RAISE LEGHORNS FOR FAMILY USE Anker-Holth Cream Separator SCHOOL S U P P L IE S Northwest School Furniture Co,, 244 3rd St. E verythin* for schools. Also theatre chairs, church furniture. Folding chairs and seats. oL . .inuma Hid , Fuller's T elegraph School qualifies you for $46 to $$5 positions In W rite for catalogue. short time. ' M ISS D E C K E R 'S Private Business C ol­ lege. Allsky Bldg., Sd A Morrison Sts. M I E ® ÜAKIBKR CM , U M ! .Oli In ( w eeka W ill teach you the trade Pay you while learning, get you a posi­ tion. 334 Burnside St. ir PH Y S IC A L T H E R A P E U T IC S '? ^ r x n ^ p , r » 0 6 Broadway- Bid*. Meat Possibilities of Fowl H ave Been Neglected by Most Poultry Breeders. AVERA6E BIRD IS TOO SMALL It Would Be Profitable for Poultry Raleere to Give More Attention to Thee# Egg Producer#—-Make Splendid Brollare. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and (Prepared by the United States D epart­ ment of Agriculture.) ; female disorders. E LE C TR IC -TH E R A PY The original and balancing bowl. only real self­ Drs. M acPherson & W illiam s. No. 132V4 Grand Ave. Acute and chronic diseases, rheumatism, goiter and female troubles, treated by electricity. CARBON P A P E R A T Y P E W R IT E R The separator with a real speed in­ RIBBON ^ dicator that is good for a lifetime. Simmons Carbon Paper Co., 60S E. 6Sth The light running and close skim­ North. All kinds of carbon paper, extra durable typewriter ribbons. ming separator. A G A T E C U T T E R S A MFG. J E W E L E R S W rite us for catalogue. 356 W ash. St.. M ajestic Theater Bldg THE J. C. ROBINSON CO., 44 First Street. A U T O A C C E IS 8 O R IE S PORTLAND , ORE, ^CISCttERS AUTO C*£D ___ __ M otors, gears, bearings, wheels, axles, and trailers. W e wreck all makes of cars and sell th eir parts at half price. David M odes Co., N. Broadway and Flanders. ACETYLENE L IG H T IN G S Y S T E M S . P ilo t Generators Installed. All kinds of Supplies. J. W. Clancy 333 E. Morrison St. E. HYDE, Stale Representative 66 Sixth St., PORTLAND, ORE. Sleep on your Seat Cushions. Compact— Fits under the rear seat. Write for circulars. A gents—W rite for Special Offer F IV E T R IA L D A T S ’ FREE cn g u a r­ anteed Rebuilt m a­ chines. W e are al­ so agents for the WOODSTOCK W rite 'fo r booklet. -T h e— Rebuilt Typewriter Ce., 304 Oik a. PirthW. Or DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Clean, safe electric light and power at the touch of a convenient button. K A N T -K IC K -K R A N K F O R F O R D C A R S : — K A N T - . K IC K - K R A N K can be a tta c h e d to F ord cars by anyone In 15 m inutes. W h en attached you can crank you r ca r w ! ‘ h ab solu tely no fe a r o f kick back. A sk your H a r d ­ w are or G a ra g e m an abou t it. I f your local d ealer cannot supply you. w r ite direct fo r p ric e s and fu ll Inform ation . AG ENTS W A N T E D C. A . C L O Y E D , 5933 45th A v e . S. E.. P ortlan d, Oregon. BULK GRAIN ELEVATOR Any Size. None Too Small; None Too Large. WOOD OR CONCRETE. Imtteale C*ntnctM « bat. On., tai U ta . On. FRANK C. BURRELL CO. LcwU Building PO RTLAND , $ 1.00 THE ..- E ngra WM Bid NORTONIA HOTEL ffA3SMALL 6080 A6548 P O R TLA N D . ORE. ij/nuirti (a F IF T H ft O A K S T R I C T » PO RTLAND ORCGO* C O M P LE T E U N E O F STEEL FI U N O D E V IC E S A N D S Y S T E M S Central Location. Beautifully Furnished Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark. That grounded maxim, so rife and One Cause of Failure. celebrated in the mouths of wisest W e are fickle and uncertain, ever men, that to the public good private falling, ever liable to be disappointed respects must yield.— Milton. and dissatisfied, often only because we have not realized our appointed mis­ sion and its necessities.— Rev. T. T. Carter. Earn More Young Women and Men Businens cries for trained minds. Grasp yoar opportunity. Enorll now in N orthw est's biggest business college. Behnke-Walker. Portland. Free Catalog. • Hides, Pelts, W< m àl rm kart. Wool &, Mohair Write iw Pneu a»i.Stentai T in T H E H . F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , Portland. Ore., Seattle. W n.. Bellingham. W n. QUID * * * Cuticura Complexions. