fy ' Ifareat Okmte fcxpwsB A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R V o). 3 Special Election September 17th FOREST GROVE. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 11. 1918 War Savings Report A Real Celebration at Balm Grove Another raraily Split ip No. 27 Red Cross Ladies to Prepare Moss Washington county has pur A dispatch from Eugene to the Portland Oregonian states that chased and pledged, as reported H. J. Walrath, formerly of this to the county chairman to date, Those of our citizens who went city, on Friday caused the arrest $476,825, leaving a balance of We had expected to close the Because the charter of the city 1 $57,000 to be secured during the to Balm Grove on July 4th report his wife, Mrs. Jessie Walrath, work rooms, for lack of material, of Forest Grove calls for annual | next few days. Every person liv having had a very enjoyable time, riianl g'v *nK nam® of W. for a few weeks, but received a , „ . J Hurd, also of Portland, for hav letter from Portland asking us to election of city oftlciaN and the ing in a district which has not as a fine f program 1 g am of ) f ¡ng jointly occupied a room at a state law Hays city officials shall pledged its quota should take a music, - [. , ... | make for them before August 1st, oratory and sports. The Eugene . . . hotel. Hurd a n d the five dozen hospital bed jackets. be elected biennially, in N ovem personal interest in knowing the ber, the city council Tuesday ev reason and should make a personal crowd is estimated as between woman «orP gUu/yi wer't I This will give us about all we can i fined $i..A each. Walrath refused do, apportioned as follows: W. R. ening adopted a resolution calling effort to secure additional sub 1500 and 2,000. W. J. McCready was master of 1 to file an adultery charge against C , 6 jackets; Methodist Aid, 6 a special election on September scriptions. Remember, the aver 17th, between the hours of 8 a. age family should invest $100 in ce emonies during the program, his wife, so the fine and account jackets; Dilley, 6 jackets; Cherry m. and 8 p. m . to amend the the War Savings loan during the which consisted of instrumental ing with her conscience is prob Grove, 6 jackets; Verboort, 6 charter o comply with the pto year. Those i n circumstances music by Walker's orchestra, four ably all the punishment she will jackets; Gaston, 6; Cornelius 6; visions of the state law. The re above the average should invest patriotic songs by the Hillside receive for her transgressions. Stringtown, 3: Gales Creek, 3; Hurd is said to be in training Forest Grove, 12. choir, very ably rendered; the corder was authorized to have more. printed 1,000 copies of the pro The following is a list, as far as reading of the Declaration of n at the University of Oregon of We are also going to take up posed amendment and mail one we have them reported, of those dependence by Miss Pitman; a ficers' training camp, bu- not un the work of the Spagnum moss IO every voter at least eight days who have subscribed for $1,000, recitation, “ The American Flag,” der t h e name Hurd. Th edis and Mrs. J. Wagner. Mrs. Bur- before election. which is the limit allowed to any by Miss Etha Oglesby; recitation, patch say-i if the authorities can lingham, Mrs. Goff, Mrs. Hughes, “ The Flag-Makers,” by Mrs. identify Hurd he will be dismissed Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Phil One of the assistant engineers one person: Chas. Herrick, and a forceful ora from the camp. at the light plant having asked Porter volunteered to go to Port Dist. No. 6 - K a t ie Vannudenhaegen, tion by Judge John H. Stevenson Yesterday’s Oregonian states land and learn how to make the for an increase in salary (the sec Pater Vanaudenhaegen. of Portland. Judge Stevenson was that Mr. Walrath has filed suit surgical dressings in which the ond increase since Jan. 1st), the Dist. 6 -Rachel F. Walkar. members of the council decided Dial. 7 Chaa. Wells, W O. Done!- j born within five miles of the place for divorce, alleging gross infidel moss is used, as it absorbs more _______________ that, as the city was spending son, Mrs. W. O. Donelson, J. W. Shuce, where the celebraiion was held ity than cotton. Then they will teach more on its light plant than it Emil Kuratli, O. B. Gatss, Dr. F. A. and he talked to many old neigh our auxiliary members how to was taking in, the raise could not Hailey, Weils Dept. Store, W. H. bors and former school mates. make them and how to clean the be made. In looking around too Wehrung, Herman Kamna, Mrs. Her His address was patriotic to a moss. We wish that every one marked degree and dealt to a see where expenses could be cut, man Kamna. would feel like giving us a burlap great extent with the Titanic Councilman Coon moved that the Dist. 9 W. D. Hatrhelder. sack to pack the moss in, as we Joe A Wi'es and wife, in comj have to furnish our own sacks— mayor and councilmen Berve with Dist. 10 John F. Forbia, Emalin D. struggle in which Ameriea is to day engaged in an endeavor to | pany with L. M. Graham and just a potato or sugar sack is all out salary during the war. Ev Forbia. wipe despotism frum off the face wife and son, Laddie, motored to right, only it must be washed erybody voted " A y e " and it will Dist. 12 Geo. Heyndericks. of the earih Many favorable Tacoma last T u e^ a y to attend Mr. Goff has kindly allowed us to be so. Councilman Thornburgh Dist. 18 Flora