The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, August 01, 1918, Image 2

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First Large Body o f Combat Troops
Knthusiasticallv ¿Received.
llouver in Addreaa in latndon Delivers
Reassuring Message.
With the American Army on the
London.—Speaking at a luncheon
given in Ills honor by the Lord Mayor
Italian Front. — American fighting
at the Mansion houas Wednesday,
troops are now on the Italian front.
Herbert C. Hoover, the American tood
They began arriving Saturday morn­
gave a highly reasaur
Brief Resume Most Important ing. They are being billeted with the Constantinople Reports That All administrator,
Fere-en-Tardenois Falls; Ourcq
Ing revtow of the food situation.
“ We can say emphatically that all
Heretofore the only
Daily News Items.
River is Crossed.
Relations Are Severed.
anxiety as to the great essentials of
American troops were aviators, and
food la now past,” Mr. Hoover do
the appearance of this large body of
fighting men from the United States
Reviewing what already haa been
at the present moment has occasioned
done In the way of Increased produc­
the greatest satisfaction.
tion and saving In consumption by vol­
Major-General Eben F. Swift, of the
untary efforts and rationing, Mr
American military mission to Italy,
Hoover said the exertion of the Ameri­
was the first to greet the newly ar­
can agricultural authorities and farm
rived Americans. He had already made
Events o f Noted People, Governments
Turks Believe That Germany Favored era had borne auch fruit that “ there Germans Make Strenuous Resistance
arrangements for their comfort
will be no need during the next 12
The Italians greeted them with en ■ Bulgaria In Division o f Rouman­
to Prevent Advance o f Franco-
and Pacific Northwest and Other
months for any restriction on the vol­
thusiasm and rejoiced at the splendid
Things Worth Knowing.
Yanks Tanks Numerous.
physical condition which the Ameri
ian Territory and Railway.
the European allies.”
can soldiers showed.
Continuing, Mr. Hoover said:
i'he Italians appeared greatly aston
“ It will be the Joint conclusion of
¡shed when the overseas men immedi­
my colleagues In the European coun­
A record delivery by a single plant ately sought out a bathing place and
Parla— French advanced guarda have
London. — “ The relations between tries that we can got along with a leaa
of 7.000 army rifles in one day last then started several games of baseball. Germany and Turkey have been sev­ moderate mixture of other cereals In reached the north bank of the Ourcq
week was announced by the war de­
ered according to direct Information the loaf and thus provide better bread river, and allied troop« have entered
for the 220,000,000 people who are op Fere-en-Tardenois, the great German
from Constantinople."
posed to Germany.”
An official dispatch from France
This announcement is made by the
Mr. Hoover pointed out. however, supply base, which Ilea In the middle
Tuesday says German newspapers re­
with restricted shipping the en­ line of the Alane Marne sector.
Copenhagen correspondent of the Ex­
port King Ferdinand of Bulgaria gone
tente allies muat face a reduction tu
Tho announcement of tho war office
to “ foreign lands" for some time on
change Telegraph company.
fodder Importa and thus a decrease In Sunday night adds that the villages of
account of his health.
animal products until the submarine
Washington. D. C.—The United
An official communication received
advices further say, has been growing, has been overcome and shipping re­ Anthenay and Ollay Kt-Vlolalne on the
in Amsterdam from German main States has In France and on the ocean
headquarters denies recent rumors bound for great battle fronts abroad particularly after laat week's events. stored. This degeneration In produc­ east flank lying to the aouthweat of
concerning Field Marshal Von Hinden a total of l,250,u00 men. American
The Germans recently demanded tion, he added, would be continuous Khelma have been occupied.
throughout the war.
burg's death.
The communication fighting forces are reaching Italy.
In the Champagne a number of Ger­
cruiser Hamldieh. the only large
Mr. Hoover added:
With 50,000 troops sent last week
says Hindenburg's health is excellent.
attacks were repulsed by the
"In seeking President Wilson'« coun­
the number of American soldiers trans
Books and periodicals can be sent ported overseas during July is expect compensation for the Breslau, the sel aa to the conference of food offi­ French.
to American prisoners of war in ed to reach a record of 300,000, Sec former German cruiser which was de­ cials whirh now is In progress, I re­
The text of the atatement reada:
Germany only when they are ordered retary Baker and General March, chief stroyed in the Dardanelles while un­ ceived from him this statement of our
“ North of the Marne we have con­
through the publishers and are dis­ of staff, told members of the senate der the Turkish flag.
point of view in all our food negotia­ tinued our onward march In the region
patched from the offices of the pub­ military committee.
Despite Turkey's protest the Haml­ tions:
of the Ourcq. Notwithstanding the
lishers. the war department announces.
“ That the American people will resistance of the enemy who employed
Trained combat American troops dieh has departed for Sebastopol with
the German flag flying.