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap dally and Ointment as needed to make j the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. For free snm- 1 pies address “ Cuticura, Dept. X, Bos­ ton.” Sold by druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg» and Farm Produce, C u tic u ra Promotes "Hair Health to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record o f 45 years o f Square Dealings, and be assured o f TO P MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon Jte: FRED DUNDEE MOTOR C AR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK M AGNETO SERVICE STATIO N WELDING A LL KINDS OF CYLINDER GRINDING PR O M PT ATTE N TIO N TO A L L ORDERS Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. P. N. U, No. 29, 1918 So*P 25c. Ointment 25« $ 50t New Houston Hotel Instead I took Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound and W as Cured* Baltimore. M d .— “ Nearly fo u r yeara I suffered fro m organic troubles, ner­ vousness and head­ aches and e v e r y month would have to stay in bed most o f the time. ,Treate menu would relieva me for a time but my doctor waa al­ ways urging me to have an o|>eration. My sister asked me ■to try Lydia E. I’ ink- h a m's VegcUbla Compound b e f o r • consenting t o a n /«¡>eration. I to o k live bottles o f (land ^ / It has completely L cured me and my work is a pleasure. I tell all my friend# who have* any trouble o f this kind what Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com­ pound has done for m e.’ — NELI.IK B. B k it t in c iia m , 60S)Calverton ltd., Balti­ more, Md. I t is only natural for any woman til dread the thought o f an operation. So many women have been restored to health by this famous remedy, Lydia K. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, after an oja-ration has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffer* from such ailments to consider trying It be­ fore submitting to such a trying ordeal. / People to Avoid. “ Some people,” said Uncle Kben, "regards glvln* good’ advice as a form of amusement, same as telling funny stories. ’ A T AN END— the "fem ale complaints'* und weaknesses that make woman's life a misery. They uro relieved by l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For all the derangements, disor­ ders. and diseases peculiar to the sex, this Is the only remedy certain to benefit It's a legitimate medicine for woman, carefully adapt­ ed to her delicate organiza­ tion. and never conflicting with any of her conditions. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, builds up and Invigorates the entire system, and re­ stire* health and strength. Are you weak, nervous and ailing, or "run down" and overworked? Then It will bring you special help. It’s the mother's friend. It lessens pain and Insures life of both mother and child. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has a record of years of cures. It la the most potent Invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine known to medi­ cal science. It la made of the glyceric attract* of native medicinal roots found In our forests and contains not a drop of alcohol or harmful druga. Sol idiiTbnl K A TO IN XZ£ t \ & — VB Sold in Tablet or Liquid form by deal­ ers. Tablets 60c.— Adv. I (P re p a re d by the U nited Htnte» D epart' ment o f A g ric u ltu re .) Weekly Rates Monthly Rates B o o k b in d i n g v in g DOCTOR URGED AN OPERATION Alcohol From Sawdust. Experiments have shown that a ton Provide Good Straw Litter In Which of dry sawdust will yield with proper to 8catter Grain— Also Supply treatment twenty to twenty-five gal­ Green Feed. lons of 95 per cent ethyl or grain alco­ hol. $ 1.50 OFFICE O ffice F urniture & A ppliances p r in t i n g CARING FOR CONFINED HENS Wit Wat Bad Them a dealer is your territory. Please write as. > FOR The Leghorn fowl owes Its popu­ larity so lnrgely to its cgg-produclng capacity that the meat |H>sslblUtles of the breed have been neglected by most Leghorn breeders. Such failure to rec­ ognize the poteutlal food vulue of birds kept to produce a special food product may have been excusable un­ der prewar conditions, but In the pres­ ent ueed of utilizing to the full every capacity of every food-producing ani­ mal. breeders o f Leghorns should