Œ!î* Jflam rt <£rnit* lExpreaa Good Word» the for Chautauqua PubllNhod every ThurmUy et Forent Grove, Oregon. W. C. Henfer, K«JiLir Mini Publisher. Entered un second-rlnnn mutter Jim. 1VÎ, 19IÜ, nt me |x the iMmtollire et Forent («rove, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, lH7t# Subscription Rate* ( Continued from Pa*« One) Evening Concert-Entertainment The Main Street Lumber Yard ... . Apollo Concert Company On Credit Paid in advance Featuring the Appoinphone, the $1.60 $1.00 One year One year ............ largest, moot unique and pleading . .75 ..........f«0 Six months ...... Six months instrument in the concert world. . .40 .¡¿5 Three months Three Months Admission, 55c .Saturday Morning THURSDAY, JULY 18. 1918 Mother Coose Chautauqua Hillsboro’« Fou th of July cel Sam want* lot* of canned bean* Prelude Moana Afternoon ebration was ho tame that Home- and neveral agents have been here waiian Quartet Vierra’s Royal Ha- I body net fire to the graveyard, to see whether the cannery was Scientific lecture • Worlds in juHt to Htart something interest­ doing its durndest. They must Popular Making” .... have been satisfied, for Mr. Slun- the ing. __________ ... ......... Dr. Arthur D. Carpenter A man huk ! last week that if gel has heard no complaints. Admisaion 39c some of the city officials would B veiling ANI) BACKED cut their weeds other people THERE Concert Moana Vierra’a Royal Ha­ P h o n e 531 TO THE LIMIT might follow suit. That’« the During waiian Quartet the last three months. moat unkindest cut of all. o ■ i r* • i . co -7 non; Lecture Extraordinary FOREST GROVE, OREGON Baker and Daniels pul 637,939 ........ c«pt. J. M. de Beaufort! If Hun Devil Hindenburg is American soldiers in Europe, 'P**. ac-j <*c- ! Belgian Artillery Offirerand Noiilf- dead, an several war rorrespon- cording to official report This 1 hi* man. Has seen Secret Service in dents report, the devil must be the bigge.-t item yet print-d in is is Germany Service in the huvmg a hard time holding his this war. says the Portland News. Trenches. — Active Author “ Behind th e job as boss of hell. Hindy ¡ hho It crushes beyond hope Ger­ German Veil” . PRESIDENT WILSON SAYS : used to being boss that he’ll try many’s reliance upon the U. boat, Admission 83c “The work the Chautauqua is doing has not lost im­ to boss the lower regions. which she ho strongly relied upon Sunday Morning portance because of war, but rather has gained new oppor­ win the war that she risked j Usual Services All Churches With the price of prunes fixed to tunities for service. Let me express hope that you will let an active enemy of Arner Afternoon by the state food administration making ica rather than abandon, in slight Sacred Prelude . Metropolitan Artists no discouragement weaken your activities, and that the at from 4c to 12c per pound, it is est degree, h-r submai ine fright- Inspirational lecture “The Advantage people will not fail to support a patriotic institution that may expected t h a t t h e people on fullness The U boat is a meie of a Handicap.” be said to be an integral part of our national defense. David’s Hill will be h» avy buyers menace. How can even a hickory- ............... Rev. Elliott A. Boyl “ Let the work continue throughout 1918 as never before. of the next issue (if I,il>erty Honda, head« d kaiser consider it a d*cis Admission 39c especially since the trees are so ive factor, when we put over WOODROW WILSON.” heavily laden that there is dan­ 600,000 fighters across the Atlan- Chautauqua Vesper Services All in­ December 14, 1917. vited ger of them breaking. tic, with practically no losses? Evening in Wa hington county Gen. Nelson A. Miles to Russia Since congress has at la t de- Consider this triumph of trans- Sacred Concert Metropolitan Artists friends of Mrs. Black’s sons, A. L. There cided to allow President Wilson , porta'ion and then remember that Illustrated Patriotic lecture “ Won- ! One a strong suggestion Clark, is a soldier at Camp Lewis that Gen. is Nelson to take over to government con- it was only on July 4th that we ders of the World War” A. Miles be sent expects to go “over there” to Russia as a personal trol the telegraph and t« lephone | began launching any considerable Dr. Henry Warren Poor and before long H<- leaves a wife and ative of the President. represent­ lines, it is to be hoped that Uncle j number of our new ships. Is it Latest Views from the Fighting little son at American Falls to