Jfarrat rmip ItxprpaH I ’ u I i II m I hm I «very Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. 0 , Kmtfur, Editor and I'ubliahtir. T - s: KnU-red an aerond-claHN matter Jan. 12, 191H, at the »«Mtofflce at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 1879 Sulmcription Rate« Paid in advance One year ... Six months Three Months $1.00 ..........50 .25 On Credit One year Six months ..... Three months THURSDAY, JU L Y 25, 191H Fuel will cost more later than now. Save money; help the gov- cm ment and lake no chance« on heatless days, by ordering your fuel NOW , . , . ,, I hey re saving gasoline in Eng- land, and two women were re- cently fined two pounds each for using I heir motor cars for the put- post* of attending church Thank the Lord, the food ad­ ministration is investigating he cause of the high price of substi­ tute« for wheat. Mo t. of u-are willing to eat cow and horse-feed, if necessary, to win the war. hut we don’t, want to pay more for fodder than for wheal. THE HIGHEST COURAGE OF ALL . $1.50 .75 .40 THK WKBFOOT’H I.AMKNT The webfoot gent is lost these days He wonders what’s the matter, Aral in his vain imaginings He hears the rain drops patter; He hears them splash around the eaves, His dried up Soul is gladdened; And then he wakes To And them fakes, And deeply is he saddened. j Some ancient jay, of whiskered mien, A while ago predicted j The dryest summer even to His fancy e'er depicted. We sighed and threw him in the lake To cool his rabid notions; We now relent Our Petulent And iil-considered motions. For he was right when he proclaimed The rain gods would forsake us; In the story of i he sinking of the cruiser San Diego this pa-sage is worthy to be carved in imperish- . . ., ’ Mre hikJ yellow , tutT ■„ now 11 , e mar aH afl inspiration to future gen eratio n s of American«: j About to overtake us. The sailors told of the hemic death The hugs have chewed our field of peas of a i^jHrterr'Hster who had been or­ And eke the toothsome cabbage: dered to stand on Ihe bridge while the The garlic tract rnen were being sent to the host«. He Is still intact; remained at bin post, the xailori» said, Too strong for them to ravage. until it wan too late to save himself or The rains that Hood us in July be saved. We figured it would surely Ju st as the San Diego sank, they Have drowned this Horn beak insect said, the quartermaster turned until he tribe faced the shore, where hundreds of his And left us now securely comrades were Moating about In boats, To gather in our precious crop, and calmly saluted. Then he went down ! Our peerless ammunition with his boat. For conaumme Quite a lot of weeds have been cut duiing the last week, but The action of that quarter And bean saute there aie still places where a mazier bespeaks amenability to And Hoovc-resque nutrition. woman cannot walk the sidewalks discipline which cou d have stood Hut if the selfish skies refuse without brushing the dust oir the unshaken only by virtu** of a -u- To save our vegetation. weeds with her skirt. And we perh courage This is cou>age of surely don’t want to »<•<• fh** ladies i a different quality from that We’ll have to irrigate with tears That flow in tribulation. leave off any more clothe«. which men display in the heat of Meanwhile we toot our roundelay Now that Chautauqua is over, battle, for then passion often And wear a Jap kimona. lei us go to planning and boosting j blinds them to danger and they W e’d like to flee for the Washington county fair, at least fight with their like and To Kankakee to lie held in this city Sept 19ih have an equal chance to win Or Phoenix, Arizona. and 20ih. The editor of the Ex-j Hut a man who goes down with Oregon Voter. pressât one time thought it ad j a sinking shipconiends with giant visa bit* to drop the fair until after j forces of nature which it seems we got through with 'his transac­ useless to resist. To remain at tion with the Huns, but the farm-j one’s post and to salute as the ers and commercial bodi s of the waves overwhelm one requires a county wanted a fair, so the Ex­ devotion to duty and a cool, The governmeo* is calling for press is going to do what it can | dauntless courage which cannot he excelled. 25.000 young women to join the to make the affair a financial sur- i This is the -pitit which Ger­ United States S udent Nurse Re cess. What we do let us do well. many called forth when her rulers Let every reader try to hri^g to s-erve and hold them elves in the fair some article that will spur madly a-sum -d that the American readiness to train for service as Mime neighbor on to greater ef- People Were so absorbed in pur- fort. If this is done, the fair will suit of wealth and so loved their nurses. The war is creating an unprec be worth nil the money and labor w e that they would not fight it costs; otherwise we might bet-1 R •he spiiit which will c a ry ¡dented demand for trained nurs­ ter never have held the fair. A re !" u r men to victory and make the es. Only tho-e who have taken you in on this? I Nation persevere to the end with the full training course are eligi­ out counting the cost.