(ßftni? HixpnBB AN IN D E P E N D E N T WEEKLY NEW SPAPER Vol. 3 KOKEST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1. 1918 Want Figure» on Wheat AGED COUPLE BURN TO DEATH Production N O T E S A N D P E R S O N A L S Will Test Ordinance Methods whereby Washington county’s wheat production can be accurately determined have been decided ui>on and blank record 1 books ana report blanks have Two of Washington county’» i lieen furnished by the U. S. Bur liest-known resident» met terrible eau of Markets. death» between 9 and 10 o'clock These have been distributed to last Tuesday evening, two mile» the 45 threshermen in the county, »outhwest of Dilley, when their who will be required to keep ac auto upHet, caught fire and cre curate data as to number of bush mated Mr and Mr». Simon Wahl, els threshed for each farmer, and resident» of Scoggins Valley dis- at the end of each month they will be required to send in reports ’ trict. to the County Agricultural Agent, Mr. and Mr». Wahl, their »on, showing threshing done for that Alex, and Mrs Wahl’» sister, month. The County Agent, in Mrs Susie Reile, were return turn, will wire t o t a l for each ing to their home in a Ford car month to the Bu<eau of Markets, and when they got a short dis at Washington, D. C. In this tance south of Dilley the electric way accurate data as to Washing lights failed them and Mr. Wahl ton county’s wheat production lighted the kerosene sidelights and will be obtained, as well as data continued the journey by their on this crop for the whole coun feeble light. When the machine got on the newly made till be try. Data will also be obtained as to tween Reed and Kay hills, two miles the other side of Dilley, it amount of other cereals threshed, run off the grade and tumbled but only seasonal reports will down a ten-foot embankment, be made of these grains and not pinning Mr. and Mr». Wahl un monthly reports, as are required of wheat. derneuth. COUNTY AGENT. Alex and his aunt were not 30 BAD CONVICTS STILL AT LARGE On complaint of J. G. Lenne Where, oh, where is the munic i ville, chief o f the fire department, ipal flag? Harry and Willis Goff, as Goff Miss Gladys Porter has just re ' Brothers, were served with a com • covered from a siege with the plaint Saturday, charging them Bennett Thompson, serving .a j with violating a city ordinance by life sentence for murdering Mrs. measles. # 'having an unlawful quantity of Helen Gore Jennings of Tualatin Mrs A. A. Hall and daughter, |dynamite on his premises. Ac- and Fred Ristman, a jitney driver, Pearl, returned Saturday from a companied by Attorney L. M. on the night of May 15, 1916, ac visit at Seaside. Graham, defendants appeared be companied by Fred Thurber, a We deliver ice cream to any fore Recorder Dyke Tuesday and burglar, escaped from the state part of the city Tell it to phone demurred to the complaint, claim penitentiary at Salem Monday 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf ing the dynamite was not on their night and were seen Tuesday at Earl Wagner, late of the Schultz “ premises,” but was on the side Malloy, near the scene of the market, is now employed at the walk about 50 minutes, awaiting Jennings murder. It is believed the arrival of the customer, who Thompson and Thurber are heav Rexall drug store. later took it to a county road ily armed, as a hardware store at Order your winter’s supply „ >, of .gang, to be used in building roads. Salem was robbed of revolvers coal now of t h e ¿ r° ve They further allege that dynamite and ammunition Monday night. Planing Mill; phone 0232. 30-tf of the grade complained of is not While in the Washington county P W. Watkins Tuesday re dangerous, unless a cap is at jail f o r t h e Jennings murder, placed a defective length in the | tached and that neither life or Thompson threatened that if he property was endangered by hav ever got out he would kill Sheriff city water line up Gales Creek. Reeves and District Attorney E. Robert Forbis, son of Mr. and ing it on the sidewalk. M rs-J. A. Forbis of Dilley, has ; Recorder Dyke continued the B. Tongue and many people be case, in order to give the cb y an lieve this is the reason for Thomp enlisted in the marine corps. opportunity to secure legal advise son’s return to this section. Just what you have been look on the merits of the case. Goff Sheriff Alexander of this county ing for— Ladie»’ White Canvas Brothers desire to have the ordi- and Sheriff Hurlburt of Multno Oxfords. A. G. Hoffman & Oo. dance tested as they claim they mah county have armed forces Mrs. James Devlin and daugh are taking all precautions against searching for the fugitives, but so ter, Mrs. W. W. Graham, returned danger to life and property and far without success. Sunday from a visit at Newport. should not be prevented from sup caught under the machine, but Not Much Encouragement May Have Seed Certified For Sale—Span of gray mares, plying their customers with this the latter was painfully bruised necessary commodity. President Hoffman and Secre Arrangements have been made 5 and 8 years old; 1400 lbs. each; The young man at once began tary Reder of the Forest Grove whereby growers of potatoes de also harness. Phone, West 51 trying to extricate his father and Commercial club were in Portland hiring to produce seed potatoes mother, but was unable to lift the Cornelius Richardson is driving yesterday and interviewed John may have fields inspected, and if car and pull them out and they a new Chevrolet, having decided M. Scott, general passenger agent shown to be free from disease seemed unable to help themselves. to get in before the raise in price. for the Southern Pacific lines in commonly known to this section, While he was trying to get his par Agricultural Experiment Sta regard to commutation rates for Orval Hutchens of Scofield was ents out, the gasoline tank caught may be certified. The fields will fire, exploded and drove him from be inspected twice during the in town yesterday to attend the tion, Corvallis, July 30.