/ ©Ijr 3 ffiirF 0 t (ürmir 1Exprp00 I* u I>I ìn I i * m 1 «very Th uri*» I ay ut Forent (îrove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor ami l'uhli«h<.-r. Entered an MToml-i'litMN m atter Jan. 12, I Wifi, at the poetoWre at Forent drove, Oregon, under the A rt of March 3, 1H71I I’aid in advance One year Six monthn Three Montha SuW ription Kates On (’redit 1,00 One year ........50 Six month« .25 Three month« * THURSDAY, JUNK 27, 101M f the evenings, perhaps when the light in the sky slowly fades away feel so homesick and so lonesome tha you are fearful you may not have the courage to do your part after all? ______ _______— You have not done t hese things? Ah. you aie not one of our * * * This paper has enlisted Army I see, or Navy boys; you are a with the Government in the stay-at-home person. cause of America for the Well, there have to tie 20 or period of the war............. more stay-at-home per ons for everyone who goes, and so cer­ Before wt* can hope to lick tin* tainly no disgrace attaches to be­ Knitter we must first learn to lick ing one if you fully appreciate the plute. what those boys who do go have give up and if you support Habit helps the Hun. Get rid to them to the limit of your ability of tin* wheat flour hah t and help National War Savings Day is win the war June 28. Th it day gives you the War is -craping our sugar bins opportunity of showing in a prac­ and our graneries The less we r*at tical way that you do appreciate the longer it will take to empty what it means to the boys who them. Isn’t that plain enough? go. Pledge yourself on or before that dav to save to the utmo-t of It i« much better to be a work­ your and to buy War Sav er in the ranks than a shouter on mgs ability Stamps that there may be th e ide lines E v e ry b o d y can ire more money, labor, and materials a worker in the food saving ranks. to back up those who fight and Denying yourself a little wheat die for you. and sugar is not comparable with PLAIN TALK BY the sacrifice the men at the front A WOMAN PHYSICIAN are making. It’s m» rely a priv- iledge. Take it as such. Dr Esther IjOvejoy, a Portland “ It’s a lot better for the whole physician, who has recently re lot of us to lie eating American turm-d from doing Red Cross oats, rice, corn or bit« ley, or good work in France, brings the moth­ Irish-American ‘pennies* than to ers of America this message from have the Kaiser feeding us crow bleeding and outraged France: at the point of a sixteen-inch ‘ I wish every man and woman gun,” say» M»s. O’Kiaherty. in America could spend one day- in Fiance and see what I have “The Allies should be grateful seen,” she said “This apathy, to two men after victory has this woeful ignorance of what is been obtained. First, the gen­ on over there, this criminal eral who lead the soldiers to win going of eyes to the honors of the decisive baitle, and second, to b this iftding war stop, and eviry- Herbert Hoover, who rendered it one would would do his share. We are possible for the solou, given up your busi­ baby under 3 years of age she is ness future and said goodby and kept in Germany, for the Hun taken a chance on coming back figures, and truly, that the baby alive and well, and done it all is a Boche baby. with a cheerful heart and with a are teriible truths. A grim determination to do all you girl ‘‘These of 14 is but a girl possibly can for your country? of 16 is kept sent for back, breeding pur And do you only at times in poses. I do not mean immed ate The Pacific Market Under the new management, this market has been stocked up with a tempting line of Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry.. . Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays Free Deliveries We pay Cash for'Veal, 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork, Hides, Poultry Phone 0301 and Eggs MICKIB SAYS H fcL P t 0»t tHiS WERE. sa c k O F P 6 N tv\t a t F o a e \ COOAK.' A n ' , M EK .t BET T h E N C K T O U V vNOY W A N ÎS TO TBA O E POTATOES, E ft A N Y T H I N ’ EV-Sfc O n va \ s SuB SC O 'O T tO N tft (JO IN ' T o QrlT B E A M E D W f w THE. fy\Auce<.^Awe \T p r o n i The Main Street Lumber Yard has the largest and best- housed stock of Building Materials in Washington county. Copeland & McCready P h o n e 531 FO R EST GROVE, OREGON keit and to win the Iron Cro»«. March panel has becom • so re- "K eep me patient and calm and (juced in numbers that occasion- Hweetly cheerful, ally delay is experienced in filling " I h a t I may help to put serenity a jury and as there are many jury into the heart» of those around me, cases on the docket it was neces- “ Yea, help me to ‘come up limiting!’ eak of their daughter as lost' and confidence R. 2. forever. That is why warfare is j courage much worse for worn* n than for “ That willSHAM Ethem into silence. Garfield Hite, Sherwood, R. 4. men of any country,” says Dr. "Though others may fret and fume j Gottfried F. Beeler, Hillsboro and sign and groan, Lovejoy. R. 1. “ And quarrel with fate and the world Wm. H. Boyd, Beaverton. “A man can only die, but a one another, Finnigun, Laure! R. 2. woman can live to become the and “ Let keep my eyes steadily Louis mother of a Hun. With a woman toward the me light, Francis Cota, Hillsboro. the evil goes on. She can live to j “ And my heart and hands steadily C. E. Hedge, Beaverton. be the grandmother of a family of upon knitting,’ my own job, John Campbell, Forest Grove Huns and the tragedy continues “ And ‘my my OWN R.2. OW’N through he years. A woman who : “ For, though I am ‘morale!’ Willis D. Hoag, Hillsboro. a woman, loves her country can become an “ I know th at it will only H. T. Koeber, Hillsboro. take more than enemy to that country decause of guns and bullets and ships John P. Ireland, Forest Grove. her militaiy value as a breeder “ To win this war! Newton W. Chilcot, Hillsboro. arid the mother of men.” “ And I know th at the greatest thing Nicklaus Kemmer, Beaverton that a woman can contribute to the R. 3. SEE? ultimate victory—of a man, or an army, Hale Bryant, Gaston. • Girl workers in German war or a nation— D. Hairis, Gaston. facto ies are paid weekly $1 20 in "G reater than sweaters or socks cr Fred I. H. Smith, Forest Grove. ca^h and the rest ot their wages beanies or arguments, A. Johnson, Portland R. 2. are put into banks by ther em “ Is faith and hope and cheer, and John George Harrow, Hillsboro. plovers for the next loan without glad SELF-SACRIFICE— A Carlile, Hillsboro. the formality of asking their con­ “ The sm ile-that-won’t-come-off!” - R. Ferdinand Langer, Jr., Sher­ sent. The enthusiastic r-sponse That is my “ morale” — and every wood to the national war loans over John P. Gustafson, Beaverton which the kaiser is «<» happy is; woman’s! ’morale?” How’s YOUR R. 3. t h u s ingenuou ly explained — ; Y. World - N . Jacob A. Messinger, Laurel R. Baltimore American. 2 . July Jury List HOW’S YOUR “ MORALE?” Frank A. Blosick, Garden Home. Jurors for the July term of the F. By Helen Rowland M Crabtree, Laurel. circuit court were d i awn Monday Jurors drawn for the county THE OTHER DAY, and also six jurors for the county court are: I heard somebody getting terribly ex­ court says the Hillsboro Indepen­ cited over “ the morale of the army, ” dent. At th e same time three! Carl Berggren, Hillsboro R. 3. or “ the morale of the people,” jurors to serve the remainder of August F. I tel, Tualatin. Or “ the morale of Germany” or the March term were drawn and , Herbert Glaisyer Forest Grove. Wm. C. Fisher, Banks R. 2. something. they were summoned to report Fred G. Brown, Hillsboro R. 3- And all of a sudden. Wednesday morning. Because of Joseph A. Altman, Hillsboro R. It flashed over me, like a great white excuses an d other causes the j - light. That nobody has more than ONE “ morale” to “ Keep U p.” And that the only "m orale” I need to worry about is MY OWN! And then I said this little prayer: “ Oh, Lord, “ Help me to keep my pluck and courage, “ And my FAITH in everybody and everything! “ In American ideals, and American grit, and American ingenuity “ And in Yankee spunk, that has never yet lost! “ When the heat fails and the water pipes hurst and the gas freezes, “ When eggs go up and wheat is short and the laundry breaks down and the news in the mornfng pa|>er ia a little disheartening, “ Let me not ‘give aid and comfort to the ENEMY’ 10c a pouch—and worth it “ By wailing over my own little woes “ And helping to drench the world in Cravelylaata to mach longer it coett gloom and to take the heart out oft no more to chew than ordinary plug everbody about me! “ When the blizzard bloweth and the P . B. C ra w ly T obacco Company grippe grippeth, Danville, Virginia “ And the weather seems to be try ­ =xn£ ing to outdo the kaiser in Shreklich- Real Gravely Chewing Plug gives a pure, clean tobacco taste—a lasting tobacco sat­ isfaction that the chewer of ordinary tobacco.doesn’t get. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug