The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 11, 1918, Image 7

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President Wilaon Approve» Han lo West to Make Hpeedy Delivery to Meet
Take Over All Hyetrmn.
War Time Demand».
Thi* city of (llftiduln. Or., has pur-
chu»<d with civic funds 600 war snv-
I i i k m atampa.
The flrat fire In thn Hlualaw forest
thla season waa reported to the Eu.ene
office Friday. It occurred near l»o n
lake Monday and wua extinguished
without aerloua damage to the timber.
Klali at the aluto aalmon egg atatlona
are found In larger numbora than In
any yeur alnce operation» were atarted
according to Ii report which haa Juat
been filed with tlovernor Wlthycombe
by Master Flah Warden It. K. Clanton.
Until further notice all Insane pa
tlenta committed from Multnomah
couuty will be aent to the eaatern Ore­
gon hoapltal at I’endleton, rather than
to the main Inatltutlon In Haleru. Thla
waa ordered by the atate board of con­
Mlaa Merle Hamilton, of Itoaeburg,
the populur and charming daughter of
Judge J w. Hamilton, of the circuit
court, haa arrived In Newport and will
occupy the poaltlon of baggage solid-
tor for the Crowdla Tranafer company
on the Newport train thla cummer.
The I'eavey, official organ of the
Hilda, Ynqutna and Alaea dlvlalona of
the apruce production dlvlaton, bureau
of aircraft production, made Ita up
IM-arnnce Haturday. It la publlahed
weekly by the men engaged In the
work and distributed free to all In the
George W. Sperry, aged 75 yeara, a
realdent of Gold Hill 25 yeara and a
veteran of the Civil War. nerving aa a
private In Company G, r.lghth cavalry.
New York volunteers. waa adjudged
Inaane and taken to the Oregon Inaane
anylutn Tuesday. Infirmities of age
and recent loaa of hla wife were causes
of the breakdown.
WaahlfiKton, D. C. Legislation to
authorize government control and oper­
ation of telegraph and telephone ays
teina during the war waa approved
Wedneaday by President Wilaon and
lead era at the Capitol prepared for Its
Immediate conalderatton with a view
to action If poaalble before emigres
atonal roceaa thla week.
Hecrelarles Baker and Daniels and
Postmaster General Burleson, all of
whom have Indorsed the pending bill
by Itepreaentative Aawell, of l^oulal-
ana proposing thla authority, were
Invited to appear before the house In­
terstate commerce committee.
The president's statement was In a
note to Chairman Hlma, of the com ­
mittee, approving a letter from Post­
master General Burleson. There waa
no direct reference In any of the cor­
respondence to the call aent out by the
Commercial Telegrapher»' Union fo r a
strike of Western Union operators on
July 8.
Mr. Burleson, however, wrote that
he deemed tho legislation necessary
"at thla moment when paralysis of a
large part of the system of electrical
communication la threatened with pos
slide consequences prejudicial to our
military preparations and other public
activities that might prove disastrous.”
Tacoma.—Fir lumber manufacturers
Has Not Been Abandoned.
of Oregon and Washington In conven­
tion here Haturday pledged themselves
to furnish at least 600 cars of airplane May Be Prominent Among the Fall
Stylee, According to a Recent
fir por month to the government cut-up
Statement From Paris.
plant at Vancouver, Wash., and to
speed solid trainloads of cantonment
The frock here shown Is a copy of
stock to eastern destinations In record
one of the latest Paris models, de-
signed by a famous French costumer
While the meeting waa In session nnd brought over bv one of the fore-
telegrams were received from Wash­ most American importer*. It was de­
ington, D. C., advising that the gov­ veloped, ns originally shown. In white
ernment requirements for the next few nnd navy satin, with embroidery In a
months, exclusive of the airplane re­ dull, rich red. This frock was one of
quirements, will aggregate 170,000,000 the surprises of the French showing,
feet of fir. Of this quantity orders for a fashion writer stntes, as It served
60.000. 000 feet of cantonment stock for to put n question mark after the re­
use at Battle Creek, Mich., at Rockford, iterated statement that straight line,
and at Des Moines. Iowa, already
have been placed with the fir produc­ chemise-type garments were out of
tion board. Additional orders to be the running this year, and thttt a waist-
placed within the next few weeks will line Indication abou* this frock Is the
call for 60,000,000 foet for refrigerator result of the fabric combination, and
cars, 26,000,000 for the navy and 35,- certainly that Is not sufficient to make
000,000 for construction of Daugherty one blind to the fact that It Is a
type vessels In eaatern shipyards.
straight chemlsellke garment, touch­
To meet the suggestion of compet­ ing the figure practically only at the
ing lumber producing districts that shoulders.
the fir manufacturers might not be
This may possibly be a forerunner
able to make deliveries on time, the
what full will show in the line-np
meeting decided to make up solid train
loads every day for fast train dispatch of clothes. If the statement of recent
across the continent. In addition every date from Purls that straight lines will
operator pledged himself to give per­ be the thing for fall may be taken as
sonal attention to the forwarding of correct.
airplane stock from his mill.
