The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 25, 1918, Image 2

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1111I I ■ ■
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a n il
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i jr p a f n ffo n c iu p R ptu iPPn
U lC d l Ul Ic llo l VC D c lW c c ll
sons and
C n ic •th e polut In the battle Ikne where the
O U li- Germans hail driven their wedge near
est to Farts, has been recaptured by
the French troops and almost simul
taneously the village of Brasles, two
With Victory.
miles eastward and the heights to the
north of the village fell into their
, .
... ..
Acting In harmony with ‘ ho move-
ment on Chateau Thierry, Americau
r> a,ul the f«»t progress of the French
and Americans eastward from the
northern sectors tlio plight of the Ger-
11111118 itl the southwestern portion of
the Solsson Rlielms salient becomes
increasingly hazardous.
It is not Improbable when stock Is
taken, large numbers of prisoners and
quantities of guns and war stores will
be found to have been taken by the
allte(* troops,
Aviators continue to lend assistance,
a«ou‘ lng the buck areas and harassing
“ *« retreating Germans with their ma
chlne guns.
In uonc of the other theaters, ex
cept the Soissons Ithelms salient, is
|hJ ^
of Kr„ttt moinont
ln pro,,ro88
t h 7 o Z S l n f| liS
Th” British in northern France and
*he O srasn lln si Flanders are continuing their dally pa
tro1 ««»counters and taking prisoners.
^ m
» nd the guns of both the Germans and
prisoners were taken. 1110*11108 ma ,ho Ur,tUh Bn, Keeping up their re
chine guns literally mowed down the ,
, .
city broke
Germans Forced to Recross Marne Germans.
ciprocai bombardments.
T o the north along the Ourcq valley
the French are making progress to- U-BOAT S H E L L HIT S N E A R
w ard the important Junction town o f j.
Xantouil Notre Dame, while the oper­
ations south and southeast of Soissons
— Big Rout Imminent.
are keeping time with those along the
Orleans, Mass.—A shell from a Gor-
other parts of the fron t
The entire southern bank of the man submarine landed Sunday within
Marne having been cleared of enemy 100 yards o f the shore here. ThlB took
A i'V . v J jlfo
th>f forces. French, British and Italian place in the course of a onesided fight
..... ... * • « * » i
day night while the allied forces of
General Foch harassed their rear and
continued their smashing drive along
the German right flank.
It is expected that if the Germans
succeed in extricating themselves it
w ill only be at the cost of large num­
bers of men and of material and sup­
in Disorder— Brasles Falls While
Americans Threaten Soissons
London.— The French have taken
the tow n of Brasles, one mile east of
Chateau Thierry on the north bank of
the Marne, according to advices re­
ceived here.
The French line includes the heights
north of Brasles, which gives them
a good bridgehead on the north side
o f the Marne.
West of Rheims, where the British
were engaged Sunday, the present line
leaves the enemy a strip of about four
miles deep at the greatest depth on a
front of about 13 miles in the Marne
That is all he has to show for the
big offensive of July 15.
Paris.— The Franco-American offen­
sive between the Aisne and the Marne
has yielded thus far 17,000 prisoners
and more than 360 guns captured by
the allies, according to the war office
The French have held their posi­
tions on the plateau southwest of Sois­
sons and have made important ad­
vances at various points.
With the American Army on the
Aisne.— The French and Americans
squeezed the sack in which the Ger­
mans appear to be caught somewhat
tighter Sunday. A t midnight they had
made an average gain of more than a
mile along the line Chauteau Thierry-
Soissons, while another gain of a sim­
ilar distance has been made south of
the Marne and east of Chateau Thier­
ry. The advance along the Soissons-
Chateau Thierry road has brought the
allies within artillery distance of the
junction of the railroad serving the
Germans as a line of communication.
The junction already is under fire and
unless the desperate attempt which
/ T A i/ A / y s
O /A O tfA /*
the Germans are making to hold is
successful, thousands of the crown
prince’s men may be cut o ff and
forced to retreat. The fighting is com­
paratively light east of Chateau Thier-
. ...
ry. except at the river, where the most
. . l h,e accompanying diagram shows the possibilities o f a great allied victory
stubborn resistance of the Germans w hicM ie in the present battle between Soissons aud Rheims. The Germans on
was unable to check the allies, who, May 27 started a drive for Pans between the points named, but were not only
at one point, moved forward half a ^ p p e d but turned ba^ _______________
west of Rheims and the latter have its tow of
four barges.
Victories for the allied arms are been forced to fall back in the Courton Several residents reported shells
multiplying. Over the entire 60-mile wood, the Ardre valley and near St. falling on shore, but none of these
front running from Soissons to Rheims Euphraise.
stories could be verified. The near-
The Dumber o f British operating e s ts h e lls tru c k .s o fa ra s k n o w n .w lth -
determination that brooks no denial.