M. Munford, O. D. then moved that, beginning Aug. Dicason, W. F. Attle, N. F. Wood comments on the speech have the celebration of the Fourth at say that the sacks could be left at been heard by the writer. that city and see the races. They Goff Bros.’s store and we will ap 1st, the services of a night watch man. During the afternoon there was report a pleasant journey, cover preciate it if you will wash one for man be dispensed w i t h . This Dist. 15 Chaa. Adams, E. F. Bur- motion also carried and Watch llngham, O. S. Coleman, Mrs. O. S. an exciting ball game between |nR Hi® distance in about ten us and leave it there so that we man H. C. James will l>e allowed Coleman, Mrs. C. E. Deakins, Good picked nines, foot race*, other hours’ run. The exciting feature can send for the moss right away. to seek other employment. Investment Co., S. G. Hughes and sports and dancing, Walker’s or of the trip was the auto race». We are much pleased that the The light committee was in wife, A lex Joss and family, H. B. chestra furnishing the inspiration The race coun-e at Tacoma is re children, as well as young ladies, ported to be one of the best. It are helping us and showing their structed to see if “ juice” for light Johnson, M. R. Johnson, W. J. Mc- for the dance. and power purposes could not be Cready. Dr. W. M. Pollock, Mrs. W. M. T h e committees in charge is constructed of 2x4 lumber set loyalty to Uncle S a m . Lelah Pollock, E. S. Purcell, Mrs. E. S. Pur purchased cheaper than it is being looked after the comfort of visit on edge in cement, sixty feet in Tucker, Irene Tucker snd De- generated at t h e city plant cell, B. F. Purdy, Bertha W. Rapson, ors and everybody had a good width and two miles in circum lores Adams made candy and sold ference There were three races, in t h e i r There was some discussion over J. A. Thornburgh. Fred Ulhmer. time. neighborhood, and 12, 24 and 36 laps, representing brought to the* Red Cross rooms Diet. 21 L. O. Dersham, J. C. the question of cutting off the While the majority of Forest 25 miles, 50 miles and 75 miles. light service at midnight, as is Beach, Maude Milne. 64c as a result of the sale. Pretty Grove people who left town for the Dist. 22 -C. T. Dickison. done at Hillsboro, but no action day were at the Balm Grove cele-, There were five entries—one good, we thought. W e have to Dist. 23 Margaret Summers. was taken along that line. the Honor Guard girls and bration, a number went to Hills- ^ ^ z_’ _°ne Mercer, two Du^en- Dist. 27- Ids W. Shannahan, M. O. berg and one Chevrolet— all four the Camp Fire girls for sweeping Jack Macrum, who has been boro, Portland and other points. acting city engineer for several Shannahan. Rev. Patten made a very able ad | cylinder racers. The Chevrolet our rooms so well. Dist. 44- Willie C. F. Kriehe. months, was separated from hie dress at Hillsboro, where several took the first race, making the The members of the auxiliary Dist. 52 -Carl Pfhal. salary un'il further notice. thousand Washington c o u n t y twenty-five miles in thirteen min are very thankful to the ladies of Dist. 58 John Kamna. Mints Adams. people celebrated. Other families utes. It likewise took the second Cornelius, who pieced three quilts Recorder Dyke was asked to Dist. H»> Jacob Dahinden. spent the day in the woods, en race. It. was in the lead in the to be sent to the Red Cross hos notify the Warren Construction Dist. 92 Peter A. Gertsch. joying picnic dinners and rest be I last race until about the thirtieth pital, and the ladies of Thatcher company that some of the pave Dist. 95 Edward Freddeen, Edna J. neath the shade of the giant firs. ( lap, when the driver had to stop have brought in a beautiful quilt ment laid by the company needed Freddeen. There was little life left in this i and put on a new tire, which let ; they have made. This quilt will repairing and it was reported that the Dusenberg car in the lead Dist. 97— Theo. Bernards, Wm. A. be sold and the Red Cross work- city that day. the Southern Pacific company Hermens, Peter Vandecoevering. rh e juiges ann>unced that the ers hope to get a nice sum for it. had promised to oil its right of of the Chevrolet replaced 0. .. 0 The treasury department issues The Forest Grove cannery has s driver way on South A street. - r Since May 2 we have sent 115 a beautiful souvenir button to put up lots of cherries this year, the tire in seventeen seconds, but Resolutions regulating the com ‘ ‘limit’’ subscribers at a nominal ! some days as high as 9,000 cans, this delay cost him the race, as hospital bed shirts, 145 pairs bed pensation of t h e recorder and charge of 25c These badges can and is now running on loganber the Dusenberg car won the last socks, 60 pajama suits, 24 sweat ers, 48 pairs woolen socks, 12 raising the salary of Engineer be secured of W. J. McCready at ries, of which there is a big crop. race. However, the Chevrolet complete layettes, 1 2 ^ 2 dozen dish Morgan were given final readings Forest Grove or N. A . Frost, The Hoffman plant is also buying won enough points in the three towels, 3 Y i dozen dish rags, 264 and adopted. races to pull down the big money Hillsboro. j logans, turning out 150 gallons of Payroll of $1,282.76 was allowed and carry off the glory of the Wash rags, 1 box gun wipes. juice per day. Abbie J. Whitehouse, Sec’y. and ordered paid. races. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton vis- W C. Benfer called attention The party also visited Camp Killed by Angry Boll j ited the former’s brother. Austin, Lewis and took dinner at the to the fact that the flag which the | and family at Molalla Saturday “ Guest House” with Prof. West. Jochim Dahm, aged 87 years, city had purchased (at a cost of Shortly after 11 o ’clock M on and found Austin feeling better ( Camp Lewis was a revelation to and living on Hayward mountain, $80) for the Hoy Scouts was not being displayed, except when day night, during the mutterings than he has for several months them. It shows what a great five miles northeast of Gales some patriotic citizen happened of the thunder, lightning struck past. Austin’s son, Oliver, a government l i k e the United Creek, was so severely injured by to remember that then- was a (lag an S P. passenger coach side sailor, arrived at Molalla Tue-day States can do under stress, and an angry bull on July 4th that he and pole in town, and Mayor P a t tracked near the depot and set the from an Atlantic port, after mak-1 stands for the advanced idea in expired shortly after the attack. When the fire depart ing nine trips across the briny military affairs. erson asked for volunteers to see roof afire Dahm was driving cattle in from ment arrived it was found that and is expected in this city to that the flag floats Councilmen the pasture when t h e bull at A dispatch from Oregon City to tacked him. The injured man’s Hoffman and Todd offered to of the lightning had establishud a morrow for a visit with relatives a Portland paper brags about a ficiate for two weeks, Councilman circuit between the car and trolley and friends. aged wife drove the bull away and gardner having found a ripe to Thornburgh a n d Editor Scott wire and it would have been a got her husband to the house Mrs Bertha Howard is able to mato on one of his vines. Abso took the next two weeks and very dangerous proceedure to be out again after a week’s illness. lutely nothing to brag about. where he died. Councilman Hines and Editor turn water on the highly-charged Deceased is survived b y a Henfer will act as flag-raisers for car, so headquarters at Portland Mr. and Mrs. N . A. Frost of Mrs. A. A. Hall of this city in widow and several grown children. the fifth and -ixth weeks, if they was telephoned to cut off the cur Hillsboro were in town yesterday forms the Express that she has Funeral services were held Satur do not forg-1 it. The flag is fly rent. After this was done, the and Mr. Fro t admitted that been picking ripe tomatoes from day and the remains were interred fire was quickly extinguished by Hillsboro had sold less than two- her garden since June 15th. ing today. in the Hayward cemetery. Mayor Paterson reported that the firemen. The car was taken thirds of its quota of War Stamps. Miss Margaret Hancock.daugh- the sewer lawsuit would be re to the repair shop early next Forest Grove closed its campaign ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Han Mallory to Go to Prison The electric sparks two weeks ago tomorrow night. sumed Sept. 3d, unless there was morning cock of this city, a stenographer W. E. Mallory, a naturopath emitted while the car was burn another postponement. in the war department at Wash convicted of a criminal attack on Robert 0. Stevenson of Gales All councilmen were in attend ing lighted up the neighborhood ington, D. C., writes her parents a 17-year-old schoolgirl, was given Creek, democratic candidate for for several blocks, so those at a ance. that, because of the heat of the an indeterminate sentense of from county judge, had business in this distance imagined the fire was a national capital, she has asked to one to five years in the peniten Mayor George Paterson, who serious one. city today. be transferred to the Pacific coast. tiary by Circuit Judge Kava- has for several weeks been trying Art Caples is establishing a naugh p. Monday. The court in to do the baking for his bakery, Men Called July 25 The United States senate yes camp up Gales Creek and will creased his bail bond from $1500 look after his furniture store and Men called for Camp Lewis terday voted 36 to 33 for nation serve as chief executive for Forest under call No. 825 will entrain move his family out tomorrow for wide prohibition from Jan. 1, to $2000 pending an appeal to the a season of out-door life. supreme court. Grove ,has induced his old baker, next, to the end of the war. The July 25, instead of July 22, as Mike Bick, to return and is get Henry E. McGinn, represent Warranty deed and mortgage house is almost certain to concur originally announced, according ting along on one man’s work, to J. E. Cullison. This call will blanks for sale at this office. ing Mallory, made a plea for a in this vote. when he isn’t nursing a boil in his take 2500 class 1 men from Ore fine. Judge Kavanaugh said it nose. He thinks he contracted the gon, the largest quota yet asked was not a case where leniency boil from Frank Gordon, who of the state. could well be shown.— Oregonian. still has several to spare. Washington county’s share is Lost— Pair of steel-bowed spec The Express prints butter wrap 81, with enough Class 1 men to tacles. Return to J. T. Fletcher fill it. pers with non-poisonous ink. or this office. 27 Season Tickets at Express office—Price $2.75 The Chevrolet Wins Tacoma Auto Races Lightning Plays A Queer Prank Forest Grove Chautauqua Opens on Friday of Next Week.