Two trainmen are reported to have
every effort to check our paaaage of
fice In consumption and in the produc­ the river, we succeeded In throwing
been killed and 20 or more soldiers Italy, General March has announced.
Washington. D. C.—While no official tion of foodstuffs that will maintain advanced elements on the north bank.
injured, some seriously, when a south­ Neither the number nor the place
bound Missouri, Kansas & Texas where they are to be used has been notice of the breach of relations be­ the health, comfort and the courage We have penetrated Into Fore en Tar-
freight train collided with a troop communicated to the war department tween Turkey and Germany-*or rather of the people of the allied countries. detiola.
the central powers, for without doubt We are, In fact, eating at the common
train near Clifton City, Mo., Monday the general said.
"Northeast of tho foreat of Rla we
Austria is Involved with Germany In table with them.’ “
reached Champvolay.
that he did not believe the torpedoing
“ On the right our troops have occu­
To aid wheat growers of the west, of the Justicla would interfere with the dispute with the Ottoman govern­
pied Anthenay and Ollay Et-Vlolalne
who have suffered severe losses the transporting of American troops. ment—has reached Washington, of­
ficials expressed little surprise at the
and have approached appreciably the
through winter killing of their crops
Secretary Baker said so far 753 of
line of the road from Rhelms to Dor­
and through drought. President Wilson the Haviland-four airplanes have been Copenhagen dispatch received from
has placed $5,000,000 at the disposal completed In this country and more I-ondon saying that Germany and Tur­
“ In Champagne two enemy attempts
of the treasury and agricultural de­ than 400 shipped to France. The last key had severed relations.
In official circles here for some time ■
In the region aouth of Monts were re­
partments. it is announced.
report from General Pershing said 67 It has been realized that In her efforts
Washington. D. C .-Acttn g under
“ Airplanes carrying 100 men and had been received, but he had made o serve both Turkey and Bulgaria in the author|ty recently conferred by pulsed. ”
In a supplementary official state­
equipped with engines equal in power no report regarding the number actu­
to those in a medium sized steamship ally now in use on the American front. the division of spoils resulting from conjçress. President Wilson Wednes- ment Issued Sunday afternoon the
the enforced treaty with Roumanta, ,|ay |8gued a proclamation taking all French war office saya:
will be developed within three years,"
Secretary Baker said General Persh­ Germany had incurred the ill will of telephone and telegraph lines under
“ Since the opening of the artillery
said Gianni Caproni, inventor of the ing had criticised some of the Havi- both her allies.
government operation at midnight, bombardment on July 18, the day of
Caproni bombing planes, in an inter­ land machines, suggesting structural
Following the conclusion of the Wednesday, July 31.
the French counter offensive on the
view in Paris' Tuesday.
peace treaty with Roumania at Jassy,
Although congress empowered him front between the Alsne and the
Five thousand heavy Browning ma­ both Turkey and Bulgaria laid claim
A record airpost flight from Phila­
to do ao the president did not include Marne, our tanka have taken more or
delphia to New York was made Mon­ chine guns. Secretary Baker said, have to much of the territory which Rou­ wireless systems, because the navy less part In the battle. After piercing
day by Lieutenant Bonsai, who cov­ been completed, but have not yet been mania has been forced to cede to her already is In control of them
the enemy linea and enabling the In­
ered the distance in 42 minutes, fly­ sent to General Pershing. Quantity enemies.
He did not Include ocean cables pre­ fantry to enter the break they have
ing at the rate of more than 120 miles production of both the heavy and light
Included in these claims was the sumably because contracts the cable not ceased to accompany or precede
an hour, most of the way through a Browning, he added, is Increasing.
title to the railway running from companies have with foreign govern­ the troops.
Two additional American corps have Adrianople to Deadeagatch, and this ments on whose shores they land, con­
shower. He carried 175 pounds of
“ Throughout the battle the tanka
been organized In France, General became the source of the greatest con tain clauses respecting government have given proof of their ability to
They are the tention between the two allied nations, operation which raised Involved ques maneuver and of their incomparable
Audrey Best, daughter of Isaac Best, March announced.
Germany for some time endeavored tions. Tho navy ,8 a|r„ ady In practl- audacity. The crews drove the tanka
prominent real estate dealer of Grants Fourth and Fifth.
Pass, died Sunday night. Death is
to induce the two countries to settle, cai control of the cables through Its Into the hottest parts of the battle and
dispute amicably by suggesting censorship.
recoiled from no obstacles. They at­
thought to have been caused by yellow- BAN ON W H E A T
IS R A IS E D this
jacket stings received Monday. Her
that the nation which failed to obtain
The president's proclamation placed tacked the centers of resistance and
brother Noble, Assistant fire chief of
the railway should receive other com- administration of the wire systems the batteries of the enemy under ter­
Washington, D. C.— Release of ho­ pensation.
the city, is dangerously ill from the
with Postmaster GCBttVl Burleson and rific fires from machine guns and spe
Belief In Turkey that favoritism was provided that until otherwise decided clal German cannon.
tels, clubs, restaurants and dining-cars
same cause.