... . f
¡„ in 100 yards of the beach in Nauset
The Germans are giving ground, w l‘ h the allied forces in this region is
though stubborn resistance is being not known. The first announcement
Most of those on board tjie vessels
offered on some sectors.
‘ hat they were in the action was made
attacked and fishermen on shore
Further indentations have been Saturday night and doubtless they agreed that the submarine was 400
made in the German line between represent a portion of the great re- .
Soissons and Chateau Thierry by the serves that everywhere are being
T he submarine attacked the
Americans and French. Practically all brought up along the battle line,
in p
( .
- th r^hieh Valiev
the gains of the German drive south an endeavor to make secure the vie- f aX L
a n T her four b iig e . three
of the Marne have been blotted out.
tories already won and enlarge them. miles off this town on the southeast-
Chateau Thierry, which represents
With the capture of Chateau Ttaier- ern elbow of Cape Cod.
The one sided battle lasted an hour
and a half. The tug was burned to
the water's edge by shell fire. The
barges were sunk by gun fire.
The barges were bound from Glou­
cester for New York and one was
loaded with stone.
London.— Former Emperor Nicholas
of Russia has been shot, a Russian
wireless statement announces Satur­
The former emperor's correspond­
ence, Including letters from tho monk
Rasputin, who was killed shortly be­
fore the revolution, written to the then
emperor and his family, will be pub­
lished in the near future, the wireless
message declares.
The former empress and the young
Alexis Romanoff, the former heir ap­
parent, have been sent to a place of
The message announces that a
counter revolutionary conspiracy was
discovered, with the object of wrest­
ing the ex-emperor from the authority
: of the Soviet council. In view of this
! fact, the president of the Ural regional
] council decided to execute the former
ruler and the decision was carried out
on July 16.
U. S. C R U I S E R IS T O R P E D O E D
San IMego Believed to Be Prey of Hun
U-Host Off Atlantic toast.
New York.—German submarines up
pear to have renewed operations off
the American coast.
The United States armored cruiser
Sun Diego was sunk not far from the
entrance of New York harbor Satur­
day. Circumstantial reports regarding
her Indicate that she was torpedoed.
There were also reports, though not
confirmed, that other ships had been
attacked, one being described as a
coastwise passenger ship.
Some 300 survivors reached New
York on u tank steamship at 10
o'clock at night.
Thirty-two, a lieutenant, an ensign
and 30 sailors, were landed in lifeboats
on the Loug Island shore.
Survivors were reported to have
been picked up by other ships, how­
ever, and to bo on their way to New
The San Diego was sunk at 11:30
A. M.. about 10 miles southeast of Fire
Island light, which Is off the Long
island shore about 60 miles eust of
the entrance to New York harbor and
on the marine highway of trana-Atlan
tic ships bound in and out of the port.
Although the navy department an­
nounced that the cause of tho loss of
the San Diego had not boon deter­
mined, Information received from re­
liable sources indicated submarines
had been operating off the coast and
that she had been torpedoed.
Washington, D. C.— Plans of the
United States for participation in the
expedition to give military aid to Rue-
sia are expected to be announced in
a public statement by President W il­
son very soon, probably before the end
of the week.
The statement, it Is understood, will
be of a very explicit nature, beside
making clear the means of the aid to
be extended.
It will say that the United States
has only unselfish motives and Intends
to stand firmly beside the Russian
people in their fight for democracy.
The sending of economic aid also
will be announced in the president's
statement, but tho personnel of the
commission probably will not be.
Plans for the military expedition to
be conducted Jointly by the United
States and Japan with Great Britain
and France do not at this time con­
template the reconstruction of the
eastern front as a battle line to draw
German troops from the west.
The objects of the expedition, us
they will be outlined in detail in Pres
ident W ilson’s statement, which per­
sonally he is preparing, will be to
protect American Interests, the In­
terests o f the Russian people them­
selves In their fight for democracy and
for the safeguarding of vast supplies
which will be sent to Russia as part
of the program of economic aid.
The president’s statement will be
the official announcement to the world
of the decisions which have been re­
ferred to in recent news dispatches
from Tokio and London.
No Coal F or Brewers.
Washington, D. C. — Brewers were
notified Thursday by Fuel Adminis­
trator Garfield they could not count
on coal beyond that needed to uso up
the materials now in the process of
manufacture, Including malt already
This action was taken, Dr. Garfield
said, because of “ the present coal
transportation and other shortages.”
I)r. Garfield disclosed that the order
issued July 3, curtailing fuel for the
production of beer, “ near beer” and
other beverages in which certain cer­
eals are used, was the result of delib­
erations of a committee appointed by
President Wilson to consider the re­
duction of activities in non war indus­
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The Brazilian navigation companies
are subscribing liberally to a fund
being raised for the families of Bra­
zilian sailors In European waters.
