m i r a THE GREATEST W A R DRAM A EVER PRODUCED w m ) “Over the Top” with Serg’t. Arthur Guy Empey, Himself ------------------------------------playing the Leading Part, will be at t h e ------------------------------------- • «• _ ____ Star Theater, Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 7 1 8 This is, without doubt, the GREATEST Photoplay ever shown in Forest Grove. Owing to length of show, first show will start promptly at 7:30. SiS 25c SPECIAL MUSIC TANLAC sold only by Littler’s CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Pharmacy. George Ortman and family vis­ Men’s khaki dusters at Ander­ The Book Store is headquarters ited friends near Dallas last Sun­ son's. for all the latest popular music. day. Aft Caples had business in La- We deliver ice cream to any Mrs Frank Emerson and two part of the city. Tell it to phone Fayette Tuesday youngest boys spent Sunday in 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf M r. and Mrs. Paul Beck of Portland. Dilley were in town Tuesday. Mrs. C. C. Loveland, represent­ Clayton Lasham of Tacoma Framed Columbia highway ing a well-known corset company, visited friends in this city several scenes at the Book Store. was calling on local merchants days this week. Monday. We deliver ice cream to any Listen, Men: We have just part of the city. Tell it to phone Miss Theresa Beahen returned what you want in the line of 632. Ottice Shearer. Fiiday from a ten-day vacation 26-tf Clothing, Shoes or Furnishing. Miss Jennie Creighton of Bend at Tacoma and Seal tie. A. G. Hoffman & Co. is a guest of Miss Mabel Adams. Oh. Gir-ruls! Have you seen Miss Crystal Hanson, who has Miss Creighton was a former resi- j the Coveralls for ladies and child­ made her home with her aunt, dent of this city and has many ren at Anderson's store? Mrs Sherrett, for the past six friends here. Miss Mary Hollevoet returned months, departed Tuesday for her Benton Bowman. S N. P oole,! Monday from a short visit at home at Gardner. R. H. Greer, George Limber and Portland and Vancouver. Mrs. W. R. Hawkshurst and Glenn Payne, all of Hillsboro, j Mr and Mrs. J H. Shearer re­ daughter arrived Thursday from paid the local Odd Fellows a fra­ turned Sunday from a week’s visit Portland to join their husband ternal vi-it Monday night and un and father, the new butcher at loaded their usual quota of good with relatives at Eugene. I stories. the Pacific Market. George G . Hancock, real es­ tate, farm loans and fire insur­ Always something ne w. New Mrs. Dolly Byerly, Miss Jessie ance, new Anderson block. 50 ! genuine Leather Hand Bags, Bag Greer and Mrs. J.%L. VanKirk a n d daughter, Fredericks, re­ Handles, Metal Tops for Shop­ Dr. Ward is continuing his turned Monday after attending ping Bags, some open up straight practice and is prepared to answer and some square; Sterling Silver calls both day and night. Office campmeeting in Portland. and Gold Filled Lingerie Fastners. hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to Do not forget that we have the A. G. Hoffman & Co. 4 p. m. 18-tf largest assortment of Shoes for A. B: Melvin of Gardner and men, women and children; we are Fred Jones, wife and daughter receiving new lines all the time. i his brother, A. A. Melvin of Port­ left yesterday for an extended out­ Call un us for Shoes. A. G. Hoff­ land, visited their cousin, Mrs. E. ing at Newport. Fred says he | L Sherrett, at the Laughlin hotel has lost but five days from his man & Co. over S u n d a y . A. B. Melvin work in a year and thinks he has Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware brought a carload of pork to the earned a vacation. at the Gordon Hardware Store. i Portland market. People who purchase their monuments of Lewis & Co , Hills­ boro, save the commission usually paid to agents, as this firm deals directly with the customers. All monuments guaranteed satisfac­ tory. 30 tf Come to us with your Trouser troubles. W e’ ll settle them. NOTES AN D PERSONALS Trousers How about that old coat and vest you want to wear out? Get a new pair o f trousers and save. Prices............ ........$2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Summer Underwear Men’ s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Suit .............. $1.25 Men’s Spring Needle Knit Closed Crotch, Suit $1.25 and 1.50 Seal-Pax, Athletic Style Nainsook, S u it............................ $1.15 Yieldifit, Athletic Style, Nainsook, Suit___ _________ _____ 75 U. 8 . Foo«l A d m in istra tio n . $1.00 .. 