> / / H. T. G ILTN ER • • Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season PHONE South Main Street - 701 Forest Grove, Ore Lewis to his present location. There were six train loads in (he ¡l»arty and they covered a lot of | territory in th* ir journey. Ernest doesn’ t like Camp Mills nearly as The ladies, of tin* local Red well-as ho did Camp L--wis, nor i Cross hr inch an- desirous of mak­ does he lik** the «iris of (he easi ing a collection of articles enum- as well as he did the western «iris je-ated below, to be sold for the He says they art* not so ‘ chum­ In-nefit of i he local branch, which my .” There U an aviation Held will purchase supplies with the near the present camp and he «ays funds: he can see anti hear ai p'ane- at all Tin ur lead foil, folded flat. Do not I hours of the day. Ernest is in ! roll. !Rood health and anxious to g»*t All metals, cop|wr, brass, iron, zinc, ¡after the Huns There i- much uluminuin, cast iron junk. interesting news in th«- l«-iter that Rubber junk of all kiml*. Old motor the Express det-ms too important 1 tires and tubes. Bicycle tires. to publish, so only this b ief out Old magazines, newspapers (folded line is given. Have You Any Junk for the Red Cross? 1—Sandhills of Palestine turned Into ’VIIIT dwellings” by the British troops who ure fighting north of Jeru­ salem. 2—French artillerymen dragging a field piece Into a new position on a ridge. 3 Lieut. Kdwln M. l*ost, Jr., of the American air service, now with Pershing’s forces, who has been cited for gallantry In the French orders. | and tied.) Burlap and gunny sacks. String Stop, Look and Listen! rolled into balls. Cotton and hemp THE KAISER’ S SC’ALI* NOTES AND PERSONALS I Public sale bills printed at the STOP! R call how the brave, (separate.) ----------- Express office. (With apologies to the author o f the Russians were defeated for lack Clean, white rugs, woolen rags (sep­ TANLAC at Littler s Phar- Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and Psalm of Life.) arated.) Mixed rags. of munitions and supplies.! mac>’ - Natureopath. Office at A St. & Tell me not in idle figures* The Get mans laughed at the Rus ! Old clothes, old shoes, olii kid gloves. Claude Smith had business in 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. That the Huns will win the day; Fruit jars, cold cream jars, bottles of ian government’s failure to stand Portland Saturday. Oh. Gir-ruls! Have you seen For the hoys who pull the triggers all kinds (cleaned.) The Express prints butter wrap- the Coveralls for ladies and child- by its fighting men. L< t th«-m! Collapsible paste and paint tubes. Surely have a wont to say. pers with non-poisonous ink. ren at Anderson’ - store? have no such mirth at our ex­ Wufer tins. Corks. ! W’ar is real; war is earnest. A dandy line of ladies’ house George G. Hancock, real es- With the Kaiser as its goal; pense Give our governrn nt the 1 Tyfiewriter ribbon boxes and spools, dresses and aprons at Anderson’s, tale, farm loans and fire insur- Dust he was, to dust returneth. support of our people, our re carbon paper boxes. Money to loan— Valley Realty ance, new Anderson block. 50 Let us pity his poor soul. If y«»u have any of these art - sources and our money, -o that it Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf; Dr Ward is con inuing his Not his gas shells, nor his poison. can arm, equip, supply and main­ d e s , save them and send word to Will our Yanks the least dismay; Judge R 0 . Steven-on of Gales practice and is piepared to answer tain our fighting men at the ve y Mrs. A. B. Todd, who will send for them. highest efficiency. Creek had business in town Sat- calls both day an«! night Office For they’ ll only spur the boys on Night by night and dity by «lay. urday. hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to lA>ok at the war map and see .)«>!> printing phone sl ’ I . Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed 4 P- m. 18-tf Bill is fieree and Bill is raving. what abs lu'e devotion of a n a-, Administrator’ s Notice And his sword, though tried and lion’s resources to military p u r-! $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific Buy your groceries, fish, veg- Notice is hereby given that the un strong, poses has accomplished for the Market. 19-tf etables and se<*ond-haner vouchers, at the law office But they’re daily growing thinner were accompanied try the Misses Go to the Erickson garage, K. o f H. T. Bagley in Hillsboro, Oregon, bills. As the Yankees pound their line; of P. building, for your auto re­ Eva Tucker and Bertha Aydelott. within six months from date hereof. Listen to the call of duty and Sure, yes, sure, we'll chase the sinner : pairs, accessories, tires, gas and Dated this July 18, 1P1H. Picnic packages, paper plate-, patriotism a n d economize Do oils. MARTIN SCHWALK, paper napkins, p a p e r towels,, And his Huns across the Rhine. your utmost in every way to win Mrs. Elizabeth Benfer arrived Thermos bottles, in fact every­ And with Pershing just behind them Administrator. the war by increased pro luction, Saturday from McMinnville for a thing for your outing at Littler’s ( They will scamper like the rats; H. T. BACI.EY, Attorney. 28-5t by decreased con umprion and by ■ Holed in concrete you will find them, visit with the family of her son, Pharmacy. government. Let And, you bet, there'll we some scraps. 