The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 18, 1918, Image 8

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    TANLAC sold only by Littlei’s
i Pharmacy.
Men’s khaki dusters at Ander
Warranty deed and mortgage
blanks for sale at this c'Lce.
The Book Store is headquarters
Without charge, this bank will
all the latest popular music.
attend to making: an exchange
deliver ice cream to any
o f 3 H per cent and 4 per cent
i part of the city. Tell it to phone
Liberty Bonds for 4 1 ± per cent 632. Ottice Shearer.
Liberty Bonds. These changes
Sam Walker will leave Monday
must be made before Novem­ for a visit with his son. Raleigh,
and wife at LaPine, Deschutes
ber 9th, this year.
Renewing her subscription to
j the Express, Mrs. M . A. Armen-
trout of LewistonT Idaho, says she
is having a nice visit.
of Forest Grove
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen and
Miss Beth Potw-in motored to
Monmouth last Sunday to visit
M sses Gertrude a n d Martha
The Williams-Giltner camping
A Strong Bank in a good town party returned Friday from the
Wilson river and Harry reports
several days of satisfactory fish­
Wanted— By woman and girl -
Insure your children’s feet; buy work by hour or day. Box 43,
Boys’ Khaki Pants and Cover­
a pair of Buster Brown shoes and City
alls. C. E. Roy & Co.
Dr. Semones is h o m e again. be assured of a perfect fit. It is
A son was born yesterday to
Gives comfort from glasses or all in the last. A. G. Hoffman M r. and Mrs. William VanDe-
& Co.
money back.
Hey of the Verboort district.
A great many stylish summer
See C. E Roy & Co. for Bath­
Mrs. Blanche Moore, who has
ing Suits—85c, $1 00, $1 50 and hats still on sale at iheS tith & visited her sister, Mrs. Dan Par­
Jones millinery parlor-i at $5 00
sons. for the past eighteen months,
even less. Don’t wait until
We deliver ice cream to any
left Tuesday for her home in Port-j
part of the city Tell it to phone they are all picked over.
land. Her son and daughter are
Mrs. E. L. Sherrett returned still with the Parsons family.
632. Ottice Shearer.
Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and Monday from a week’s visit in
People living on North Main
Natureopath. Office at A St. & Cla k coun y, Wash., where she street report that an ex-school
visited friends and picked herself master, who drives a little sorr* I
1st Ave. N. Phone 676.
of wild blackberries
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker took
horse to a buggy, got so interest­
Harry Underhill last week sold ed in the landscape a few days
one of the doctor’s patients to a
his 70-acre farm on David’s hill ago that he drove off a bridge and
Portland hospital Tuesday.
A daughter was born Saturday to A>a Eslinger. The members of nearly wrecked his one-hoss shay.
to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Paddock, the Underwood family have not
Rev. Frank Dickson of Moun­
the father being employed at the yet decided where they will local*. tain View, C a lif, visited his moth­
S. P. freight depot.
McMinnville friends hear that er, Mrs Mary A. Dickson, in this
On August 1st, 1918, there will be an advance
One Forest Grove woman M on­ Dr Edgar H. Brown, formerly of city from Sunday morning to
day paid $12 50 to the City of this city, is now a captain in the Tuesday evening, when he left for
of $50 in the price of the popular “ Four-Ninety”
Cornelius as a penalty for auto surgeon’s office at Newport New--, Portland to visit a son, Rev.
model. This little car, in a test run on the Colum­
speeding on the streets of that Va., where he is “ on temporary Louis Dickson. Frank is doing
town and another was warned duty.”
evangelistic work in ihe Pacific
bia Highway, made 41 3-10th miles on a gallon of
not to do it again.
New arrivals in blou-es of Northwest.
gasoline. The Chevrolet cars are noted for power,
Georgette and Crepe de Chine,
Sergeant Arthur Guy Empey,
Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware round and square neck effects, in
endurance and speed. You’ll buy a Chevrolet
who served with the British in
at the Gordon Hardware Store.
a large variety of colors, also Flanders and later wrote the ac­
some day. Why not now, before the price goes up?
Kayser Silk K n i t Camisoles,
count of his experiences, “ Over
beautifully made A. G. Hoff­ the T op.” now running in the Ex­
man & Co.
press. has been commissioned a
By purchasing a season ticket captain in the American army
for Chautauqua (begins tomor­ and will probably "go over the
row) you get $6 92 worth of en­ top” again.