The «.own shown may be made a
At the rate of delivery promised by slipover. If desired; but It would be
the manufacturers the Vancouver plant easier to fusblon and more easily put
will be able to cut 9,000,000 feet of air­
plane stock a month. Major Everett G. on If fastened In the center back, and
Griggs, In charge of fir airplane pro­ the fabric selection may be varied to
duction for the signal corps, assured suit the Individual taste, complexion
the meeting that at this rate the de­ nnd season.
The skirt, as will be noted. Is a
mands of the United States and allied
governments would be met.
graceful, ankle-length and this gen-
Ixrndon.—A German submarine 70
miles from the Irish coast on the
W arm weather has brought about
night of June 27 torpedoed the 11,000-
charming creation in feminlna
ton hoapltal ship Llandovery Castle,
pajamas, where sleeves have been dis­
chartered by the Canadian government
carded in the Interest of comfort. W el­
and In the service of carrying wounded
come, too, la the extreme lightnesa of
and sick from England to Canuda.
The ahlp waa then on her way to
the material, which will be conducive
A young deer with three lega waa England. Hhe had on board 258 per­
to coolnesa in the bummer. Myriads
captured by John Pitney, a North Bend sons, 80 men of the Canadian army
of tiny tucks and plentiful use of fine
tobacco dealer, Thursday, while he waa medical corps and 14 women nurses.
val lace lend pleasing relief to these
driving through the timber near Sun­
Only 24, Including the captain, are
pajamas of flesh-color crepe de chine.
set bay, 14 miles west of the city. The reported saved. The attack waa with­
Wheat^— Bulk basis, Portland for
deer, which la about alz weeks old. haa out warning.
Satin ribbon drawn under the tucka
No. 1 grade; Hard wheat— Bluestem,
only one bind leg. It la, however, ac
about the waist suggests a slender
Thn submarine commander, who or­ Early Bart, Allen Galgulus, Martin
live and natural In appearance and dered the captain, several of hla of
form otherwise, and the loaa of the leg fleers and Major Lyon, of the medical Amber, $2.05. Soft white — Palouse
through freaklahneaa of nature does corps abroad, said he sank the ahlp Bluestem, Fortyfold, White Valley,
not uppear aerloualy to handicap the because ahe was carrying American ¡Gold Coin, White Russian,
gette and other sheer fabrics are de­
veloped for summer, with wide ribbon
| aviation officers and others In the i White Club — Little Club, Jenkins'
ting service of the allies. He added jClub, White Hybrids, Sonora, $2.01.
■mshes In blending or contrasting col­
Vick llroa. of Salem have Juat pur­
chased 1000 of the new "Fordaon" Ford Inter that the vessel waa carrying Red W alls—Red Russian, Red Hy­
or as their accompaniment. One In­
tractor» for use in Oregon. George F. munition stores, because of an explo­ brids, Jones Fife, Coppci, $1.98. No.
teresting feature is the great quantity
Vick, of the firm, left for Detroit re­ sion which occurred aft.
| 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6c less.
o. navy ribbon used. Where black was
All llghta were burning when the Other grains handled by samples.
cently and hla brother Charles has re­
formerly employed navy has been sub­
ceived a wire from him of the pur­ | Llandovery Castle was torpedoed.
Flour -Patents, $10; valley, $9.60;
chase. It la understood 175,000 cash
iwhole wheat, $9.60; graham. $9.20;
waa paid aa earneat money for the over the bridge and strings of white barley flour, $11 per barrel; rye flour
purchase, wi Ich represent» a total out­ nnd green lights on either side. The $115211.40 per barrel; corn flour,
lay of about 9750,000. The first car­ red crosses on the aides of the veasel
load of the big shipment la expected to
Net frocks for wee girls have sashes
MiIIfeed — Net millfeed prices, car
According to Bed Cross Information,
arrive about August 1.
of net.
many were killed in the engine room lots: Bran. $30 per ton; shorts, $32;
Dyed panama Is a feature o f the
With harvest commenced in some There la hardly any doubt of thla. aa milddings, $39; mixed cars and less
new millinery.
parts of nearly every district In the there was no response to Captain Syl­ than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley,
Umatilla country grain proapecta still vester's signals from the bridge after j$74©75; rolled oats, $69.