— Many people living in this city and em his labors In a short time both growing season and thirty days funeral of the little Lepschat fruit and vegetable growers in Ore ployed in Portland. Mr. Scott informed them that Uncle Sam’s his parents were cremated and so after harvest the potatoes will be boy. gon have been the victims of firms We are now prepared to supply which place on the market sprays railway officials were opposed to terribly disfigured that they were inspected the third time. The farmers in Benton county all comers with apple and peach low in copper and of uncertain cutting rates, except to soldiers unrecognizable when help was se cured and the bodies brought to last year received 12.50 per hun boxes. F o r e s t Grove Planing quality at prices exhorbitant in and sailors, but he would take up the question with the proper of 30-lf this city. All the woodwork on dred at time of digging for pota Mill Co. comparison with other commer the car was consumed by the toes thus certified and many oth Mrs. E. F. Burlingham and cial sprays or with the homemade ficials and do what he could to flames and the iron work was ers are planning to take up this children are enjoying an outing article. H. P. Barss, plant path- get a reasonable rate. method of seed improvement thir at T win Rocks, on the Tillamook j ologist for the Oregon Experiment badly damaged. b«*ch. ’ Station, urges growers in the Simon Wahl was born in Penn year. Writing to his mother from The inspection costs $3.00 per sylvania and was 64 years of age, Special—-For this week only— state to send for Farmers' Bulle Post Field, Fort Sill, Okl., Mark while his wife was born near acre and is done by the Agricul One-pound package of linen writ tin 994 on "Commercial Bordeaux Hogue tells some interesting facts Salem, this state, 52 years ago tural College. ing paper for 39c. VanKoughnet Mixtures” which may be had for in connection with hi» training as She was a sister to Senator La- the asking from the United States Blanks for making application & Reder. It a flyer in Uncle Sam’s aerial department of agriculture. Follett of Salem Perry LaFolIett for inspection can be obtained squadrons. H e describes quite Mr. and Mi$. Carmel Good and and Charles I,aFollett of near Cor from t h e County Agricultural minutely the duties of a pilot car two children and Mrs. W J. Good nelius and Mrs. H. W . Scott of Agent’s office and Oregon Agri rying an artillery observer, but visited at the Jim Nichols place, Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. cultural College. the Express does not believe the If there are any farmers or fruit north of town, Sunday. Wahl have lived in Scogging Val COUNTY AGEN T. details should be published, for growers in this section who need ley for the past thirty years and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris of Carl Curtis, who went to Camp this city and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. help, they may secure same by ap the Huns still have ways of send they have hundreds of friends ing information abroad. Mark throughout Washington county Lewis with the Washington county McAlear of Hillsboro motored up plying to R. W. Reder, secretary likes the work immensely, for he of the Forest Grove Commercial Hun Seekers on the 24th, returned who will lie painfully surprised to to Soda Springs Sunday. says it is exciting. He has two club Phone 751. home Saturday, rejected on ac learn of their sad ending. Mrs. V. R. Abraham and child count of poor teeth When he Men, women and children who weeks more at Ft. Sill, then goes They a r e survived b y one tried to enlist in the navy several ren returned yesterdav to their desfre work on the farms or in for two weeks of Aerial Gunnery daughter and six sons- Mrs. La- ! at Hicks, Texas, then two weeks home at Hood River, after a visit; orchards verna Herrington of Scoggins Val months ago he passed on teeth, at the ancestral Templeton home. | register with are also invited to of gunnery at Dayton, Ohio, then but was rejected on defective un Mr. Reder. There ley, Hugh, Henry and Eugene, derpinning. The army officers is no charge for this service, only j the fight to the finish over the Mr and Mrs. J. F. Jones and living three miles north of this deep blue water. city, Alex, Arthur and Charles, said nothing abo»t his feet, but daughter. Christie o f Salem, a desire to get the work and work were, evidently, afraid he couldn't ers together, in order that food visited their daughter and sister, To Teach Useful Lessons living at the home place. bite the Huns. Nettie, in this city over Sunday. may be saved for the nation and Mr. Wahl is also survived by Manager Jonas of the Wash Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton, its oveisea forces. A Forest