r S tesi tom ' IE xiutsh AN IN D E PE N D E N T WEEKLY NEW SPAPER Vol. 3 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 18. 1918 Lady Odd Fellows Install Officers Thresher» Set Prices At a meeting held in Hillsboro, July 12, the Washington County Thresher men association adopted resolutions pledging their support to the Food Administration and favoring the licensing of each machine. T h e object o f the license was to injure proper ad justment of machines so that no grain would be wasted. A schedule of prices was also adopter! for threshing this season. Two schedules were adopter!, one for valley thre-hing and one for the hill section. The valley prices are 4 cen'B for oats. 5 cen s for wheat and “ set jobs” $10. For the hills, 5 cents will be charged for oats, (5 cents for wheat and $14 was decided upon for “ set jobs.” Weights were also set for oats 36 pounds and for wheat 61 pounds. Wages were also discussed but j threshermen favored the paying of going wages and not trying to establish any particular scale. More Yanks Called for War Service Safe “ Over There” No. 28 Chautauqua Agent Quite Optimistic Mrs. Ray T Williams Saturday received a cablegram informing her that her husband, Lieutenant The following m<-n have been Williams, had "arrived safely.” Lowell C. Paget of Portland, Assisted by Mesdamen Temple called by the Washington county The place of arrival was not giv advance man f o r t h e Ellison- ton, Hill, Pogue. Pursonsand Ort- local board to report July 23 a' en, but the cablegram means that White Chautauqua, met with of mun and Mi** Dec Darling, Mrs 10 a m. From the list will be he has landed in Europe, probably ficers of the Forest Grove Chau Carrie Graham, district deputy selected the 81 men who will be in France tauqua association Monday night president of the Rchekah ansem Lieutenant Williams was one of sent to Camp Lewis at 7:36 a. m. and explained a few phases of 200 officers who were sent to [»ly. lust, evening installed the fol on July 24: chautauqua work that have not Ralph E. Winger, Raymond, Wash. France by the war department to been very well understood. Many lowing officers for Forest Itebekah Roy C. Losinger, Grand Rapids,Mich. receive instruction to become di people have thought that, because lodge No. 44: visional instructors and the lieu Agnor Matheaon. Seattle. Mrs. Idu McGill, Noble Grand. tenant’s friends who know him of the heavy financial drains on Lester E. Squires, Washington, D. C. the country for war stamps, Lib Miss Alice Crook, Right Sup best are sure that when the war is Henry G. Weckert, Sherwood. erty Bonds, Red Cross and “ Y ” porter. over, if he is among those spared, Chris Maurer. Jr., Portland. activities, a chautauqua was an Mrs. Rosetta Benfer, Left Sup he will be higher than a lieuten Clarence S. Nelson, Strassel. expensive luxury, but Mr. Paget porter. ant in rank. In a letter to his Clarencp D. Nelson, Srappoose. from I “ Y® K1 *1 4 * 00 * White people Miss Marcia Thatcher, Vice wife and parents, written Montie C. Brickell, Sherwood. m were never able to get chautau- New York on the eve of his d e Grand. William T. Wilson, Portland. parture. Ray stated that the quas started in Canada or Aus- Mrs. Edna R oy . Right Sup Irwian R. Smock, Sherwood. party had a wonderful trip ac oss , tralia until after the war, when porter. Walter Robinson, Hillsboro R. 5. people began to demand enter the continent, traveling in special Mrs. Nora McNamer, Left Sup George Spady, R. 2 Portland. tainment of the kind furnished by porter. Valdemar J. K. P. Bert*Ison, Seattle. trains and enjoying the comforts chautauquas. His company has not always given to soldiers in Harrison M. Hugeson, Beaverton. Miss May Cooper, Treasurer. Just closed a contract with the time of war Miss Anna Tolke, Wa'den. Harley B. LaMont. Forest Grove. ¡Australian government for a cir- Carl C. Curtis, Forest Grove. Miss Mena Tolke, Conductor. CONDENSED NEWS NOTES cuit and he and