and expanses of sale and said writ. Summer weight sweaters for Haiti sale will be made subject to re­ men, women and children at John demption, as |>er statute o f Oregon. Anderson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sper! spent Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 19th the Fourth in Portland day o f June, 1918. Well fitting glasses help to save GEO. ALEXANDER, Warranty deed and mortgage y ° ur ®yfs- Dr. Semones will be Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. tf blanks for sale at this office. K^d to fit you. I,. M. ( ¡it All a M, Leon Sills o f Thatcher w a s Fruits and Vegetables in Season Attorney for Plaintiff. Money to loan— Valley Realty Forest Grove, Ore. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf swapping “ yarns" with Forest Grove friends Sa urday. First publication, June 20, 1918. Straw hats for dress and work Last publication July 18, 1018, We deliver ice cream to any wear at Anderson's clothing store. P H O N E 701 part of the city. Tell it to phone Legal Notice Frank Meresse and family of 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore St. Johns visited relatives in this In the (bounty Court of the Statu of Miss Lena Hollevoet of Port­ Oregon for Washington County. city last Thursday. land spent last week with her In the matter o f the estate anil last Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed parents west of the city. will and testament o f Nellie Porter Mrs. Eliza Smith and daughter, of 21. $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific Dunnials, Deceased. Nora, of Hillsboro visited at the The government is sending en­ Mrs. Chas VanDoren a n d Market. 19-tf Notice is hereby given that in pur­ J. S. Buxton home over Sunday. listed men by the hundreds to O. children of David’s Hill were suance of an order of the County Court Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and shopping in town Saturday. Clair Walker arrived Saturday A. C. because the demand in the o f Washington County, state o f Ore­ Natureopath. Office at A St. & army for men with technical George G . Hancock, real es­ from Bremerton for a visit at the training is far greater than even gon, made on the 17th day o f June A. 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. tate, farm loans and fire insur­ home of his parents, Mr. and the normal output of technical D, 1918, in the matter o f the above We deliver ice cream to any ance, new Anderson block. 50 Mrs. S. T. Walker. estate, the undersigned execu­ colleges like O. A. C , and none entitled part of the city. Tell it to phone tor of the last will and testament of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Freeman Go to F A . Moore’s store, cor­ of the-e colleges is able to supply Nellie Porter Dannials, deceased, will 632. Ottice Shearer. 26-tf ........ a n d youngest child departed anything like i s normal output sell ner Pacific Avenue and Third at public auction to the highest Mrs. C. P. Kelsey spent the street, for up-to date hair cuts j Tuesday for St. Paul to visit a . It will lie possible for young m> n bidder, subject to confirmation by said the following descrila-d real Fourth in Portland, the guest of and shaves A Also lso ice cream, cold son an(* Mother,, who expects to to return to or start to college court, property, to-wit, her daughter, Mrs. Lotta Fox start on a long journey eastward drinks and lunches. Phone 181. with lh*‘ feeling lhat they are do­ Tract No. 1 Situate in Washington in a short time. Go to the Erickson garage, K. ing the bidding of their govern­ County, in the state of Oregon, being Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Evans and of P. building, for your auto re­ County Clerk Ku atli reports ment and are by no means slack­ designated in the |>etilion aa "Tract daughter, Marguerite, of N ew -1 that for June the Clerk’s office ers. No. 6 ," described as follows, Being pairs, accessories, tires, gas and berg, motored to this city Sunday paid over 400 bounties on moles part o f the Donation Land Claim of oils. Practically all types of training Henry Huxton Sr. and wife, No. 44 in and spent the day picnicking wit h Mr. and Mrs. Lf*e Via and the C. E. Roy and W. C. Benfer and gophers. He thinks that the for military service most in de­ Township one North, Range four West big harvest for the year is now mand will tie offered by the Ore­ Will. Mur. and tiegiuning at a |>oint on daughter, Thelma, of Cascade families. the west line o f said D. L. C. (being over, altho there will be a few gon Agricultural College For also Locks spent the week end with the northwest corner o i Tract No. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gibson left caught from time to time. any but advanced officers and 1 of subdivision of the Ellen I’ lrter es Forest Grove relatives. Saturday for Long Beach. Calif., aviators, the college will offer not late) from thence running North Dr. Ward is cominuing his where they expect to make their Réhabilitation of Our Wounded only all the types of training given 1035.