The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, July 04, 1918, Image 2

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U. S. W I L L P O L I C E
War Department Acts to Prevent Trou
ble Over Kleetiona.
Washington, D. C.— Secretary linker
Blachford. conminndlnK the Depart-
meat of Panama, to take over the pollc-
H pnpra! i li a ? ’ Ç lim r k p A ttack ia* of ,he c,,|es of Panama and Colon Visit to America
Holds Big
benerai Uiaz ourpribe M U d U ljfor th0 purpo«e of maintaining public
Is Big Success.
Possibilities, Declared.
The action resulted from Information
1 received at the State Department from
the government of Panama that grave
disorder» were expected because of the
postponement of the national elections
, set for June 30.
Decision to postpone the elections
I for six months was taken by the Gov­
ernment of Panama because of vice
Unexpected Drive Gains Strong Poai- conditions in the two terminal cities Ex-Premier o f Russia Expected to
of the Panama Canal, which had led
tions and Breaks l Tp Prepara­
to a boycott against them by tho Atner-
Start Freedom Movement Peo­
| lean army authorities.
tions for Enemy Offensive.
ple l'ire o f llun Aggression.
Harvesting of the first strawberry
crop throughout the North Bend sec
ttou Is approaching tho final sluges
amt growers report the production far
below normal.
Tho cranberry marshes In the vl-
elnlty of Astoria are now In full bloom.
Oldtlme cranberry growers admit that
they have never seen anything like
the bloom on the mnrshes Hint Is seen
this year.
Joe Thurin la the latest trusty to
escape from the Rtuto penitentiary. Ho
was convicted in Multnomuh county
In 1811 on u charge of burglary ami Is
a parole violator. He also served time
at Walla Walla.
Constructlon and Malntsnancs Involve
Expenditure of $300.000,000—
Burden on Roads.
(Prapared l>V Ilio Pnlteil Miste» ftopnrt-
msnt of A «rimitur«. >
Rumi constructlon and malmenane«
In the United States Invnlve ali annulli
outlny o f over $.'100,000,000, n Mimi
whleh, If enpltnllxed ut 5 per ceni,
wuuld represcnt un Investment o f $0,-
000 . 000 , 000 .
A* rceently na 1000 (bere were only
The Astoria school board received a
letter from the capital Issues commit­ 100,000 iunior vehlcles In thè Uniteli
tee of Washington declining to uuthor- States rompa rod wlth nearly
Izo the proposed $125,000 Issue of o f 1017, «dille In 1004 (ho total outlny
school district bonds for new school!
The present cherry crop will »el a 1
record for Lane county 111 point of
quality, If the dry weather continues*
a few days longer, according to Coun­
ty Commissioner M. H. Harlowe, own 1
er of one of the largest orchards.
Washington. D. C.—The unheralded
lines on the Asiago plateau, the Ital­
uppoarance In London Wednesday of
ians have taken Monte PI Valbella.
Alexander Her« nsky, former provision­
captured more than 800 prisoners and
have held it against repeated counter­ Senate Defeats Move to Make Extern al premier of Russia, together with
his Announcem. nt that ho Is on his
sion and Prolonged Fight Is
This turn to the offensive came as
way to America and that he is certain
Ended 12 Billion Bill I p.
a surprise to the laymen of the allied
Russia will soon bo righting again
world, for it was believed that Gen­
The little village of Harbor, which [
the fortes
democracy against nestled on the south side of the Chetco
eral Diaz would be content to hold
Washington. D. C.— Immediate ex­
his lines in the mountains against a tension of the present army draft age German domination, furnished tho sub river In Curry county, Is reported to
new offensive intended by the Aus­ limits. 21 to 31 years, was overwhelm­ j«Tct for a discussion in official and have been practically wiped out by
trians and Germans.
ingly defeated Saturday in the senate. diplomatic circles that covered a wide the fire which started In the C. & O.
The Italian attack was not limited
logging camp In the neighborhood.
The amendment proposed by Senator range.
to Monte Pi Valbella. On the left
, T J»
,, ‘
Fall, of Now Mexico, to the army ap-
The sale of 100,000,000 feet of tim­
As there had apparently been no
bank of the Brenta the> captured the pro,,r|atlon bill t0 makc the limits
height of Sasso Rosso, just north of and 40 years, together with all com­ intimation of Kerensky’s intended ber on the Klumuth reservation to the
Pelican Bay Lumber company, of Kla­
the village of Valstagna.
promises suggested for different mlni- visit to this country, speculation nat­ math Falls, has Just been approved by
These actions may explain the fail­
mums and maximums, were voted urally centered around his purpose in the government, according to J. M.
ure of the Italians to pursue the Aus­
Bedford, who has churge of the timber
trians across the Piave when, on June down.