"Their gallantry attained the great­
A receiver for the property of Nat C. throughout the country on August 1 being shown Bulgaria by Germany In the present managements and em­
Goodwin, actor, was appointed in the from the voluntary pledge to use no the negotiations, according to recent ployes will continue. Present flnan est results. One tank accounted for
city court in New York Monday. The wheat until the present harvest, was dispatches received here, caused a cial arrangements also will continue 15 or 20 German machine guns. Some
receivership is the outcome of a judg­ announced Sunday in a cablegram re­ rapid growth of anti-German feeling with the Approval of the postmaster- of the tanks attacked tbe German bat­
Administrator in Constantinople.
teries, putting the gunners out of ac­
ment for $1696 recently recovered ceived
Shortage of food, weariness of war
In a statement accompanying the tion and Insuring the capture of tbe
against Goodwin in suits based upon Hoover, now in England. Public eat­
notes given in payment for land near ing places, the food administrator said, and dissatisfaction with the Young president's proclamation, Postmaster- cannon and material.
_______ _____
"Tho losses sustained by the Ger­
Burleson announced to the
Hemet, Cal., where the actor has a will continue to comply with baking Turk party because of its submission General
regulations and to serve “ victory to German control recently found ex- \ country that his policy would be one mans as the result of the tanks were
bread.” Mr. Hoover congratulated the
very high, according to reports of
French and American troops have eating places upon their patriotic serv­ pression in Constantinople in food ,,f the least possible Interference with prisoners. From July 18 to July 23
riots and munitions uprisings which the wire communication systems con-
discovered a second emplacement for ice and voiced confidence that the
been sternly suppressed by the „latent with the Interests and needs the tanks took part every day In the
a German super-cannon at Nanteuil- spirit shown will enable the American have
attacks. Moat of them were In action
military authorities.
,,f the government.
Notre Dame, according to the Paris people to build up a great food reserve
That Turkey has become more and
Press wire service, Mr. Burleson twice and some returned to the fight
Herald. The emplacement was five against the exigencies of the future.
more weary of the war was Indicated „aid, would be Interfered with only to four or five times In the same day.
meters deep and 14 meters square.
Though exact figures have not been in the failure of the latest Turkish improve Its facilities, and farmers' tel- Some tank companies fought for three
The first super-cannon emplacement compiled, it is estimated by the food loan
in June. According to Swiss dis­
full days. Drivers operated their tanks
discovered by the allies was at Brecy, administrator that, through the volun­ patches only £12,000,000 was obtained ephones would be Interfered with only for 30 hours In tho two-day period of
a little more than three miles south tary pledge made by hotels, restaur­ out of £32,000,000 sought.
July 18-19.”
larger lines.
of Nanteuil-Notre Dame.
ants, clubs and dining cars, there has
It is believed that Germany, calling
Postmaster - General Burleson will
Richard Brenne, editor of the been effected between October 1, 1917, on her allies, Bulgaria and Austria, to personally take charge of the adminis­
Germans Forage in Russia.
Waechter Und Anzeiger, Cleveland and August 1, 1918, a saving of be­ assist her, will undertake to deal tration of tho wire communications
(Ohio) Daily German, was arrested tween 175,000,000 and 200,000,000 sternly with Turkey, and. through the and wm be assisted by a committee of
Monday by fédéral officers charged pounds of wheat and its products, 150,- thousands of German agents in that three composed of John L. Koons, first
Washington. D. C.—The food sltua
with violating the espionage act. The 000,000 pounds of meat and 50,000,000 country, will seek to displace the assistant postmaster-general, in sub- tlon between Germany and Russia has
arrest is based on a news story pub­ pounds of sugar. The action of the Young Turk party and install some jects of organization and admlnlstra- reached an ncute stage, according to
lished Wednesday under an American proprietors of public eating places, it faction which can be depended upon tion; David L. Lewis, former congress- advices received Sunday at the state
date, which is said to have led to the was said, also has been of great edu­ to obey the mandates of the central man from Maryland, now a member department. There Is not enough food
conclusion that “ hundreds of thou­ cational value in carrying to the homes powers.
of the tariff committee, on subjects for both countries and tho question as
sands of Americans were sacrificed by of the nation the necessity of food
It was also pointed out that the j of operation; and William H. Lamar, to who will get what provisions there
the French."
Turkish army Is officered almost en- solicitor for the postoffice department, aro has reached a critical stage.
tirely by Germans, and that while the on matters of finance.