Grove man, who had two sisters and two brothers— ington County Fair board informs Tuesday afternoon George Jack- the Express that one of the out Mrs. Lavina Moore of New Jer been bothered by his neighbor’s ! their daughter. Jessie. Miss Vera sey and M r s . Lizzie Buck of chickens, recently caught two, at Schiffer and Will Harrison visited son, drug clerk at the Littler standing features of- the coming Moulton, III, and Harden and tached to their n&ks cards bear the Austin Buxton family at Mo- Pharmacy, got himself into an ex- fair will be a food conservation ing this inscription: "I am a bad lalla Sunday. j pensive mess by trying to accom- exhibit, under direction of County Fayette Wahl of Idaho. chicken; keep me at home.” Not Prof. F. C. Taylor returned modate somebody. Dr. Tucker F o o d Administrator Wells of Funeral services were held at _ h e premium l i s t , Hillsboro. T the local M. E. church at 2 hearing anything from the owner, Monday from a short visit to had left his auto parked in front _________ he finally asked about the mes of the McNutt Grocery and when which will be Rockaway and other beach points. out in a few days, o ’clock this afternoon, with Rev. H a y e s , an Episcopalian min sages and was informed the chick He reports all the sawmills busy a driver for Dan Pierce wanted j will give full information as to ister from Portland, officiating, ens must have destroyed them, as and quite a number of campers on to back in with a load of flour,; plans and prizes. the auto was in the way. George nterment was in Forest View | the owner never received them. the beach. J. E. Lewton spent Sunday with Just the way notes sent home by volunteered cemetery and the funeral was Mr and Mrs. J. A. McCoy of . to , move the auto and, his family near this city. Mr. the Kansas City district left this instead of backing up. as he largely attended by friends of the teacher fail to arrive. Lewton has been doing Y . M C. afflicted family. Lowell, the six-year-old son of morning for a month’s visit at thought it would, the pesny ma- A. work at Raymond, Wash., bu . They will be joined ch,ne went forward, climbed the The double tragedy is a fearful Mr. and Mrs. R F. Lepschat, Barview. now has been selected to go to blow to (he relatives of the un passed away at the family home Monday by Mr. and Mrs Will ¡curb and broke two plate glass windows in the drug store, besides j.'amP He likes his work fortunate couple, especially the in this city Tuesday morning, Baker and two sons. bending the axle and fender of the i , T ne an(* aas. &aint>d ten pounds. son, Alex, who saw his parents heart failure being the cause of j Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Milis were He expects later to go to France. die, without being able to save' death. Services were held in the | relieved Tuesday when they re car. George says before he at tempts to accommodate anybody Because their mother had made them. Christian church at 10 o ’clock ceived a cablegram to the effect hereafter, he will be sure he knows such strong appeals in their be Corporal Frank Porter, who is yesterday morning. Rev. Sias o f that their son, Lieut. Ralph I. what he is doing. On the same half, George and Robert Cox, ficiating. Interment was in the Mills now stationed at Fort Douglas, i day Mrs. Robert Alexander’s car hailing from near Gaston, under reached France safely Utah, writes his mother, Mrs Banks cemetery. tried to enter the front door pf indictment for burglary, may be Mary Porter,that he never saw or Joe Wiles and Dr. W B. Coon, the Forest Grove National bank, permitted to enlist in the army, a A party of Sumawa Camp Fire fe t heat like he is feeling it now Girls, composed of Margaret T ay who took their better halves and but was stopped by the fire hy- Portland paper says. . He is guard at an internment lor, E t h e l Tupper, Arlington! Master Elwin Coon to Newport drant. Very little damage, camp and is putting in some Marsh, Aileen Dandelions are an effective bait Hoffman and last Saturday, returned home, W. J. R. Beach, past command- for poisoning the pocket gopher, pretty long shifts Tuesday, leaving their families a t ! Guardian Lucile Higby left today the most dreaded by Willamette The Express is running Ser for Twin Rocks, on Tillamook Chi- popular resort for an «utin*. i valley farmers, according to G. F. beach, for a two weeks’ outing. geant Empey’s story, “ Over the There will be a special meeting urday at Portland of the Illinois Sykes, professor of zoology in the Top,” and the moving pictures of Miss Ruth Patton will join the of the V . R. C. at the usual Veterans Association. This or- Oregon Agricultural College. the story will be ¡teen at the Star girls l a t e r . _______. meeting place on Saturday, Aug. gafiization is arranging to main- Theater o n Wednesday and Jim McGill, who works for Un Elmer May and family arrived 3d. at 3 p. m., to arrange for tain a headquarters tent on the Thursday nights of next week. yesterday from Pasco, Wash., for transportation to the national en-1 postoffice’ block during the G. A. cle Sam at the North Bank depot, See these pictures and read the a visit with the Morris and Good campment at Portland Aug. 19th R. national encampment August Portland, is spending a two day story. to 24th. ' 1 19 th to 24th. | vacation with hiswife in this city. families. To Tell Strength of Various Sprays Want Help or a Job?