Settlement of the controversy which
The belief seems to bo gonoral that on tho reservation.
23. the enemy fled from the west bank
has held senate attention for several
with a haste that indicated something days cleared the way for passage of he will not only seek to enlist the
The sum of $404.30 was paid over
support of his own people in this
of demoralization.
In the justice court at Pendleton Sat
General Diaz probably has expected
Besides disposing of the draft-age Russia and cast off the German yoke, urday morning by William MuGownn
the heaviest enemy blow along the
__ _
, ___,
., . .
„ . question, the senate adopted several but will discuss the subject with o f­ and George Brown. The men, who
were arrested In their cur at Umatilla,
r ur.tal fr.?.n : . ^ ich, j s . .h. ! , i e„y ‘ ° amendments to the bill.
ficials as well.
the Italian situation. In attacking he
with Mrs Brown, were charged with
has carried the fight to the foe, gained
$100,000.000 aircraft production corpo­ when both tho United States and the importing liquor.
strong positions at vital points and
ration proposed by the Aircraft Pro­ entente governments are earnestly
Omar Lewis Ilennlnger, 16 years of
broken up some of the preparations duction
Board as a vehicle for co-ordi­ considering how they may best aid age, was drowned In the mlllrnce at
made by the enemy for an offensive.
nating aircraft production as shipbuild­
It is not believed General Diaz plans ing Is co-ordinated by the Shipping Russia to rid herself of German In­ Coburg, Lane county. Thursday after
fluence and establish a stable govern­ noon, when he slipped into the deep
to go further than local objectives, but
; Board through the Emergency Fleet ment, the visit of the ono-time dictator water while wading near the shore.
if he should make much progress o n , r
of that stricken nation is regarded by He was u son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vitrified Brick foe Paving Country
the Asiago plateau he could be able to
. .
take under his artillerv fire the rail-
Others authorized the plan of basing officials as having many and far- Rennlnger, of Coburg.
Roads—Pilling the Joints, First Coat.
L i £ im
o ’ , draft quotas on the number of men In reaching possibilities.
The Johnson mill at Coqullle was
road paralleling
the i » battle
line ! and
Coincident with the appearance of totally destroyed by a fire of unascer- •■* money uml labor on the public roads
running along the Brenta river east
tions and affecting rights of neutrals Kerensky in London, John Sooklne, a talned origin Friday night Tho mill aggregated only $H0,<M)O,tMX>. compared
of Lake Caldonazzo.
under the draft law. The senate had member of the Russian commission was cutting lumber for shipyards with some $.’ttXM XXM N X) for IUI7. Thus
This line is the connecting link be­
vessels and ti„. public roads have been ch anged
tween the Piave and Adige fronts, and previously adopted the draft quota leg­ sent to the United States by the Ker building United States
if the Italians could dominate it. the islation, but It has been held up In the ensky government a year ago and now also airplane material.
loss Is with bewildering rapidity from the
just back from France, said that a estimated at more than $50,000,
o f tlu. |Mlri,|y
ut, „ ty to thllt
Austrian system of communications house.
would be seriously impaired.
Robert Potter, of Fossil, died Friday o f a utility of natlonnl lm|iartuneo and
provides that citizens of neutral coun­ allies would have been intolerable to
tries now subject to draft who have de­ the people, but German aggression In from Injuries he sustained In tho cloud scope.
clared their intention of becoming spite of the Brest Litrfvsk treaty had burst near 1-oRsil last
Friday. He, p |H well known that the railroads of
Un,„ .(| St(|1(.s nr,. ulin,,,e tl, ,.„rry
IN SIOUX CITY DISASTER American citizens shall not be eligible caused so much suffering and priva with Gordie Ratnbo. another victim,
, ,
for citizenship If they claim exemption tion that allied intervention would was brought to Fossil Monday. Al- the enormous . traffic
now offered for
though suffering intensely, he told
from the draft. This provision, offered now be bailed with relief.
transportation, and It Is to be expected
Sioux City, Iowa.— Burrowing deep by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, was
Mr. Sookine’s statement and that of clearly of his frightful experience.
Unit the public rutili will from now on
under tons of wreckage, firemen and adopted as a substitute for an amend­ ex-Premier Kerensky concerning the
An obi feud between Vernon Mc­
volunteers Sunday removed 30 more ment approved by the state depart­ change in the sentiment of the Rus Allister and Joe Quinn, convicts at have added to their present truftb- bur­
bodies from the wreckage of the Ruff ment, providing for exemption from sian masses served to bear out reports the state penitentiary, is close to Its dens auch freight ns muy be shifted to
building, which collapsed Saturday the draft of all citizens of neutral received at the state department.
last chapter Wednesday, as Quinn Is them to relieve rullwny congestion.
afternoon at Fourth and Douglas, and countries.