Silks nnd metal ribbons appear In
look very good. It la principally bar­ , the torpedo struck.
floral patterns.
ley that Is being cut at this time but
As the engine men were either killed
Afternoon dresses often have flaring
wheat harvest will follow Immediate­ nr left their posts, there was no one land: Eastern Oregon timothy, $325i
ly. and. In some districts It la already | to shut off the power, and the ahlp ¡33 per ton; valley timothy, $275/28;
Homespun Is a good choice for an
under way. The farmers are finding kept on her way, notwithstanding the | alfalfa, $240/24.'• i valley grain hay,
everyday coat.
their yields better, aa they go Into the great holes torn by the torpedo, not $245/26; clover, $21; straw, $95/10.
Sunbonnets are in great vogue for
fields, than they expected a few week» beginning to slow down until the water
Butter—Cubes, extra, 41Jc; prime
, small girls.
ago. the grain apparently having filled rushed Into the boiler room, extin­ firsts, 43Jc; prints, extras, 48c; car­
well within the paat week or so.
General utility coats are made of
guishing the fires.
tons, lc extra, butter fat, No. 1, 47c
Scotch mixtures.
Thla added to the confusion In per pound.
G. B. Vlets, i uperlntendent for the launching the lifeboats. There was no
The present mode In hairdressing
Eggs — Oregon ranch, curren^re­
American Hallway Expre-s company panic. By the time the ship lost her
demands height.
at Portland, haa made personal appll - 1 momentum most of the boats were ceipts, 38J5/39c; candled, 40©41c;
The high-crowned tailor hat Is In
ration for a 10 per cent Increase In In­ over the side.
selects, 42c per dozen.
, evidence.
terstate express rates, it b Ing under- f Many were unable to reach the
Poultry — Hens, 235125c; broilers,
stood that as to all commission-made boats and the ship was sinking rapidly. 285130c; roosters, $165/ 17c; ducks,
Straight-front Jackets of the blazer
rates hearings will be held, with all They jumped Into the sea and a few geese and turkeys, nominal.
type are seen.
Interested given a chance to be heard wore picked up.
The latest handbags are made with
Veal—Fancy, 16c per pound.
In-fore the rates become effective. Aa j One of tho boats of the hospital
frames of wood.
to other than commission-made rates, ship Llandovery Castle, containing 12
The newest corsets hnve Philippine
Fruits — Strawberries, $2.505/3.50
following the statutory provision».* 1 nursing sisters, was seen to capsize,
for decoration.
they will be subject to attack at any according to latest Information. The
cantaluopes, $1.50 per crate; goose­
time on the part of the commission or sisters were drowned.
Chemise Type Frock of Navy and
of any shipper. Anysone having at
berries. 55/)6c per pound; apricots,
Spring Clothes.
White Satin.
complaint will be privileged to take i
$2.355/2.50; watermelons, 45/4 ic per
The new clothes are rife with novel
the question up.
eral rule for skirt length is applied Ideas. Although there is no striking
Vegetables—Tomatoes, $2.25©2.50 to virtually nil the suits nnd dresses change In the silhouette, many fea­
John L. Hlsley, who received the
per crate; cabbage, 2 i© 3 }c pound; shown for spring and summer.
democratic nomination as one of the
tures are even more Interesting than
lettuce, $2.505/3 per crate; cucumbers,
representatives from Clackamas coun­
The sash belt, with ends tied at one usual. With rare good taste the de­
$1.25///2 per dozen; garlic, 7c; celery, side. Is a pretty feature of this frock. signers have shown patriotism by ad­
ty. ha» notified Secretary Olcott that
he refuses to accept.
Washington, D. C.— Reduction of $3 per crate; peppers, 255/35c per Incidentally, ' may be noted thnt hering to the straight line— thus se­
$108.196,836 In the operating income pound; rhubarb, 4c per pound; aspara­ sashes of all kinds ;re the vogue this curing conservation of material—nnd
The state examining board started nf 123 of the largest railroads dur­
work at Salem Wednesday examining ing the first five months under gov­ gus, $2.50 per crate; spinach, 55/6c per season. Quaint dresses o f white nnd have made the new models more than
several thousand papers from several ernment control, compared with the pound; peas, 105/12Jc per pound; colored voiles, of dotted swiss, geor- usually charming.
hundred applicants who took examina­ same period a year ago, was an­ beans, 15c per pound.
Sack Vegetables — Carrots, $2 per
tions for teachers’ certificates last nounced Wednesday by the Interstate
sack; turnips, $1.85; parsnips, $1.25; FLOWERED TOQUE IS REVIVED | ting model set off with two slender
commerce commission.
upstanding wings. A fine mesh veil
In May the roads were beginning beets. $2.25.
