NOTES A N D PE R SO N A LS Public sale bills printed at the --------- ! Express office. Mrs. Paul Beck of Dilley was j Summer w eight sweaters for shopping in town Saturday. men, women and children at John Money to loan— Valley Realty Anderson s. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Gordon Baker, wife and son of J. A. McCoy and family visited McMinnville visited at the Frank friends at North Plains Sunday. Gordon home last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Webb Hughes1 George G. Hancock, real es- were shopping in town Saturday, j iate» farm loans and fire insur- _ . . . , , 1 ance, new Anderson block. 50 Straw hats for dress and work ; wear at Anderson’s clothing store.' G. L. Y anhoughnet, druggist, „ . . . , 1 attended the state convention of Y ellow Aberdeen turnip seed the Pharmaceutical association in $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific Portland last Thursday. Market. 19-tf Ben Whited, who t* now em­ W. E. Haage of David’s Hill ployed by the Standifer Ship­ was looking after business in town building company at Vancouver, Saturday. visited friends in this city Mon- It pays to get glasses that give day. comfort. A t home prices. Dr. Gordon & Gordon Monday de- Semones. 28-2t livered to Chas. Hollevoet a lim- Go to the Erickson garage, K . ousine buggy, similar io the one of P. building, for your auto re- Peter Vanoudenhugen has been pairs, accessories, tires, gas and using for several months. H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits und Vegetables in Seuson PHONE South Main Street - ttnd ex | h > ii * cn of Hule and Kidd writ. Said aal« will t>« made subject to re­ dumption, an |K-r statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, thia 10th i day of June. HUM. G EO. A L E X A N D E R . Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. I L. M . GRAHAM , Attorney for Plaintiff. Forest drove, Ore. First publication, June 20, HUM. Last publication July IX, HUM. 701 Legal N u ll«« Forest Grove, Ore In thu County Court o f the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the mutter of the estate and last will and testament of Nellie Porter Dannials, Deceased. Last Friday night threescore Notice is hereby given that in pur- men, women and children . enjoyed - , ! suance of an order o f the County Court .1 lot o f fun at a h a rd -tim e s social ,,f Washington County, state of Ore- The prices recommended by af the C o n g i e g a t tonal c h u ic h p a r- |jun| made on the 17th day o f June A. I her»- w ere a n u m b e r o f j u. 1918, m jg( in ¡„ the tht, mutter of the above the convent ion of prune grower«, lots. o ld -fa sh io n e d nonsensical ga m es, I entitled estate, the undersigned execu- held in Portland, on July 2d and 3rd, have been accepted and band music by *' 1 he Hungry I tor of the last will and testament of adopted by the Food Administra­ Se\’i n,” (Messrs. If L. Bale- R Nellie Porter Dannials, deceased, will F. Clark. A. K Scott. J K. Bail public auction to the highest tion as the maximum reasonable 1 bidder, subject to continuation by said e y ;B F While. W .J. McCready court, the following described real prices. and M R Johnson, in Rube tv»>- \ property, to-wit, oi,s* ! Dr. and Mrs C. E Walker and The prices are f o. b cars at tunics), several songs by tht Dr. and Mrs. Pollock, son and M r. and Mrs C E. Roy took an Tract No. 1 Situate in Washington railway stations, or delivered at •‘ Monday Morning club,” com County, in the state o f Oregon, being daughter camped* several days iau'o ride Sunday afternoon a short buyer’s warehouse. postd of Mesdames M R John­ designated in the |>etition as "Tract last week at M i s t , Columbia : distance above (Glen wood and en- No. 5 ," described us follows, Being We quote the price list per son Dorothy Seymour, B. F. part of the Pollution Land Claim of county. joyed their supper a la gipsy. pound for the bi nelit of growers: While and A A Hall, and a coon Henry Paxton Sr. and wife. No. 41 in See the Round Oak wood and Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ P E T IT E IT A L IA N cake walk by Mesdames Thorn-1 Township one North, ItHngc fmjr West coal range, with or without gas ner Pacific Avenue and Third 35-40 8, 12 c huigh arid