The main hangar and a dirigible
German soldiers with threshing ma­
Kaiser Reassures Troops.
Turkish diplomatic authorities might
balloon were destroyed and more than
chines aro sent into the grain coun­
Amsterdam. — Emperor William, sever relations with Germany, the
a dozen airplanes and several build­
tries and the grain Is requisitioned.
German Raider Off Weat Coaat.
ings were damaged by fire Friday at who, according to his favorite corres­ army would remain thoroughly Ger­
San Diego.— A German raider Is re­ The Russian peasants are allowed only
pondent, Karl Rosner, watched the man.
the naval air station at Norfolk, Va.
ported operating on the west coast such amounts as the soldiers decido
battle of Rhelms from a tower, which
If the Copenhagen report should anrl American aircraft and warships they need.
The "Pershing trot" and the “ Rain­ gave him a good view of a wide sector
The Germans were also said to be
bow." lively military dances, will hold of the front, sent his troops from this prove true, the military situation may | have joined In the chase of the enemy
requisitioning cattle and horses In Po­
sway next winter, according to the vantage point, Rosner reports, the fol­ be favorably affected in the interest vessel.
of the entente allies.
Following the report from the Brit- land and Lithuania and to be helping
decree of the “ inner circle” of the lowing telegram:
Bulgarian resistance, it was pointed i„h consul at La Pax that the raider themselves to timber In those coun­
American College of Dancing, at a
“ His majesty Informs his troops that out, may be weakened greatly in con- was cruising off the Mexican coast. tries.
meeting in San Francisco Thursday.
he has arrived behind the front of sequence of the quarrel with Ger­ all vessels in the 12th naval district
Information also reached the depart­
Five children ranging in age from the attack and shall watch the battle many; accordingly an easy northward were advised to observe special pre­ ment that the reason for tho refusal of
2 to 12 years, were burned to death, from a tower. His majesty’s good movement from the Adriatic to the cautions of the submarine zone.
the allied diplomats at Vologda to ac­
one other received fatal injuries and wishes accompany his troops.
Aegean sea might be accomplished by
Airplanes from stations In the vi­ cept the Bolshevikl Invitation to move
seven were less seriously hurt in a fire
the French, Italian and British troops, cinity of this city and warships within to Moscow was that the Soviet capital
which destroyed the Kent county, ‘With God for the emperor and the who have been making a successful call have been sent In search of the Is already controlled by the German
Michigan, Juvenile Home early Thurs­ empire.’ ”
campaign in that quarter.
prowler, according to navy authorities. armed forces.
Washington's state superintendent
Slacker Gets 14 Years.
Times Publisher la Sued.
Industrial Survey Taken.
Slayden Out of Race.
of schools, Mrs. Josephine Preston,
Rockford, 111. — Fourteen years In
San Francisco. — Suit for $100,000
Washington, D. C.— An industrial
has been asked In a resolution adopt­ damages was filed here Monday in the federal prison is the punishment of survey to determine the nation’s tax­
San Antonio, Tex.—James L. Slay­
ed by the state council of defense to superior court against the Tlmes- Brent Dow Alllnson, a Chicago slack­ able resources as an aid to the ways den, for the last 22 years representa­
use her influence in having the teach­ Mirror company, publisher of the Los er.
and means committee In framing the tive in congress for the fourteenth dis­
ing of German eliminated in all public Angeles Times, by Theottore Roche,
It Is understood that President W il­ Income and excess profits sections of trict, and candidate for renomlnatton
schools of the state.
one of the advisers of Mayor James son commuted a life sentence which a the new $8,000,000,000 revenue bill is in the primaries, has withdrawn from
Mrs. Myrtle Neal, 25 years old, of Rolph, of San Francisco, In his cam­ courtmartial imposed to 15 years’ im­ under way.
tho race following publication of a
Committee members said Wednes­ telegram from President Wilson which
Cheyenne, Wyo., arrested in Omaha paign for the gubernatorial nomina­ prisonment. Alllnson, a Harvard grad­
uate, was appointed to a post in the day they expect to raise approximately said: "The administration as between
in men's clothing Thursday night, said tion.
The suit alleges that certain state­ government consular service and as­ $5,000,000,000 from excess profits and candidates equally loyal never takes
she ‘ rode the rods” of a freight train,
holding her 3-year-old baby in one ments appearing In tbe Times of July signed to Berne, Switzerland. He was Incomes Some members still hope to part hut In the light of Mr. Slayden’s
arm, part of the way to Omaha. She 23 and relating to Roche were untrue arrested in Washington after refusing raise $6,000,000,000 by taxes on war record no one can claim he has given
to report to his Chicago board.
profits and Incomes.
and damaging.
said her husband mistreated her.
support to the administration.”
1.250.00 AT FRONT