— Portland ble for service wi h our forces overseas. The-e nurses are being THEY W ONT GO RACK • j Oregonian drawn largely from our hospitals Always have we the Big Idea j j q j jj y'()UR at home Their place must be with us. A Portland man figu'ed! j JHERTY BONDS filled by s udent nu*ses enrolled it out that if our side relea-ed a rp() successfu||y finance Ihe war for the lull training course of from lot of German prisoner- and sent | ¡t jg necessury that owners of Lib- two to th™ young them tn hack across the line to . woman who enrolls in the United spread the news about the eats|eriy erty bonds hold their bonds .f if states Student Nurse Reserve.« that there would be wholesale de- ; possible Where for any good rel* asing a nu*se for -ervice at the serting every black night. He | reason it is necessary for them to front and swelling the home army wrote his discovery to an Ameri turn their bonds into ca^h 'hey which we must rely on to act as can officer, who briefly acknow-! should seek the advice of their our second line of hospital de­ Edged(he receipt of the sugues - 1 bankers. fense Upon the health of the tion ami commented that they Liberty loan bonds are Very de- Am rican people wi l depend the had already tried it, but they sirable investments, and crafty in spirit of their fighting forces. couldn’t get any German to go j dividuals are using various means Age.—Tnecall i> for women be back - Soldier’s News Letter. j to secure them from owners not tween the ages of nieeLen and familiar with stock values and thirty-five. GORDON SOLVES like matters One method is to Qualifications.— Intelligent, re I T —NOT offer to exchange for Liberty sponsible women of good educa­ ‘ The government should n o t! bonds slocks or bonds < f doubtful tion and sound health are wanted own the houses, but should loan organizations represented as re - the pick of the country A col money to the capitalists to build turning a much higher income lege education is a valuable as-et, than the bonds. and many hospitals will give credit houses to sell to the workers.” There are various other m th- for it. 'Credit will al o be given That is the way Herbert Gor­ ods used and likely to be used, for a special scientific equipment don, chairman of a housing com­ some of the gold brick varieiy ami or for prtiiminary training in mittee named by the Realty board others less crude and probably nursing, such as that given in and Ihe Chamber of Commerce, within the limits of the law. All special courses, now being con- would solve the Portland housing offers for Liberty bonds excep' for ducted by various colleges and problem. He said so at the Com­ money and at market value should schools Some schools, on the monwealth conference at the Im be scrutiniz d carefully. Thelqjher hand, do not even require a perial hotel last week. bonds are the safest of invest- full high school »ducation. The nerve of the man! ments and have non axable and Enrol mint. — Women will be He is righ', tho. in saying the other valuable features. given an opportunity to enroll in government, should not own the To hold your Lil>erty loan the United States Students Nurse houses Half the joy of life -aye bonds, if possible, is patriotic. Reserve in any one of three ways: more than half! is "owning a To consult your bankers before (1) As engaging to hold them home of your own.” selling them is wise. ¡selvis in readiness until April 1, He is right, too, when he says _ . ~7 , 1919, to accept assignments to the government should loan the Tom Isaaca, one of the whitest nurse9* training schools. Th-se money to build houses. But, oh, and cleanest young men in the women will b* sent to the schools why should the government loan community, left Tuesday for Ray-1 as fast as vacancies occur. Those money to the capitalists? 55°™}» vVash f to join the army !0f SUperjor qualifications will be Why not loan it direct to the Y . M. C . A workers in a spruce1 gjven preference, and it is of workers? Let the workers build camp. Tom Isaacs takes his re- course, possible that not everyone ligton seriously and his influence who enrujls will be accepted their own homes . i irirMr to hecom * can We should mention in this con­ in the camp will be for the good nection that Mr. Gordon is in the ot the enlisted worker,. He will: be sorely missed around the M. School recently established by realestate business! E. church, where he has been authoiity of the War Department, If we had his point of view, we choir director for several years. with branch schools in selected probably would enjoy having Uncle Sam’s credit behind our Remember, friends, you must military hospitals. building enterprises. We could pay in advance to get the Express (3) As engaging to hold them­ double and treble our volume of at one dollar per year. The reg­ selves in readiness until April 1, business and make a lot of money. ular price is $ 1 50. We pay you 1919, to accept assignments to —Portland News. either a civilian training school or 50c to collect fiom yourself. Would You Be a War Nurse? The Main Street Lumber Yard has the largest and best- housed stock of Building Materials in Washington . county. Copeland & McCready Phone 531 FOREST GROVE, OREGON 1 the Army Nursing School Those price for sugar. 