Kenneth Benfer, who is em­ ployed in Portland, visited at home Sunday. Supporting the Government Job printing phone 821. Andrew Dickson of Portland T A N L A C sold only by L ittiei’s visited his mother, Mrs. M. A. Pharmacy. Dickson, in this city Sunday. TyjH'writers f o r rent at the Over 3,000 women are at work Book Store. 21-tf in the production of gas masks at The Express prints butter wrap* the Long Island gas-deft nse plant. pers with non-poisonous ink. Mrs. E. D. West ami children M r and Mrs. John Heisler of left Tuesday for Newport where Gales Creek were shopping in they will spend most of the sum­ town Tuesday. mer. Black Cat hosiery for the We carry the Royal Worcester ‘ whole family, Be >ure and see and Bon Ton Corsets in a large our assortmen of color«. A. G. number of styles. A. G. Hoff- Hoffman & Co. man & Co. Mrs. J. A Andrus, who under* A two-day old daughter of Mr. w* nt. an operation in a Portland and Mrs. Fred Knight of Tangent hospital two weeks ago. is said to was buried in Forest View ceme- be improving nicely tery, this city, Monday. Miss Meta Rickey, the trained The two and a half year-old nurse, left yesterday for Seattle, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. VV. Dan­ where she will follow her pro­ ielson has been-very ill with in­ fession until called to service by testinal poisoning, but is cor.- the government. siderably improved today. j j m Ritchey Tuesday morning The W. R. C. will not serve round d up a bunch of girls and lunch until the fourth Thursday t >ok them to Cornelius to help in September, and only one meet save the loganberry ciop of John ing in July and August, the 4th Kilgore, who is paying 11 jc per pound, -o he had little trouble Thursday of each month. getting pickers. Mrs. S. J. Bowen arrived last Pens of fowls enter« d in three Fiiday from the east and will visit important egg-laying contes «, by for some time with her grand daughters, Misses Edith a nd : the Oiegon Agricultural College Mocroft, in this city are making what is considered an We are supporting the go v­ ernment by membership in the Federal Reserve System, the backbone o f the nation’ s bank­ ing organization. This enables us to do our share in assisting the government in handling its financial problems, and to extend to business and indus­ try their proper measure o f accommodation. The First National Bank o f Forest Grove MEMBER ' f e d e r a l r is e r v e SYSTEM A Strong Bank in a good town NOTES A N D PERSONALS TANLAC macy. at CONDENSE!) NEWS NOTES Littler’s Phar­ Public sale bills printed at the Express office. Mr. . and Otto Parsons . . Mrs. . . were shopping in town Monday, M. T. Sherrett is home from T t,0 twelve Chautauoua enter- ex,'e1 ptio,n1ul showinK This ,s The t nautuuqua enter- resu|t 0f breeding experiments by Tillamook for a visit with his bet­ tainments figure up admission i he department of poultry hus- ter half. i fees of $6 92. but by purchasing a Landry. Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and season ticket you can see the en- Natureopath. Office at A St. & tire twelve programs for $2 75, in- Methodist Church Services lst Ave. N . Phone 676. eluding war tax. Before going on your vacation Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Graham get your suit case or traveling and son, Ladd e, and Mr. and bag"from A. G. Hoffman & Co. Mrs. Joe Wile- l e f t Tue day Dr. Hess’ fly chaser guaran- morning in the Graham car for teed by VanKoughnet & Reder to Tacoma and American Lake. keep flies away from your stock. They expect to return tomorrow c- i • , - l o i or Saturday. Every shipyard on the Colum - 1 bia river will try to launch a ves- 1 . F. J. Greer, who has been vi-it sel today, just as a hint to the *n? his brother, W . H. Greer, in Hun Kaiser. this city, left Sunday for Denver c ,, D j r» i , j Colo. A sister, Mi-s Mary Greer, Seethe Round Oak wood and who has t the wir/ er here coa range with or without gas arcompanieS h e r brother, and g a te attachment, at the Gordon wU| gowon to Kansa8 Hardware Store. i . . t r> \ The best place for Washington t A - rS 0t ti#iCOmei f r0,mf . Camp county people to purchase their Lewis that 10 percent of the men monuine^ t/ and ¿>mbst0nes is Sund’ y School 9:45. M -m in g worship 11:00. I f it is warm, do not stay away, for you are allowed to remove your coat. Epworth League 7:00. Class meeting 7:30. Evening service 8;00. Subject for the evening will be “ The Cross and the King. ” We love the flag and we must admire the Cross as well. They both stand for definite facts. You are welcome. No prayer meeting on Thursday night. JO H N H. EBERT. Pastor. Z 10 i%St i raft f re bT ^ - dlS* from Lewis & Co. of Hill-boro, qualified for physical imperfection. 