Distributers for
tertainment and instruction for
and Columbia Counties
$2.75 If you have a program,
Notice is hereby given that the un­
figure it out for yourself. Tickets
dersigned has been appointed by the
at this office.
County Court o f Washington County.
Acreage around the big Chev­ Oregon, administrator o f the estate of
Anna M. Schwall, deceased, and has
rolet factory in Oak'and, which in duly
Gasoline and oil consumption car previously used in the work, a
qualified as such;
ordinary times would have been
for two months, kept by machine lighter than the Chevro­
Now Therefore, all persons having
left to the popp;es and wild flow­ claims against said estate are hereby the Pantorium Dye works of let.
ers, proved a geneious “ war gar­ required to present the same to me, Medford, Oregon, have been re­
The Congregational Working
den ” The hay cut from it has with proper vouchers, at the law office ceived by the Chevrolet Motor
o f H. T. Bagley in Hillsboro, Oregon,
will give a dinner at the
an estimate net va ue of more within six months from date hereof.
company of California, along with
next Monday ev­
than $600, which would not have
a most complimentary letter re­
Dated this July 18, 1918.
ening at 6 o ’clock, to which the
been realized had the Hoover call
public is invited. Adults, 35c;
not been sounded and answered.
Administrator. let ‘490’ in delivery service. Ac­ child-er., 25c.
cording to F. C . Elliott of the
H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney.
Job printing—phone 821.
dyeing concern, the Chevrolet ef­
Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware
fected a saving of fifty percent in
the fuel and lubricant bill of the at the Gordon Hardware Store.
We Will Exchange
Your Bonds
Beginning July 20, 1918, our Stcre will be placed
on a CASH BASIS. We will continue to take pro­
duce in exchange for merchandise or will pay CASH.
Please don’t ask for credit, as you will be refused.
You will buy merchandise for Less Money.
First National Bank
Hoover Says: “ ECONOM IZE”
Yours Truly,
S a v e $ 5 0 .0 0
Buy your Chevrolet Now
Wiles & Sohler
H O M E !
Sale of Real Estate
Street Shoes
Black button and lace, box toe
$ 4 .5 0
Black Gun Metal, welt, box toe
5 .5 0
Black Vici Kid, broad toe, rubber heel
Black English, Neolin sole, Leather heel 5 .0 0
Black English, Leather sole and heel -
6. 50
Dark Tan English bal., Du-Flex sole and
6. 5 0
Rubber h e e l .....................................
Dark Tan English bal., Leather sole and
h e e l ...................................................
7. 50
Work Shoes
Chocolate, medium weight, Rinex sole,
nothing better for the price
Dark Tan, broad toe, bellows tongue
Black, medium weight, box toe
Dark Tan, wing tip, triple stitched, double
s o le ; nothing better
$1.75 per Crate
The Crop is Very Short.
C. E. R O Y & CO.
Men’s Furnishings and Shoes
Caples Block
(U. S. Food Administration License
No. G 34147)
There will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, the
following real estate, situate in Washington county, Oregon:
Fifty-Acre Improved Farm— Being part o f the Henry Buxton,
Sr., D. L. C., on Gales Creek Road, one and a half miles north­
west o f Forest Grove, all under cultivation; fenced, house and barn
and other buildings.
Thirty-Acre Farm —Being part o f the Wm. B. Poe D. L. C., on
; Hillside Road, five miles northwest o f Forest Grove, 15 acres un­
der cultivation; house and barn, partly fenced.
Modern Residence and Lot— On north side Pacific Avenue, be­
tween B and C streets, Forest Grove, known as the Dannials prop­
erty. These properties will be offered in the order named above
and as much sold as may be necessary. This property is offered
under order o f the County Court o f Washington County, Oregon,
and abstract o f title will be furnished. Executor's deed furnished.
Time o f Sale,
Monday, July 22d, 1918, 2 o’clock p. m.
Place o f Sale—South Door of Court House, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Terms o f Sale—Ten per cent, o f the purchase price at time o f
sale; balance on confirmation o f sale by County Court. (This will
give time to arrange for a loan, if necessary.
We invite inspection o f property.
Col. J. W. Hughes,
Joe A. Wiles,
Executor o f the last will
o f Nellie P. Dannials.
Phone 061