The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 27, 1918, Image 6

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Kant 654.7 feet; thence North 1643.0
Public sale bills printed at the
feet to the center of county road;
Express office.
thence North 78 degree» 60 minute»
East 601.9 feet; thence South 872.24
The Express prints but ter wrap-
Summer weight sweaters for
feet; thence South 78 degree» Ml min­
pers with non-poisonous ink.
men, women and children at John
ute» We»t 67.oy feet lo » »tone; thence
South 2284.92 feet to the north boun­
Warranty deed and mortgage Anderson’s.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
dary line of Tract No. 1 of »aid sub-
l^ave orders for your Fourth
blanks for sale at this office.
divi»ion of the Ellen Porter e»tate;
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
thence South 89 degree» We»t 1226012
Money to loan— Valley R alty of
„ July
, .. _ ice „ cream at Shearer’s
feet to the place of licginning, contain­
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf ^ onfectionery.
ing 60 acre», more or le»s. Which
Straw hats for dress and work! Jim McGi" o( rortlaml Tisiud.
tract i» to In* offered first atul i» to be
a» Tract No. I of »aid »ale.
wear at Anderson-’s clothing store. wife,children and grandchildren in
P H O N E 701
this city Sunday.
Tract No. 2 Situate In Washington
S. A . Walker and C. V. B.
County, in the »tate of Oregon, Part
Miss Alice Smith of Hillsboro
South Main Street
Forent Grove, Ore
of the W'illiam II. Poe Donation I,and
Russell had business in Portland
Claim No. 66 in Township one North,
Graham, last Sunday.
Itange four We»t Will. Mer. bounded
and de»crihed a» beginning at the
Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed
George G. Hancock, real es- Vwpvpn R t n c n n c
Washington (ounty Transfers
NoutheHMt corner of »aid claim No. r>
$150 per pounds at the Pacific tate,
farm loans and fire insur- ‘5eV en «© r aSO n IlS .
Sheriff to Martha Sutford S *j running thence North 89 degree»26 min­
ute» We»t on the south lino o f said claim
ance, new Anderson block. 50
nw «., sec 10, s
Leave orders for your Fourth
Itk87 chain» to reentrant corner on
K M Borgen et ux to Washing- »uch line; thence South 0 degree» .'til
Jack Wilson went over Tilla-
of July ice cream at Shearer’s
1. Save f o r your country’s ton county, right of way for Pa- minute» Went 2 08 chain» to angular
I mook way Monday to go into the
sake, because it is now spending a cific highway in R F Tupper. corner on »uch line; thence North 88
timber as a fire warden.
degrees 84 minutes We»t on »outh line
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Brackett of
million a day, and must find most DLC, $1.
• >f »aid claim 10.89 chain»; thence
Portland visited at the M. J. A b -' Rev. A. B. Patten of this city of lhe money out of savings.
Sheriff to C Alexander, 50 ac North 11.98 chains; thence South 8;t de-
bott home Sunday.
i green 26 minute» Kant 27.99 chain» to
2. Save for yourtown sake, be- in J H Nelson DLC.
Hillsboro’s Fourth of July cele­
H|,e of »aid Poe claim; thence
Green beiry H Busby bv t'X-
Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and bration.
caua» work and wages are plenti
,, . 1
South l - degree 46 minute» West on
Natureopath. Office at A St. &
ful and, while prices are high
,ai< s e i a t , , »ui.|| ime iii.»6 chains to th ap la e a o f
The Forest Grove Planing Mill now. a doll ar will buv more after 49.50 ac in Wooley " DLC.
beginning, containing .'to acres. Which
1st Ave. N. Phone 676.
is now taking orders for wooden
tract 1» to be ntfi-red second and i» to
Temple Inv Co to E W Hai
Choice stove-wood length kind boxes of all kinds anil sizes Ask i the war
WM “** Tru, t No- * o f a*»''1
3. Stave because, when
ling wood $2.00 the load at the for particulars.
It 40. G invelami A cres. $10.
Tract No. :t Situata In the city « f
Forest Grove Planing Mill. 18-tf
M M . n ....... .............
tir fo r t » ! Grove, Washington County, ii
Mrs. Harry Shick arrived last work for you, and the work of ev­
Geo M McDowell e( ux to E W the »tate of Oregon, Commencing at
Go to the Erickson garage, K. Thursday from Weston, this state, eryone is needed now to win i he Haim s, 5 ac in Groveland Acres, the southwe»t corner of l.ot one in
lUock two Naylor’» Addition to Forest
of P. building, fo your auto re- for a visit with her parents, Mr. war.
Grove, »aid county and »tale, running
Rairs, accessories, tires, gas and and Mrs J i m Ritchie.
