British and Americans are to |ng more than three pounds per thou- nounced Monday on the understand tracts of the Pelican Bay Lumber continue. sand Increased from $4.80 to $10 per ing that the greatest possible economy company, are checked somewhat ow The disappointment In the outcome thousand, will be exercised in the use of paper ing to a heavy rain, is the belief of of the protracted negotiations over the "Tobacco tax Increased from 13 to and that newspapers will reduce their the company officials, although they Siberian problem lies in the fact that 30 cents per pound, consumption of news print 15 per cent have been unable to reach the camps the plan of operations is not sufficient- "Cigarettes and tubes tax doubled, on daily editions and 20 per cent on in that district by phone. ly comprehensive. "Experts estimate that the revenue Sunday editions. A British Port.— The torpedoing This is known to be the feeling of for the 12 months period from these to- The Horst evaporator plant at In early Sunday morning of the British Oreat Britain and France, although In bacco taxes will total $340,000,000 dependence has closed down tempor The Colorado state supreme court ship Warilda was one of the most Tuesday stopped temporarily the harrowing disasters in the history of arily, as the crews had disposed of all Washington official contention Is ad- against a present revenue of $168,000,- hered to that if the allies sent any 000 from the same source." “ junking” of the Colorado Midland submarine warfare. The number of the available vegetables. As soon as The ways and means subcommittee railroad, granting an application to dead is variously estimated from 105 more supplies reach the plant it will large force of troops Into Russian ter- stay action until the attorney-general to 130 and upward and includes several resume operations again. The Horst rltory the Russian people might show on luxuries held a hearing at which a plant gives employment to a number their resentment by turning to the Jewelers’ committee contended that by has had an opportunity to present an women nurses. Germans and asking their help to ex- collecting the tax on tho basis of sales application for a writ of supersedeas. The ship carried 600 sick and of people, as It Is filling a large gov to the consumer $150,000,000 more The supreme court’s action does not wounded. Among them were seven ernment contract for dried fruits and pel the allied army. Another feature of disappointment might be raised than If imposed on tho restore train service, which was dis Americans—two officers and five en vegetables. which it is regarded will certainly de- lesser wholesale price. continued. Inability to meeting oper listed men—all of whom have been A loss of $60,000 is estimated as velop Is the limiting of the economic _____________________ ating expenses was the cause of the accounted for. the result of a fire which destroyed a commission to be sent to Siberia of Huns Ship Wheat Home. circuit court's decree. More than 650 survivors, brought warehouse at Waconda, nine miles Americans. With the French Army on the Sois sons Rhelms Front, Saturday.—Thou- President Wilson has signed the con here shortly after 6 o’clock, were given north of Salem, at an early hour Fri salds of bushels of French wheat have gressional resolution revoking the first-aid treatment, food and clothing. day. The fire is believed to have Huns Flee Before British. been shipped home by German sol- charter of the National German-Ameri- The patients were placed aboard spe been of Incendiary origin. The heavi est losers are Paul Marnarch and L. London On the British front the dlers. The French and Americans, can Alliance, which was charged with cial trains and sent to hospitals. The torpedo struck the after part F. Evans, of Salem, who had stored Germans have withdrawn between during their advance of the last few pro^German activities. of the engine-room, killing the third oak lumber In the building for use In Montdidler and Moreull, a distance of days, have discovered that systematic Since March 21 of this year, the engineer and two other members of eastern Oregon. ten miles, ; plans had been laid by the Germans British have taken 14,500 prisoners on the engine-room force. The dynamo The French hold the slopes down to for reaping tho harvest In the country The Hood River peach crop Is short, the western front. James Ian Mac- was destroyed, plunging the vessel from which they have been driven. and it is likely that fruit will have to the western side of the Avre river. Pherson, parliamentary secretary of into darkness. The situation around Albert is some- The allies have found large stacks of be imported to meet the canning de the war office, informed the house of Just over the dynamo was the ward what obscure, but the British have small canvas bags to be distributed commons Friday. room, which contained more than 100 mands of local housewives. Numerous been closely following the enemy and among the soldiers to be filled with ranchers who sold quantities of The French government has con patients. Most of these were killed peaches last season report that their it Is probable that the Germans have wheat. -------------------------- ferred upon Otto H. Kahn, American outright by the explosion, and the trees are bare of fruit this year. The by now evacuated the eastern bank of | Pursuit Tlree Yankeea. banker, the decoration of Chevalier of others, many of whom had been fresh earlier variety of peaches are reach the Avre. The villages of Hamel and With the American Army at the the Legion of Honor in recognition of ly injured by the torpedo, found them ing the market now and meets a ready Dernancourt are ln the possession of the allies. [ Alsne-Marne Front, Aug. 3.—An lndi- his services on behalf of the allied selves trapped. demand at 4 cents a pound. Indicatlons are that the Germans do cation of the stern rhaso the allies are cause both before and since America Three Aviators Rescued. Frank L. Grannis, of Marshfield, is not intend to make a permanent stand forcing upon the Germans was con- entered the war. An Atlantic Port.—Towing astern a on his way to the cadet officers’ train on the banks of the Alsne, but that talned In a message which came over The five-year-old son of Mr. and hydro-airplane and carrying three ing camp at the Presidio of San Fran they will retreat to the Chemln des the field wires to headquarters from a Mrs. Clint Sharp, of Newman Canyon, American aviators who were picked cisco, where he will receive Instruc Dames ridge, which Is one of the commander leading an American unit, wras instantly killed at Heppner, Or., up 25 miles off this coast, a British tion In military science. Mr. Grannis strongest positions in France. For the "My men must rest," he said., Thursday morning when an auto ln freight steamship arrived here from is one of two faculty members, of the moment the enemy may try to hold "Must rest?” exclaimed headquar- which he and two smaller brothers Liverpool. The aviators had been ln Eugene high school, who will take the the French while getting away with ters. were playing ran away and overturned. the water three hours, having been course provided by the war depart their stores. • "Yes,” was the answer. "Our men The other children were seriously In forced to descend because of engine ment In fitting themselves to act as The allies captured the Chemln des are absolutely tired out running to jured. I trouble. They were unhurt. instructors of the high school cadets. Dames once. i keep up with the Germans.” Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU HIT CASUALTIES FROM MARNE ARRIVING & 1° Committee Agrees on New Levy Schedule. t-. GERMANS TORPEDO HOSPITAL VESSEL