Œfy? Cartai (grati? 3Expr?flñ order upon which civilization it­ self rested. Born patricians, Caes­ ar and Wilson risked the enmity 1‘ ublinhed «vary Thursday at Forent Grove, Oregon. 0 of the aristocracies of their re­ W, C. Renier, Editor anil Publinher. spective eras for the sake of win­ Filtered hm mui - oim J- i -I mmm matter Jan. 12, 191«, ttt the oontoftli-e al Ko rent Grove, ning that real power which was Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 | based upon the loyalty of the masses. Wilson has all the people Subscription Kate« with him, and though the few l*ald In advance On Credit murmur at the injustice of his One year $1.00 One year 91.50 concessions, he will keep the peo Mix month« .60 Six month* .75 pie united for victory. Three Month* .26 Three month* .40 Because his country’s cause is THURSDAY, AUGUST 1. 1918 greater than Rome’s,just as ideals of democracy are greater than WILSON AND CAESAR lust for conquest, Woodrow Wil T o President Wilson must be son’s name will go down in his­ accorded the credit for having tory as having preserved more for united our country for the one humanity than did Julius Caesar, paramount purpose of winning the even though that great general war It has been by concessions and statesman saved the civiliza­ to the radical element that he has tion of his day and established an imperial government that endured united all Haste*. • Phone 531 for f i f t e e n centuries,—Oregon Those whose love for country Voter. and pride in national honor led FOREST G R O VE, OREGON them to anient support of the A CALL TO DUTY _________________ I war were mainly not of the Pre^i From the battle fields in France the^e com«*s an unspoken call that TheGerman W o p . «.unM «hi Kiw x m m es*es of American arms on the wfti-re pieces F e a -fne papeci , lery s h e l l s , on concentration identify t h e ‘ hugger-mugger vast portion of our population. fields of France should spur every camps and cantonments. Show­ F E ft T H E UOVE O P M v v C t , peace” which Mr. Lloyd George By keeping partisan democrats American to gre-.ter effort ers of small steel arrows were » S ion vovr n x n e “T o ’ e m s o says he doesn’ t want. But, from in power the Piesident has bent T he e o s s w o n t T hqo \ n ’ e m Our people at home should not spilled sometimes on convoys, Mr'. Lloyd George’s description of them to support him. By making re^t on the lau el- of our soldiers o n th e floor fer m e to troop trains, and bodies of massed PVCW. U P . w e S A N S A N it, we are certain we don’t want it concessions io union labor he has in France. Every death on the m«-n. The Germans began day UNSIGNED LETTER AINT ANN either. won the support of that numerous field of honor in the line of duty bombing of cities in 1915, and the BETTER TNAN AN contingeni. By moving no mo^e and for our country’s cau-e should On page 6 of this issue will be allies bombarded Karlsruhe in re- found an interesting story of rapidly into the war than the be a call to us for every sacrifice 1 prisal laier in the same year. “ Two Men Without a Country.” gr«*ai mass of our people could and every exertion to aid the Since then evolution in organized Because Washington county has a bring themselves to move with (cause for which our soldiers are bombing developed rapidly and few men like the two in the story him, he has kept that mass with j fighting, for which our soldiers the French bevan night bombing, | have died. the tale is particularly interesting him but this was not undertaken by As a result of this slow leader­ at this time. Increase production, decrease the Germans until August, 1916. ship, this adroit mastery of parti ; consumption, save, and lend to At the present t i m e large Beginning t o d a y , concerns sans a n d these concessions to i the Government. Every cent lent groups, including several squad­ which employ as many as 100 i labor, the President has united to the United States is used to rons of bombing machines go over men must secure their supply of th<- country far beyond what was support, strengthen, and aid our the lines from time to time and unskill« d labor through a govern­ dreamed of as a possibility by the soldiers in France. completely destroy their objec­ ment bureau. Plans are being more ardent and aggressive ele- ■ tives, be it a city or a camp, a made to handle skilled labor in ment. column of troops, or a trench sys the same manner. What a contrast with the state tern. Unfortunately the allies' Quite a number of people have of public sentiment during the air forces have to travel for many cut their weeds during the past Revolution, the W a r'o f 1812 and ! O. A. C., Corvallis, July 29.