The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 27, 1918, Image 8

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    M od ern W a r
is decided by
O r g a n iz a tio n
The problem o f our country
today is the organization o f
its resources and industries.
The Federal Reserve System is the
banking organization which is
caring for the nation’ s finan­
cial needs. Support it by deal­
ing with a member bank—
First National Bank
o f Forest Grove
Art Caples had business inj Saturday was the longest day
Portland yesterday.
¡of the year.
In England they nay, "Every shilling
Flags for the Fourth at the
The printing plant of the Cour-
Rook Store, all sizes.
ier, at Grants Pass, was destroy* d wanted ataba a auldier in the back.”
Our store will close all day July by fire Tuesday.
If you actually knew that by buying
4th. A. G . Hoffman & l o.
8»ppington’a orchestra will give only those things you absolutely needed
Master John Myers of Portland a “ jitney” «lance at Carmichael’s and by putting your savings into War
is paying a visit to his aunt. Miss grove, Gaston, on July 4th
Savings Stamps you could save lives,
Minnie Myers.
F. J. Greer came up from Red­ would you do it? Take the word of the
Leave orders for your Fourth ding, Calif , Monday for a visit President that you tlo save lives when
you do this.
of July ice cream at Shearer’s with his brother, W. H. Greer.
It is not enough to deplore what the
E. J. McAlear and family of
have done. That will not hurt
Dean Clark was looking after Hillsboro visited the Morris and
they don't care what you
Good families Tuesday evening.
Pacific University
think of them. Help your Government
Oregon City Saturday.
Got! Bros, have sold three of
Dr. Bishop was in Portland t h o s e Combination Universal to fight them. That is the only thing
that counts with n German. When you
ruesday, attending a meeting of Ranges as the result of the recent save and buy War Savings Stamps you
the alumni of the Oregon Medical advertising ami demonstration
attack a German in the place where it
Be sure you attend the opening hurts.
See the Round Oak wood and at the 5, 10 and 15c* st«>re Satur­
Samuel Gompers say«; "There are
coal range, with or without gas day, June 29th.
of • new
many to whom thia world cata*
plate attachment, at the Gordon
y ° U’ but y ° U d !,n 1 : cylam has so little meaning that they
Hardware Store.
have to buy.
i are still pursuing'luxuries and self-in-
Phil Porter reports a fair crop
For bunting*. flags of all kinds dulgenee.” Are you one o f these peo-
of loganberries and says a rain
right now would nwell the crop atid rope trimmings for July 4th, pie. or do you save to the utmost of
immensely. He will start picking
( l ’ Hoffman & ( o. Trim (your ability and buy War Savings
I Saturday
the home on July 4th—this day stamp»?
Visit Our New Store
Next Saturday
Next Saturday, June 28th, (he
Fuqua 5, 10 and 15c Store invites
all the people of all Washington
county to come in nod inspect
the new quarters and new goods
displayed on shelves and counters.
This day is to be a sort of re­
union for our friends, in honor of
the fact that we are now located
in our own building, (formerly oc­
cupied by the A. G. Hoffman
store) two doors north of our for­
mer locution. It doesn't make a
particle of difference whether or
not you want to buy anything;
come anyway, a n d
hear the
V. I. FUQUA, Proj>rietor.
Congregationil Church
On the Col­
lege Campus, at 6:(H) p. m. next Sun-
day. the Christian and the Congrega-
A Strong Bank in a good town
tional churches will join In a Commun­
ity Patriotic and Religious Service.
as a matter o f course, Mr. Patten will give the address.
I ' The Express will next *eek be
, ° * * r d‘ >8, .
W‘ our soldier» and »ailora will do a» Theme: "America, the Melting-Pot of
issued on Wednesday, in order -J r\J further notice, I he I a-
they are ordered. We oftentime» do Races and Religions." A week luter
TANLAC at Littler’s Phar- that the office force may celebrate |CI ,u‘ 4f ‘?r^,ut
discontinue the
not think it necessary to do what our Rev. Mr. Sius will be the speaker.
! the nation’s anniversary, like sale of fresh fish, but will pay es­ I Government asks u» to do. Why should You are asked to meet at the Congre­
pecial attention to fresh beef,
Leave orders for your Fourth other white folks.
we not be jnst as prompt in our re­ gational church at 4:15 Sunday after­
veal, pork and mutton.
of July ice cream at Shearei » ; The Naples store will be moved
sponse? Our men are ordered to ex­ noon, if you are willing to help form a
Four American Y. M. C. A. pose themselves to the guns o f the 4 Onion Chorus to lead the music,
L onfectionery.
, ¡nt0
^ room
corner Gf
with French and Brit­ Huns. We are asked only to save and Other churches o f the city are urged
Shell shock has laid out several Main street and First avenue,
joined the staff
Y. M. C. A. men working with north, as soon as Carpenter O. S. ,
. of . a [ to loan our savings to the Government. to co-operate till the first o f September
> Can we ri.fu8t> thi„
V «t?
