im a r r^ U S IM E S S Anker-Holth Cream Separator D IR E C T O R Y C ARB O N P A P K R A T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N ESSENTIAL IN GRADING EGGS Hlminona Carbon P a p er Co.. •«# K »» th North. A ll klntla o f n irbon paper, extra iluralile ty p e w rite r rlbbona. Candling la Only Method by Which Producers Can Be C ertain of A G A T E C U T T E R S A M PO. J E W E L E R S Quality of Product. J e w e lrv and w atch rep airin g M ilia ria M e a t M u s t B e S o ld Ib t Wash. HI . M ajeatlc T h e a te r K ldg A U T O A C C E B S O R IE B (P re p a re d M otors, geara. bearlnga, wheela, axlea, and trallera. W e w reck ail m akea o f cara and aell th eir parta at h alf price. D avid llod ea Co., N. Ilro a d w a y and Klaridera. ACETYLENE L I G H T IN G SYSTEM S. P ilo t (Jeneratore Inatallnd Huppllaa J. W C lancy U I K A ll klnda of M orrtaon Ht M A C H IN E R Y o v e r 1700 of these m urhlnes plarsfl in the humaa o f ua«ra In tha laat three year*. N o w w h y ao m an y A n k e r -lIo lth T T h e y a lv a aatlafactlon T h a uaera tell llir ir ncighhora, then the i.-lgh b o r wanta one. T h e y w ill do tuet ai w ell fo r you. L e t ue m all you catalog. PO R T LAN D , ORE, c v c a v T Mi Na r o w the DELCO-UGHT Tha compléta Electric Light and Power Plant THE J. C. ROBINSON CO., 44 Fir.» Straat, Cut your own lum ber on a W heland P orta b le Hawm lll. You w ill aave tim e and b ig m oney on you r next lum ber bill. W ith thla aaw m lll you can auuply tha lum ber needa o f your n eighbors alao. T h e price la reasonable, and the p ro flta w ill Boon pay fo r the m achine W r ite fo r c a talo g and fu ll detalla. C lyde Kupt Co., llt h and Thu rm an a t a , P ortlan d Ore. Saves time and labor, farm efficiency, I'gya Increaaca for itself. orrieg O f f ic e F u r n it u r e a A p p l ia n c e s p r in t in g E n g r a v in g B o o r u in d in g MODERN APPLIANCE CO., Seattle. Wn. TW i m 1 in k , » year lenaery. Fits.* writ* ex. tiH a to x * • • * ltl| P O S tft A*et* b S tt K l * c o M f t r r t I inc o r m têêl riL IN G ANO / D4VK.CS $ 1.00 Wakeet Beth $1.50 With Belli Weekly Rales E. HYDE, Monthly Rates S U U R *p rs M *la liv * 66 Siath St.. PO R T LA N D . ORE. Sleep on your S eat Cushions. Compact Fita under the reer eeet. W rite for Special O ffer a B A M , HOTEL P O R TLA N D . ORE. Central Location. Beautifully Furnished W rite for circulara. Agents N O R T O N IA WAAiMSSWWA LOSSES SORELY PtfYOiTEO •lA cnitt m u Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark. Fresh meat is perishable. It must be sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. by the United Htatre D epart­ m ent o f A gric u ltu re .) Grading 1» becoming more and more customary In the aide and pur­ chase o f eggs, and a knowledge o f cnudlliig Is essential to egg grading. It Is only by candling that producers and sblpiMTs of eggs can be certain that they arc complying with federal, slate and other regulations, because by this method one eon determine the freshness and ijuality o f eggs. The process. In simple terms, Is to hold an | egg before a shaded light In a dark room, and by noting certain character­ istics seen through the semitranspar­ ent shell to determine Its e d ib le and marketable qualities. Farmers with only m few eggs to market may Improvise a Candler by placing a stovepipe over a kerosene lamp, cutting a small bole In the pipe, level with the light. The eggs Is held In a slanting position at the iqienliig. It Is twisted a few times to the right uiid left and then from end to end, so that Its entire contents may be visible, fa r e should be taken that tin- fingers or hand do not conceal small blem­ ishes, which otherwise would be dis­ closed by the light. The beginner should study carefully the general for> million of an egg, as this detailed knowledge Is necessary for the appli­ cation o f the standards o f various grades and <|iialttles. The yolk ranges In color from light yellow to orange, and Is occasionally olive green. The eggs with olive green yolks are less desirable becuusc of this color, but are considered edible. The yolk Is contained In a delicate mero- hrnne and on Its surface Is a small light-colored circular area called the germinal disk, from