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees practice and is prepared to answer home. Mr. Gibson has been for Hast 654.7 feet; thence North 1543.0 Perhaps none of the various in the cantonments and training feet to the center of county road; calls both day and night. Office the past four years employed at uses to which the proceeds of the camps, but in addition engineer- thence North 78 degrees 50 minutes hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to the Condenser. Liberty Loan are to tie devoted in«- commerce, mining, forestry, Hast 661.9 feet; thence South 372.24 4 p. m. 18-tf feet, thence South 78 degrees 50 min­ M r. and Mrs. J. W. Frisbie re­ appeals more strongly to the pharmacy, chemical engineering, utes 57.09 feet to a stone; them-« Marion Markham, ex city re­ turned Friday from Tillamook, American purt House, in the City of striction < have been temporarily unit and thereby become mem- east along the center line o f said Section 13 Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. Miss Frances B. Clapp, a for­ removed on the importation of b eisof the United States army. one hundred and sixty (160) rodo to the The terms o f said sale will be: Cash, mer resident of this city and a Mexican labor to be used in cer The Government is in need of Southwest corner o f the Northwest gold coin of the United States, ten per graduate of Pacific University, tain occupations, This step sup- men train» d along technical lines quarter of the Southeast quarter o f cent of the purchase price to be paid said Section 13; thence Hast twenty now living at Washougal, Wash., plements the order by which the and consequently students who (20) rods; thence North one hundred to the undersigned at time o f sale, bal­ has accep ed a call to teach music Department of Labor has arranged enroll in the college next fall will and sixty (160) rods to the line on the ance on confirmation o f the sale by court. Executor's deed furnished. in a women’s university of Dosh- to bring Porto Ricm laborers into have an opportunity of obtaining South side of the Northwest quarter said Abstract of title furnished at expense isha, Japan this country for work on Govern- the training desired by Uncle o f the Northeast quarter o f said Sec­ of estate. tion 13; thence West twenty (20) rods Notices posted and published by or­ Sunday’s Oregonian printed the C£ ? t/Ta!:,'s'. ^ ,‘s estimated Sam. Those under 18 will b to the place o f beginning, containing pictures of nineteen officers of the ™at 75.000 islanders can be urged to join the unit, but it will twenty acres o f land, all in Township der o f the court. JOE A. WILES. medical reserve, including those brought in while transportation is be the policy of the government One, South o f Range Five, West of Executor of the last will and testa­ Willamette Meridian, in Washing­ of Capt. V. R. Abraham of Hood available. not to call the men into active the ton county, Oregon, to satisfy the here­ ment of Nellie Porter Dannials, de­ River and Lieut. H. R. Kauff­ M s. Julia M. Wheeler, widow service until they reach the age inbefore named sums and for the costs ceased. man of this city, who have been of the late James VVhee er, for­ L. M. GRAHAM, Attorney for Ex­ ecutor. transferred from Fort Riley, Kas., merly of Greenville and Fores Address Forest Grove, Oregon. to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. , Grove, died at San Diego, Cal., First pub. June 20; last pub. Jul. 18, June 19, 1918, after an extendtd 1918. OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD illness. She was aged 71 years, 3 D»t*d July 1. 1918 months and 21 days. She spent L t . F. G. Arr. Pt. , L t . Pt. Arr. F. G. her last days at the home of her DR. H. C. FORTNER 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 son, W. E. Wheeler, who is mar­ 6:20 a m Successor to ried to Amy, daughter of Mrs. A. 9:32 7:00 a m 8:25 8:15 a m DR. H. W. VOLLMER M. Wells, now spending the sum 8:15 a m 9:35 110:25 a m 11:40 mer in this city. The husband of *9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 OFFICE tl0:35 a m 11:50 4:00 Mrs. Wheeler d i e d at Forest In First National Bank Building m 5:15 p 1:05 p m 2:20 I 'Grove several years ago.—Hills Telehones m 5:10 6:25 p 5:20 4:05 p m boro Argus. 7:55 6:10 p m 7:25 6:35 p m Residence 332 Office 333 8:50 7:45 p m 9:05 7:35 p m Mrs. Charles L McNary, wife 9:30 p m 10:45 11:00 p m 12:20 of junior United States senator D. D. & M. B. BUMP Peyton Brand * Sunday only; tDaily, except Sunday from Oregon, is dead, following Attorneys at Law an auto accident July 3d when S. P. ELECTRIC TIME CARD t h e machine overturned near Loans and Real Estate Arr. F. G. Arr. Pt. L t . Pt. Lr. F. 1G. Dundee. None of the others in D. D. BUMF*. M. B. BUMP, 7:50 t7 :15 a m 8:35 6:35 a m the party, consisting of Mr and Residence Residence Hillsboro 8:45 t9:15 a m 10:32 t7:20 a m Mrs Frank Snedicor and Mr. and Forest Grove. s9:29 a m 11:05 11:05 a m 12:20 10c a pouch—and worth it Phone 444 Mrs. Reuben P. Boise of Salem, Offices HILLSBORO m 3:30 12:35 p m 1:50 2:15 P were hurt. Boise w a s a t the 3:20 t3:25 P m 4:50 t2:00 p m i j N . HOFFMAN Gravely latte to much longer it coett wheel, going south on the Hess 7:00 3:35 p m 4:55 5:40 P m mo more to chew than ordinary plug 5:50 t6:15 P m 7:36 creek fill. He attempted to turn t4:22 p m 7:30 8:00 P m 9:20 out for a car coming north and t6:06 p m Attorney At Law 8:27 til:05 P m 12:26 *7:10 p m P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company his own car turned turtle. It is Patent Office Business Solicited 2:20 9:35 p m 10:50 ssl:05 P m Danville, Virginia said neither car was going at a j I Forest Grove, - Oregon 2 t —Thru s—Sat ss Sat & Sun; * Sun ! high rate of speed. NOTES AND PERSONALS H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Ï 1 Will Meet Many War Problems Real Gravely Plug has been chewed for its real tobacco satisfaction ever since 1831. I t ’ s m ade th e good old Gravely way. Real Gravely Chewing Plug