1 lending to W. C. Benfer. DR. H. C. FORTNER non-essentials go; make more sac­ John Armstrong arrived Thurs-1 See the Round Oak wood and day from Sacramento, C alif, for Scrapping that no other nation rifices How little an«f inconse­ Successor to Founded on this mortal plain, coal range, with or without gas his annual visit with his sisters, quent they are compart*«! with the DR. H. W. VOLLMER plate attachment, at the Gordon Misses Jennie and Lizzie, and his Wishing for the whole creation. great purpose they help attain. Seeing, will make war again. Hardware Store. H«>w well worth making they will brother, William. He says Forest OFFICE # appear when ou troops com In First National Bank Building Jim McGill was out from Port­ Grovi- people should go to Sacra-, Let us, then, be up and at them With a bond or saving stamp; Telehones home victorious — victorious by land Saturday and Sunday and mento if they want to know wha’ So the boys will know we’ ll back them their own unselfish whole-hearted shod a few horses Saturday for real hot weather is like. Residence 332 Office 333 As they fight through “ No \fan’s -upporf of their nation. his old customers Consistency was the big feature Land.” CIVIL WAR VETERAN. A fine assortment of NuBone of the two Chevrolet 490 touring D. D. & M. B. BUMP - A . L. ZACHARIAS. and College Girl corsets and nov­ cars which competed in the recent “ NO ENEMIES” Camp Lewis. Attorneys at I^w guns j the j elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ Los Angeles - Yosemite Valley You ’have no enemies,’ you say; Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue. economy tour. With Roy Stuart Loans and Real Estate Take What You Can Get My friend, your boast is poor. D. D. BUMP. M. B. BUMP, Ben Zurstein, Ashland mer­ and W. B. Felix at their wheels, Portland, Ore., July 22. -George He who has mingled in the ffay i Residence Residence Hillsboro chant, had his store license taken the lowest priced machines in the T. Dalton, special n-peest-ntative Of duty that the brave endure, I Forest Grove. away and his store clo-ed for a i un used but 13.06 gallons of gas- Must needs make foes. j Phone 444 Offices HILLSBORO of the Federal trade commission, ioline each on the hard grind, with week for disobeying the food-sell­ If you’ve made none, mayhap, who has Jusi arrived to make in­ ioil and wat r use in the same ing regulations. quiries concerning the fu-| situa Small is the work that you have done. J N .H O F F M A N propotion. It Remember, friends, you must You've put no grafter down and out, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGill tion in O'egon, today sta'ed that pay in advance to get the Express Attorney At I^tw Oregonians should accept ch--ap r Or put no traitoring wretch to rout. returned Sunday from a t hree-day at one dollar per year. The reg You've never turned wrong into right. grades of coal when they cannot Patent Office Business Solicited ular price is $1 50. We pay you visit at the Tillamook beaches secure early delivery of the best You’ ve been a coward in the fight. They spent Sa1 urday with Mr. 50c to collect f:om yourself Oregon Grange Bulletin. Forest Grove, - Oregon arid Mrs. B J. Simpson, formerly known grades. Mrs. Frank Johnson of Watts of this city, at Bay City, and re “ Conditions are such that pe > returned Monday from Astoria, port a fine time. Mr. and Mrs pie of the N or hwest will find it where she had visited her brother, Simpson are in better health than impo.-sible to secure d elivey of Edwin Meier, who has just been when they lived here and say they many of the standard b*and-of; called to the service like their new home immensely. coal,” he sa d “ Although tin- ; Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ Howard was in the last draft bituminous coal product ion is the ner Pacific Avenue and Third from Multnomah county and greatest in the nation’- history, street, for up-to date hair cuts went down Tuesday to answer \ the demands for fuel is unprece and shaves Also ice cream, cold t .e call. __ denttd, due to war activities.” drinks and lunches. Phone 181. “ As a result the best coai ca*i- Farmers Consider Drainage not be mined in sufficient quan The best place for Washington A number of farmers near Roy. tities to meet the demand. In , county people to purchase their I met July 10th, on the farms of M. [ Washington state, for example.1 monuments and tombstones is King and Mr. Parsons with Prof. investigations j u s t completed from Lewis & Co. of Hill-boro, W. L. Powers of Corvallis, to show that people have ordered Ore. This firm carries a good study*!he problem of drainage on coal early, but many will not se­ line of dependable goods, employs the farms Peyton Brand cure deliveries until this winter no agents and gives its customers | The particular problem in this because they have insi-ted upon the benefit of the commissions area was the matter of getting an specified brands of coal. The best, usually paid salesmen 25-4t ad«quate outlet f o r drainage plan is to secure fuel now and Bert Ross, who is in charge of waters. take no chances on shortage and the grocery department of the fuel rations lat««r.” Prof. Powers ran levels on the Cornucopia Mining company, 10c a pouch areas and thus enabled the farm Baker county, arrived Friday for Writes Interesting Letter a visit with his wife and daugh­ ers to decide upon the possible G r a v e ly la tte t o m u ch lo n g e r it c o t t e Mrs. Rilda Steigleder of this ters. He says the mines are the location for their <1 rains. n o m o r e to c h e w th a n o r d in a ry p lu g safest he ever saw and there has j T h e Agricultural C o l l e g e , city recently received from her been but one fatal accident dur­ through the county agent, will son, Ernest, of Bat tery D, 346th P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company ing the past year. He likes his give similar assistance in any field artillery, stationed at Camp Danville, Virginia work, even if it is hard and con­ community where six or more j Mills, New Jersey, an interesting account of his travels from Camp j farmers are interested. fining. j A man may get tired cf ordi­ nary tobacco—but never of Real Gravely Chewing Plug, with its pure, clean taste and lasting quality. Real Gravely Chewing Plug —and worth it \