The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 27, 1918, Image 7

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erly produceil ami handled, It will keep
Nweet un Ionic « • cow*« milk, and there
Nhould not he any iffialy odor. The
milk can he utilized for the Name pur-
poaeN UN cow’a milk, hut I n | chm autls-
factory for mnkltnc huiler and perhapa
hotter for mnkliiK chceae. Practically
all puhllcntloUM dealing with milk
conalderabl« impor­
Interest Growing in Possibilities tance I«* «ttrlhute
the une of the milk for In­
fanta anil Invalida.
of Milk-Producing Breeds
IntrliiK the lust few yeara a number
in This Country.
of gout ilalrieN have been In operation
In dlfTeri-nt parta of thla country. It
only a few guata are kept, It I n not
CALLED THE POOR MAN’S COW uccoNNnry tu have much equipment, If
I any. Any clean, dry quart era free
from draftN may hi* unci ! for housing
In Many Part* of Europe Animal« Are guata. 'Che bui Minti »lioiiM have proper
U«ed for Milk Supply In Summer
ventilation, plenty of light, and ar­
Month« W hll« People Are En-
rangement* made no thut each goat
can he properly fed and handled.
Joying Vacation«.
Feed for Goat«.
(Ion i« Nhould receive u liberal quan-
(Prepared tiy III* Unlleil Htute« !><-part-
in«nt of Asrli-ultur« )
(Ity of aucculcut feed auch aa Milage,
In till« country tin* K<>ut I* usually mangel-wurzel«, cairota,
regarded »Imply iik ii plaything for tin* parNiilpa, or turnlpa. The grain feetla
t'hllilr«*n, hut In some part» of Kuropo beat Niilted for their ration« are corn,
It I n r*'ttar<li*i| iim tin* poor iiiiiii ' n cow . 1 olila, bran, barley, and lln»eeil-oll meal
A well-known American Importer of or oil cake, A ration thut hua been
live Mock Mtuti-N that "tin* tp>nt of j u»eil In the government herd, and
Kw lUcrluml I n the K w I nn p*-a»aut'N which haa proved to he very sutlsfuc-
cow, tin* Swiss luihy’N foatcr mother, a lory for milk goal* during the winter
I i I<* nn I iik to the NonlturluniN for In­ aeaaon, cohn I n I n of two iMtunda o f al*
valid», atnl a koi I nciii I to tin* poor.” In falfa or clover hay, one and one-half
England ami In ninny other purtN of I miuiii I n of Mingo or turnlpN, and from
Kuropc people who leave the city dur­ one to two pouudN of grain. The gruln
ing the Niininier iiioh M in , either for ration consisted of a mixture of 100
their country home« or for travel, IHiunda corn, 100 | m > uiii I n onta, .VI
often take u milk gout with them In |Hiundu brini, und ten |>ound* llnscct]-
ortler to liiNtire a Niipply of guud milk nil meal. All feed offered for goata
of uniform finality. In H i I n country »lioubl be i-leatl and of good quality.
the fuct that tin* gout will NUpply auffi- Plenty o f rock Malt »lombi be kept
cleat milk for tin* uverniCe family at fore them, nod occuMlonully a Minali
low coNt and can In* kept where It 1« quantity of fine mm It mixed with the
gruln feed. A good Niipply o f freah i
water I n nereauarjr.
Uroup of Angora Goata.
ImpoNMlhle to keep a row. I n beginning
to appeal to many p**ople, especially
those In the Hiuall town» and In snb-
urbs of cltleN. In i I i I n way the milk
guilt can he made to relieve the milk
shortage which I n now felt In mnny lo-
Adapted to Thla Country.
The milk gout I n udnpted to thla
country and the Industry I k likely to
bee«mie of greater lm|Hirtaiice every
year. The goat la eapeclnlly uaeful to
tlioac who di'alrc n »mall quantity of
milk and do not have room for and
cannot afford to keep a cow. In fact,
a gout can he kept where It la Impos-
alble to keep a cow. and will conauuu*
considerable feed that otherwise would
he wasted.
A doc thut produces three pints a
day I n conaldored only a fair milker,
while the production of two quarts Is
good, and the production o f three
quarts Is considered as excellent.
Goat's milk Is nearly always pure
white. The small size o f the fut glob­
ules Is one of Its chief characteristics.
In consequence the cream rise« very
alowly and never ho thoroughly ns In
the case o f cow's milk. I f It Is prop-
Same Treatment Used to Combat San
Jose Scale Is Recommended by
Ohio 8tation.
I ’ench lenf curl may lie controlled
by the same treatment used to comhnt
San Jose sonic, uccordlng to botanists
nt the Ohio experiment station. Tho
use of Itordenux mixture or a weaker
solution of lime-sulphur 1* recommend­
ed for this disease In rase the scale In­
sects are not present In threatening
Testing Wet Lands.
Pick up a handful. o f the newly
turned soli nnd press It tightly In the
hand. I f It remains In n hall the land
Is too wet to plow, hut If It crumbles
readily It Is In tho right condition.
8llo Improves Feed.
A silo Is more thnn n grnnnrl. It
Improves feed ns well ns stores It.
Profitable Fertilizer«.
Avnllnhte phosphates are the moet
profitable fertilizers.
plated a movement to ix-cupy tba set-
•*ral heights near Charlestown, at Dor-
cbeeter, and adjacent pofnta.
The arrival of such a formidable
force of the enemy caused the gravest
concern to the colonists. It was ru­
mored that the British would sally forth
from Boston nnd burn the neighboring
Dr. E. E. Straw, former mayor o f
towns. It was to prevent this that the Marshfield, now serving as a captain
Americans determined to fortify Bun­ in the medical corps, U. S. army, has
ker H ill; for. If the British should get married a young woman at Oregon,
In Its Consequence« That Conflict out of the city nnd Intrench upon Dor­ ill., whom he met at Camp Grant,
Rank« as tha Moat Momentous of chester Heights to the south of Boa- Rockford, III.
ton, the Continental position would be
A campaign is being made among
All tha 8trugglss of Revolutionary
made untenable.
the business men o f Corvallis to ob­
Days— Revealed to the British tha
Prescott’* Gallant Act.
tain help for the farmers.
True Spirit of Thalr Foea.
Not un unnecessary sound was mad* time w ill be on in full force next
during the long hours of the night of week,
immediately following
A L IT T L E before June Ifl, 1775, and when dawn came In-
comes the harvest.
sunset 143 year« trenchinenta six feet high along the
Evidence in a suit for 840,000 filed
ngo. a few hun­ side o f the hill were disclosed. In the
American face o f the Are from the enemy ahlpa against the O.-W. R. & N. w ill be
Mrs. Grace F.
slacked and by the battery on Copp’s H ill the taken at La Grande.
their guns, threw Americans kept steadily at work com­ | Fuller ¡a the complainant, suing for
off their packs, pleting their Intrenrhment* and, when damages as a consequence o f the fatal
injury to Francis Fuller near North
t h e i r
there was n slight show o f faltering aft­
: Fork, Or., last year.
er a shot better
and set to work
State Labor Commissioner H off has
directed than tha
with great spirit
others had don« started work on his eighth biennial
At midnight Bos­
some execution In report to the legislature. The report
ton was burled In alecp. The sentry’s
the trenches, Pree- w ill not be as extensive as it has been
cry o f "A ll's well !'* could be beurd dis­
himself | in the past, owing to the fact that the
tinctly from Its shores.
t h • I last ssesion cut off $1500 from his ap-
At dawn, 148 years ago, the Ameri­
works and march- propriation for that work,
cans at work were seen by the sudors
ed to and fro
Ray Noel, a logger employed at the
on hoard the British ships of war and
with drawn sword McDonald & Vaughn camp at Tar
the alarm was given. The captain of
regardless of tb# , Heel, eight miles west o f North Bend,
the Lively, the nearest ship, without
fact that he was a Waa instantly killed early Friday after-
waiting for orders, put n spring upon
mark for the Brit- noon. A log that was being dragged
her cable and, bringing her guns to
ish. He thus pre- 1 by a donkey engine came in contact
bear, opened a Are upon the hill. One
served the coup - ¡ wi t h another log, and unexpectedly
man, among a number who bad Incau­
age of his men, bounding, struck Mr. Noel,
tiously ventured outside, was killed. A
who had never ho-
subaltern reported hla death to Colonel
fore been under
Confronted with a serious shortage
j o f drivers due to many o f its employes
Prescott and asked what was to be
done. “ Bury him," was the reply.
It was about entering m ilitary service, the Gorat
It was the first fatality In the battle
three o’clock In & Kinff Automobile company, operat-
of Bunker BUI, one o f the most mo-
afternoon I inK a jitney service between North
WATCH FOR PLANT DISEASES i mentouH conflict« In our Revolutionary
when the British Bend and Marshfield, is contemplating
! history. It was the first regular battle
troops supported employing young women drivers to re­
Food Product« Inspector« Are Report­ between the British nnd the Americans
by a terrific bom­ place the men.
| and most eventful In Its consequences. Bunker Hill Monu­ bardment
ing Disorder« Found In Shipment«
State penitentiary officials have been
The British had ridiculed nnd despised
of Vegetable«.
the ships In the informed that Terrel Pope, a trusty
1 their enemy, representing them as dns-
In solid column who escaped from the Oregon prison
I‘r«-|iuip.t by the United fitntes I ’epurt- ! tardly and Inefficient: yet here the best harbor, advanced
against the fortifications. Confidently last January, is under arrest at Des
nc-iit o f Agriculture.)