Hoar und M is-Jin- Will. Mer. and beginning at a |siint on plate attachment, at the Gordon street, for up-to date hair cuts 30-35 s, 11 7-8c 35-40 11 5-8c 40-45 8, 11 M i ­ nesse Mill- r, the latter dressed as the west line of said D. L. C. (being Hardware Store. h I mo the northwest corner of Tract No. and shaves. Also ice cream, cold 40-45 45-50 ». ll 10 7-8o c a male darky. Refreshments con 11 of rabdivMon o f tha Ellon ■ Dr. Ward is coninuing his drinks and lunches. Phone 181 45-50 50-55 ■9 10 1-4c sisted of ice cream cones and ! late) 10 5-8c from thence running North practice and is prepared to answer 55-60 8. -.i 1 |e thoie who were considered by the 1035.61 feet; thence North M9 degrees 9 7-8c M rs.J. E. Pogue. Mrs. Harry 50-55 calls both day and night. Office Whitney and Miss Ella Reynolds 55-60 9 Me 60-65 8, -.i 1 la judges ns too well dressed were East 65-1.7 feet; thence North 1543.0 feet to the center of county road; hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to attended a state convention of the 60-65 65-70 8, 9 « fined small amounts for their | thence North 78 degrees 50 minutes 9 c 4 p. m. 18-tf 70-75 », 1 1 1« vanity. 8 3-4c East 661.9 feet; thence South 3T2.24 Christian churches of Oregon at 65-70 feet; thence South 78 degree* 60 min­ 75-80 70-75 8 3-8c ». 0 : 1« Turner last week, returning home John Simon of Salem and Emil Frank Tha cher of ihe distr ict utes West 67.09 feet to a stone, thence 80-85 ». 7 3 4c 8 1 V 75- MO Timm and family of Minne>ota | Saturday. aiing his name, was looking af- South 2284.92 feet to the north boun- 85-90 7 l-2e ». 7 l-4c visited over Sunday at the home Idaryline of Tract No. 1 of said sub- I. V. M e A d o , who has pub­ 80-85 90-95 ». 6 3-4c ‘ r business in town 8a urilay. tliviMion of the Ellen Porter estate; 7 c of R. G. Simon, on the Gales lished the News, at Sherwood, for 85-90 95-llH) 8, 6 c He Was born near Ills present thence South S9 degrees West 1225.62 90-95 6 l-2c Creek road. the past year, has sold out to Ed home and says this has been the j feet la the place of beginning, contain- 95-100 s. 1(H)-120 4 !-2c ». 6 M e in*ç 60 HcreH, moro or tea«. Which Druggist C. A Littler was in ward Murphy, who is in charge. 100-120 s. 4 1 -2c driest summer he remember«. 120-up 4 « tract in to he offered tiret and ia to he attendance several days last week Mr. McAdoo has accepted a po­ 120-up _ known na Tract No. I of said aale. sition with a Salem newspaper at the annual meeting of the State Notice of Sheriff a Sale j Tract No. 2 Situate in Washington Pharmaceutical society, at P o rt­ Roy Watkins has fixed up a . Notice ia hereby given that by virtue County, in the alate of Oregon, Hart land. of an execution issued out of and under ' of the William H. Hoe Donation Laud roomy display window at his Pa­ I the aeal of the Circuit Court of the Claim No. 55 in Township one North, The members of the Fred Ram cific avenue bicycle and repair state of Oregon, fur the county of Range four Weat Will. Mer. bounded sey family have rented their home shop and h as a fine line of Washington, dated the IMth day of and described as beginning at the June, 1918, in favor of George Wise, ; southeast corner of aaid claim No. 55, to Harry Bunting and moved to wheels” on display. He reports In renewing their subscription plaintiff, and against Henry Stavely I running thence North 89 degrees 25 min- Portland, where Fred has a job in selling seven bicycles in two days to the Spokesman this week, Wall udby and Maria Waudby, deferiti Utes West on the south line of said claim !a*t week. a shipyard. ants, for the sum of $27.50 cost and the 16.87 chains to reentrant corner on Austin Brothers, who own Alfalfa further sum of $200.00, with interest such line; thence South 0 degree« 30 Miss Virginia Roy returned Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ Sunday from a week’s visit with Ridge Ranch on the Columbia j thereon from the 29th day of January, minutes « M t 106 drei ns to angular etables and second-hand house­ the Oliver Evans family, at N e w -, near Vernita. asked u- to sign j 1916, at the rate of H per cent |>er an- corner on such line; thence North MM hold g o o d s of the Economy store and for the further sum of $200, degrees :{4 minutes West on south line berg She was accompanied home ' hem up for $500 worth of War ! ! num, with interest thereon from the 11th of said claim 10.83 chains; thence Dodge bldg , cor. 3d street and mps. The boys say by Miss Marguerite Evans, who j Savings Sta day of May, 1916, at the rate of 8 per North 11.98 chains; thence South M9 de­ Pacific avenue. 