F i LJ fe» I N E $ 1.00 h U äü C A R B O N P A P E R A T Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N Hlininona fiitlm n I’upi-r Co., 60# K. 69th North. All kind» of carbon paper, extra durable typewriter rlhbona. Wilkwl Bilk $ 1.50 [ ü Ä û » ** Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's, 306 Waah. Ht M ajestic Theater lllilg Weekly Rales ¿rasa®*. AUTO ACCESSORIES Monthly Rales Motore, arare, NORTONIA HOTEL bi ni Inge, wheels, axlea, ■ ■it trailers. 11* h 1 1 M lYe n * wre< u' a<»vM llroudway und unit Klunders. 11.1 LITTLE TROUBLE WITH GEESE ACETYLENE Central IxHatlnn. Mcjulifully Furnished 11th and Stark. L IO H T IN O SYSTEM S. M A C H IN E R Y fpreparod by the Cnlted Htates liepHrt- ment of Agriculture ) Cut your own lum ber on a W heland ! Portable Huwmlll. You Will save time In our efforts to 10cr.ta.se (he pro­ c v a n v T H i N n row t h i o r r i c e and big money on your next lumber bill duction o f poultry, w hich Is being j W ith this sawm ill you ran supply the O ffice F urniture a A ppliances | lumber needs of your neighbors also. The u rged by the department of agricul- price la reasonable, und the profits will p h i n ting E n g h a v in g B o o k b i n d i n g soon pay for the machine. W rite for ture, we should not ff tenure turkeys, catalog and full details Clyde Kupt. Co , ducks und geese. Many farms are lMli and Thurm an sts , Portland Ore. well adapted for geese-raising. t o both U sin g only a part of the local live stock supply and Furnishing only a part of They / H o m e s e e k e r s and I n v e s t o r s FlRfM • OAR •>««•*• PUSftARU URtlMif C (M I « iT f I I NK O F UTKKL F I L I N O U K VI CK B A N O K t 91 L N 9 ^Mew Houston Hotel ' Htxth sad Everett Sts. Portland. Ore. Pour blocks from Unto» Osent. Two blur In from New I'ustofflee, Mistero and Arupruuf Over IU0 outside ru n s. Its tee 76c to A ll). CHAH. C. HOPKINS. Mstuarr. SHIP I Voal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs ind Farm Produce, to the old Reliable Kvenllng house with a recurd of 46 years of Honan- tlenllngs. and be assured of TO P MAKKI.T PRICKS. Buy Land Under the Stare and Stripes In marvelous Prairie Co. Eaatern Montana. Parma, Ranches and W holesale Tracts, Best of Soli, Coal, Qood W a te r and Living Springs. W s own and control what we offer, are not a syndicate. Can save and make you monay. M ABON L A N D COM PANY, Byron Mabon, Mgr. T E R R Y , M ONT. the local dem and for m eat. Earn More Young Women and Men These slaughtering and distributing agencies fill a well defined but neces­ sarily restricted place in the distribu­ tion o f the products o f live stock. llualne** ertr* for trained minds, tIrani, your opiMirtunlty Km.rll now In Northwest * biggest bualnes* college, llrlinkr• Wslki-r. Portland. Free Catalog. 200 Room* P S ) H alb* Near Rotb Depot* Absolutely Fireproof But only packers like S w ift & Company, organized on a national scale, are able to undertake the ser­ vice that is more vitally important, involving F. M. CRONKHITE, 4V 47 Frost Street, Portland, Oregon FRED DUNDEE M OTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK M AGNETO SERVICE STATIO N WELDING A L L KINDS OF CYLINDER GRINDING PR O M PT ATTE N TIO N T O A L L ORDERS Broadway at Flanders, Portland, Or. Q A B ,A Granulated Eyelids, c S l i ■ W m Eye* inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dutl and Rln4 uickly relieved by Marine yeHemedy. No Smarting, Juit Eye Comfort. At Druggiits or by mail 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye Salve in Tuhei 25c. For Bssksl the Eye ask Marina Cye Demedy Ce. t face " I," xald the temperance man, “ strongly object to thn custom of christening ships with champagne.’’ “ I don’t,’’ replied the other man. “ I think there’s a temperance lesson In It" ’■ flo w can that b«v?” “ W ell, Immediately after the first bottle of wine the ship takes to water and sticks to it ever after.’ ’— New York Globe. THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia E. Pinkham’s V egeta b le Compound le Prepared For W om an’s Use. A visit to the laboratory where this successful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with tne reli­ ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends the making o f this great medicine for woman’s ills. Over 360,000 nnunds o f various herbs are used anually and all have to bo gathered at the season o f the year when their natural juices nnd medicinal sub- stnnces are at their best The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs. o Every utensil and tnnk that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a Final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and scaled in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination o f root« and herbs, together with tho skill nnd care used in its preparation which has made this famous niedicino so successful in the treatment o f female ills. The letters from women who have been restored to henlth by the use o f Lydia E. F’inkham’s Vegetable Com­ pound which we an* continually pub­ lishing nttest to its virtue. P. N. U. No. 25, 1018 • T he m eat business of the country is conducted by various agencies— B y sm all slaughter-houses in villages— B y local Abattoirs or sm all P acking H ouses in tow n s— Many Farms Adapted fo r R aising Small Number o f F o w ls — P astu r- Pilot Generators Installed All kinds of ago la Quite E ssential. Supplies J. W . Clancy 333 K Morrison Ht. P O R TLA N D , ORE. Fan-Ill nt Cafe. National and Local M eat Business ,V A A O A T E C U T T E R S A MPO. J E W E L E R S Willi bib I RULTPy Fiery D I R E C T