\ \ ttttm • f( ( \J A t/ l A \l I'* f y.AjLÀJuJc CLu^ Jfamrt Okmt? îExurpüs AN IN D E PE N D E N T W EEKLY NEW SPAPER FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 25. 1918 Vol. 3 Rain, Wind and Hail n*j u n Second Mole Pelt Pool Completed Two Forest Grove Boys Elude the Submarines Had Their Pictures Taken 29 Congregational Pastor Wants a Change Nineteen members of the Iowa The ®‘‘cond m° le pelt pool just completed, nette<11810 pelts,mak Hill brass band came to this city ! Sunday morning and posed fo r ! ing a total this season of 4190 Oliver Buxton, son of Mr. and Photographer Bryant, who took I*, ople living in ‘ this ‘ (art * of pelts and many more have been The resignation of Rev. A B. Oregon are ho used to rain that a disposed of by the boys and girls Mrs. A. T. Buxion of Molalla, the pictures of the members of Patten, pastor of the local Con- and Kenneth Hawke, son o f Dr. !*?e landing on the steps of gregational church, was read to common, everyday rain evokes no ihemselves. Marsh hall. The members of the , lu . . . c ___. „ comment, but the storm which and Mrs. C. E. Hawke, both for If lh«* average price received for band are G. Evereit «l.-ader, ' consider^ byth* viHited Washington county Mon the former pool is received for mer residents of this cify .'w ce day afternoon was not a “ com .this lot the total value of pelts, members of the crew of the cruiser I i S 'R . ; U * .n d S j ' “ “ - ^ Patten a8k, mon" rain; it was a regular Neb thus disposed of will amount t o 1 • <^an piego,«u nk off the Atlantic to be relieved by October 1st and Thurnher, cornets; Ivan Zimmer- , raska or Kansas downpour ac $1250 00, and if we use the con coast last Friday by either a Hun gives as his reason for resigning com pan led, in tome section«, with servative figure of each mole do sub or mine, but both have been man and Don Pearson, clarinets; the fact that he is not satisfied Koehn- hail und a heavy wind There ing $1.00 damage to the crop' the spaied for further activity against . Louis . Brandaw and John ■ n, ' with the results obtained, , . , , was very little hail in thin city, county has sav-d an additional the unspeakable Kultur Fritters. ke. baritones; Major Tanner,1 but to the north and west hail amount of $1190. while if figures Kenneth Hawke was aboard the Frank Hogue and Billy Thurnher, I M r- Pati en has been here four- trombones; Herman Pfahl and n in th s and during that time did much damage to fruit tree«, from the county clerk’s office are San Diego _ and was among those Hans Thurner. altos; Frank Bran has endeared himself to practically grape vines a n d grain. The used, much more ha-< been sav'd. I saved, but Oliver Buxton, radio !every member of his congregation David’s Hill section was probably Bounties were paid on 11,297 operator, who had been on a visit,. daw, B , flat . tenor; ... „ Henry .. Schelen- „ „ bass; J- W. Cornelius, E flat a n d many people outside his the greatest sufferer and several (moles and gophers during the to his parents and to relatives in church. He is an able preacher, a M - SLturrn- snare drum; clear thinker and a very compan residents of that section estimate months of May and June alone, this city, had noi rejoined his Goetz, bass drum. that on the “ hill” alone, the hail which shows that the boys and sh p when -he w is sunk Oliver ionable man. So far as the writ The band was organized about er has been able to learn, there is und wind did $25.000 damage by girls of t hr* county are as eager to [ left Portland Satu day, July 13th, breaking and washing out fruit get the scalps of these little Kais to join the crui-er at New York, ] Christmas, last year, and has no friction between the pastor trees and «mashing down grape ers as are the troops at the front but it appears he did not get to ! made wonderful progress, rs was and any members of his flock, all vines and breaking up the fruit, to gel the scalp of the Kaiser him- New York in time to join his | demonstrated by a concert given of whom will regret to have him comrades, for his parents received on the streets of this city Sunday leave. If Mr. Patten were any both prunes and grapes. In H(?li ! a telegram from him Tuesday of morning The members are very thing but a minister, the writer many places the soil was washed COUNTY AGENT. ! this week, ^ying he was not anxious to play at the county fair would think he was afflicted with away as deep as it had been aboard the San Du-go when she and the writer can truthfully *ay wandering feet, b u t peachers plowed, the floods carrying the went down, but was safe in New that if the sample of music given soil to the roads and valleys. o ...i don’t often have this complaint, York. Only the day b. fore the here Sunday is a sample of what | In conver.atlon wilh the writer, Fences were washed out and at receipt of this mes-age the war the members can do. they should Mr. Patten stated that he was the home o f Henry David the department had notified Mr. and he hired for the fair. Several getting to an age when he had to flood broke in the walls o f the the answered The six-day session of the E l Mrs Buxton that their . son 1 members J of cellar, under the house, breaking * JE L band d" '’wer'i'! begin to lay by something for old was among the missing It ap he cal fc m t * o di«rs Tuesday or hp wou,d not bp thinking more than 100 filled glass jars. lison White Chautauqua which pears he was not among those their places will have to be filled Among the heaviest losers on came to a close in this city last of leaving — Forest Grove so long as the hill are Grant Hailey, Wm. night was the most successful, rescued from the San Diego for before the fair. the congregation would keep up he simple reason that he had not Kappel, Chas. VanDoren, Ernest his salary, for this was one of the Reuter, W. E. Haage, Will Crab both as to attendance and merit rejoined her after his visit home easiest charges to fill he ever had; Dr and Mrs. Hawke received tree and Bernard Ortman, with of programs, so far held in this the people of the church appeared word last Monday that their «on a number o f others damaged in city. f n r l l | m R n q c f to be easy to please, and never lesser amounts. AUi 11U1I D C d d l complained of being neglected by The attendance has been fully had been saved There was very little damage twenty-five peicent better than, There were but six lives lost in Washington, J u l y 23— Wilh their pastor, but he is ambitious done in the city, but some people last year and the matter of secur- | the sinking of the ve-sel I probably not much more than be doing more than there is for were pretty badly scared, es ing pledges enough to bring the | 250,000 American troops engaged binn to do here, with about one- CONDENSED NEWS NOTES pecially the majority o f the 500 Chautauqua back next year has \ in the present battle, but with [bird of his original congregation in the Chautauqua tent. The * been much easier than it was last The Book Store is headouartersivirtua,1y 1.000,000 others either having eft the city. He has no storm lasted less than a half- year. 1 tie Book More is headquarters . n France or hastening acros* the . particular charge in sight at this for all the latest popular music. hour in this city, during which All the numbers on the prog-am ocean o join in the fight, Gen- t,me* ^ the w'ind blew fiercely and the were so good that it is hard to Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and |traI F°ch has been able to turn Spotted Beetle Attaeks Beans rain came down in sheets. pick the best. Some people pick Natureopaih. Office at A St. & the tables on the enemy and n A C Corvallis I,.lv 93 _ one* crowd of entertainers and 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. strike a blow that has changed k .i • ’ ~ Bought Two Farms some another, but there has been the whole trend of the war I »P»1“ ? ‘’S i',? « ID City Treasurer Sparks and fam W. F. Ebert, brother to Rev. no complaint of the character of I - . . „ ^ . _ . many of the bean fields, feeding ily have returned from a week’s „ H 's Poetically certain General on tbe foliage and destroying the John Ebert of the local M. E. I entertainment provided T h e camping up Clear Creek. f och will have at least 2,000 000 plant. The beetle is the size of a church Monday bought at pub |only w m p |aint thp wnter hears is lie auction, the 50-acre Dannials ' t() ' he , that u„ , fU„ Ellison i.