und ex penses o f sale and said w rit. Summer weight sweaters for Said sale will be m ade su b je c t to r e ­ men, women and children at John dem ption, us per s ta tu te of O regon. The Express prints butter wrap­ Anderson’s. D ated a t H illsboro, O regon, this 19th C arence Kelsey came out from pers with non-poisonous ink. | day o f Ju n e, 1918. Portland to spend Sunday with GEO. A LE X A N D E R . Warranty deed and mortgage his family. S heriff o f W ashington C ounty, O re. blanks for sale at this office. » U f M G raham , orders for your Fourth Fruits and Vegetables in Season Money to loan—Valley Realty of Iieave A ttorney for Plaintiff. July ice cream at Shearer’s Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Confectionery. F o rest Grove, Ore. F irst publication, Ju n e 20, 1918. Straw hats for dress and work Forest Grove Planing Mill I j i s t publication Ju ly 18, 1918, wear at Anderson’s clothing store. is The P H O N E 701 now taking orders for wooden Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Peterson of boxes of all kinds and sizes Ask Legal N otice South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore Spring Hill were shopping in town for particulars. 18-tf In the C ounty Court o f th e S ta te of FViday. O regon for W ashington County. George G. Hancock, real es­ In the m a tte r o f the e s ta te and last Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed tate, farm loans and fire insur­ G eorge H enry H eislcr, Sherw ood It. will and te sta m e n t o f Nellie P o rte r $1 50 per pound, at the Pacific ance, new Anderson block. 50 I 1. D annials, D eceased. Market. 19-tf Karl Milton Moore, H attie G round, N otice is hereby given th a t in p u r­ Mr. and Mrs. Byron LaMont W ash. suance of an order of the C ounty C o u rt Leave orders for your Fourth and son, Harley of Portland visit­ o f W ashington C ounty, s ta te o f O re­ of July ice cream at Shearer’s ed friends in this city over Sun­ s „ i On July 22d; 81 men will be The I he Washington ashington county coun y exemp- called for training at Camp lA*wis. gon, m ade on the 17th day o f Ju n e A. Confectionery. day. _ ' tlon board has made up the list of D. 1918, in the m a tte r o f the above Mrs. Rachel Hoskins of this A daughter was born last Fri­ 56 registrants from which will be Hillsboro Boy Killed in Krancts u n titled e sta te , tin- undersigned ex ecu ­ city has been granted a widow’s day to Mr. and Mrs. Carmel chosen the 44 men who will be ,, 4 ... tor of the last will and te sta m e n t of pension of $25 per month. C. ( arroll Gates, son of Mr, Nellie P o rte r D annials, deceased, will Good, making two daughters in sent to Fort McDowell during the five-day period beginning July 5. and Mrs. (). B. Gates of Hills- sell a t public auction to the hig h est Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and the family. bidder, su b ject to conlirm stion by ssid Natureopath. Office at A St. & Hugh Smith left Saturday for It includes men called as alter- boro, diet! June 12 from wounds court, th e following described real 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Cascade Locks, where he has a nates on^ the quota which left received inaction on the front in p ro p erty , to-w it. T ra c t No. I S itu a te in W ashington Mrs. Jesse Perry and children J°b as night-watchman in a lum­ June 26. The following is the list: France. Young Gates was with County, in the Hlate of O regon, being E lijah G eorge Beam an, F o rest G rove ber mill. of Vancouver visited friends in Pershing’s forces. This is Hi Is- desig n ated in the petition as *’T ra c t R. I. this city Sunday American soldiers in front line Coxey S tow ell, Banks. boro’s first death in the war He No. 6 ,” described as follows. Being rt o f the Donation Land Claim of trenches have been issued gas-1 was born in Hillsboro December p H a enry Choice stove-wood length kind H e rb e rt W ilb ert Rowe. P ortland. Buxton Sr. and wife, No. 44 in proof containers for carrying their ling wood $2.00 the load at the R alph E. W inger, Raym ond, W ash. 31, 1898, and was a graduate of T ow cship one N orth, Range four W est Forest Grove Planing Mill. 18-tf emergency rations. E rn e st W illiam Segessentnan, P o rt­ the Hillsboro high school, cla s of Will Mer. and beginning a t a (mint on 1917. He enlisted as a volunteer the w est line of said D. I,. C. (being Judge Hollis spoke at a war land. Go to the Erickson garage, K. the n o rth w est co rn er o f T ra c t No. with Company B, Third Oregon, also l of subdivision o f the Ellen Porter e s ­ of P. building, for your auto re­ stamp meeting at Manning Fri- j A lb ert E dw ard Lynn, Portland. embarked for France last ta te ) from thence running N orth pairs, accessories, tires, gas and day night and W. J. McCready Fay W ilbur S h earer, F o rest Grove. and D* cember. 