Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 3 Forest drove, Ore., Thursday, Juyl 11, 1918. No. 27 Mrs. Anna Hogue returned Sat­ NOTES AND PERSONALS' urday from a visit at Seattle. Mis« Marjorie Forbis visited Sam Walker was called to Hills­ friends in this city Saturday. boro Tuesday as witness in a law­ For your dress shoes or summer suit. At a recent meeting of the ex­ work shoes, see A G. Hoffman & Mr. and Mrs J. G. Lenneville ecutive committee of the Wash­ Co. We can fit you out of our Sunday had as dinner guests Miss ington County Fair Association, large stock. Audrey Tour of Oregon City and matters pertaining to the location the fair this year were dis­ Mrs. H R. Bernard left Tues­ Mis* Sadie McCoy of this city. of and a selection of manager day for an extended visit with Miss Bertha Hollevoet and Mr. cussed her daughter, Mrs. Norris Rogers, föhn Morrow of Portland spent was made. from the majority of at McMinnville. Sunday at the Hollevoet home the Letters directors the fair associa­ west of town Miss Bertha is tak­ Dr. duy Via of Buxton was in | ing a course in telegraphy at a tion w re read of regarding the loca­ the city Monday, to welcome the Portland college. tion of the fair this year and all little daughter who cam«- to the expressed their approval of the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Glenn Makin (nee Mona action of the executive commits Kuhnie. Mallory), who is visiting her hus­ in selecting Forest Grove as the e Always somethin« new. Be band’s folks, in the Laurelwood place for holding the fair. visiter! Forest Grove sure you see our new line of fancy district, H. Jones of Beaverton, who sweaters; just what you want to friend« Tuesday. Mr. Makin is has R had previous experience man­ wear in the evening. A. G. Hoff­ serving Uncle Sam in the navy. aging fairs, was selected to man­ man & Co. Mr. and Mrs E. U. Cate of age the Washington County fair Mrs. A. A. Hall returned Fri­ Hood River visited friends in this j this year. Mr Jones successfully day from Newport, where she city Tuesday, Mrs Cate return­ managed the Wallowa fair two had been for two weeks, as chap­ ing home in the evening and her years ago. erone for Misses Lucile West and hu-band going to Rainier, where With the selection of the man­ Flizabeth Higby. he has a few more people clamor­ ager, the directors feel that affairs ing for Chevrolet cars. are rounding into such shape as Bernard Ortman of the Thatch er distiict reports so many prunus Mr. and Mrs W.C. Emmerson, to make a successful fair this fall. N. C JAMISON, on hi- trees that, there is dangei their sons, daughters and grand­ • County Agent. of the trees breaking, unless more children spent the Fourth at a of the fruit falls than has l>een family reunion and picnic, held in Another Mole Pelt Pool falling so lar Naylor’s grove. There were about Owing number of At a meeting of the republican twenty in the party and all ap­ pelts that to the the boy large and girl trap­ state central committee held in peared to have a good time. pers have accumulated during Portland la-t Saturday, Tho*. Gale Grange held a good meet­ past few weeks, another pool the of Tongue of Hillsboro was elected Satu day, with Worthy Mas­ i mole pelts will be made during chairman. It was decided to of ing ter F. J. Lewis presiding One the week of July 15 to 20. fer women an important part in application was read and one can­ Mole pelts may be mailed or the next political campaign and a didate balloted Quarterly re­ brought totheofficeof the County number of women were placed on ; port showed an on. increa-e of seven during that time, and the important committees. members. It was decided to make Agent, lot will be sold to the firm By pouring a can of milk on a Grange exhibit at the County offering then the best the flaming auto. Lawrence Pierce P’air this fall. A committee to ar­ In the last pool prices. 1760 pelts were Monday afternoon saved the ma range for the exhibit was appoint­ disposed of at. a fraction chine of a Portland man. whose ed, with' R. B. Newton as chair­ less than 30 cents each of and a cent engine caught fire while the ma man. No program was given, but expected that they may be it dis­ is chine was traveling the Gales an especially good one will be posed of to a better advantage at Creek road, near the Vic Doman prepared for the August meeting this time, as the pelts are in bet­ place. The owner paid Lawrence As agent for the Phoenix In ter condition and are being hand- $2 for the spilt milk and another surance company of Hartford, , led better. dollar for towing him to town Judge W. H. Hollis last week Care must be taken by the J W. Brewer, federal farm turned over to the officers of the shipper to see that the pelts are labor agent for Oregon, accom Forest Grove Planing Mill com­ strung together on a string and panied by his deputy, Oscar Bald­ pany a check for $500, as pay­ tagged with name and address. win, and wife visiter! at the Harve ment in full of a policv on the From the last sale of pelts, Baldwin home in this city Sun­ machinery destroyed by the fire of are on hand for the follow­ day, following an inspection of June 21st. The loss was consid­ i checks ing: S. Holbank, Cbas. Farmer, the camps at the various berry erable more than the policy, so Grant Boyd, Gerber and O. patches in this section. Thev the company elected to pay the Coe. These Joe will f o u n d sanitary conditions in amount of the policy, instead of parties will advise as be to sent their out ad­ if Washington county very good, replacing the damaged machinery. N. C. JAMISON, especially at the Buchanan camp, The ruof of the building has been dress. County Agent. where a number of Forest Grove repaired and the company is again society ladies and Portland school manufacturing fruit boxes, berry Public sale bills printed at the girls have been picking berries. crates, etc. Express office. The County Fair Manager Selected