10 re . This firm carries a RO(Xj Just received, a new supply of Buster B ’ own Shoes for boys and girls. Buster Brown Shoes, with the shaping last, are the best. A. G. Hoffman & Co. Dean Clark of Pacific Univer sity was at Astoria last w. ek on business for the College and met Dr. Hawke, who is looking after the health of th- enli-ted men in the spruce camps. The doctor was somewhat disappointed that he wa- not sent with the fight« rs Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware Mrs Hawke is now living in Port­ land. at the Gordon Hardware Store. See the beautiful patterns and fabrics ^ ^ in Men’s Shirts, in fiat collars, military, band with soft and laundered cuffs. W ” n r L -IV Q V | | y »-4 -^ ^ ue and Grey Chambrey and O l L l l I/O Black Sateen 75c to $1.25 TT U1IV I I UU&CI & Iln io tl- A lfa (J ItIU ll r l l l d Khaki, Cotton, Worsted and Moleskin ........... $2.00 to $5.00 Khaki’ Grey’ BIue with Grey stripe. are reaj clothes-savers. They Work or street w ear; Mule Skin* and Scout Styles; Tennis Shoes. Made-to-order Suits Going to have that Summer Suit made to measure ? When we sell you a suit it must be right in every detail or you are under no obligation to take it. You must be satis­ fied. Come in and look over our big selection. No trouble to show goods. $17.50 and up. C. E. ROY & CO. Men’s Furnishings and Shoes Caples Block FOREST GROVE Forest Grove Chautauqua, Saturday Evening, July 20th The Pacific Market HAS MOVED to its new location, in the Haines Building One Door South of the Postoffice Phone 0301 Congregational Church Victory is a Question o f Stamina Send - the Wheat lgai Meat Fats Sugar the fu e l fo r Fighters these days, but it’s a real art to keep cool. However, w e’ ve solved the problem for you in our light-weight Underwear. They not only give a maximum o f comfort, but are ex­ tremely reasonable in price. Come in today and let us show Y O U how* to keep cool at a price that will be a pleasant sur­ prise. Cupt. J. M. de Beaufort, the Belgian ofHeer and nobleman, who I n to lec­ ture at t'linutaun a four months* secret service mission, during which he visited naval and uillitury bases and Interviewed Von lilndenhurg, he came under suspicion In Berlin Hint was only rescued and helped out of trouble through tin* assistance of our former ambassador. Not long ago In this country Mr. Gerard told de Beaufort, "You never knew, young man, the trouble I had to keep the Germans from shooting you." Cupt. «le Beaufort knows the comllttons in Germany to«!ny better probably than any other man upon the platform. In addition to his work In secret acr- vice, lie was In front Hue lighting during ull the early part of tin« wur as a captain of the Belgian artillery, dHtlngutshlng hlin»«-if In the greut buttle of the Yser. W ALTER ROSW URM U NITED Anyone Can Keep Warm Capt. de Beaufort, Belgian Army Officer and Author Tells at Chautauqua of His Thrilling Experiences in Germany where we are better than ever equipped to supply the public with Meats, Vegetables and Farm and Dairy Products line of dependable goods, employs no agen s and gives its customers the benefit of the commission- usually paid salesmen 25 4t Private G. Murl Gordon of the signal corps has invented an aero- p ane that is so easy to construct, that a factory for turning them out in large numbers may be op­ erated in Portland. “Behind the German Veil” FOOD A D M IN IS T R A T I O N Mr. Patten will preach Sunday m ori- ing from the text, “ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Moat High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. “ The hour of the Union Veaper aer vice has been changed to 7 o’clock. Place: the College Campus. Rev. Mr. Sias will give the aihlress. A. B. P A T T E N , Pastor. Our store will be open until 9 p. m. July 3d and remain closed About 50 -ubisience inspectors ail day July 4th. of the Army attended a school of one w « k recently held at Wu-h- ingion, I) C , fo receive instruc- •ion in methods to standard ze the i ispection of food. SCHULTZ'S fo o d STORE (U . S. Food Administration License No. G 34147) Phone 061 Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware at the Gordon Hardware Store. WOMEN and GIRLS LEARN TO WEAVE—IT’S EASY HELP YOUR COUNTRY! We pay 20 cents per Hour while Learning. A fter learning, paid by the yard, at Good Prices. Daylight Modern Workroom— Clean and Sanitary GOOD O PENING S ALSO FOR M EN A N D BOYS The OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS OREGON CITY, OREGON