It Is beyond question that for pas-
lying dying in the prison hospital, with
announced that the toll of the disaster
a stab cut over his heart, which pene- «»“tiger haul the public roads nre used
may reach 50. It is probable several
Eugene V. Debs Uuder Arrest.
| trated his left lung. McAllister I h to a greater extent than the ntllroada.
persons were completely incinerated,
locked in a death ceil.
These Impressive condition« hnvo bow
judging from the condition of most of
four times socialist candidate for the
Investigation of an application made treated within the span o f a single gi-u-
the bodies removed.
| by Eastern Oregon lumbermen to the ‘ •ration.
Toiling feverishly, some of them so presidency of the United States, was
Industrial Accident commission for a
On July 11, 1016, President Wilson
weak they wobbled after their 22 arrested here Sunday by United States
Washington, D. C. Secretary Baker ^ reduction in rates on risks In that ter approved a measure generally kuowti
hours, workers could see parts of Marshal Charles W. Lapp and Deputy
rltory tinder tho workmen's compen ns the federal aid road act, which cur*
charred bodies still deep under smoul­ Marshal Charles Boehme as he was disclosed to the senate military com- j
dering timbers and so badly burned about to deliver a speech.
it(t may result In legislation rled an appropriation o f $75,000,000 to
The arrest was made on a warrant
they could not be sure they were men
"V 7 7 7 "
or women.
1 rural |>o»t roads ami $!0,0<X),t(00 to ho
The opening of the Chain Grocery, socialist state convention in Canton, being worked out will be presented to
The schooner Spray made a record expended for the construction and
congress to represent the maximum
which was crushed under the walls of O., June 16 last.
catch of fish near Hoceta Head some maintenance of forest roods.
the Ruff building, revealed the extent
fighting effort of the country.
distance off shore. After four days' |
__ ______
of the disaster. Thirty-five volunteer dictment. It is understood the indict­
Already the calculations upon which fishing the crew brought In 15 tons of . . . . .
motor trucks removed debris so rapid­
the pending army bill was framed halibut and 3000 pounds of black cod. BUILDING ROADS IN ALASKA
ly Sunday morning the ruins of the espionage act, which provides a pen­ have been exceeded, and the war de­ Each member of the crew cleared $300
alty of 20 years in the penitentiary and
crowded grocery were entered six
a fine of $10,000 and costs for each partment is now revising Its plans on and the Burke company, of Portland, Road Commissioners Find Troublo in
hours ahead of schedule.
an enlarged basis that means addi­ owners of the vessel, cleared over
Maintenance on Account of Nar­
Men found in the ruins were burned
Debs was arrested as he was about tional billions In money and additional $ 2000 .
alive in cells, pinned down by wreck­
row Tired Truck*.
to enter the garden where the meet­
Benton Bowers, of Ashland, member
age, their positions indicated.
The full scope of the new measure
The cause of the disaster has not ing was held. No commotion was is not yet apparent even to officials of the State Lime board, announces
Alaska has been building roads slncO
caused, as few persons were aware of
that the board will continue to con­
been determined. Some of the persons
100b. It has built 820 miles o f wngon
what was transpiring until after Mr. who are preparing It.
who were in the wrecked buildings at Debs was taken to the federal build­
Mr. Baker disclosed the new plans which will bo completed about the roads, 4121* miles of winter sled roads
the time of the collapse asserted that ing.
in explaining his reasons for opposing first of August. Funds to continue and 2,210 miles o f trails. One o f these
it wa? caused by an ammonia explosion
Following the announcement of Mr. any changes now In the draft age operation will be forthcoming, pledged roads was built for motorcar traffic,
in the Chain Grocery or the Beaumont
Debs’ arrest, a defense fund of more limits. Later, during general debate on the credit of members of the board but more’ than 2.r>0 trucks and passen­
Market, while others declared it was than $1000 was raised by popular sub­ in the senate chamber, figures were
until such time the State Emergency
due to reconstruction work which was : scription before the meeting ended.
disclosed showing the great strides board or the next legislature comes ger cars were In use over them at tha
going on in the Ruff building.
close o f the lust fiscal year.
being made toward bringing American to their relief.
Much dnmoge has been done to thfl
Non-Partisan Ticket Wins.