4. Save because, by saving.vou
Geo M McDowell et ux lo E W thence North 101.90 f e d ; thence Ka»t
Shick says that, with favorable make things cheaper for eveiyone, Haines, It 9; E*_. It 30; It 8; It 10. 60
feet; thence South
101.80 feet;
Mrs. Roy Watkins and children weather, Umatilla county will espt daily for those who are pooi i r
thence W est 60 feet to the place of
Groveland Acres, each $100; N 1 ■> beginning. Which tract is to he o f­
returned Friday from a visit with have a big grain crop.
1 than you
It 7, $10.
fered third and i» to be known a»
^ e „ Lore,?„ " alkins Limily, a t ' Richard Wilson, who is in the
5. Save, because b y going
Tract No. 9 of »aid »ale.
Job printing—phone 821.
; navy yard at Brooklyn, N. Y., without, you relieve the strain on
Said »ale will be made on Monday
Caples & Co. last week shipped writes his brother, Roy, an inter­ ships, docks and railways, and
““ “
~ ~ t h e
22nd day of July A. D. 1918. at 2
Notice o f Sheriff'» Sale
(¿dock P. M. of that day, at the South
ior their country customers 3,000 esting letter of the 'things he is make transport cheaper and
Notice i» hereby given that by virtue 7
ou.rt House, in the ( ity of
pounds of wool to a government seeing in the east, inclu ling the quicker.
of an execution issued out of and under 1 Hillsboro, Washington! ounty, Oregon,
warehouse in Portland.
au o races at Sheapshead Bay and
6. Save because, by saving, the seal o f the Circuit Court of the
The terina of said sale will I k -; Cash,
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Bishop have a tr'P lo Coney Island. Rich has you set an example that makes it state of Oregon, for the county o f j gold coin o f the United States, ten per
received word that a son was born passed the examination for the ea-ier for the next man to save. Washington, dated the 18th day o f cent o f the purchase price to be paid
to their son, J. E. Bishop, and yeoman service, but he hasn’ t re- A saving nation is an earning June, 1918, in favor df George Wise, to the undersigned at time of sale, bal-
plaintiff, and agaiiiBt Henry Stavelv «ore on confirmation of the sale by
wife at Dover. N. J , last Friday 'ceivea his commission yet.
! nation.
Waudhy and Maria Wuudby, defend-1 «»id court. Executor's deed furnishod.
for the sum of $27.50cost and the Abstract o f title furnished at expense
7. Save because, every time
Dr. Ward is con'inuing his
Mr. a°d Mrs. Frank Smith and
further »urn of $200.00, with interest of estate.
practice and is prepared to answer, ,wo little son* of Summit Ore., ; you save, you help twice, fust, thereon from the 29th day of January,
Notice» |M>»ted and puhli»hed by or­
calls both day and night. Office <*ame in their auto to Forest when you don’ t spend, and again 1918, at the rate of 8 per cent (>er an- der o f the court.
i num, and for the further sum of $200,
hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to Grove Sunday, bringing home when you lend to tin nation.
with interest thereon from the 11th
Mrs Smith’s sisters. Misses Clara
Executor of the last will and testa­
4 p. m.
clay of May, 1916, at the rate of 8 |>er ment of Nellie Porter Dannie!», de­
and Alma Sage who wil look
, cent per annum, and the further »uin
Miss Elizabeth Swanson of arter business matters and visit
of fifteen and 88.100 dollars (115.68) at ceased.
Portland spent Saturday night ht-re for a week, after which they
L. M. GR AH A M , Attorney for Ex­
the rate of 8 per cent |>er annum from
and Sunday in Forest Grove visit­ will return to Summit. Mr. and
March 23rd, 1918, ami the further »um ecutor.
Address Forest Grove, Oregon.
of seventy dollars ($70.00) attorney’s
ing her aunt, Mrs. Phoebe Ward, Mrs. Smith and one li tie boy re­
One of Pershing’s men, returned fee», to me directed and delivered,
First pub. June 20; lu»t pub. Jul. 18,
and other friends.
turned to their home Monday.
. commanding me to make »ale of the 1918.
from France, was speaking:
Buy your groceries, fish, veg-
real property hereinafter described, 1
“ When I left for home,” he said, have levied upon and pursuant to »aid
Legal Notice
etables and second-hand house-
“ the boys over there were feeling execution 1 will on Monday, the 22d day in the Couuty Court of the State of
hold goods of the Economy store
of July, 1918, at the South door o f the
Oregon for Washington County.
pretty blue, becuu-e they thought Courthouse,
Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and
in Hillshoro, Washington
the matter of the estate of Earl
county, Oregon, at the hour o f ten
Pacific avenue.