This would be an excellent Sammy will give more service r.ot demonstrated that we can and Zone hope and pray for his safe return. thing. General Miles is the most than the private owners have will feed the allies and furnish Admission 83c Frank Clark is manager of a big distinguished of all living Ameri­ been giving, especially on the jim- them our fighting forces in full? Monday Morning s'ore at Dayton where he is al-o can soldier?, and his character and crow telephone sy-tems, like that Indeed, it is a mighty demonstra­ Mother Goose Chautauqua keeping up his interest in base­ reputation would tell for much in partial operation in this city. tion, and every British, French, Afternoon ball. Belgian, Italian, S rbian soldier in Concert . New York City Marine Band with the Russians. A stranger was discovered last ranks should have news of it Character Studies and Readings DO CTO R Y A M A M O T O It would be well to send him Saturday taking pictures of the the America no longer on the .................. Elsie Mae Gordon « surroundings of the Oregon Elect- way. She’* is arriving, AT CH AU TAU Q U A there in some capacity whenever Admission 55c there is seen an opportunity to trie dejiot Some people c'aim he help those who -land in and the God way Evening Noted Japanese Scholar, Author and resurrect the Russian government. was a Get man spy, while others of making thin a decent world in Grand Concert _________ ___ Lecturer on Japanese-Amer- say he was a real estate agent, which to live! Gen. Miles, while hunting rene­ Ican Relations. New York City Marine Band taking pictuieK to show.the fertil­ gade astride the boundary ity of the soil around Forest Hu*. you by no means get all Mario LoZito, Organizer and Director Dr Yamamoto was educated In the line Indians between and the Grove, as shown by the luxuriant the good that s been done in these Return Engagement Mary Adel Hays, universities of both Japan and the United States, Mexico had occasion to American Soprano United States, has written several au­ caution the troops in his com­ crop of weeds in that neighbor­ Iasi three months withou realiz­ Admission 83c ing in full what Secretary Baker hood. thoritative books on the relations of mand that “a dead Injun was the Tuesday Morning means when he says: ‘The sup­ the two countries, and Is perhaps bet­ be t Injun.” Should he be sent Wilfred F. Smith, state director j plies and equipment in France for Mother Goose '.'hautauqua ter fitted than any other man on the to Russia, I would suggest his of labor, has sent out an appeal 'all our troops sent in are ade­ Afternoon platform to bring this vital subject to slogan be, “A dead Hun is the for more men qualified in ship­ quate and the output of our war Prelude Community Singing Americun audiences. building, farm laborers, loggers j industries in this country is show ............... The Eichhorns, Directors 1 Few subjects are more important in best one.” W. J. R. BEACH. and mill-men, common laborers of i ing marked improvement in prac­ lecture —“ America and Japan" the public mind at the present time all kinds, building trade laborers. tically all lines of necessa-y equip than the one concerning our relations Minosaku Toshi Yamamoto Miss Mills to Work in Polk Wages for common labor are from ! ment anti supply ” Admission 39c $3 60 to $4 50 p. r day while in Adequate supplies and equip- Miss Edna Mills, government Evening the skilled labor line wages run 1 ment for our million of boys over Community Singing emergency food demonstrator, .. The Eichhorns, from $0 88 to $6 60. Mr. Smith j there? What is American ade­ Directors who has heretofore had the coun­ asks that men engaged in non- quacy? The best of eve ything, Popular Lecture— “American Ideals” ties of Washington, Yamhill and essential occupations get jobs that no less! Polk as her territory, for the bal­ ................ ... Mrs. A. C. Zehner will help the war. ance of the year, at least, will de­ Accredited Government Represent­ American men, women, child vote her whole time to Polk ative and one of America's most ren- see what you’ve done wi h With the French and English county Comp'ying to a request celebrating the Fourth of July, your Liberty Loan money, Red Convincing and Pleasing lecturers, j of the Woman’s Committee of the Admission 55c and Uncle Sam and America cele- Cross money, War Stamp money, Council of Defense, the County Wednesday Morning brating the Fr« nch liberty day with your cutting down of wheat Court yesterday agreed to appro­ (July 14), it looks as though a bread, sugar and meat! You have Mother Goose Chautauqua priate from the contingent fund Afternoon federation of the world (the civil- ¡stood behind the boys over there, not to exceed $50 per month for Schubert Serenade« ized portion, at least) was not im- You have a million soldiers over Prelude the balance of the year to defray Lecture “Physical Training”........ possible. O n e hundred a n d there in God’s cause, back-d as no the expenses of Miss Mills’ work Beatrice E. Heskett twenty-nine years ago last Sun- other soldieus on earth are backed, in this county. Her salary is paid Admission 39c day the battle for freedom from in spite of the worst that the Hun Evening by the federal government.—Dal­ French despoti-m was given great vicegerent of the devil could do. las Itemizer. Mother Goose Festival impetus by the fall of the Hastile. Huy bonds, buy stamps, give to Prelude d e r Personal Direction of Red Cross, save, that you may so Un After the fire which damaged “ Mother Goose” The aphis got about all the pea | back other millions of your hus the plant of the Enterprise some vines, so the cannery got no peas bands, sons and brothers Over \ Closing Concert Schubert Serenade« two weeks ago, the editor, S. S. to can, but Manager Stangel looks there. Presenting a Live Program of Pa­ triotic, Popular and Classical Music Or. Minosaku Toshi Yamamoto. Dow, sold his paper to E. H. for a bumper crop of string beans,, ,T p AY<5 Xft and Entertainment. with Japan. And perhaps few subjects Woodward, publi-her of th e which were not bothered by pests., are less understood. It will be n pleas­ Graphic, so Newberg will have The government has asked him to ADV KIM ISE Admission 85c ure at Chautauqua to hear Dr. Mino- but one newspaper. Mr. Dow says Daily Schedule work to full capacity, for Uncle I«ast Thursday morning John snku Toshi Yamamoto, Japanese schol­ he is out of the newspaper game puir of specta Mother Goose Chautauqua ....... 9:30 T Fletcher lost a ar. author and lecturer, discuss these until after the war. cles that cost him $6. After ask- Aiternoon * oncert ................ 2:30 problems from an Impartial stand­ AT THE ing a dozen or more people if they Afternoon Lecture .................. 3:00 point. We deliver ice cream to any had seen (he missing “spec«.” I Evening Concert.... ................... 7:30 part of the city Tell it to phone M r Fletcher bethought him of an Evening Lecture .......................... 8.15, Job printing—phone 821. 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf has the largest and best- housed stock of Building Materials in Washington county. Copeland & McCready Forest Grove Shoe Store DURING July and August Bargain Prices will prevail on Shoes ODDS and ENDS « Sizes mostly 3, 3H, 4 and Low Shoes • $1.85 to $2.35 worth $3.50 to $5.00 If your size is here, get ’em ad in the Express, Three lines of Sends Paper to Her Son type (costing 15c) were required to tell of the lass and within Some friend of Mrs. F. A .' twenty-four hours Mr. Fletcher' Black of American Falls, Idaho, j had recovered the lost spectacles, I sent her a copy of the Forest Mrs J. C. Wilson having found Express and she noticed, them and learned thru the Ex­ Grove that by in advance she press the identity of the owner. could get paying the paper for $1.00. Six dollars for 15c is pretty good Straightway she sat down returns, but lots of other adver­ wrote a letter to the editor, and en­ tisers are getting as good closing $1.00 to have the paper Under date of June 25th. Guy sent her son, Frank D Clark of K. McNutt, cook aboard the U. Dayton, Wash M.s. Black is a S. S. Koenigen Der Nederlander, daughter of Uncle Levi Smith and writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs v',’as born near this city. She was, C. S. McNutt, that he is Nell and I before her marriage to Mr. Black, mntpntffH. in hp Mrs. r. A. Clark. Her present contented. H He p pxnprfA expects to be nrn- pro­ husband was born near this city, moted about July 25th. The let­ on the Black donation land claim, ter was postmarked Balboa, Pan­ and has, l i ke hi s wife, many ama Republic, in the canal zone. The Pacific Market HAS MOVED to its new location, in the Haines Building One Door South of the Postoffice where we are better than ever equipped to supply the public with Meats, Vegetables and Farm and Dairy Products WALTER ROSWURM Phone 0301