1035.64 fe e t; thence N orth 89 d eg rees j spoke at Buxton. Ixmis M ichael Deman. McMinnville. oils. E ast 654.7 fe e t; then ce N orth 15-13.0 For several months he was with feet H erm an Ja m ic k e J r ., Hillsdale. to the cen te r o f county road; An 0. A. C. bulletin states that Rev. Patten made a war stamp N els M aurita Ohrling, C herry Grove. the supply department hut was thence N orth 78 d eg rees 50 m inutes talk at Dilley Friday night and the newt, or water (iog, is a great G eorge F ish, Oreneo. transferred to Pershing’s fighting E ast 661.9 fe e t; then ce South 372.24 reports that Dilley exceeded its mosqui o destroyer and one or John V anD om elen, Banks. forces a few weeks ago He has a feet; thence South 78 d eg rees 50 m in­ I two ^ ould be kept in every water u tes W est 57.09 fe e t to a sto n e; thence quota, as usual. brother, Millard, younger, at the South Roy C. Loainger, Morley. Mich. 2284.92 feet to the north boun­ trough. fro it. and is a grandson of Hon. P e te r Jo h n Vandehey. F o rest Grove. Press dispatches of June 28th dary line o f T ra c t No. I of said su b ­ Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor- R. 2. H. V. Gates, a veteran of the division o f the Ellen P o rte r e s ta te ; announce the wounding in France thence South 89 d eg rees W est 1225.62 W illiam A rth u r Meighen, Carlando, Civil war of G. E. Milne of Yamhill, who, as ' ner Pacific Avenue and Third feet to the (dace o f beginning, co ntain ­ street, for up-to date hair cuts W ash. a boy, lived in this city. ing 50 acres, m ore or less. Which Job printing—phone 821. , . and shaves Also ice cream, cold R alph H uffak er, G arden Home. tra c t is to he offered first and is to be Dr. Ward is continuing “ ls drinks and lunches. Phone 181 known as T ra c t No. 1 o f said sale. R o b ert C h arles Funston, Hillsdale R. practice and is prepared to answer N otice o f S h eriff’s Sale T ra c t No. 2 S itu a te in W ashington ...... The funeral of 'he late T. W. j 1. calls both day and night. Office Notice is hereby given th a t by virtu e County, in the s ta te of O regon, P a rt W illiam H enry K ehrli. G arden Home. o f an execution issued o u t o f and under of the W illiam B. Poe Donation Land hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and~2 to Sain* held last Thursday after- the seal o f the C ircuit C ourt o f the Claim No. 55 in Tow nship one N orth, jg.tf noon in this city, was largely at- ( P e te r P aul Lorsung, Marshfield. 4 p. m. tended by old friends and broth­ Adam Sim pson C lark, P ortland R. 2. s ta te o f O regon, fo r the county of R ange four W est Will. Mer. bounded W ashington, dated the 18th day of and described as beginning a t the Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ ers of the Elks, K of P. and W. i Roland Jo h n Malm. Buxton. Ju n e, 1918, in fav o r of G eorge Wise, so u th e a st corner o f said claim No. 55, etables and second-hand house­ O W. Iodizes. McMinnville sent A gaor M athison, S eattle, W ash. plaintiff, and ag ain st H enry S tavely running thence N orth 89 degrees 25 m in­ hold goods of the Economy store a large delegation of Elks and Carl Enoch Long, Cornelius. W a lid by and M aria W audby, d efen d ­ utes W est on the south line o f said claim Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and Knights. L e ste r E. S quires, W ashington. D.C. ants, for th e sum of $27.50 cost and the 16.87 chains to re e n tra n t c o m e r on I fu rth e r sum o f $200.00, w ith in te re st such line; thence South 0 d eg ree s 30 Pacific avenue. 6-tf Sunday was the anniversary of j i R. F 1. ra n k Jo sep h P ersinger, Hillsboro thereon from th e 29th day o f Ja n u a ry , m inutes W est 2 03 chains to a n g u lsr W. T. Bray, for several years the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1916, a t the ra te o f 8 per cen t per an- corner on such line; thence N orth KH publisher of the Cornelius News, M. Graham and Mr. and Mrs W. Jo h n R o b ert A lbert L ist. Sherwood. j num, and fo r the fu rth e r sum of $200, d egrees ¡14 m inutes W est on south line with in te re st thereon from the 11th o f said claim 10.83 chains; thence has suspended the paper, sold the C. Benfer and the two families W illiam H enry Long, C ornelius. 