Ott, Presumed deceased.
not backing them up as you o ’clock a. m. of said day Hell at public
W. H. Hay left Monday for one
The people having the Balm ought. We had a pretty biter auction to the highest bidder for rash To Furl Ott and all persons concerned:
of his periodical outings at Long j Grove Fourth df July celebration winter over there. The weather in hand, all of the following-described
The petition o f Bessie L. Van Ant­
real property, lying, being and situate
Beach, Wa-h.f where he like» t o ;jn hand are busy these days get­ was the coldest France has known in
having been filed in the county
Washington county. Oregon, and
take the air and watch the mer­
in years. Many of us were with­ more particularly described as follows, court o f Washington County, State o f
to-w it:
Oregon, praying for a decree of said
out the program and other details
ProPer f°° l a H ^ clothing.
that the legal presumption exists
Picnic packages, paper plates,
. . . .
, • , . . borne were even without shoes,
of us werfc /./.m r.',
the Southwest quarter of the Nurth- of the death of said Earl Ott, on ac­
paper napkins, p a p e r towels, : for a big celebration which starts None
cump.uimng, eadt quarter of Section 13, thence Houth
Thermos bottles, in fact every­ at 10 a. m. and lasts as long as though, but the feeling that when along the center line of said Section 13 count of not having been heard from in
years, or more, from his last
thing for your outing at Littler’s I 'he people want to slay
we were doing so much for you, one hundred and sixty (160) nsls to the aeven
known place o f residence, and for a
indications are that if the weath r
|you were not doing everything in
further order of the court appointing
¡is favorable, there will be a mon-
\ quarter of the Southeast quarter of j
administrator on the estate of said
Remember, friends, you must|ster crowd in attendance. The your power to back us up some i »aid Section 13; thence East twenty j an
Earl Ott; and the County Judge of said
pay in advance to get the Express fact that the profits from the cel -1
county and state having heard said
‘ We felt like the little Irishman and sixty (160) rods to the line on the j petition and the evidence, and having
at one dollar per year. The reg- bration will go to the Red Cro-s
South side of the Northwest quarter
ular price is $1 50. We pay you ¡s influencing many people
who felt in a Y . M. C. A hut one ev­ of the Northeast quarter of said Sec­ found that the presumption of death of
Earl Ott is fully and completely
50c to collect Lorn yourself.
i do not usually care to leave town ening. A bunch of u.s had gath­ tion 13; thence West twenty (20) rods said
and that said Earl Ott is
to the place of beginning, containing
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. B uxton,: for a celebration and this city will ered there to li-ten to a speaker ; twenty
legally dead, now therefore, you, and
from America. During the course
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Farrell and ?en(l a big delegation.
One, South of Range Five, West of each o f you, are hereby cited to np|>car
of his lecture he said:
the Wilremette Meridian, in Washing- in the County Court room at the court
Miss Vera Schiffer visited at the
The committee in charge is
“ ‘ W’e in America are behind ton county, Oregon, to satisfy the here- ! ['OUrte in Hillsboro. Washington County,
A. T. Buxton home, at Molalla composed of Fred Wilson, Chas.
inbefore named sums and for the costs ;
<’ r ^ forV twelve weeks
boys to a man ’
Sunday. They report that Austin Bamford, Clyde Ryan, Walter
and expenses of sale and said writ.
BI,'<- a^ ‘T. •
the last
„ . ,
. . . .
! publication o f this notice and then and
“ Then my little Irish friend got
is a very sick man.
Sargent, Claude Smith. R. B.
Said sale will he made subject to re- ; there give satisfactory evidence to the
Clem B. Inkley of the Banks Lilly a n d “ Bud’ White, all up. ‘ Yes,’ he said, 'you’re all be­ demption, as per statute o f Oregon.
, (;0ynty Court o f the continuance in life
hind us, all right, a h------ of a
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 19th of said Earl Ott, and if said evidence
district was given the third de- hustlers.
day of June, 1918.
j shall not be forthcoming within said
gree in Masonry in this city Sat- L ,■ c,
. p . M r . „... . ways behind—4 000 miles ’ ”
GEO. A L E X A N D E R .
time letters of administration on the
urday night and left Monday for Oddly-Shaped feet Now Get fitted
Are you that far behind ‘ the
SherifF o f Washington County, Ore. ! estate of said Earl Ott will be issued to
Camp Lewis to train for a ¡-crap
Two out of » very 1000 men in boys?” If you are, move up L. M. G r a h a m ,
II. T. Buxton as administrator. Dated
at Hillsboro, Oregon, June loth, 1918.
the Army have to have thei shoes closer
Put all your energy into
with the Hun devils.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Published three issues.