Miss Margaret Tallman of Corvallis
Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $1© Blossom-Bedecked Headgear Is Much j with a heavy velvet scroll completed
was instantly killed Tuesday morning, to recover from the paralyzing ef­
I the hat, which whs worn by a young
in Favor W ith Matronly Women
and her cousin, Miss Mabel Morse, of fects of blizzards and embargoes and 1.50 per hundred.
woman in a braid trimmed tailored
Onions — Yellow, $1.75 per crate;
Portland, severely Injured when the the operating Income rose to a point
After Several Seasons.
suit of blue velour.
former's car turned over a few m iles; M M f last year’s figures. For the crystal, $25/ 2.25; red, $1.75 per sack.
five months the total was $186,987,144,
north of that city.
For renovating purposes floral cam­
The flowered toque has been reviv­
July 8. 1918.
compared with $295,183,970 during
works miracles. Where the
County Agent J. L. Smith, of Marsh that period last year, and for May It Prime steers.....................$12.00@13.00
field, who has opportunities to observe wns $64.276.805. against $76.290.630 Good to choice steers.. . . 11.00©12.00 ly women. Several seasons have elaps­ crown Is faded or sunburned, cover
it uith a thatched effect with flowers
crop conditions In all parts of thn last May.
Medium to good steers.. 9.00©10.00 ed since the small flower-covered hat nnd foliage. Two or more kinds are
county, declares that the hay and
In spite of the reduced operating Fair to medium steers . . 8.00© 9.00 received any particular attention.
grain crops will be less than half thh Income, revenues of the roads ac­
An especially effective model of this used, according to personal preference
average of ordinary years, owing to tually were larger for the five months Common to fair steers . . 5.00© 8.00 type wns worn by a large nnd dignified and available trimmings. Brims are
continued dry weather. The situation this year than last. They were $1,- Choice cows and heifers. 8.5055 9.00
likewise overlaid nnd smartly veiled
is causing much anxiety among ranch­ 390.282.620, compared with $1,274,970,- Com. to good cows and hf 6,005$ 7.50 woman with a full-length broadtail with tulle and net.
ers. who must feed their dairy herds «98, giving a margin which was more Canners............................ S.00@ 4.50
during the winter. Kntlre dependence thnn eaten up by increased expenses. Bulls.................................. 6.00© 8.00 deep cults of chinchilla. The close
Cape a Success.
now is being placed on the corn crop,
Calves................................ 8.50© 11.50 fitting toque which topped this hand­
which Is used almost altogether for
continues to go on the way
Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 7.00© 9.00
Hun Textbooks Stored.
white lines. Each flower wns placed of its sensational success. It nmy be
Jackson county faces the most seri­
Seattle, Wash.— More than 65,000 Prime m ixed.....................$17.00©17.50 Individually nnd stood out from the overdone before June arrives, but
ous forest fire situation since 1910, German text books discarded In tho Medium mixed................ 16.75@17.25 others. A piece of narrow black vel­ there Is no reason why It should not
according to officials of the federal
Rough heavies................ 16.005/16.50 vet ribbon wns worked In nnd out be standardized as the coat Is. The
forest service. Federal Forest Super­ Seattle schools are In storage await­ Pigs................................... 15.75© 16.25 among the lilies around the front nnd short cape, cut after the model of the
visor Rankin arrived In Medford Sun­ ing notion by tho Seattle school board. Bulk................................... 16.85© 17.00 sides nnd ended In a cluster of bows winter fur ones. Is exceptionally smart.
day from the Crater Lake region, Tho books represent secondhand
at the back.
It Is made of black velvet, faille or
where a fire that has burned over value of $1500 but are not marketable.
Violets frequently appear In these satin, swings loose from shoulders to
20,000 acres Is sllll raging, leaving
Whether the books will be destroyed Lambs............................... $13.00© 13.50
after a few hours' preparations with or ground up for waste paper matter, Valley lambs.................... 12.00©12.75 flower-crowned hats. Many o f the red hips, nnd opens In front over a wide,
full-length waistcoat, which Is belted
25 men for Woodruff Meadows, In tho is a question tho board has not yet Yearlings.......................... 8.00© 9.50 flowers are nlso used.
The flower named ragged sailor wns across the front. The collar Is high
7.50© 8.50
Prospect district, where another seri­ doclded upon. Seattle abandoned teach­ Wethers............................
ous blaze Is reported.
ing German In local schools In June. Ewes..................................
5.00© 7.50 attractively applied on one close-flt- [ and rolls about the chlu.