1 day of May, 1916, a t the ra te of 8 per N orth 11.93 chains; thence South H9 d e ­ E ugene M errill Sm ith, F o r e s t Grove. material and accepted a position spent the biggest part of the day- 1 cen t (ter annum , and the fu rth e r sum grees 25 m inutes E ast 27.93 chains to Jeffrey M cGregor, Cochran. in Eastern Oregon. of fifteen and 68.100 dollars ($15.68) a t cast line o f said Poe claim ; thence picnicking on Gales Creek, above A u g u st G raue, Sherw ood R. 4. the rate of 8 )>er cen t per annum from South 1 d eg re e 45 m inutes W est on Glenwood. Last year the party Picnic packages, paper plates, March 23rd, 1918, and the fu rth e r sum H e rb e rt Lacy S trong, P ortland. line 10.05 chains to the place of paper napkins, p a p e r towels, celebrated this (to them) impor- W ilton Everald M ineckly, F o rest , of seventy dollars ($70.00) a tto rn e y 's such beginning, con tain in g 30 urres. Which j fees, to me d ire c t« ! Hnd delivered, tra c t is to be offered second ami is to Thermos bottles, in fact every­ tant event near Soda Springs. G rove. I com m anding me to m ake sale o f the known as T ra c t No. 2 o f said sale. thing for your outing at Littler’s In a circular to this paper, the M artin Lyons, G arden Home. real property h e re in a fte r described, I T ra c t No. 3 S itu a te in the city of Pharmacy. I have levied upon and p u rsu an t to said F o re st G rove, W ashington C ounty, in war department advise that if L aw rence A. F ern sw o rth . execution I will on M onday,the 22d day the s ta te o f O regon, C om m encing a t Merl Ramsey a n d Donald friends of soldiers in Europe de­ F red erick Allen S e rje n t, Oreneo. j o f July, 1918, a t the South door o f the the so u th w est corner o f !s>t one in Lamb, who returned from Canada sire to send them anything, in R. V ern Baldwin, F o re st G rove. I C ourthouse, in Hillsboro, W ashington Block tw o N ay lo r's Addition to F o rest two weeks ago, left Monday for most cases it is better to send Roy E. Benefield. M anning. county, O regon, a t the hour of ten Grove, sail) county and s ta te , running o ’clock a. m. o f said day sell a t public thence N orth 101.30 fe e t; thence E ast Portland and enlisted in the ma­ money than merchandise, as the H arv ey K eenon, C ornelius R. 1. ........ fe ^ e t; thence South soldiers can come nearer selecting F ran k X avier Schecla, Sherw ood R. 1. auction to th e highest bidder for cash 50 rines. 101.30 fe e t; in hand, all o f the follow ing-described j thpnce"*VVo»*t'50 fe e t to the place o f what they want than can their G eorge P e te r Nelson, A storia. real proiierty, lying, being and situ a te beginning. Which tra c t is to be o f­ Remember, friends, you must A lb ert P e te r Erickson, B eaverton. in W ashington county. Oregon, and fered third and ia to be know n aa pay in advance to get the Express friends on this s.de. m ore p articularly described as follows, T ra c t No. 3 o f aaid ante. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton R o b ert E m m ett B ates, F o re st Grove j to at one dollar per year. The reg­ -w it: R. 1. Said aale will be m ade on Monday ular price is $1 50. We pay you were somewhat relieved last week Beginning a t the N o rth w est corner th e 22nd day o f Ju ly A. D. 1918, a t 2 to learn that base ho pital corps V ernon M. P rahl, Hillsboro. 50c to collect from yourself. ¡ o f the S outhw est q u a rte r o f the N o rth ­ o ’clock P. M. of th a t day, a t the South R o b ert Edw in Moore, S chnectady, e a st q u a rte r of Section 13, thence south door of the C ourt House, in the C ity o f Monthly magazines to be sent No 46, recruited in Portland, had N. Y. j along the c e n te r line o f said Section 13 Hillaboro, W ashington C ounty, O regon. to soldiers and sailors should not reached France, for their son,Hill, Edw ard F ranklin E zra W ebber, lone. one hundred and six ty (160) rods to the be more than two months old, ac­ is a member of the 46th. They H enry G ranville W eckert, Sherwood. S o u th w est co rn er o f the N o rth w est The te rm s o f said sale will be; Cash, feel that once the Yanks get their : q u a rte r o f the S o u th east q u a rte r of gold coin o f the U nited S ta te s, ten )>er cording to the Post Office De­ A rth u r Dave Rowe. P