which the chick develops. The yolk always floats In the white with the chick s|*ot on top. Around the yolk lies a small quantity of thin white and then n heavy layer of thick white. Twisted cordlike colls A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beet Swift & Company can­ not increase prices by withholding meat, be­ cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. • Swift & C om pany cannot tell at the time of purchasing cattle, w h at price fresh m eat w ill bring w h en put on sale. If between purchase and sale, m arket con­ ditions change, the price of meat m ust also change. T h e F o o d A d m in is t r a t io n limits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. T his is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. N o profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated. RelyOnCuticura ToClearPimples .Soap 2 3 c. Ointment 23 and 3 0 c . Zero of Sport. A s a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it Of course we may be wrong about It, hut personally we never could have much fun with a goldfish.— Galveston Foolish B orrowers of T ro ub le. Tho more some people have the News. more they want, which may explain the secret of borrowing trouble. HAVE YOU A 8W KKTHKA8T Hotel Rowland Son or Brother in camp or training fur defense’ I f ao. mail him a package of Allen’. Foot Kaee. the antiseptic Powder for Tired. Aching. Swol­ len Feot. end prevent, blisters and Bore spots. Make* welkins easy. Sold everywhere. B e. On. bundraH and i l i t r - l l n R o h m , all Modern improvements: f n . phones on n a ry floor. Man and. Needles. Homemade Candling Outfit. Some men are like rusty needles; tho best way to clean and brighten Opposite Courthouse. t blocks from roslofllrn, o f opaque white niuterial called chain- F ir. Proof. H. P end Oregon Electric pass door. them is with work.— Youth's Compan­ zae extend from the yolk through the ion. white toward each end of the egg, aud hold the yolk In position, yet allow It to turn freely. Young Women and Men Between the white and the shell are IlusinMui on#«** for trained mind*. Cira»p your opportunity. Knorll now in Northwcat's b ig fw t two fibrous membranes with an air bu«in«aui college. Hehnke-Welker. Portland. Free 1 space between them. When first laid, Catalog. | the contents till the entire egg, but when the egg cools the contents shrink and these membranes separate, form­ Boeabt, Sold. Rented end Repaired W A L K E R ELECTRIC WORKS ing an nlr space. The size of this air Burnside, cor. Kith. Portland. Ora. space Is Important In determining the freshness o f the e g g . As the egg ages the air space Increases tn size. Most das, Pelts, cS i,r Wool & Mohair laid eggs have enlarged air spaces. B> seal d fm lew. Wiki far Pme. ■sfObebi Ta*x THE H. r. NORTON COM PANY, A fine, thick white Is found In a Hand. Ore.. Seattle. Wn., Bellingham. Wn. Portsmouth, Ohio.— “ I suffered from fresh egg, and n weak thin white In a irregularities, pains in my side and was stale egg. As the egg becomes stale so weak at times I the uinount o f thick white decreases. Veal, Pork, Beef, could hardly g e t Several classes of had eggs are Indi­ Poultry, Butter, E ||i around to ao my cated by discolored whites. and Farm Produce, work, and as I had The yolk of the fresh egg when to »he Old Reliable Kverdlnir house with a four in my family record of .& year* of Square Dealings, and and three boarders twirled before the candle Is aeen dimly be assured of TO P M A R K E T PRICES. it made it very hard as a dark object moving slowly In the F. M. CRONKHITE, for me. Lydia E. white. The yolk of a stale egg Is seen 45-47 Front Street. Portland. Oreeon Pinkham’s V e g e ­ more plainly than that o f the fresh table C o m p o u n d e g g . When the yolk Is so weak that was recommended to me. I took it the shake o f the egg in candling causes and it has restored it to break It should be graded as un­ my health. I t is marketable. In the fresh egg the yolk certainly the best Is slightly above the center In the | medicine for woman’s ailments I ever large end of the egg. As the egg be­ saw.” — Mrs. S a r a SHAW, R. No. 1, comes stale the yolk floats higher and I Do Your Own Plumbing | Portsmouth, Ohio. nearer the shell. Mrs. Shaw proved, tho