O R Y h Corser Si*th and Hoyt St*.. Portland, Ora. MJU HIMKH. Manager. It A l KH 76c to 12. SPECIAL Week or Month Flock of Toulouse Geese. may ht* rulsed In sninll nuuila-rs suc­ cessfully iiml nt u profit on farms where there Is low. rough pasture land with u imturul supply o f water. Geette ÜCilUSPttlAL are generally quite free from disease TTo r ■ Df*d|»7 and Insect pests, hut occasionally are N*i l*tk-bfnkifl(. itmuuhdtfvifw in Ss-H wringing Simple snd prac- affecteil by ailments common to jhhi I- tU*i I wtl dtrr«taom with n denvswtrmlid i the almost miraculous efft- way of a house, except in winter nnd CSTT. and h ir a lm n is , of Antityphoid Vaccination. during stormy weatln-r. Some kind of b< vac- :lulled N O W by your pLyilclan, you and four fam ily. It b mots vital than houae Insurance. a shelter should be provided for the Aik your physician, druggist, 0» tend for ‘lia rs young goslings, nnd the same precau­ you had Typhoid?’* trlllng of T y p h o id Vaccina, rcaultl from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. tions taken In raising chickens as to THC (I I i r t LAtWHfATOtY, ftCtftfLFY, CAL. keep the coops nnd houses clean and r e iM iia e vacciatt a atausa vasts a. a. so*, uctaas provided with plenty o f straw scat­ tered about the floor, should he taken. Geese like other kinds o f poultry, should lie selected for size, prolificacy tnepart* ment of Agriculture.) Before marketing- the young geese the average farmer can feed advan- tngeously a fattening ration either while the geest* are on grass range or Confined to small yards, hut It Is doubt­ ful whether It would pay him to con- | fine thetu to Individual or sninll pens and make n specialty of fattening un­ less he has n sp«*cial market or retail trade for well-fattened stock. Geese are usually killed and picked In the same manner as other kinds of i poultry. Some markets prefer dry- i picked geese, while In other markets no difference Is made in the price of ■cabled or dry-picked geese. When feathers are to be saved, fowls should not he sealded but should be picked dry before or ufter steaming. You reckless men and women who are pestered w'th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment It ap­ plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without Inflam ng or even Ir­ ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone wfll cost very little at any of the drug stores, but w ill positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callouB. I f your druggist RAISING GEESE FOR PROFIT j hasn't any freezone he can get It at any wholesale drug house for you — Fowls Ear* Their Own Living by For­ ! Adv. aging In Pastures— A lfalfa Field Is Ideal. You May T ry Cuticura Free Send today for free samples o f Cntl- That there Is big money In raising I curn Sonp nnd Ointment nnd lenrn geese Is conceded by every one who | how quickly they relieve Itching, skin has had anything to do with the raising nnd senlp troubles. For free sntnples, o f them. They earn their own living address, “ Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston.” by foraging In the pastures and mead­ At druggists nnd by mall, Sonp 25, ows, and where great quantities o f al­ Ointment 25 nnd 50.— Adv. fa lfa are raised would he an Ideal place for them. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U. S. A. Not a Permanent Objection. W ITH YOUR HANDS TIED by some Prospective Tenant — I like the chronic “ female com- house, but I don't fancy having that plaint” or weakness, huge building opposite. It cuts out what can you expect? the view. There’s nothing you Agent— Oh, but that's only a muni­ can accomplish— tion factory. It may blow up any day. nothing you can en- — Exchange. no good reason for it. Doctor A Waste of Knowledge. P i e r c e ' s Favorite Proscription will cure “ Your friend seems very pessimistic *1 you. safely and cer- about the outcome o f the war.” ■ tainly, if you'll give “ Yes; you see, he has no way of ad­ II faithful use. For vising Gen. Foch when to bring on his 4 M P P P every one of these reserve army.”— Exchange. womanly troubles, this is the only To keep clean and healthy take Dr. remedy: In periodical pains, bearing- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ down sensations, organic displace­ ments, and every kindred ailment, and late liver, bowels and stomach. in all the nervous disorders caused by functional derangements. True Devotion. An easily procured vegetable pill is “ And you love me for myself alone?” made up of May apple, the dried juice “ Yes, dear.” of the leaves of aloes, and the root of "Suppose I were to Inherit a million jalap, made into a tiny pellet and coat­ dollars?” ed with sugar. It was first put into " I could help you spend it with a ready-to-use form by Dr. Pierce nearly clear conscience.” — Birmingham Age- 50 years ago. Alm ost every drug store Herald. in this country sells these vegetable pellets in vials for 25c— simply ask Intrusted to an Expert. for Dr. P ierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They "Does that mule of yours kick?” have Dr. R. V. Pierce stamp.— Adv. "Y ep ,” replied Farmer Corntossel. “ An’ I don’t much object. There alius “ Miss Bertha says she has such an has to be some kickin' and I’m per­ elastic nature.” fectly satisfied to leave it all to the “ I suppose that is why she does so mule.” — Washington Star. much rubbering.”— Exchange. Sapolio doing its w ork. Scouring for U S.M arine Corps re c ru its . (NOCH MORGAN'S so ns ca Join Now! who wear APPLY emblem AT A N Y POST O FFICE for SERVICE UNDER T H IS Men this is . M ARINES EM B LEM