-'iis___ We deliver ice cream to any American troops before the pres- lady-bird, and is greenish-yellow farm, located a mile and a half White people the city Tell it to phone ent fighting season c oses. Sec- with black spots. Unlike the lady- I th local Part re t ary Baker announced that the t>ird beetle, however, it is a de- northwest of this city, and the people taking a II the risk for the Ottice Shearer. 26-tf John Allen farm of similar .iz e ,, fi ja, SUC(.es8 of the enterprise and Mrs. C. L. VanKough-! t nfb^eTTnlar"ed* ArmVP aprn™ instead / f-a friend' adjoining. He will, at once take IWrini, >Vllu f„ aflir„ they are , r, net Mr. Barring this feature, and daughter. Alma, motored priations and that modifications ()lsone sprays are effective in its possession of the two farms and control or one may use a dust to Portland yesterday for a visit i 0f the draft ages and plans for a become a Washington county « nice people to deal with consisting of 90 parts of sifted larger mobilization ivould soon be wood ashes, and ten parts of farmer. Mr. Ebert comes from , That little fellow. LoZito, was w*fh friends. Herbert L Miller, son of Mrs. ready for Congress. South Dakota, but has been living an amusing chap, wasn’t he? powdered arsenate of lead, mixed (bluer« \re Inst illed ; George Tompkins of Hillsboro, is He would give no details, but thoroughly. at Portland for the past few . ,u , among the wounded in a ca-ualty the plans probably aim at getting months. His family is here and For greatest efficiency from the Assisted by Past Grinds H. R. |jst from prance yesterday. under aims without delay a total use of a poison for this pest a few he is at Portland, packing up to move to this city. What M '. Al Bernard and W. C. Benfer, W.l- Glenn Pot win writes his parents ! ^ cec not iaT short the 5.000,- plants should be left here and len intends to do the Express did liam VanAntwerp, district deputy from New York that he has fin- 000 figure discussed^ in^Congress, j tbpre throughout the field un not learn. it reated on wh ch the beetles may grand master, Monday night in- ished his training and is now on a Alternates Not Needed Mr Ebert paid $10,000 for the stalled the officers of Washing.on receiving ship, waiting to be a s -, Forest Grove sent six of 81 men collect where they may be de- , six oi » 1 men , .stroyed by mechanical means, Allen farm and $7,550 for the | lofjjjp >j0. 28, I. O O. F., as fol- signed to someves-el. 1 * oresl throve sent entrained at Hillsboro yesterday points Gut Lester Lovett, ento- Dannials farm l0W8: „ „ Mrs. J. F. McGill v .-------- irF1C3Clllo m olodst in u A u At the Dannials sale a 30-acre Carl Curtis, Pa«t Grand. land this morning to visit her son, tives being Harley LaMont, Carl K . farm, on the Hillside road, was George B. Ortman, N o b l e , Howard, who left for Camp Lewis Curtis, Ralph Buffum, Millard A New Meat Cutter bought bv H Berdine for $1,660. Grand. mib^nnnniv °^ tifm p n he Multno* Moriey John Sohler and William | W> R . Hawkshurst. l a t e of The residence property in this city Julius Webrley, Vice Grand. y Haskell. ; Portland, has taken an interest was not sold, as it wa* not needed R. C. Hill, Treasurer. Mrs. John Wilson and son, Bus- Eight alternates had been called with Walter Roswurm in the Pa to raise the amount of money re The appointive officers are as ter, left Wednesday for Hood to take the places of any of the cific Market and will hereafter do quired. follows: River to visit her brother, Mr. 181 who might not be able to go, the meat-cutting and sausage- Prevent Loss of Wheat Chas. VanDoren, Warden. Stevens. who soon leaves for ser- but not one of the eight men were making. Mr. Hawkshurst is an S. G Morgan, Conductor. vice. Mr. Stevens is a Western 1 needed, although all of them asked 1 experienced butcher and will do Much wheat can be saved at