1 British troop*, led on by experienced
they approached the worka of th« Moines, la., and that he w ill be prose­
To detect local outbreaks o f diseases
■ officers, wen* repeatedly repulsed by Americans, construing the silence on cuted there
several burglary
" ( vegetables and fruits which when
i an Inferior force o f that enemy— mere the hilltop ns timidity. They changed charges. He is also said to have com-
uncontrolled cause heavy losses In the
j yeomanry— from works thrown up tn a their attitude on this point when they mitted robbery in Nebraska,
Held or In trniiNtt, the food-products
: »Ingle night, nnd suffered a loss rarely arrived within a few hundred feet of
lns|M*ctors of the I'ultcd States depurt*
Barger I>arson, a young man who
paralleled In battle with the most vet­
the redoubt. The Americans had been failed to register on June 5 o f last
mint o f agriculture are reporting *Us-
eran soldiers. According to their own
silent, but they had been ordered to
••a»«*s found In shipments of produca
returns their killed and wounded, out refrain from firing until the command year for m itliary service, was arrested
at twenty-three of the leading market
of n detachment o f 2,000 men, amount­ was given. Thus It was the British, ! by Sheriff Burns, o f Clatsop county,
centers of the country. Some of th«*se
i Friday morning. This case has been
ed to 1,0(14, and a large proportion of
advancing over the open stretch of
Inspectors are expert plant patholo­
them officers. The loss of the Ameri­ ground, panting from the heat and the reported to the Federal district attor­
gists and others are market Inspect ora cans was 411 out o f 1.500 men en­
ney and the defendant w ill be held
who have been trained to detect signs gaged. So the number of casualties in weight of their knapsacks, heard the awaiting instructions from that office.
word “ F ire !” at the moment of their
of Important diseases and rots.
this battle was more than 30 per cent
Cottage Grove district taxpayers
supreme confidence, and recoiled before
Whenever a shipment shows n seri­
favor the retention o f the
ous i II mcii »*- or rot, the department at
j manual training and domestic science
their number.
once notifies Its county agent and other
> and art departments in the schools.
British Line Decimated.
repri*»**ntnllves In the affected bw-ullty
A deadly fire was poured Into the The vote at the annual school meeting
and distributes explicit Instructions for
British column«, the marksmen o f the was 178 for their retention and 52 for
Americans picking off the officers. their elimination. H. J. Shinn was
losses. The notification to the [mint
Along the whole line o f fortification* re-elected director and Worth Harvey
of shipment ulso prevents shippers
from the rail fence to the redoubt, the was re-elected clerk.
from continuing to ship material cer­
British troops were soon In retreat
Greeks, o f whom there are many on
tain to s|iotl In transit aud thus wusta
The British columns advanced a sec­ Coos Bay, employed at the mills, in
car space.
ond time and once more were met with lumber camps and elsewhere, complain
This detection o f disease, however,
deadly fire. Now, however, they were about dealers who are selling flags and
Is largely a by-product o f the market
prepared for I t ; although staggered by say there is not a Greek flag to be pur­
Inspection mndi* at these markets by
the shock, they soon rallied and con­ chased in the county.
The Greeks
the department to certify to shippers
tinued their advance. The Americans say that being one o f the allied na­
'the condition as to soundness o f fruits,
fired with such rapidity that it seemed tions, it would be only proper for
vegetables and other fond products, na
ns if a continuous
tradesmen to place flags o f Greece on
authorized by the food production net,
approved August 10. 1017.
out from
County Food Administrator Wells
reports that more than 30 tons o f
the Brit*
Washington county wheat flour have
been turned back by dealers and pri­
; cross the open
vate owners at the administration’s
! place In front of
’ (Pr*psr«-d by the Unite«! State« De-
Many instances are reported
partmant of Agriculture.)
their enemy's po-
where families with less than a sack
I>o you want to make extra
! sitlon, hut were
o f flour in the house have turned it in.
’ tnonejr during your spure time
forced to give up
1 this summer at home?
Louis Williams, Thomas Randall and
the attempt, nnd
I f you consider money saved
fled precipitately
U. S. Fillio, interested in the fishing
Is money made, you enn do It.
industry near Seattle, were in Eugene
to the boats.