give due attention to the development of their table qualities. Discussion o f the meat value of a breed must note and take due account of the fact that the markets— that Is, the dealers and consumers— do not recognize breed differences in poultry, except us In a few localities particular breeds may be generally kept and may become known locally, or In special •oooooooooooooooooooeooooe trade Unes for excellent table qunllty. a The poultry breeder, therefore. In plan­ HIGH-PRODUCING GARDEN a ning how to make the most o f the meat values o f his stock considers I (P re p a re d by the United S tate» D epartm ent o f A g ricu ltu re ) what market demands can be tilled ! Are you sure thut your garden with poultry o f the breed which he keeps. Is producing \\a much us It 1* capable qf doing? A half-acre Average Leghornf Too Small. garden. If properly cared for, Average Leghorn hens weigh only will produce sufficient vegetables about 3 pounds alive. Many o f them for the average family's use. It will dress only 2 to 2*4 pounds. This ¡ will produce far grenter returns Is not a desirable size for a table fowl, ■ per acre than enn be realized being too much under the weights (4 , from on equal area devoted to to 5 pounds) which most people prefer j general farm crops. But It 1s when buying a fowl. necessary to give the garden Besides being small herself, the av- ¡ proper care and uttcntlon If you erage Leghorn produces chicks so | expect maximum crops. Farm­ small that they do not remain very j ers’ Bulletin 1*37. recently pub­ soft-meated until they have reached the size the market demands In broil­ lished by the United State* de­ ers. and so the cockerels cannot be \ partment of agriculture, which will be sent free to any who ap­ ply fo r It. so long as the supply lasts, gives specific directions for the planting, cure and culti­ vation o f the various vegetables. Make sure that you nre not wast­ ing time and energy by falling to give your garden the care that insures highest yields. OREGON MODERN APPLIANCE CO., Seattle, Wn. EVERYTHING pounds or more are heavy enough to meet the dcmiiud for dressed fowls a little under the weights generally pre­ ferred, and there Is enough demand for fowls ut this weight to take all the supply. The cockerels bred from hens of 4 pounds weight and over. If properly grown, will make broiler slsc ns quickly ns the chicks of most of the larger breed*. They will also be soft-moated up to about 2 to 2^4 pounds' weight. A fter that they are apt to harden quickly and their flesh Is not so ten­ der. Leghorn cockerels produced fr o a very large males and femalea— that la, from males thut weigh upward of AM pounds and females upward o f AAi pounds— frequently keep quite soft- mented until they reach 4 to 5 pounds weight. Such birds make very satis­ factory small roasters for home use, though they will not sell us well on the market as birds of the same weight o f a slower growing breed. Growing Leghorns for Meat. Even when good-sized Leghorns are used for breeding, the chickens will not make good poultry unless they are well grown. In n measure tiffs Is tnt* o f any chickens; those that are poorly grown never make the development or have the table quality of those that are well grown. T o secure good growth, Leghorn chicks must not be overcrowded In brooders or coops, and as soon ns they are large enough to rnnge over an ex­ tended piece of ground should he given us wide rnnge as possible and ut the same time fad liberally. Chirks so treated will grow twice ns fust as those that nre reared under the Inten­ sive conditions to which the greater number of Leghorn chicks nre sub­ jected. Ideal Type of Leghorn. «old for poultry at that stage with the same profit ns cockerels from larg­ er stock. Standard Leghorns Better for Poultry. The standard weights for mature Leghorns nre: Males 5*4 pounds, fe- mnles 4 pounds. By oinking these the minimum weights for birds used In breeding, nnd by giving the preference to the largest specimens that show Leghorn type without coarseness, strains of Leghorns may be developed that with no loss o f laying capacity have considerable merit as table fowls In a limited range o f uses. Leghorn hens which olive weigh 4 KITCHEN WASTE