1 who so enroll will be called where i The other practices forbidden by the i the first need ari es. The Gov­ order of the Commission were admitted ernment hopes that a majority of also.—Dry Goods Reporter, July 6, 1918 those who enroll will thus put down th- if names for both. M J . Smith et ux to Z M La- Rue » t ux, 100x201.75 feet in blk 12, Forest Grove, $10. C K Meade to F A Lanyon, 69.88 acres in Watts D L C, $10. The Federal Trade Commission has Agnes M Mocroft et al to issued an order to Si-are, Roebuck and Field & Lease 69.8 acres in Watts Company, of Chicago, to cease the fol­ D L C, $1353.18. lowing practices, held by the Commis­ Field & Lease to F A Lanyon, sion to he unfair methods of competi­ same property, $10. tion: Johanna F Hilts et ux to Vel­ 1. Circulating catalogs containing ma McConkle, lots 14, 15, 16, advertisements o f sugar for sa le , blk 10, South Park add Forest wherein it is falsely represented that ’ Grove, $2,000. because of lots of purchasing power and ; P.ea trice F Snoke et ux to Thos quick moving stock the company is T Georges, tract 1, Pation Tracts, able to sell sugar at a lower price than Washington County Transfers Halt Called On Fake Advertising .................... i $10 its competitors. Chris Rich to Roslie Rich. N Yi 2. Selling or offering to sell sugar of 20.16 ac In Butler D L C, $10. below cost, through catalogs circulated throughout the country. 3. Circulating catalogs containingI Beginning Monday, July 15th, advertisements representing that its the Pacific Market will discon­ competitors do not deal fairly, honestly tinue delivery and credit systems, and justly with their customers. 4. Circulating catalogs containing' owing to scarcity of labor. We advertisments offering its teas for sale feel this move a patriotic duty to in which advertisments it is falsely- our customers, as well as to our­ stated that the company sends a spec­ selves, and will adopt a system of ial representative to Japan who p e r-- lower prices for ca-h only—pay­ noi.ally goes into the tea gardens of ing you a ' good commission for that country and personally supervises j coming after your goods. Thank ing customers for past patronage the picking of the tea. 5. Circulating catalogs containing and hoping for a continuance of • advertisements offering coffee for sale the same, we remain, Yours for business, in which it is falsely stated that the company purchases all of its coffees TH E PA CIFIC M A R K ET , direct from the best planatations in the Fir.-d door south of postoffice. world. We deliver ice cream to any It was admitted that the company part of the city Tell it to phone has offered sugar for sale at three to 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf - four cents a pound through advertise­ ments in catalogs in which it was rep­ OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD resented that Sears, Roebuck and D ated Ju ly 1. 191» Company, because of its ability to Lv. F. C. An. Pt. Lv. Pt. Arr F. G. make large purchases and move its 6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 stock quickly, was able to sell sugar 7:00 a m f* :25 8:15 a m 9:32 at a lower price than others could; that V 1 ■ *> a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 such advertisements were false and *9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 misleading, as the company sold such i 10:35 a m 11:50 4:00 p m 5:15 sugar at less than cost in all cases, and 1:05 p m 2:20 the offer to sell was limited to a def- | 4:05 p (n 5:20 5:10 p m 6:25 7:55 6:10 p m 7:25 inite quantity of sugar, and was al- j 6:1:5 p m 7:35 p m 8:50 7:45 p m 9:05 ways made upon the condition that cer- 9:30 p m 10:45 11:00- p m 12:20 tain other groceries be purchased at j the same time, and that a sufficienti * Sunday only; +Daily, except Sunday price was received to give a profit on S. P. ELECTRIC TIME CARD the combined sale. Lv. F. G. An. Pt. Lv. Pt. An. F. G. It was admitted that during the l a t - , 6:35 • m 7:50 t7:15 • m 8:35 ter half of 1915 Sears, Roebuck and t7:20 • m 8 4 5 t9:15 • m 10:32 Company sold sugar to such an e x te n t; »9:29 • m 11:05 11:05 • m 12:20 that $7 h 0,000 was received for it, the I 12:35 P m 1:50 2:15 P m 3:30 sales being made at a loss of $196,000, t2:00 P m 3:20 t3:25 p m 4:50 all of the sales being combination sales | 3:35 P m 4:55 5:40 p m 7:00 on which a profit was made. It was t4:22 P m 5:50 t6:15 p m 7:35 7:30 8:00 V m 9:20 $ 8 :0 6 p m admitted also that advertisements m 8:27 t i l :05 P m 12:25 *7:10 P were circulated by the company in 9:35 P m 10:50 ssl:05 P m 2:20 which it was intimated that competi­ tors were charging more than a fair t —Thru a—Sat ss -S at & Sun; * Sun Notice The Pacific Market HAS MOVED to its new location, in the Haines Building One Door South of the Postoffice where we are better than ever equipped to supply the public with Meats, Vegetables and Farm and Dairy Products WALTER ROSWURM Phone 0301