Forty-Nine Flyers Downed in One Day
Work on the Prineville railroad I s : roads by heavy narrow-tired trucks^
General March, chief of staff, has
Fargo, N. D.—The entire Non-parti­
London.— Forty-nine German air­ already announced that the army Is progressing rapidly, tho rails having and the board of road commissioners
san ticket, state and congressional was planes were brought down by British five months ahead of schedule In troop been laid within two miles of O'Neil
finds troubles of maintenance with
nominated in the Republican primaries and French airplane squadrons Thurs- movements. 900,000 men having been station, 10 miles from Prineville.
alwuys. In addition, they found
of Wednesday.
day, according to the official announce- shipped abroad.
The Klamath county council of de­ It necessary to build h five-mile road
Governor Lynn J. Frazier, Non par- ments of the respective war offices
fense, a branch of the state council, along a hillside last summer by cover­
tisan, who took the lead over John Saturday.
has opened an office in Klamath Falls, ing the road bed with willow cordu­
Steen, independent, as returns came
In the air-fighting over the British
Italy Annexes July 4th.
where all information relative to the
from the rural precincts Thursday, sector of the line British planes de-
Rome, Tuesday—The coming Fourth defense of the Nation will be received. roy and surfacing the corduroy with
steadily increased that lead until It stroyed 20 German machines and
„ . , „ „
gravel because the material underlying
Is near the 15,000 mark.
i forced down nine more enemy aircraft of July, which will be proclaimed an
Rev. Robert E. Browning, former the location consisted of six feet of
In the congressional race in th e 1 out of control. The British lost 14
rector of Emmanuel Episcopal church
first district, it is estimated, Congress- machines.
The British vigorously brated throughout the country. Cities in Marshfield, has written to local gravel on the bed rock, forty feet of
man J. M. Baer’s final majority will be bombed behind the Teuton lines, drop- and villages will be decorated with the friends advising them of his arrival In cleur Ice on the gravel nnd two feet of
nearly 800 over Henry Vick; In the ping 21 tons of explosives on railway American and Italian flags and will Europe. Rev. Mr. Browning enlisted inosa and tundru on top.
have processions.
third district J. H. Sinclair’s approxl- Junctions and other targets,
for service with the British army and
One of the most Imposing proces­ is a chaplain.
mately 700 over P. D. Norton. In the
At the same time the French air
second district, George Young was fighters brought down or put out of sions will be in Rome, the line of
Floaters who travel up and down the
successful over John Hanchett by a action 20 German airplanes and set march leading to the monument of coast are regularly picked up at Grants
King Victor Emmanuel II, where
Saving In Cost of Rebuilding Would
vote of aproxlmately 3 to 1.
! on fire four captive balloons.
speeches will be delivered by cabinet Pass, questioned and searched by tho
Pay for Them in Comparatively (
ministers, senators and deputies.
Few Years.
Fear of Americans Felt.
Indiana Corn Damaged.
Drouth Ruins Wheat Crop.
Paris.— German prisoners are vir- j Lafayqtte, Ind.— A loss of between
A writer on the advantage o f per­
Helena, M ont—In the northern half sephine county jail as an alien enemy.
tually unanimous in confirming the $7,000,000 and $8,000,000 In corn alone of Montana winter wheat has been Weldhelmer had no registration pa­ manent highways makes the point that
fear felt of the Americans by the Ger- [ was sustained by northern Indiana ruined b j the drouth, and rain is badly pers.
the saving In the cost o f rebuilding
man high command. According to the farmers as a result of the frost last needed to save the spring wheat, ac­
Charles Owens is making up Ills first would pny for them In a comparative­
declarations of officer^ this is the Saturday night, according to estimates cording to the weekly crop bulletin carload shipment of chrome ore from ly few years—nnd then there would he
principal reason for the determination made public at the Purdue university issued by Meteorologist William A. his mining property on Bucker Creek,
o f Germany to seek at all costs to agricultural experiment station. The Mitchell, of the local station of the in the Illinois river district, says a a prospect of valuable returns. The
impose peace on the allies before next damage to truck crops also will ex­ United States weather bureau. Show­ Grants Pass dispatch. The ore, which thing would he like mnklng a few pay­
tend into millions of dollars, It was ers in the southern half of the state runs 40 per cent, Is being hauled by ments to secure an annuity. Wherever
The prisoners make no secret of said. The damage covered an area of have helped greatly and crops there auto truck from the property to the the money can he raised there should
their astonishment at the spirit and 125,000 acres, according to the reports are in good condition, with the winter Waters Creek terminus of the Cali­ ho permanent highways. That Is the
of county agricultural agents.
versatility of the American soldiers.
good roads gospel pur excellence.
wheat starting to head.
fornia & Oregon coast railroad.