— I miles over hostile territory de- ten days, on published request of the Civil War! A sa uniter of Hundreds of school children and fend«*d by anti-aircraft guns to at Mayor Paterson, but there is still factions by concessions to all who other patriotic made tack German cities, , „ while , . the . en , much of this work to be done. demand a price for patriotic sup I possible a second Oregonians shipment of 850 can al fac*t French cities by Do it now, for the sake of civic port, Woodrow Wilson has sue- j ! pounds of dried foxglove or digit­ flying only a short distance be­ ceeded 'so* amazingly that today i pride and safety from fire. yond the allied lines a'l sections and all classes a re1 alis from the Oregon Agricultural The allies are developing large A militury ex|«ert for the Berlin filled with the one purpose of win- i i College to the Federal Laboratory at the University of Minnesota, ; bombing planes which carry suf Ixrkal Anziegersays the American ning the war. " “ ~ where it will be made into tincture ficient fuel for long excursions and I soldiers lack discipline, adding W ’ ithout concessions such as he armament to protect them when soldiers of 1861 65 will ever come of digitalis for the use of the army that “ they are *mart fellows, but only when th«*y like to be.” And made to the wilful classes this and navy. Dean Adolph Ziefle of 1 they are attacked by fighting air- j to the Pacific Coast. Portland have been ' t he O A. C School of Pharmacy planes. Bombing squadrons are expects thousands of people from from now on until the end of the union would n o t achieved. The country would be made the shipment. escorted usually over the lines by Washington, Idaho and Oregon to war is going to be one of the torn by bitterness, and the win­ times when they like to be. The European supply of this fast fighting squadrons of 18 bp present to welcome the veter­ ning of the war jeopardized drug having been cut off by the planes to a squadron, and then ans and to do them homage. We’ve always had food profit­ They are the sires and grandsires Self - sacrificing patriots jV .r *rar> an ;*PPeal was made the first left to their own devices for the of the boys of today who are fight­ eering in this country and per­ dumbfounded that the rewards o f : of the year to the people of Ore- fighters seldom carry sufficient haps it's expecting too much to concession have go to the selfish,! fuel to permit them to accompany ing in France for the same eternal believe that the profiteers will but have abated the intensity of g >n to pick and dry this plant the bombers on the round trip. principles. cease their evil practices just be their patriotism and the ferver of I which grows luxuriantly in the Members of the Grand Army, The dropping of a bomb is sim­ cause the Nation happens to be their service not a whit. By vir­ western p a r t o f the state ilar to shooting a rifle. First, you the Woman’s Relief Corps, Ladies A first shipment of more than engaged in a great war. It takes tue of being united our country set your sights and wind gauge, of the G. A. R., Sons and Daugh­ something more than patriotism will win the war, and thus will be 500 pounds was made in May. you hold the rifle properly, and ters of Veterans and their families This second shipment is sufficient to pound the devil out of the attained the supreme object of to produce nearly 510,000,000 finally you pull the trigger at the can purchase tickets at one cent hearts of some men. those whose patriotism is above doses of the tincture, which in­ proper moment. If your ammu- per mile by securing a certificate The city council having vot«*d I price. Power and concession have creases the force and ihe fullness nition is standard, your sights from the Commander of the near­ to discontinue the employment of! been awarded to those who clam­ of the pulse and raises arterial correct, you hit the target. So est G. A. R. Post. f you set your Portland w i l l entertain the a night watchman today, business j or for it instead of those who de- pressure and is almost a specific with bombing serv«d it, but this opportunist be­ sights correctly, fly your plane Grand Army in magnificent style. for the many c a s e s of heart men are signing a jretition to the council asking that the town be stowal of favor has been the trouble and shock common in i correctly over the objective and The great parade is to be held drop the bomb at the proper time Tuesday, August 20th. not left at *he mercy of thieves means of bringing the selfish and warfare. If the and firebugs during war times. the unselfi-h together in one While the dried leaves w’ere you will hit the target team. ammunition manufacturers gave The move app«*ars to the Express