Twenty five commissioned officers
of the Cuban army are to cotne to
Fort Barrancas In Pensacola. Fla., to
train for the coast artillery service.
Vllhjaltnur Ktefsnsson,
Arctic explorer, now at Fort Yukon,
Alaska, la planning to go on a lecture
tour this fall for the benefit of the Red
Serious revolts and mutinies have
taken place In Bohemia and Hungary.
At Manama Mzjot 150 officers and 600
Csecho-Slovaks Who mutinied were
shot and 3000 arrested.
Honduras, which broke diplomatic
relations with Oenaaiiy mi May is,
followed that action last Friday by
declaring war. The state department
wus notified Tuesday of the action.
The entire Austrian cabinet has re­
signed. says a London Exchange T e le­
Emperor Charles, It Is added, has ac­
cepted the resignation of the ministers.
A serious outbreak of typhoid has
occurred In Berlin, the Exchange Teia-
graph correspondent at Amsterdam
The number of cases Is
believed to be large, especially In Ihe
labor districts.
The Italian troops are continuing to
gain ground In the bend of the Dtvoll
river In Albania, the Italian war office
announced Tuesday. The advancing
troops Monday took 100 prisoners anil
captured seven machine guns.
Prince Tokugawa, head of the Japan
Bed Cross mission visiting this coun­
try. enrolled himself as a life member
of the American Red Cross In New
York Tuesday.
IBs nine associates
took out annual memberships.
Following rharges that he obtained
over 110,000 through the employment
of girls to solicit for spurious charlt-
able organizations, James J Worth­
ington. a printer, was arrested at Han
Francisco Tuesday.
The Dublin correspondent of the
London Daily News says that addi­
tional evidence of a German Irish plot
lias just come to hand In the form o f
extracts front censored private cor­
respondence between persons In Ire­
land and America.
Secretary Daniels has asked tho com-
innndant of the First Naval District
for a report as to the reasons for the
failure of bombs to explode after they
lmd been dropped by aviators who
Monday attacked a submarine off the
Massachusetts coust.
The war news received in l^ondon
since Friday has put dealers on the
Stock Exchange and the public In an
excellent mood. Values had risen in
virtually alt cases before buyers ap­
peared, atul tho execution of a number
of orders caused a further hardening
In prices.
A call was Issued Monday by the
provost marshal general for 10,000
white registrants In 33 states and the
District of Columbia, qualified for
limited military service.
They will
entrain between July 29 and August
2 for the Syracuse recruiting camp.
Syracuse, N. Y.
Railway traffic between the Rhino
towns Is greatly disorganized owing
to the number of wounded arriving
daily from the F’ rench front In hospital
Trains from Germany aro
arriving at the Swiss frontier many
hours late. The German Empress re­
turned to Berlin Tuesday In mourning.
Bolshevikl Losing Ground.
Washington, D. C.— The situation In
Siberia is daily presenting new phases.
A t three widely separated points, op­
position to the soviet government had
strengthened its positions.
On the shores of the Arctic and
White sea the small international en
tente force which has been holding
the railroad terminus at Kola and Mur­
mansk has been considerably rein­
forced and is understood to be advanc­
M. Duval, director of the Germano-
ing southward along the railroad to­ phlle newspaper, Bonnet Rouge, In
wards Vologda and Moscow.
Paris, was executed Friday for treas­
onable actions against the government.
C anada’s D ra ft Law Valid.
Ottawa, Ont.— Constitutionality of
the amended military service act,
abolishing certain exemptions, was up­
held by the supreme court of Canada
Monday, in dismissing the application
for a writ of habeas corpus made on
behalf of a drafted man. The appeal
division of the supreme court of A l­
berta had previously decided the
amended law was invalid. The whole
fabric of the Canadian draft law wan
involved in the case.
Pledge Given to Jews.
London.—Great Britain has promised
the éstabllshment in Palestine of a
Jewish national center to which Jews
from all countries can unite in spread­
ing Jewish thought and ideals, accord­
ing to George Nicoll Barnes, privy
counsellor and labor member of the
cabinet, In a speech to the American
Zionist medical unit.
King George has awarded the
Knight's Grand Cross of the Distin­
guished British Order of St. Michael
and St. George to General Peyton M.
March, chief of staff of the American
American labor has proposed to the
Shipping board that Labor day this
year shall he made a second Fourth
of July in the launching of a record
number of ships to help defeat Ger­
The abolition of meatless days in
France after July 20 is ordered In a
decree Issued Friday. The restrictions
on consumption in restaurants of milk
and cheese are consequently to be
Thomas J. Mooney left San Fran­
cisco Friday for ihe "death row" In
San Quentin penitentiary, under sent­
ence to be hanged August 23 for mur­
der in connection with the prepared­
ness day bomb explosion.