The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 18, 1918, Image 9

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Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 3
Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, July 18, 1918.
No. 28
The Express prints butter wrap­
pers with non-poisonous ink.
Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and
Coveralls, Overalls, Jackets and
A dandy line of ladies’ house
dresses and aprons at Anderson’s. Natureopath. Office at A St. & Khaki Pants. C. E. Roy & C o.
1st Ave. N. Phone 676.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Gardner left
Mrs. O S. Higby and daughter
for Seattle, where they
returned yesterday from a visit at
Pearl, left yesterday for an in­ will vipit a daughter.
definite outing at Seaside.
Clothing and furnishings for
Mr. and Mrs. Oltice Shearer
and young men, at A. G.
Chevroleted up to Timber fora
& C o.’s.
visit yesterday.
left Wednesday to take possession.
Orval Howard returned Mon­
We deliver ice cream to any
A fine assortment of NuBone day from Amity, where he has
part of the city. Tell it to phone
and College Girl corsets and nov­ been picking cherries.
632. Ottlce Shearer.
elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’ i Miss Theresa Beahen went to
Mrs. Bodine returned to Eu­ Novelty Shop, Pacific avenue.
Tacoma Tuesday, where she will
gene Wednesday after a visit with
her sister, Mrs. R. B. Newton,and , Carl Brodersen, t h e painter, spend a ten day vacation.
took a day off Wednesday and
Miss Edna Mills, who is doing
took his family in the Brodersen government work in Polk county,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Curtis of Chevrolet for a spin up the Col
spent Suhday at her home in this
Portland visited Tuesday with umbia highway.
the family of the former’s brother,
In writing from Camp Lewis to
Mrs Reba Secour and Mrs.
W. K. Curtis.
friends in this city, last week, Ray T. Williams and baby visit­
Mrs. Tucker, Miss Edna and Newton Shipley said he, with 135
ed at the Dr. Higgs home in Port­
Mr. Everett Tucker are gu^ts at others, would leave in a few days land last Friday.
the home of J. M. Tucker of N. | for Camp Kearney, San Diego,
Mrs. Arthur Shearer and child­
Main street. They came from California.
ren left yesterday for an outing at
Idaho by auto.
J. T . Kinnaird, Hood River Newport and Art is learning to
Charles Hancock last Monday merchant, who was drowned in
turn his own flap-jacks.
enlisted in the hospital corps of the river last Friday, was an old
H. R. Bernard visited his wife
the naval reserve and expects t o ' Iowa friend of H. R. Bernard of
be called to a training camp with­ this city, and was a highly-re­ at the McMinnville hospital Sun­
in l i t next two weeks.
spected citizen and a good man. d a y and found her recovering
nicely from her operation of July
Frank VanDyke of Verboort
Jim McGill and his son-in law, : 10th.
was given a surprise party by a J. G. Richardson, were out from
Ladies seldom get as good hats
goodly number of his friends; Por land Sunday for a visit with
the money as Stith & Jones
Tuesday evening, the occasion be- j their families. M r. Richardson
offering this week for $5.00 or
ing Frank's 18<h birthday anni­ has since moved his family to
less. Reason— too many summer
Portland, where he has a position. hats.
Hugh Smith, who had a job as
Ira Mann, an experienced auto
Waggoner A. C. Smith of Camp
night watchman at a lumber mill mechanic from Long Pine, Neb ,
visited Miss Nettie Jones,
at Cascade Ixrcks. found the job a nephew to W . L. Cady, has en­
in this city Saturday
so uninteresting that he quit and tered the employ of Joe Wiles at
and on Sunday Mr. Smith and
came home. He wants a real job the Chevrolet garage. Mr Mann
Miss Jones visited the latter’s
or none at all.
and family drove through from folks at Salem. Mr. Smith ex­
pects to leave soon for Camp
Rev. R. E. Dunlap, former M Nebraska in their auto.
E pastor in this city, writes F.
Chas. O. Roe, local distributor Mills, 41- J.
M . Starrett that the Fourth of for the White sewing machine,
George R Schoch, aged 60, a
July parade in New York was the has on display in the window of former resident of this county,
biggest gathering of people he the old Miller drug store building was arrested last week at his
ever saw. There were 120,000 a W'eed sewing machine (taken in home on Kiger island, near Cor­
foreign born Americans in the on a trade) that came to Oregon vallis, charged w i t h hoarding
parade and Mr. Dunlap says he via bull train in 1852. That the flour Mr. Schoch lived for years
never before realized what a lot machine was made of good mater­ in the Watts district, near this
of step children Uncle Sam was ial is shown by the fact that it city, and was always considered a
has been used regularly for a big good citizen, a man who minded
his own business and allowed his
In a paper received this week family sewing for 66 years.
by Roy VanKirk, published in
Mr. and Mrs. A G. Hoffman, neighbors to do the same.
his old home town, Fort Recov Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Littler and
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Buxton of
ery, Ohio, there is a picture of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. this city, their son, Philmore, wife
Samuel W. Grathwell, who is on Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. John and daughter, Thelma, of Moro,
for a lecture at the chautauqua Dopp and Mrs. Reba Secour vis­ returned Monday evening from a
being held in that town this week, ited at the Matt Patton farm, in week at the Tillamook beaches,
his subject being “ Getting By the Chehalem valley, And at M c­ where they had a delightful ou t­
Your Hoodoos.” Mr Grathwell Minnville l a s t Sunday. Miss ing. Mr. Buxton says he had the
lived in Foiest Grove several Aileen Hoffman and Master Ed­ best time this trip he ever had at
years, and is a graduate of Pacific win Secour are spending their the beach. Phil and family will
University, and won many credi s slimmer vacation at the Patton i spend the week with the Buxton
as an orator while attending P. U. home.
'and Nauffts families.
Littler’s Phar-