Drew Pearson, Davkl M. O’ Donnell, Buxton. Mrs. Nettie Austin, Chanlain. --------# manager of our chautauqua, have Edwin R. Kyle. R. 2, Portland. Mrs. Julios Wehiley, Inside Framed Columbia highway received wotd to go to Australia James H. Huchison, R. 3 Banks. Guardian. scenes at the Book Store. in October. The Apollo Concert John C. Rogers. Orenco. Mrs. Mary Hill, Outside Guard A. H. Thomas and family have Company and the Schubert Sere- Felix H. Simon, Jr., Portland. ian. gone to Camas, Wash., for a visit naders, who are on our program, William Huffman, Buxton. The recording secretary, Miss ! with relatives. are among the attractions to go to Robert Sinclair, Hillsboro. Paris, J u l y 17.— Lieutenant Mary Woell, was absent and will The largest line of bathing caps ^ ^ ra*'a, Ray W. Montgomery. R. 3 Banks. be installed later. Quentin Roosevelt, youngest son j in the city is at the VanKoughnet H iJ n v w ^ fh a M 'T B P ^P 1® Firmin J. Langue, R. 4 Hillsboro. Following the business session of ex-President Roosevelt, has & Reder drug store; 25c and up. I n sC f e t^ at ^ aPta,I| M . de David Knowles. Aloha. c, . 7 , 1 Beaufort, who was to lecture here and installation, ice cream and been killed in an air fight, the Charles L. Susbauer, Cornelius. cookies were served The reports .u 3 r>h?-rt V*11* t»n y y ° u can on Saturday, is not the Belgian Arthur J. Michel, h. 2 Hillsboro. get the Dehneator Magazine at a ‘ «Count” he claimed to be; was of officers show the Rebekah semi official Havas News Agency Carl W. Meier, R. 2 Hillsboro. nnce greatly reduced. See A. G. never in the Belgian army and lodge to have grown in member announces. His machine fell into the enemy lines, but appaiently Glen W. Berst. Beaverton. nonman & Co. was neVer wounded, so he has ship, in spite of difficulties. was not in flames when it fell. John A. Bergman, R. 1 Gaston. Mrs. L. G. Morley and her been dropped and Sergeant Major Installed the Knights Sorentis G. Caatoure, Portland. «ister in-law, Mrs. Laura Crow C. N. Smith, 25 years in the Brit- Philip Roosevelt, Quentin’s Carl Desinger, Beaverton. ther of California, visited rela- tish army in India and 3 years on la st Thursday evening W. C. cousin, witnessed the air battle in Deaton D. Lake, Buxton. tives at Dallas Saturday ¡the front in the present war, has Schultz and Carl Brodersen in the vicinity of Chateau-Thierry, Wilbur J. Clapshaw, R. 1, Banks. in which Quentin was engaged Word comes from McMinnville been substituted for the fake s'ailed the following officers for and saw the machine fall, but did Ralph E. Buffum, Forest Grove. that a married man from this •-ec - 1 “ count.” On the program . on Delphos lodge, K. of P .: Paul D. Heller, R. 1 Hillsboro. not know until later that it was tion is in the Yamhill county ja il,' page 3 this lecture is scheduled for W. W Wolf, Chancellor Com- that of his cousin. Rob B. Craver, Gaston. charged with being too familiar Saturday, but it will be given next mander. James B. Gibson. Simonds, Ariz. with a young girl. Particulars Tuesday, in place of Mrs. Zehner, J. R. Giltner, Vice Commander Keeord-Breaking Pack John Koehnke. Cornelius. were not obtainable at this time. who takes the place of the fake A J Demorest. Prelate. John J. Plinth, R. 4 Sherwood. "count” on Saturday. The local cannery closed its A. Kelley, Master of Work Methodist Church Services Clarence W. Haag, Rei-dville. T. A. Burke, secretary of the C. A . Brodersen, K of R. & S pack of cherries Tuesday and a Josef E. Teir, Gales Creek. Sunday School 9:45. Everyone be Portland- Gladstone Chautauqua H. J. GofT, Master of Finance. footing up discloses that the pack there. Clint Shelton, Beaverton. association, telegraphs President C. 0 . Roe, Master of Exchequer. amounted to 150,000 pounds, as Alfred Johansen, West Timber. Morning worship 11:00. We want it Williams of the Forest Grove as against 48.000 last season. Con Henry Fogel, Master at Arms. Charles