S. A. Walker, Chaplain. Union man. I to be sent. Tuesday evening the his best to please r". customers, threshing time or in hauling wheat J. II. Shearer, R. S. to N. G. He asks to the stack if the bottom of the Dr. W. M. Pollock, who ap people of Hillsboro gave the new both city and country C. B Ortman, L. S. to N. G. that the people of Washington bundle wagon is made tight, thus plied a year ago lor enlistment in soldiers a banquet and dance. Bernard Ortman, R. S. to V. G. t h e medical reserve, returned preventing the leaking through of __ ¡county give him a chance to show W. C. Benfer, L S to V. G. Miss Jones Bujs Store what the Pacific Market can do shattered grain. Tuesday evening from Bremerton, R. M. Taylor, Inside Guardian. where he was examined and re Miss Nettie Jones, who has for in supplying their meat needs, This matter has always received W. VanAntwerp, O u t s i d e jected because of a slight defect the past six months conducted a M . - - #lt - ■. some attem ion, but at this time Guardian. millinery business in this city, in Christian Church in one of his eyes. more than ever before care must Ed Catching and Ivan Curtis, partnership with Mrs. H. P Stith Mr. Sias will speak Sunday morning be taken to save every kernel of Miss Elizabeth Swanson, who ¡of Salem, last Tuesday purchased on “ Divine Demonstration.” The con Scene Supporters. wheat. Either of two ways may has been visiting her father, H. The register shows the lodge to Swanson, west, of town, spent the interest of 'her partner and is gregation will join in the union open be used tb prevent this loss, a tight bottom can be made on the have gained a little .in member Monday and Tuesday with her now sole proprietor of the Milli air services at 7:00 p. m. rack or a canvas can be used to ship during the past term and ‘ it aunt, Mrs. Phoebe Ward, in this nery Parlors, located three doors Congregational Church east of the Allen hardware store. cover the bottom of the wagon has held its own. financially. I city, returning to Portland Wed- Miss Jones is a fine milliner, a Mr. Patten will preach at 11 a. m. There is on record a case of a | ne.'day. M bs Swanson’s brother courteous saleslady and has won Sunday on “ Making the Church the farmer who used a tight rack and ... . r Edgar, is now one of Uncle Sam’s for her .establishment a goodly Dynamo o f Character and the Dynamic A citizens of the City of F o r - Fr.,nce at the end of the day the wheat share of the trade of this section. of Citixen9hip.” anil chaff was collected and put e.st Grove are urged to cut and j Community Open-Air Service at 7 p. The members of the Bryant She is now making a drive on tnrough a fanning mi l l a n d remove all grass, weeds and other m. weighed. There was a little over rubbish from their lots and park- family held a reunion at the home summer hats, as per advertising A. B. PA TTEN , Paator. four bushels of good clean wheat. ing strips. During these dry days of Archie, in this city, Sunday, elsewhere in this issue. Community Service At present prices t h i s wheat there is great danger of fire and I those present from out of town Oh. Gir-ruls! Have you seen A t the Union Worship on the College which was thus saved would be strongly urge all of you to use ev- bring Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bryant the Coveralls for ladies and child ery means possible to prevent the of Gaston. Claude Bryant of Hills Campus at 7 p. m. Mr. Patten will give worth over $8.00. origin a n d spread of wasteful boro and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ren at Anderson's store? the address, speaking on “ The New COUNTY AGENT. fires. Meresse of McMinnville. Claude We deliver ice cream to any Repentance — According to an Old has entered the army and left yes part of the city. Tell it to phone T e x t.” The fir^t two Sunday nights in Mrs. Brady Chowning is visit GEO. G, PATERSON, ing in Portland today. Mayor. terday for Camp Lewis. 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf ' August, Mr. Sias will be the speaker. l Did Iflucn Damage Chautauqua Breaks Records More Bad News