FOR FOWLS I f the chickens must he confined oo nccount of had weather, provide a good straw litter In which their grain feed may be scattered. This will give them exercise and keep them Interested and Cincinnati authority says corns healthy. When chickens thnt have dry up and lift out been accustomed to free runge ar* with fingers. closely confined this frequently checks their development for the time being unless they ore made contented In the Ouch I ? I ? ! I This kind of rough new qunrters. Provide green feed for talk will be heard less here In town If them also. people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops Rape In Hog-Corn. of a drug called freezone when applied Where corn Is to be hogged down, to a tender, aching corn or hardened it Is a good plan to sprinkle a little callous stops soreness at once, and rape seed In the field at the time of soon the corn or callous dries up and the last cultivation; It will then make lifts right off without pain. a sufficient growth to be nice and ten­ He s&ya freezone dries Immediately and never Inflames or even Irritates der at feeding time. the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any CHICKENS FOR HOME FLOCKS drug store, but will positively remove ________ every hard or soft corn or callous Hurrah! How’s This Certain Amount of Table Scraps In P „ Little or Ne Attention to_ F ow l, £ ^ . * , ¿ “ ¿ .1 " ¡¡.“. “ “ te announce­ Which Are Not Successfully Raised Every Household W ill Help Make ment since the Inauguration of the In Community. Eggs and Meat. high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freezone tell him to order a small (P re p a re d by the U n ited States D e p a rt­ (P re p a re d by the U nited States Depart­ bottle for you.— Adv. m ent o f A g ric u ltu re .) Let the table scraps help make eggs and meat. In every household, no mat­ ter how economical the housewife, there Is a certuln amount of table scraps and kitchen waste which has feeding value hut which, If not fed, finds Its way Into the garbage pall. The saving medium: Some hens. m ent o f Agriculture.) In considering the breed of chickens “ To Thine Ownself Be True.” If a man has nothing to reproach best suited for the home flock, pay lit­ tle or no attention to those which aro himself with, he can bear anything.— not of lqcal Importance, that Is, not Phillips Brooks. being raised successfully In the com- ;cep ciean ana nealthy healthy take Dr. munlty, except on the advice of ex­ Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu- perts. late liver, bowels end stomach. Sixth and Everrtt Sta. Portland. Ore. Time to Cut Alfalfa. The time to cut alfalfa for hay I* Green Feed for Pigs. Brood sows nnd their litters should Just as new sprouts are starting op have green feed of some kind. Green from the crown of the plant, about CHAS. G. HOPKINS, Manager. clover la beat. Oats and pens nre n the time the first blossoms appoar. I f good substitute. Oats and dwarf Es­ cut later the yield of the following 200 Room» Noar Both Abaolutaly sex rape or any of the cereal grains cutting will be lessened. 100 Bath» Depota Fireproof sown with rape nnd clover are also satisfactory pasture crops. Potatoes for Family Uso. Potatoes for family use should al­ ways be grown on gruss or clover sod First Planting of Peas. Cover the first planting of peas land. I f manure is used It should b* Cornar Sisth » » 4 Hoyt St»., Portland. Ora. nbout one Inch deep. Later plantings sprend broadcast and well harrow LOU HIMES. Manager. should be planted deeper. Into the sotL Four block» from Union D eooL Tw o blockt from* N ew PoetoAlce. Modem and fireproof' Over lu£ootaide room». Ratea 76c to 12.00. j H o te l H o y t R A T E S :— 76c to 32. S P E C IA L — Week or Month Horse’s Musical Sense. The musical acuteness of horses ia shown by the .-apldlty with which cav­ alry horses learn the significance of trumpet calls. C a m a inflamed by expo­ » L Granulated Eyelida, a / d v ri Y Ç g 4r sure sure to to »an, Sna. uosiam Dosi and WM quickly relieved by Marta* I Eye Remedy. NoSmi _ No Smarting fitst Ju»t Eve Eye Comfort Comfort. At _ Droggut* or by mail 50c per Bottle. Morta* Eye Salve in Tubei 25c. For Beok *1 the Ey* TREB a*k M*ri.* Ey* Remedy C*.. Chits«»