M r. and Mrs. H. R . Bernard made to order
In several camps this W a r Savings Campaign
Forest. Grove, Ore.
H. A. K U R A T L I,
Sunday visited their son-in law f nt're regime.nta h.av.e had the.r i Save to the utmost of your ability
First publication, June 20, 1918.
Clerk of the County Court.
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- f! et measured, and hundreds <f and put your savings into W. S.
Last publication July 18, 1918.
L. M. G R A H A M ,
ris Rogers at McMinnville fj-i drawings were made of odd sh ipns b.. and get everyone else to do
Attorney for petitioner,
a ! and sizes. At the pre ent time the same. Make “ the boys in
Legal Notice
Forest Grove, Oregon.
d aS froE T m o f f i ^ v i S ^ n & !
b a w ’Jen 2,000.000 Franc- realize 'ha. while the mile- In the County Court of the State of
; and 3,000.000 pairs of shoes a age may be great, H is easily
Oregon for Washington County.
spanned by your willingness to In the matter of the estate and last
This is a good year for stacking
will and testament of Nellie Porter !
Facts brought out in tests h^lp-
Successor to
hay. The practice of cutting hay. seem to prove that nv n in the
Dannisi», Deceased.
Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor-
raking it, and curing it in cocks
Notice is hereby given that in pur­
present Army a r e larger than ner Pacific Avenue and Third
where it is left until it is baled those serving in previous wars.' street, for up-to date hair cuts suance of «»o rd er of the County Court
saves some labor, but is an ex­
In First National Bank Building
Not only is this shown by the and shaves Also ice cream, cold o f Washington County, state of Ore­
pensive and wasteful process from larger sizes of shoes called for, but drinks and lunches. Phone 181. gon, made on the 17th day o f June A.
the standpoint of forage “ Much by the larger sizes of outer cloth-1
---- P*
in th,‘ matl,‘r
the above
Residence 332
Office 333
hay is spoiled annually by bleach ing that is being required. Records
Italians to Honor Wilson
I entitled estate the undersigned execu-
ing and by wetting,” says G. R.
Florence, Itaiy, June 21« Pres* Nellie Porter DannialH, deceased, will
D. D. & M. B. BUM P
Hyslop, professor of farm crops in in the Quartermaster Corps show
tha1 a size larger, on the average, ident Wilson on the Fourth of »ell at public auction to the highest
the Oregon Agricultural College. is being demanded in blouses, July is to be solemnly declared a bidder. »object to confirmation by said
Attorneys at Law
Mr. and Mrs Claude Smith shirts, and breeches than h^ve ' citizen of Florence.
to-5lt -
de8cril,ed real
Loans and Real Estate
and little daughter their guests, ever before been used.
^as also been decided to hold
Tract No. 1 Situate in Washington D. D. BUMP,
Mesdames Frank Wilson of Van­
a great parade over the main County, in the state of Oregon, being Residence
Residence Hillsboro
couver and Dan Wilson of Port­
, , . , ,,
* thoroughfares of the city. It will designated in the petition as “ Tract Forest Grove.
No. 5 ,“ described as follows, - Being Phone 414
land; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton
The undersigned desire to thank end at the histoiic Pa la zza Vec part
of the Donation Land Claim of
and daughter, Jessie, and Mr. and their _ dear
Henry OUAton
Buxton ,->r.
Sr. and wife, No. 44 in
, ,
.• r i
<j _ | „ i t •_
| v ,,,v (
■miwiiij — * —■••• •• nenry
Mrs. Frank Gordon spent Sunday ness and beautiful _ floral offerings ( Oahi ielt? d’Annuzio, the poet, will Township one North, Range four West
picnicking at Rippling Waters, bestowed upon their dear depart- ¡^.ak
Will, Mer. and beginning at a point on J.
— —
__________ | the west line of said D. L. C. (being
Mrs. Frank Wilson is a sister to ed one, Mrs.
1Vf“~ ^
~ " Ar' Fogel.
v— 1
Attorney At Law
^ r also the northwest corner of Tract No.
Henry Fogel,
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dan Wilson
i •
Puliin, principal of J Gf rtU|KJivision of the Ellen Porter es- Patent Office Business Solicited
Mr. and Mrs. E. 13. a a p p in g io n the Lincoln school, IS attending tate) from thence running North
is a daughter-in-law t o Mrs.
| summer school at Eugene.
j 1035.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees Forest Grove,
Frank Wilson.
for Saving Money
How Far Behind the
Boys Are You?
Al)0llt Ready for the
Big Celebration
t -t