6-tf will remain two weeks at the Roy fortune has been kind to them cent |>er annum, and the further sum grees 25 minutes East 27.93 chains to this year and they want to split of fifteen and 68.100 dollars ($15.6M) at east line o f said Hoe claim; thence The Ed Sparks family departed home. it up a littli- with Uncle Sam the rate of 8 per cent |ier annum from South 1 degree 45 minutes West on Monday for a week’s camping on March 23rd, 191H, and the further num such line 10.05 chains to the (dace of The best place for Washington They think they hold ihe record Clear creek, where the city treas­ county people to purchase their in the valley for wool production, of seventy dollars ($70.00) attorney's beginning, containing 30 acres. Which urer will commune with nature j fees, to me directed and delivered, j tract is to be offered second and is to monuments and tombstones Is their ewes averaging thirteen , commanding me to make sale o f the known as Tract No. 2 of said sale. and fight ants. from Lewis & Co. of Hill boro, pounds and the lambs eight. The real property hereinafter described, I I T ract No. 3 Situate in the city of Picnic packages, paper plates, Ore. This firm carries a good have levied upon and pursuant to said Forest Grove. Washington County, in best thr eewesshearid 65 pounds, execution lw iU on Monday, the ?2<1 day I th,. „tate of Oregon. Commencing at paper napkins, p a p e r towels, line of dependable goods, employs Their of July, 19re, at the South (]oor of th® j the southwest corner o f Lot one in Thermos bottles, in fact every­ no agents and gives its customers averaging 21' 2 pounds alfalfa yield also promises to be Courthouse, in Hillsboro, Washington Block two Naylor s Addition to For®«t thing for your outing at Littler’s the benefit of the commission- the hour of ten (; rove, said county and state, running the large-1 they have nave ever har- ! Pharmacy. ‘ usually paid salesmen 25-4t clock a. m of said day sell at public thence thence North 101.30 feet; thence East vested — Whi e Bluffs (Wash.) o auction to the highest bidder for cash 50 — feet; - thence South 101.30 feet; Herbert Taylor, who has en Oliver Buxton of Uncle Sam’s Spokesman. in hand, all of the following-described thence West 50 feet to the place of listed as a soldier and is taking navy and his bro'her. Maurice, of The “ Austin Brothers” referred real property, lying, being and situate beginning. Which tract is to be o f­ training at Benson Polytechnic Molalla, arrived in Forest Grove to in the above are Levi, Jay and in Washington county, Oregon, and fered third and is to be known as school, Portland, visited his par­ Friday morning for « visit wi'h Paul, sons of Mrs Nettie Austin more particularly described as follows, Tract No. 3 of said stile. to-wit : Said sale will be made on Monday ents in this city over Sunday. relatives and friends After a of this city and Jay has finally Beginning at the Northwest corner the 22nd day of July A. D. 1918, at 2 short visit in town, they, in com­ of the Southwest quarter o f the North­ passed the physical test to go After Ai Ahlgren had been in o’clock F. M. of that day, at the South training at Camp Lewis for two pany with th‘ ir cousin, Miss Jes “ over there,” after having been east quarter of Section 13, thence south door of the Court House, in the City o f along the center line of said Section 13 Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. weeks, the camp surgeons claim -i Buxton, and Miss Vera Schif once rej- cted one hundred and sixty (160) rials to the fer went to the h < me of their The terms of said sale will be: Cash, to have found him afflicted with Southwest corner of the Northwest gold coin o f the United States, ten per aunt, Mrs. Ed. Harri-on, up Gales Notice quarter of the Southeast quarter of weak lungs and discharged him. cent of the purchase price to he paid Creek, where they spent the