o rtlan d . feet on mother earth, they can said Section 13; thence E ast tw en ty cen t of th e purchase price to be paid partment, and weekly publications Edw ard Carl H unziker, Loa A ngeles. ! (20) rods; thence N orth one hundred to the undersigned a t tim e o f sale, b al­ take care of themselves, but being should not be more than three i and sixty (160) rods to the line on the ance on confirm ation o f the sale by sunk by a sneaking Hun U-boat Cal. weeks old. South side o f the N o rth w est q u a rte r said court. E x e c u to r’s deed furnished. F red P. Lyons, Portland. is a different matter. j o f th e N o rth e a st q u a rte r o f said Sec- A b stra c t o f title furnished a t ex|K.-nae W illiam E rn e st Moers, P ortland. Archie Nichols of Portland, son ! , tion 13: thence W est tw en ty (20) rods o f e s ta te . John H am ilton E berly, M anning. Carol Phillips M arried of Mr. and Mrs Jim Nichols of N otices |Misted and published by o r­ to the place o f beginning, containing d e r o f th e court. tw en ty acres o f land, all in Tow nship Richard C. H unger, O lym pia, W ash. this city, is among those named The marriage of Florence Carol South o f R ange Five, W est o f JOE A. WILES, in tomorrow’s draft. His brother, i Phillips of Forest Grove to Rich- M artin V andecoevering, F o r e s t One, the W illam ette M eridian, in W ashing­ E x ecu to r of the last will and te s t a ­ Grove K. 2. Vern, of Anchorage, Alaska, has ton county, O regon, to sa tisfy the h e re ­ m ent o f N ellie P o rte r D annials, d e­ already gone to a training camp are Claire Spring of Linden wood, Floyd Raymond Colwell, P ortland. inbefore nam ed sum s and for th e costs ceased. at Fort Seward. Both boys are III., was solemnized at high noon L. M. G RA H A M , A tto rn e y for E x ­ ecutor. ¡at 4431 Monticello Ave., Chicago, married. A ddress F o re st G rove. O regon. Miss Edith Pechin, who has IH-, on June 18, in a beautiful F irst pub. Ju n e 20; la st pub. Ju l. 18, Wallowa room decorated with ferns and been1 teaching in the 1918. schools the past year , is in the subdued lights The guests were city for a few weeks’ vacation, f r o m Lindenwood, Waukegan, DR. H. C. FORTNER Miss Pechin will teach in Wa'-h Wheaton, Chicago a n d Lake ington county the coming year at Beulah, Wis Successor to The couple entered to t h e an increase of salary over the DR. H. W. VOLLMER Eastern Oregon city. ¡strains of Mendelssohn’s Wrdding OFFICE ., , t i t .. March played by Mrs. Theodore Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latta ar- Oallager of Chicago. The bride In First National Bank Building rived by auto Saturday M Telehones wore w b'te.satin and georgette Tacoma for a visit with Mrs. !crepe with radium trimmings, and Residence 332 Office 333 L atta’s folks H B. Johnson carried a ■-hower boquet of bride’s and family. Jack had the mis­ roses, lillies of the valley and D. D. & M. B. BUMP fortune to break his left arm two ferns. The ring ceremony was per­ Peyton Brand months ago and has fle-hed up formed by the bride's uncle, Wm. Attorneys at I^aw since his enforced layoff from Irving Phillips, secretary of the Loans and Real Estate work. National Christian Association,! D. D. BUM P, M. B. BUM P, An insurance adjuster was in after which a delicious luncheon Residence R esidence Hillsboro was served, and the happy couple the city last week and adjusted F o rest Grove 10c a pouch—and worth it the claim of the Forest Grove left on the steamer Grand Rapids Phone 444 Offices H ILLSB O R O Planing Mill Co., allowing the for Benton Harbor, Mich. After total amount of the policy, $500, a few days at Benton Harbor and G ravely la tte to m uch longer it cotta N.HOFFM AN no m ore to chew th a n ordinary plug which only about half covered the St. Joseph, Mich., Chicago and loss sustained by the recent fire Lindenwood Mr. and Mrs. Spring Attorney At Law P , B. G ravely Tobacco Company The company wiil at once repair went to Durand, Illinois, where Patent Office Business Solicited Danville, V irginia the mill and replace the most im­ they wi'l make their home for the present on a grain farm. portant of the machinery. Forest Grove, - Oregon NOTES AND PERSONALS H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Selectmen Called for Fort McDowell The man who knows the com­ fort of a good-tasting chew sticks to Real Gravely Chewing Plug every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. Real Gravely Chewing Plug J