American troop* in the front lines Higby gets the room remodeled. base hospital and worked r\ twenty
in the*e Open-air meetings.
, .
■« , \ ft—. .
hours a day as stretcher bearers
At 11 o ’clock Mr. Patten will preach
Dr. Hess’ fly chaser guaran-1 First because of the last— Bus- and nurses in order to serve the I Someone has »«id: " I f one o f our
"The Coming Race o f Super-men."
teed by \ anKoughnet & Reder to ter Brown Shoes for boys and wounded soldiers.
I boys hesitated as long in going over the There will be no 8 o'clock worship.
keep flies away from your stock. gjr|s . We have just received a
The local Red Cross branch last top “
in buy"»r L,b' See notice o f Union Service.
Vic Fuqua has a fine, roomy large supply and can fit children’s
ert>'1boLnd8 or ' Var hav,"K8 Stamps, he
X-Ray Committee meets Monday at
store since moving to his new feet correctly. A. G. Hodman & , plies for over sea use some of the wou ‘ bu court-m»rdHled and shot for
p. m. at parsonage.
quarters, two doors north of the Co.
A. B. PATTEN, Pastor.
old location.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerwin of
Clarence Lenneville, a full- Portland arrived Tuesday fo ra
fledged member of the Por land ; visit with the C. E. Roy family,
fire department, visited his folks Mr. Gerwin returned home yes-
in this city Tuesday. He gets ev- terday, but his better half remains
ery fourth day off
j for several days more.
The Columbia River Light &
That Y . M. C A. men with
Power company has purchased American troops at the fiont are
the old Haines power plant, up showing remarkable bravery un-
Patton valley, and is scrapping der fire, is told in cable messages
and hauling out the equipment
and letters received in this coun
Let us supply your wants
We try daily.
carry a large stock of overalls,
M iss Maria Herron, sister-in
hosiery, underwear, g a r t e r s , law to ex-President Taft, a Y M.
shirts, work shirts, suits for men C. A. canteen worker at the front,
and boys, hats and caps. A. G. remained at her work in a hut
Hoffman & Co.
serving coffee and food to soldiers
Sixteen Boy Scouts, from Troops until German shells set the vil­
41 a n d 55, Portland, passed lage afire.
The Southern Pacific has put
through this city Friday noon,
enroute home from a week on the on a new Sunday train, leaving
Wilson river. They hiked from this city at 7:10 p. m and arrive
this city to the river and back, ing in Portland at 8:27. The train
but entrained here for home.
is put on to accommodate theater
-------------------------------------------------- parties and relieve the congestion
Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware 0t train No. 110, leaving this city
at the Gordon Hardware Store.
at 6:06 p. m.
SUMMER Furnishings
For Men and Boys
A Bathing Suit
A trip to the swimming
hole and you forget how hot
it is.
W e’ ve the Bathing Suits
for men and boys.
Boys’ one-piece
- - 85c
Men’s one-piece $1 to $3.50
Cool Underwear
That’ s what they say
when they try Seal - Pax
knee length, sleeveless and
loose-fitting; no binding or
Made o f Madras, 75c, $1.15
Other fabrics and
$1.00 to $1.50
I f you are hard on hosiery
wear a good kind and prac­
tice hose economy.
Med um and light weights
in Cotton, Artificial Silk,
Fibre, and Silk, in Black,
W hite, Grey and Palm
Beach -
- 25c to 65c
Vacation Time is Here !
We have what you need
for your outing—
Khaki Trousers with style
and service, cuff bottom,
belt loop, flap over pock­
ets. Men’s $2 the pair;
- -
Sport Shirts
in Blue, Striped and Fancy
$1 to $1.25
Shoes for Hot W eather
W ear
White Tennis Shoes -$1.25
Mule Skin Shoes
- 2.50
Scout Styles
- -
One-piece Garment
- $3.00 and $3.50
Grey, good weight - '?.50
Blue, with stripe
Buys’ in Khaki and Blue,
with stripe - -
C. E. ROY & CO.
M en’s Furnishings and Shoes
Caples Block
and others by various other aux-1 ment wer* meted 00110 noncomb*t,,nt8
diaries and church organizations. for financial cowardice an awful lot o f
The workers are sticking diligent­ people would be shot at duwn.”
ly to their work, in spite oi the
Your part in the war is to produce as
summer wea'her.
much a r possible, consume as little as
The best place for Washington necessary, and loan your saving* to the
county people to purchase their Government. Are you facing your task
monuments an«l tombstones is !‘* cheerfully as our fighting men face
from Lewis & Co. of Hill-boro, ' U>eirs?