re Notice is hereby given that said Section 13; thence East twenty to the unde reigned at time of sale, bal­ Remember, friends, you must mainder of the day, re urning to (2'0 rials; thence North one hundred ance on confirmation of the sale by pay in advance to get the^Express the home of th,.ir parentSj Mr Forest Grove, Oregon, Stree' and sixty (160) rials to the line on the said court. Executor’s deed furnished. Warrant No 80 is called for pay­ South side of the Northwest quarter at one dollar per year. The reg and Mrs. A. T. Buxton, at M o ­ of the Northeast quarter o f said Sec­ Abstract o f title furnished at expense ular price is $1 50. We pay you lalla, Friday evening. Oliver look ment. Interest stops on this tion 13; thence West twenty (20) rials o f estate. date. Dale of warrant, Oct. 15, Notices posted and published by or­ 50c to collect fiom yourself to the place o f beginning, containing healthy and strong. 1913; face value, $500.00. July twenty acres o f land, all in Township der of the court. Gordon & Gordon have recent- , ... , „ . _ 18, 1918. One, South of Range Five. West of JOE A. WILES, ly placed Round Oak three-fuel Lawyer Would Go Farming the Willamette Meridian, in Washing­ Executor of the last will and testa­ E. S. SPAR K S, ton county, Oregon, to satisfy the here­ ment o f Nellie Forter Dannials, de­ ranges in the homes of H. B. j The following letter, from Lotus It City Treasurer. inbefore named sums and for the costs ceased. Johnson and Mrs. Phoebe Ward, L. Langley, Portland lawyer, ex L. M. G R A H A M , Attorney for E x ­ where they are giving perfect sat- p ains itself: ecutor. isfa c tio n . It July 11th, 1918. Address Forest Grove, Oregon. First pub. June 20; last pub. Jul. 18, Willis Goff and J. J. W iHz of *?r- Be" fer- 1918. this city have been elected dele- Eores J rove E*_Pre93’ gate and alternate, respec ively, ores ,rove- Ore. Dear Sir; from the McMinnville lodge of DR. H. C. FO R TN E R I am informed farm help is becoming Elks t o the state convention, very scarce. I f necessity requires I Successor to which meets in Portland August will be glad to render assistance. DR. H. W. V O LLM E R 26th. Would prefer work so located that I The J. S. Buxton. Frank Gor might stay with my mother at Forest O FFIC E don and Claude Smith families Grove. Will tackle and get away with In First National Bank Building have established a camp at Kip anything that has to do with produc­ T tU-hones pling Waters, where the women tion and will stay on the job as long as Residence 332 Office 333 and children are spending the needed. I f the farmer can prevent my j time camping. The men come to talking to him about what should be ; D. D. & M. B. BUM P town mornings and attend to bus done to the W a r Lords of Germany 1 1 iness during the day, returning to will be able to finish his harvest and Attorneys at Law camp every evening. fall work in a couple of days. Loans and Real Estate Yours truly, The stock of the Caples & Com­ ! D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMF. L O T U S L. L A N G L E Y . pany store is being moved to t In- * A Hard-Time Social Food Administration Fixes Prune Prices P m tor Austins Whack Up With Uncle Real Gravely Plug has been chewed for its real tobacco satisfaction ever since 1831. I t ’s made the good old Gravely way. Peyton Brand big room formerly occupied by the King «tore and, after Satur­ day of this week, cash will bi­ king at this store. Except that merchandise will be exchanged for farm produce, all goods taken from the store must be settled for in cash. Prices will be reduced by this cash plan. Mr. Langley stands better than six feet in height, is in good health, and ought to make some 1 farmer a good assistant, if said former can keep him from talking war and poliiics. There ought to be a brisk demand for Mr Lang ley’s services, especially if he will board with his mother. Real Gravely Chewing Plug —and worth it 10c a pouch G ravelylutte to much longer it c oafs n o m ore to chew than ordinary plug Residence I Forest Grove. Phone 444 ¡J Residence Hillsboro Offices -H IL L S B O R O N. HOFFM AN Attorney A t Law P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia Patent Office Business Solicited □X Forest Grove, - Oregon