F. Eberly, Banks. to be church-going Sunday morning. sociation, at his own expense, that sidering the shortage of the cher A O. Killin. Inside Guard. Howard Miltenberger, La Pine, Ore. Members will be received into the the program which comes to For ry crop this season, the record is A. A. LaMont, Outer Guard Frederick Brakelbush, Hillsdale. i church at that service. At least three est Grove was given at the Glad one of which Managt-r Stangel i families will be presented then. Come stone chautauqua grounds and is, Millard G. Morley, Forest Grove. Patriotic Meeting Last Sunday may well feel proud. He has lost I and welcome them to our fellowship. Earl Cook. Cornelius. without exception, the best pro The Knights of Pythias and so much sleep, however, that his Herbert A. Weik, Hillsboro. Epworth League 7:00. gram that has been seen at the their families from many of the weight has fallen off perceptibly. William F. Holtz. R. 2 Cornelius. Class meeting 7:30. Gladstone chautauqua during the The plant was given an over towns in Washington county Oscar Nelson, R. 1 Scappoose. No evening service on account o f the past twenty-five years. He es gathered at Cornelius city park hauling yesterday, preparatory to Wallace J. Hanson, R. 1 Hillsboro. Chautauqua program. pecially commends the patriotic last Sunday for an outing and beginning on beans today or t o - ; Paul Jacobson. R. 1 Banks. Prayer service Thursday 8 p. m. features of the program. patriotic meeting. Grand Chan morrow. Bernard Holboke, R. 2 Portland. You are welcome. Tickets are going nicely, many cel or I^slie Crouch of Portland Daniel Schuh. Cornelius. JOHN H. EBERT. Pastor. Mrs. Q. H. Baldwin and two people who have never before pur oelivered the principal address, sons left yesterday for Newport; Alford G. Hohmann. R. 2 Cornelius. chased having arrived at the con Congregational Church which is said to be a masterpiece to spend a few weeks recupirat Albert T. Gritzmacher, Orenco. clusion that they want to hear Mr. Patten will speak in the morning of patriotic elocution. Speeches ing. George P. Helm, R. 4 Hillsboro. first-hand information about the on the question: “ I f we cannot get were also made by Tom Talbott j Peter Borgen, Linnton. war. Major Smith can give them along without the CHURCH; and if of Cornelius, C. A. Brodersen of W n r r ie f n r Clarence Geiger, Cornelius. that information. we cannot endure it as it is, what are this city, and Knight Zimmerman UUUU TTUIua 1UI Benhard Krug, Portland. The local association has ar we going to do about it?” of North Plains Mayor John Robert C. Herr, Gaston, ranged to have chairs instead of Next Sunday night we shall join in Wall of Hillsboro was toastmaster. lis t e r H. Lindsay, Sherwood. the hard, rough boards which the Chautauqua Vesper service; but on The affair was not properly ad Herman J. Woell, Portfend. While Miss Langley’s Chautau heretofore been used, so Sunday evening, July 28, we shall have have vertised or there would have been Chester F. Benefiel, Banks. qua company was at Lebanon last our Union Open-Air service again, in those who attend will be more a much better attendance. Charles Carlson, Beaverton. comfortable. • front of Marsh Hall. n ,. „ . ., r . v . week. Miss Langley couldn’ t re William D. Haskell, Forest Grove. Don t rorget the lounty Fair sist the temptation to .dip away A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. Remember, chautauqua opens Sam Schlegel, Little Rock. Now is the time to make selec- Thursday io come to the home of tomorrow at 2:30. All money for Albert L. Adolphson, Portland. tions of grain for the fair. Do her mother in this city for a ¡season tickets must be in the Frank Sester, Portland. not put it off because you think it home-cooked dinner. Miss Lang- Harry M. Saxton, R. 2 Hillsboro. The water in the city reservoir First' National bank by closing Get is not good enough; it may be the ley’s company opens at H llsboro John Sohler, Forest