sent to the college from many If Hughes h a d been elected you good bombs the objective a wise one. A fire might do more All citizens of the City of For­ points, the school children of As­ damage in one night, if undis­ president, if Theodore Roosevelt, toria gathered approximately 80 will be destroyed. est Grove are urged to cut and covered for a few minutes, than Elihu Root, Henry Cabot Lodge percent of the total shipment. It remove all grass, weeds and oth- r the city would save in many years and other aggressive patriots had was purely patriotic service ren­ been t h e country's controlling . rubbish from their lots and park- out of a night watchman’s salary. leaders instead o f pacifists like dered the government, the pick­ str*Ps Dunn? these dry days All hope of an immediate con­ Baker, Daniels, Kitchin and C om ­ ers not only contributing their there is great danger of fire and I Great interest is being mani­ strongly urge all of you to use ev­ solidation o f Albany College pels. this country cou d never time to the work, but standing (Presbyterian) with Pacific Uni- have been united, for the selfish the expense of shipment to the fested throughout the Northwest ery means possible to prevent the versity was smothered last Thurs- and the lukewarm would have college. T h e government pays in the National Encampment of origin a n d spread of wasteful day, when the Presbyterian synod.; been discredited before the nation the transportation to the Univer­ the Grand Army of the Republic fires. in session at Fugen«*, gave t he' and would have opposed the war sity of Minnesota, from which which is to be held in Portland, . GEO. G. PATERSON, point the tincture is senr out to August 19 to 24. It will be the trustees of the college another and all neressary war measures. Mayor. army cantonments, to Europe and year in which to make good. The None of t h e great patriotic anywhere it is needed. While the first Encampment ever held in The Express prints butter wrap­ the Pacific Northwest and un­ synod went on record for a con­ leaders who tried to arouse the supply nowon hand is sufficient to ■ doubtedly the pers with non-poisonous ink. last time the old solidation or federation of all the country to earlier war had the meet needs of the government for ! ^ protestant churches on the ground power to unite all elements. It of “ the simple faith of Jesus took Woodrow Wilson, with his some time to come, the pickers Christ.” It was pointed out that, labor conce sions, h is pacifist are urged to continue with the so many ministers were engaged party, his slow policy and his in good work. The supply must not in war work that church federa- spiring utterances, timed for the be allowed to become exhausted. was imperative. rght moment, to unite the peo­ ple. By a majority of a few MAILING YOUR­ thousand votes in one state Wood SELF MONEY row Wilson was re-elected and TCvery time you stick a Thrift placed in the posiiion where, by There were no aerial bombing to its new location, in the Haines Building or War Savings Stamp on your his genius for expression and his organizations in the allied flying card you are mailing money to talents f o r concession, he has corps during the first year of the yourself to be received later with made possible the winning of this war. Practically all the work of interest. Cashing in these stamps righteous war and also has made the air was in the nature of obser where we are better than ever equipped to supply is going to be better than “ getting for himself a place in history vatiun. No pilots could be spared the public with M eats, Vegetables and money from home,” for with the alongside of Caesar. for pnvthing else. Today prob­ For, like Caesar, he sensed that ably 25 per cent of the aerial arms money domes the reminder that „Farm and Dairy Products you contributed to the great vic­ only by keeping behind him the are bombing squadrons of 12 tory which then will have been great mass of the people could he machines per squadron. W A L T E R R O SW U R M Phone 0301 maintain that government and completely won. The first bombing was done by The Main Street Lumber Yard has the largest and best- housed stock of Building Materials in Washington county. Copeland & McCready * * This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war •• ••« t r o u t i i o r t i /i n Pkiix t ./ . f . n l i t t i / . n 1 . I . 1.. . . f I.'— .. L , _. . I . 1 ... ................ ......... Children of State Produce Heart Ease - . . . *. • n #■ A n I*« A n 1« . - m S e\ m fr n n r t . . r \/ \ Notice Abe Lincoln’s Warriors to Meet in Portland Allies Now Have Bombing Planes The Pacific Market HAS M OVED One Door South of the Postoffice