Ore. Ih.s firm canies a good
If you despise what the Germans do,
line of d e p e n d a b le good.*, employs i^. t, your saving* help tight them,
no agents and gives its customers
He is a poor sort o f a patriot who
the benefit of the commission-
can not find some way to economize in
usual ly paid salesmen
25 41
Ernest Steigteder came down
from Camp Lewis Sunday and
spent a few hours with his mother,
Mrs. Rilda Steigleder, who, with
her grandson, Harry Mackrodt,
accompunbd the soldier as far as
Portland on his return to camp
This was E nest’s last visit home,
a- he expects soon to go to an
ea tern point of embarkation.
All disloyal Americans are not
getting away without punish­
ment. Julius Rhuberg. natural­
ized German, of Sherman c >unty
was Monday sentenced by Judge
Wolverton o f Portland t o 15
months on McNeil’s Island and
to pay a fine of $2,000. Juliu-
had advised men subject to the
draft to surrender to the Germans
when they reached the front.
Methodist Church Services
Sunday School 9:45. Are you study­
ing the Bihle, the book o f all books,
these days? We are offering you a
Morning worship 11:00.
We preach patriotism but fire it with
the gospel. You can't separate it in
these days.
We have preaching and music that
ap|>eal to the heart.
Kpworth League 7:00. By the way,
did you know that the League invites
you whether you have gotten up to the
3o's or beyond?
Class meeting 7:30.
Evening service 8;00.
You are invited to come. Do not for­
get the assembling o f yourselves to­
gether, as the manner o f some is.
Heb. 10:25.
Ask yourself this question: "W hat
kin«! o f a church would our church lie.
If every member were just like m e?"
Prayer meeting. Thursday at 8 p. m.
Come; we want you there.
JOHN H. EBERT. Pastor.
order that he may buy War Savings
Stamps, and in so doing give the Gov-
ernment more money, labor and mater­
ials with which to fight the war.
make* it unlawful for any person
to fire any cannon, gun, pistol, or
toy pistol, fire or explode any
cracker, rocket, Roman candle or
other combustible fire works with-
in the City limits
A heavy fine is provided fur the T lip P a p ifip M 'lr L o f
violation of this ordinance and 1 I , , t 1 a u , , t 1TIilinci
strongly ur«e that our people ob­
serve strictly the provisions of
this oidinance.
Between Ibis date an«l July 1st
the Pacific Market will be moved
Mayor of Forest Grove, Ore.
from its present location to the
TANLAC sold only by Little.’s r«i«im one <l«>or south of the post-
office, where we will be pleased to
meet all old and as many new
Mrs. R. C. Hill celebrate«! a | customers
........ ........... as ca 'e to patronize us.
birthday last Monday and, to her Everything in fresh a n d salt
surprise, fifteen of her la«ly friends meats Walter Roswurm, Prop.
c.une in the evening to assist in
Typewriters f o r rent at the
the celebration
T h e visitors
brought refreshments and spent Book Store.
the evening at gam«*s, music and
Illinois Pure Aluminum Ware
a good time generally.
the Gordon Hardware Store.
The fire depariment was called
Will Be Moved
W . J. McCready and W. H.
Hollis were speakers at a War
Stamp meeting at Kan-as City
Tuesday evening. They report
ihat the people of the district
have raised their quota of $3,
200 00 and some over
Oglesby, chapman of Fairview
) school district, was in
town yesterday and reports that
the fifteen , families
. , of his . district
.ou tshoitly before 6 o ’clock yes I
<9 rwr^ind< q^u -p ' dgefS’ t0te
u*r,lay afternoon to put out a
q!Jota w“ f,
blaze started on the roof of the 1
. ) ) ) ) ) . L. M. Graham will ad-
inkley boarding house, on Sec- j
dress a meeting at the Fairview ond street, between Pacific and
¡ school hou-e tomorrow even ng.
First avenues. The damage* was j
very slight, less than $5.00.
U nion V ksi * kk S kkvick
Archie Bryant and two sons re­
lu ned yesterday from a week’s
fishing on Wilson river, where ;
they caught all the fish they
wanted, some of them of very
I good size. T h e youngest b o y
caught a 16 inch trout and landed
! him.
The members of the Garwood
Ladies’ c ub last night entertained
their husbands an«l children at a
picnic a t . Roderick Falls. Well
filled lunch hampers held the pro­
visions against hunger and the
picnickers enjoyed a very pleasant
outing. There were 22 adults and
a number of children in the party.
Mrs. Sherrett of the Laughlin
Hotel spent Sunday with friends
in Portland.
T h e y Save
When, you cat PoDtocs
d.o nt *
» S
xcm u
T is t h a t ic w
E. C. and Krinkle
Three packages for
(U. S. Food Administration License
No. G 34147)
Phone 061