Grove. is very low. just about enough fo r; hour .. tomorrow , . . afternoon. , .. best in the county this year, and today, but she will not have Michael J. Brady, Portland. household use, and consumers are y ° ur l,cktU and Pa> for them- do not be afraid of having too cha'-ge of the chautauqua which Crue H. Ohler, Buxton. asked to observe the sprinkling Y. M. C. A. Needs More Men opens here tomorrow However, large a sample. Harry Maxwell, R. 3 Banks. regulations, limiting sprinkling to F. F. Runyon, associate secre John M. Vogel, R. 2 Cornelius. Select several bundles of the she has written the editor a letter, the hours from 6 to 9 a. m and tary of the National War Work William C. Lepschat, R. 3 Banks. best grain and make a large sheaf stating that the company which 6 to 9 p. m. Please use as little comes to Forest Grove is one of Council of the Y . M. C. A., with Ernest F. Herr, Gaston. from this selected grain. water as possible, until after the the best on the road and she es headquarters at 502 First Nation Paul C. Beringer, R. 3 Sherwood. Washington county has the next rain. al Bank building, San Francisco, Arnold G. Classen, Beaverton. reputation of having the righest pecially urges the people to hear W ATER COM M ITEEE writes to ask the Express to send Elmer C. Beik, Huber. county, agriculturally, there is in Mrs. A C. Zehner, who lectures Of City Council. out an appeal for red-blooded Orval C. French, Forest Grove. the slate and the place to prove Saturday evening on "American Ideals.” Miss Langley says "each men, over draft age, of good Louis J. Wirfs, Buxton. it is at the county fair. Notice day’s program is as good as the moral character, who are willing Benjamin F. l.uttrell, R. 1 Banks. N . C. JAMISON, Beginning Monday, July 15th, day before and the next day is io go "over there” to help amuse George D. Snyder, San Francisco. County Agent. the Pacific Market will discon still better,” if you know what and entertain the Yank soldiers. Arthur C. Wahl, Gaston. tinue delivery and credit systems, The officers of the Commercial that means. He says the " Y ” must have 4,000 Frank Murphy, Mountaindale. owing to scarcity of labor. We club are still busily engaged in men by Sept. 1st and 5,000 more Following is the program for On August 5th Washington feel this move a patriotic duty to trying to have some of the empty the six days: by fall. He expects Forest Grove county will take thirteen men our customers, as well as to our houses in this city fiiled by fam to furnish its quota. Friday Morning, July 19 from those who have become of selves, and will adopt a system of ilies who cannot get houses in Opening Exercises Invocation age since June 5th, 1917, and lower prices for cash only— pay Will Crabtree was seven miles Portland, but the difficulty of Important Announcements ............ send them ,to Camp Fremont, ing you a good commission for beyond Vancouver Sunday and getting low railroad fares between ........ Superintendent and Story Lady Calif. The total quota for the coming after your goods. Thank brought back with him 900 two- the two towns has so far blocked Concert Apollo Concert Company state is 400. ing customers for past patronage months-old White Leghorn pul all efforts to accomplish the de Readings and Impersonations ....... and hoping for a continuance of lets for his hennery. He reports sired end. ................................ Josephine Beasley Ray Reeves of Gaston yester the same, we remain, spring grain about petered out Admission, 39c day took out a license in Portland Oh, Gir-ruls! Have you seen Yours for business, • around Vancouver, where the to marry Ollie Grabeel of Port the Coveralls for ladies and child Organizing Mother Goose Chautauqua sandy soil refuses to hold mois THE PACIFIC M A R K E T, land. (Continued on Page 3) ren at Anderson’s store? First door south of postoffice. ture. Hun Devils Kill Quentin Roosevelt the Chautauqua Don’t Waste Water f