1.50 3.50 .. .85 Work Shirts Boys’ Blue-and Grey C ham bray_______ ____________ __ $ .75 Men's Blue, Grey, Grey and Blue, with white stripes; these Shirts are cut extra long in sleeves, extra large body, extra wide sleeves, never rip, 75c, 90c, $1.00 C. E. ROY & CO. M e n ’s F u r n is h in g s a n d C a p le s B lo c k FOREST D e o r Hong hoz “ D ar’ii S ugar In de G ou rd ,” but Brier ’T ater ’ low s dat de on ly su gar h e ’s stu d yln ’ ’ b ou t n ow -a -d a ys la w h a t’s In de su gar b ow l en h it’s gw in e ter stay dar. D e fo lk s wots d oin ’ de flghtln ’ m u s’ have sugar fust. B ut e f dars enny sw eet’nln’ In de gou rd n ow ’days. he s h o ’ gw ine ter git tapped, ’ cause d ey ’s lo o k in ’ fe r syru ps en 'lasses en h on ey to ‘‘substitute.” For the purpose o f assisting in the winning o f the war, this ad­ vertisement is paid for by the SCHULTZ'S Shoes GROVE Sunday School at 9:46. Don’t fail next Sunday morning your presence mean« much to you and to the Sunday School. Preaching aervice at 11:00. Dr. Ford, Diatrict Superintendent, will preach to ua. Come out and attend. Epworth league at 7:00, a League both defensive and offensive and a League aggressive for the highest things. Class meeting 7:30. Evening service X:00. All are wel­ come to our services. Prayer service Thursday 8 p. m. Last quarterly conference to be held on Monday evening at 7:30; would like to see every officer of the church there and ready to report of the year's work in their department. JOHN H. EBERT, Pastor. Congregational Church Sunday School meeta as usual through August at 9:45 a. m. Rev. Mr. Sias asks our congregation to worship at the Christian church Sun­ day mornings, Aug. 4 and 18; and o f­ fers to bring his congregation to our church Sunday mornings, Aug. 11 and 25. Union Sunday evening Vespers will be held on the campus at 7 p. m. through August. A. B. PATTEN. Pastor. Christian Church Mr. Sias will speak Sunday morning on "The Gospel for Our A g e.” The theme at the open air meeting at 7:00 p. m. will be "The Irreproach­ able Gospel.” against Chancey Harney, Bessie V. Harney and East Side Slabwood Com­ pany, a corporation, defendanta, for the sum o f $7(81.00, with interest at the rate o f 7 tier cent per annum from January 1, 1917, and the sum of $75.00 attorney’s fees and the coats and dis­ bursements herein taxed at $18.50 and the costa o f and upon said writ, and commanding me to make sale o f the following-described real property, to- wit; All o f l^>t numbered Thirty-two (32) in the BKUGGEK TRACT, containing 10 acres, more or less, and aituated in section 17. T. 1 N. R. 1 W. o f the Will. Mer., according to the duly recorded plat of sAd BRUGGER TRACT, aaid land being in Washington County, Ore­ gon. I will, on Saturday, August 31, 1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M., at the south door o f the Court house, in Hillsboro, Ore­ gon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for caah in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de­ fendants, and each o f them had on June 12, 1915, the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since said date had in and to the above described real property, or any part thereof, to satis­ fy said execution, judgment order and decree, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this August 1, 1918. GEO. ALEXANDER. Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ gon. H. T. BAGLEY. Attorney. First pub. Aug. 1; last, Aug. 29. Notice o f Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby given that by*virtue o f an execution, judgment order, de­ cree and order o f sale, issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of Washington County, Oregon, to me directed and dated July 30, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said Court on J u l y 19, 1918, in favor o f George Kieni, plaintiff, and Now is the time to wear the Cover-All. They are Cool, Ser­ viceable and Comfortable to wear. Khaki, $3 and $3.50 ; Grey $2.50; Blue, with grey stripe $3,25; Boys’ Khaki, $2.75. Men’s Grey Cotton Suits .................. Men’s Black Cotton S u its................. Men’s Black Wool Suits...................... Boys’ Black, white trimmed Suits Methodist Church Services Dr. and M 's. S. Ii Todd mot­ ored to Newport Friday and re­ turned Monday evening They report a very pleasant time at the beach. ’There a r e about 4.000 Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware soldiers engaged in spruce work near Newport and there is a at the Gordon Hardware Store. rumor t hat some of them are go­ ing on a journey soon. COVER-ALLS Bathing Suits 50 c f o o d STORE (U. S. Food Administration License No. G 34147) P h on e 061 S E C U R IT Y The fundamental Service o f a Bank is the furn­ ishing o f Security. Security o f your funds, valuables, credits and investments. We welcome and accept the responsibility. The First National Bank o f F orest G rove, O re A S tro n g B an k in a G o o d T o w n MIMBIS riossAL nstiava SYSTEM . S a fe D e p o sit B o x e s fo r R en t