General Joseph Warren.
l ‘iit In ii half-acre garden.
this week on their way to Florence for
th e
If well planned and enred for
the purpose o f making an investiga­
| of the number In netlon, thus placing field was strewn
, properly, It will produce far
•Milt'll 1
tion o f the fishing industry near the
with their dead,
more vegetables than the £vcr-
mouth o f the Siuslaw river. They
r^;:....... mjrfltc
heretofore been known to history. At the British again
1 age family can consume,
contemplate engaging in sea fishing off
That means a supply o f n vari-
the Oregon coast.
thnn 34 per cent. No wonder that the American po-
, ety of fresh vegetables for the
Physical connection between
table—a reduction In the cost of
hail sent for re-enforcements early in Oregon Electric and the Southern Pa­
What the Victory Meant.
1 living.
A gallant loyalist of Massachusetts, the day. nnd John Stark, with his New cific at somewhere near Jefferson
who fought so well for King George Hampshire company, had courageously street in Portland is ordered by Re­
that he rose to he n full general In the crossed Charlestown Neck nnder a se- gional Director Aishton in a letter to
army, regarded Hunker Hill ns vere fire from the enemy. But the !>«► the Public Service commission. Sim­
transaction which controlled every­ aril of the attempt deterred other com­ ilar physical connection also is ordered
thing that followed. ’’You could not,” manders from bringing troops to the at Albany.
Compare Favorably With Ornamental he would say to Ills friends on the oth­ support of the brave Prescott.
Indians from Warm Springs and
Tree« and Are Wonderfully Ar­
With ammunition almost exhausted Celilo take the myriads o f brown,
er side, ‘‘hnve succeeded without It.”
rayed With Blossom*.
“ The rebels,” Gage wrote n week af­ nnd troops tired out from the strain to I . green and black aphids found sucking
ter the battle, “ are shown not to he the which they had been subjected, Pres­ the life from plants in gardens adjoin­
Why not fruit trees occasionally for disorderly nibble too mnny hnve sup­ cott realized the futility of holding his ing the strawberry fields o f Hood
shade— for the trees themselves? They posed. In nil their wars against the position In the face of repented at­ R iver as a forewarning o f the ap­
compare with the best of the so-called French they hnve showed no such con­ tacks hy the reformed nnd re-enforced proach o f a severe winter. The warn­
ornamental trees, nml are wonderfully duct nnd perseverance as they do now. British lines. Nevertheless he deter­ ings o f the red men are having a bet­
arrayed with blossoms In the spring.
mined again to measure his strength ter effect toward securing an advance
Move Forced on British.
Then there Is the fruit— that’s v e lve t
After the engagement at Lexington with the adversary; nnd, with a com-1 ordering o f winter fuel than the offi-
on April 10 the British force under mand to hts men to make every shot | cjai advice o f the fuel administration.
Wheat Would Help.
General Gage was Increased to 10.000 tell, he awaited the advance o f the
A second order granting a franchise
An acre o f wheat on every farm men hy the nrrlvnl of Generals Howe, British. Again the latter were per­
has been granted to the Siuslaw Boom
would help mightily to win the war, Clinton, nnd Burgoyne with their com­ mitted to advance within twenty yards
compay covering a part o f the Siuslaw
and bring hack to our households mands from England. These occupied of the American works before they
river and streams and tributaries in
some of tho old-fashioned practices the town o f Boston on a peninsula ex­ were fired upon. The British line way
, Lane county.
Under the new order
of thrift nnd economy.
tending Into the harbor. The naval broken, but still It ndvaneed. ,
Knowles, Hadsell and Sweet creeks-
forces consisted of the Falcon, Lively, their powder now quite exhausted, the which were covered by the first order-
Market for Dairy Products.
Somerset, Symmetry, Glasgow, and Americans met their opponents with are eliminated.
The order is also
Dairymen may he assured o f ft four floating batteries.
Across the clubbed muskets nnd bayonets.
amended to provide that the streams
mnket for all their dairy products be­ Charles river, nt Cambridge, nnd on
The odds were too great nnd
covered by the franchise are navigable
cause of the world-wide shortage o f the surrounding hills, were encamped cott ordered his men to re tree
to logs and provides that private oper­
dairy cattle.
between 1(1,000 nnd 20,000 undlsd- was In dojng this that the Amei
ators along the streams shall not in­
pllned Americans. The Rrltlsh, thus eftt suffered their heaviest loss; amoi
terfere with the rights o f the com­
Caring for Pastures.
« or pany. The first order provided that
off from communication with the main­ others whp fell was Warren, on«
Pastures nre a special cyop and land, were seriously hampered for pro­ the moet cherished o f the popular lead­ the company should not interfere with
should be seeded and managed just ft* visions, nnd General Gage content- e r *
the rights o f private owners.
beets or potatoes.