m erit o f this The start of Incubation In a fertile By htiyln* direct from ue at wholeealo prices medicine ar.d wrote tnis letter in order and save the plumber's profits. Write us to­ that other suffering women may find egg may be detected by a reddish glow day your needs. Wo will rive you our rock- surrounding the germinal spot. (Such relief ns she did. bottom "dlrect-to-you'' price*, f. o. b. rail or Women who are suffering ns she was eggs, although considered edible, are boat. We actually save you from 10 to 36 per This reddish cent. All rood* guaranteed. should not drag along from day to day not graded us firsts.) Northwest headquarters foi leader Water without giving this famous root and glow Is entirely different from the so- Systems and Fuller A Johnson Enjrinea. herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’ s V ege­ called blood ring, which Indicates that* table Compound, a trial. For special the egg is unfit for food. S T A R K -D A V IS CO. advice in regard to such ailments write 212 Third Street. Portland. O r area Where there Is any doubt as to an to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, egg's fitness for food purposes, the Mass. The result o f its forty years cnndler should give tho consumer the experience is at your service. No. 28, 1918 benefit o f the doubt and reject I t R a t« * : 7 5 c to $1.50 p e r day: 9 2 .5 0 spoils. Swift & Company, U.S. A. to $5.00 per week. Earn More “ BEST MEDICINE FORWOMEN ” ELECTRIC MOTORS What Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. SHIP 8oothe Itching Skins Granulated Eyelids, With Cutlcura. Bathe with Cnticura j Sore Eye?, Eyes Inflamed by 5 nn, Doer and Wind quickly Soap and hot water, dry and apply the - FO« - ______ relieved by Murine. Try it In Ointment. This usually affords relief V / . . r°ur Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. and points to speedy healment. For T U IR t l Ns Smart iaf.Jast EytComfort free samples address, “ Cuttcura, Dept. Marine Eye Remedy X, Boston.” At druggists and by mail. K y e S a lv e , is T a b es 2Se. F o r Book a / r* s E ve - F r s * . Ask M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C e ., C h le a s o 4 Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic. Optimistic Thought. Often what is given is small, yet the result from it is great. TO BUILD M ankind and Money. In this willing old world a man w ill sit up all night to hear money talk, then work for money all day.— Atlanta Constitution. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS UP both the flesh and strength o f pale, puny, j | fll scrofulous children, for young or old people, get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi­ cal Discovery. It's the best thing known for a wasted body and a weak­ ened system. It thor­ oughly purifies the blood, You corn-pestered men and women enriches It and makes need suffer no longer. W ear the shoes effective every natural that nearly killed you before, says means of cleansing, re­ this Clacinnati authority, because a pairing, and nourishing few drops of freezone applied directly the system. In recovering on & tender, aching corn or callous from fevers, pneumonia, or other de­ stops soreness at once and soon the bilitating diseases, nothing can equal corn or hardened callous loosens so It it as an appetizing, restorative tonic can be lifted out, root and all, with­ to bring back health and vigor. Always out pain. benefits in nervous and general debil­ A small bottle of freezone costs ity. Sold in tablet or liquid form. very little at any drug store, but w ill Purify and rid your blood of the positively take off every hard or soft taints and poisons that make it easy corn or callous. This should be tried for disease to fasten its hold. as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not Doctor Pierce's Pellets were first to Irritate the surrounding skin. put in ready-to-use form nearly fifty 1 If your druggist hasn't any freezone years ago, and will always relieve th e ! tell him to get a small bottle for you Inactive liver and biliousness. Insist from his wholesale drug house. It Is on getting Doctor Pierce's Pleasant flue stuff and acts like a charm every Pellets— there Is none so good.— Adv. 1 time.— Adv.