We Will Exchange Your Bonds Without charge, this bank will attend to making an exchange of 3 H per cent and 4 per cent Liberty Bonds for 4*4 percent Liberty Bonds. These changes must be made before Novem­ ber 9th, this year. The First National Bank of Foreat Grove M CM M M P l O f MAL M tSCRVC SYSTEM A Strong Bank in a good town NOTES AND PERSONALS M rs. James Nichols visited CONDENSED NEWS NOTES friends in town yesterday. TANLAC sold only by Littler’s Harry Underhill of David’s hill had business in town yester­ Pharmacy. day. Typewriters f o r rent at Ihe 21-tf Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dixon arrived Book Store. We deliver ice cream to any last week from Wheeler and will part of the city. Tell it to phone remain in this city a few days. 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf Harry Giltner, his mother-in- Going on your vacation? See law, Airs. W. A. Williams, and the letter’s sister, are enjoying an A. G. Hoffman & Co. about the outing at a camp on the Wilson suit case or traveling bag that you need. Our prices are right. river. During the next ten days the Vernon V. Gould of Newberg, son of Rev. and Mrs. H. Gould Stith & Jones millinery parlors of Marshfield, and a former resi­ will offer very attractive bargains dent of Forest Grove, is now in in trimmed summer hats The Uncle Sam’s service, stationed at best hat in the house for $5; oth­ ers for even less. Alust reduce Vancouver barrack-«. stock. A liss Alclntyre’s old M rs. H. R. Bernard was oper­ stand, First avenue, north. ated on at the McMinnville hos­ This morning’s Oregonian con­ pital yesterday and her daughter, Mrs. Rogers, last evening tele­ veys the information that a mar­ phoned Air. Bernard that the riage license was issued at Van patient was getting along nicely. corner to Emmett Aloody of Port and and Irma Quick of the same Clem Kslinger, a sailor on the place. Aliss Quick was for seven battleship North Dakota and a years an at the local son of Air. and Airs. Arthur Es- telephone operator exchange several linger, living in the David's hill months ago entered the and employ district, arrived Tuesday for a a Portland telephone company. of visit with his parents Job printing—phone 821. TANLAC at Littler’s Phar­ Notice Dispatches from the battle- macy. front in France state that Lieut. Beginning Alonday, July 15th, Joe Wiles received another car­ Quentin Roosevelt, youngest son the Pacific Alarket will discon­ load of Chevrolet cars Tuesday. of Teddy, yesterday brought tinue delivery and credit systems, down a Hun airman, eight miles owing to scarcity of labor. We Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and inside the German lines. feel this move a patriotic duty to Natureopath. Office at A St. & our customers, as well as to our­ 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Aliss Helen C. Bishop, who has selves, and will adopt a system of We deliver ice cream to any been teaching in the Connecticut lower prices for ca*h only—pay­ Agricultural college, has wired her part of the city. Tell it to phone parents, Dr and Airs. J. S. ing you a good commission for 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf Bishop, that she has been accept coming after your goods. Thank­ Just received a new line of Bus ed for service in France and will ing customers for past patronage ter Brown Shoes for children. arrive shortly for a brief visit and hoping for a continuance of the same, we remain, First; because of the last. A. G with her parents. Hoffman & Co. Yours for business, At the Community Service on THE PACIFIC MARKET. The members of the Burling' the College campus, at 7:00 p. m. First door south of post office. ham family took an auto trip to Sunday the G.A. R. Fife and Drum Hood River last Tuesday and corps will play some patriotic Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware spent a very enjoyable day on airs, Mrs. F. W. Jones will sing a at the Gordon Hardware Store. the trip. new song, “ My Own America,” Ex-Governor West has enlisted and Mr. Patten will give an for war service and left Sunday address on “The Democracy of for Washington, where he will Christ.” have a conference with Chairman Mr. and Mrs. Everett McAlear Hurley of the shipping board be­ of Hillsboro Tuesday took the fore departing for France to join latter’s grandparents, Mr. and the engineers. Mrs. D. N. Morris of this city, in England, during the h eight Ladies, you may pick any up the Columbia highway as far o f O th ver e m e a t sh o rtag e and before the trimmed summer hat in our store as Cascade Locks. Mr. and Mrs. populace w as p u t on rations, they sold for $5.00 during the next ten Morris enjoyed the trip very bones ra te o f five pounds fo r one days. Some made to sell at $10 much and were particularly in­ shilling. a t the Policem en reg u la te d long We have more than 50 from terested in the locks. lines of people, p atien tly stan d in g on which to select. Stith & Jones, E. F. Parcell, field man for the the sidew alks, w aiting, n o t fo r th e ir Miss McIntyre’s old stand milk condenser, was quite badly, fav o rite m atinee idol to pass, b u t fo r Miss Helen McE downey thinks but not seriously injured Alon- chance to e n te r a food shop and buy her grandpa, Charley Russell, has day afternoon, when his auto a sm all q u a n tity o f food. I t ta k e s the finest line of shoes in Forest struck a rock, swerved off the ab o u t th re e m inutes fo r th e shop k eep ­ Grove, but she doesn’t like the road and overturned. The acci­ e rs to d ress th e ir windows o v er th ere, way he and his male clerk have dent occurred near the School­ m erely because th ere are, perh ap s b u t been looking after the dear little craft place, up Dilley way, and a few cans of condeused milk and a shoes, so she is spending the week the machine was quite badly box or tw o of corned b e e f to be dis­ rearranging the stock. warped. Mr. Parcell was able to played. be at the condenser yesterday, Y et over here in A m erica, bones, Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware but he looked like he had gone nay, even fa ts and precious scrap s of through a siege of trench warfare. m eat are going into th e g a rb a g e pails! at the Gordon Hardware Store. They Were Selling Bones for Food in England Anyone Can Keep Warm these days, but it’s a real art to keep cool. However, we’ve solved the problem for you in our light-weight Underwear. They not only give a maximum of comfort, but are ex­ tremely reasonable in price. Come in today and let us show YOU how to keep cool at a price that will be a pleasant sur­ prise. See the beautiful patterns and fabrics ^ in Men’s Shirts, in flat collars, military, band with soft.and laundered cuffs. W Y k v lr ▼ Y U I I V O lIII to PRESIDENT WILSON SAYS : ‘‘The work the Chautauqua is doing has not lost im­ portance because of war, but rather has gained new oppor­ tunities for service. Let me express hope that you will let no discouragement weaken your activities, and that the people will not faiI to sup|>ort a patriotic institution thut may be said to be an integral purt of our national defenae. ‘"IiOt the work continue throughout 1918 as never before. WOODROW WILSON.” December 14, 1917. “ Four-Ninety” Touring Price $795.00 at Forest Grove L -------- ■ — — — To the very smallest detail, the Chevrolet reflects the ideals of the makers to produce a really high-grade car at a popular price. That the Chevrolet is more commonly compared with cars selling at much higher prices is justification for the conscientious effort of its manufacturer. The new model Chevrolet "Four Ninety” Touring car and Roadster attain a standard of excellence un­ common to cars at these prices. This is a claim we would be delighted to prove—we could ask no greater favor than to do so. Would you have a good-looking car? The Chevro­ let has it in full measure. Would you have strength? Vanadium steel is used wherever unusual strength is required. Would you have comfort? Proper spring suspension, together with comfortable upholstering and roominess, meet your comfort-wishes to the fullest degree. Would you have power and low upkeep? The wonderful valva-in-head motor, with which each Chev­ rolet is equipped, provides power far in excess of or­ dinary requirement or emergency; and the direct-appli- cation-of-power principle insures maximum power on minimum fuel. Twenty-five miles per gallon is a com­ mon thing for this Chevrolet. And the car is FULLY equipped. Suppose you let us demonstrate that we have not overstated the Chevrolet quality. Wiles & Sohler Distributers for Washington, Yamhill and Columbia Counties FOREST GROVE, OREGON AT THE Khaki, Cotton, Worsted and Work Trousers Moleskin ............. $2.00 to $5.00 Khaki, Grey, Blue with Grey stripe. They Union-Alls are real clothes-savers. Work or street w e a r; Mule Skin and Scout Shoes Styles; Tennis Shoes. Going to have that Summer Made-to-order Suits Suit made to measure ? Forest Grove Shoe Store DURING July and August Bargain Prices will prevail on Shoes When we sell you a suit it must be right in every detail or you are under no obligation to take it. You must be satis­ fied. Come in and look over our big selection. No trouble to show goods. $17.50 and up. Men’s Furnishings and Shoes Caples Block FOREST GROVE k _______ « A lthough in m any cities th e re w ere long lines of people w aitin g la st w in ter fo r coal, th ere w ere no pinch-faced mobs pleading for food. T rue, th e re Congregational Church Mel hodist Church Services are freq u en tly long lines o f people on Mr. F a tte n will preach Sunday m o rn ­ Sunday School 9:4.r>. th e s tre e ts, b u t m ostly th ey a re buying M orning w orahip 11:00. S u b je c t o f tic k e ts to the show s ! In th e busy ing on “ The Mission o f C hriat and the s tre e ts in tow ns and cities, shop-keep­ Church in P roducing C h a ra c te r and in te re a t to you. Come and find out. C itizenship.” E pw orth L eague 7:00. ers display elab o rate a rra n g e m e n ts of Claas m eeting 7:30. A. B. P A T T E N , P aator. all kinds of delicacies in th e ir show E vening aervice 8:00. se windows. T hey would scorn a Airs. Ray Giltner has received T he Foreign and H om e Miaaionary “ d isp lay ” o f corned beef and condens­ a letter from her brother, I/)uis aocietiea m et a t th e hom e o f Mra. A. ed milk. Alunkers. with the . American ex- ,G ' Hoffman W edneaday fo r th e pur- . . . , r , i , E ngland and F rance can n o t feed our ped It ionary forces in England, to p,,8e of p rep arin g g arm e n ta for the soldiers. The food sh o rta g e is real. , the effect that by t h e ^ t i m e t h e , Belgian refugees. Save food and “ C arry O n .” letter reached Forest Grove he P ra y e r aervice T hursday 8 p. m. would have taken as his wife an You are welcome. English girl. J O H N H. E B E R T , P aator. ....... 75c to $L25 C. E. ROY & CO. -------i ■M « An Individual Car-- ®,ue an(* Grey Chambrey and Biack Sateen . ODDS and ENDS SCHULTZ'S » STORE (U . S. Food A dm inistration License No. G 34147) Phone 061 Sizes mostly 3, 3 A, 4 and 4} j. Low Shoes $1.85 to $2.35 worth $3.50 to $5.00 If your size is here, get ’em l Airs. May A. Thomas left Tues­ day for New York city, where she expects to reside for a time.